The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, September 29, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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hwu&vuv wesieVmI vihwwsyn coHswrtttowf of usc
The remarkable growth of tfiis conservatory is due largely to the rapid and intelligent advancement of its
pupils through the same methods of instruction which are pursued in the leading- European Conservatories.
All branches of music taught, with many Free advantag-es. Fall teim begins Wednesday, September 12.
Send for new circulars giving1 full information to
ORKI? K. LOCKB, rIRJ$C51'OR. University Place, JNetor
Explained by a Pipe and a Bottle
of Whiskey.
Stories of the intemperate habits of
the elder Junius Brutus Booth are not
uncommon, and here is a characteristic
During an engagement the business
and stage tnanageis had to keep an eye
on him night and day, .and yet be very
often succeeded tin outwitting them.
On one occasion, after an unusually
serious and prolonged outbreak, the
manager'locked Booth up in his dress
iag room and put the key of the door in
his own pocket. The rear of the thea
tre, like that of almost 'all theatres,
opened on an unfrequented alley, and
the great'actor'e dressing room was on
the ground floor. Now, opening direct
ly into this alley was a door, but this
door wae'aleo locked and the key re
posirgin the manager's pocket. Booth
added to his diseased thirst, however,
an almost devilish cunning, and he soon
devised a plan by which he could ob
tain the Jliquor for which he craved.
Listening at the door which opened
into the alley-way, he soon heard a
passing footstep, and Boftly rapped on
the panel. The footsteps lagged and
then stopped. "What is it?" said a
Booth knev the voice: It was as he
had hoped, a hanger-on about the thea
tre, the sort of young man we would
now call a, tough.
''Listen," said the actor. "I will
thrust a bank-note under the door, and
I want you to go to the tavern at the
corner and buy a bottle of whiskey and
a long-stemmed clay pipe. When you
return I will tell you what I want done.V
The young tough departed on his er
rand and quickly returned. Then he
was instructed to thrust the long .stem
of the pipe through the key-hole of the
door, and slowly to pour the whiskey
into the bowl.
As a result of this easy stratrgem, the
bewildered stage manager found the
famous actor in a drunken stupor when
he came to release him in the evening,
and wbb forced once more to appear
before the curtain and say:
"LadieB and gentlemen, I regret to
announce that a sudden and serious
indisposition will prevent Mr. Booth
from appearing on the stage tonight.'
Frederick Roselyn, in
October New Lippincott.
'Dr. Le Due's Fmiale Regulator" is a re
liable and honest remedy for tardy menstrua,
tion. Kidd Drug Company, Elgin, 111, mailed
12. Riggs' Pharmacy, Lincoln, Nebr. 1
Do you get your Courier regularly ?
Please compare address. If incorrect,
please send right address to Courier
office. Do this this week.
imL a .PeK av .P"K "0"
Kmm 9 m 7. iiit in
inuuui ULunn a oun w.
S."K. Cor. 13tla and O (Stsu
A New Store, and a New Stock of Reliable Goods,
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Ladies' Qlooes and H3ieItl
Ladies' Corsets and Under
fcadies' Mackintoshes.
BB' mdr
Mail orders filled same day they are received
par express charges.
Lincoln (loab & guit m
S.-E. Corner 13th and O Sts. - - Lincoln, Nebr
"In lyrical poetry the most distin
guished writers are Li Thai Fe and Tu
Su, both of whom flourished at the
beginning of the eighth century. A. D.
Davis, in hia 'On the Poetry of the
Chinese,' in the Transactions of the
Royal Society,' speaks highly of their
verses. The romantic poetry of the
Chinese, although void of poetic beauty
according to the Caucasian standard,
is invaluable for the insight it gives
into their domestic life. Their dra
matic poetry has lawa peculiar to itself,
and resembles partly the romantic
drama of the Germans and partly the
Comedia delle Arte of the Italians. . .
"An example of philosophy i'b found
in the following verses from Tai Ya,
extracted from a collection of odes
written under the first emperors of the
Cheu dynasty. During the time of Le
Wang, B. C. 850, the a.Tairs of the state
were in disorder, and thus Tai Ya .com
plains: Against that mild and hostile gale
The panting traveler's strength must fail .
Willingly would the people bring
Good words of wisdom to their long;
But ah ! they are compelled to say ,
The time to act is far away .
It would be better for us now
To seek the fields and delve the plow ;
Resign state service, and instead
Toil with the people for our bread .
To labor in the fields all day ,
It is a heavy price to pay;
But it were better not to grieve
And earn by toil wherewith to live .
"The ancient poet Su was evidently a
lover of sylvan solitude, and, as a poet
born, one whose communion with na
ture taught to him many philosophies.
His reference to the 'gay world' will
strike us as a queer note upon the sensi
bilities of surfeited New York. This is
what he says:
To a new and lovely home ,
Seeking quiet I have come ,
Cherishing, while none intrude ,
Thoughts in love and solitude ,
.Mountain prospects front my door,
And the Tung flows on before.
In Hs waters deep I see
Images of house and tree.
'Neath that thicket of bamboo
Snow lies all the winter through
In my darkened cottage home
Long ere nightfall all is gloom.
"Of the modern Chinese poets, Com
missioner Lin, or, as the Emperor dub
bed him, Wan Chung Kung, 'the liter
ary and faithful,' was among the most
noted. He was born in Fuh-Chow-Foo
about 1787, was distinguished as a
scholar, and held maDy high offices
under the Government. He was com
missioned in 1838 and charged 'to pun
ish the consumers of opium,' wherein
the activity and vigor of his policy was
the immediate cause of hastening the
rupture between England and China
and of bringing on the 'opium war.'
In consequence of his too faithful dis
charge of duty he was banished to E-li,
a desolate region of the far northwest
territories of China, and while on his
banishment there these stanzas were
Proud towers the frowning wall
that bounds the west ,
Here the tired exile reins
hit steed to rest .
Turret on turret
in mid-air suspended
Till with the' distant woods
of Shen-se bieaned :
'Tower rears on tower
upon the Sze-Chuen clouds,
And mighty mountain
upon mouatain crowds ;
Their craggy peaks up to '
heaven's bound do rise ,
While the waste's vast extension
dims men's eyes.
'There is a charm of real tenderness
in Lin's verses to bis wife, expressing
the delight he felt at leceiving her port
raitassurance in bis exile of her un
changeable affection. She is spoken of
as a woman of high education, but 'ap
pears to have suffered from some "de
formity in her hands, to which he makes
allusion in bis address. This is only an
Like the wild water -fowls,
in mutual love
Each upon each dependent ,
did we move;
But now grief striken
a poor, lonely man ,
I roam in desolate exile 1
Still the ban
Of separation is
less hard from thee
Beloved! than would the horse hide
cerement be!
Why should I weep ?
I breathe toe mountain air ,
Although a herdsman's
humble garb I wear
Yet I must weep
for my mind's troubled eye
Sees thee on suffering's
couch of misery :
The gay cosmetics
all neglected thou
Dost never need the
flattering mirror now ;
Yet thy fair characters
in verse outpoured ,
Have ruptured all my soul
mine own adored !
I see thee welcome thee
in every line,
Whose every pencil touch ,
dear Wife, is thine!
Literary Diglet.
octer to deliver and collect in Nebraska for
kid established, manufacturing wholesale
aouse. 900 a year sure pay. Oar reference,
any bank in any city. Enclose self-addressed
stamped envelope. Slanufacturers.Third Floor.
331 Dearborn St Chicago.
Do you get your Courier regularly ?
Please compare address. If incorrect,
please' send right address to Courier
office. Do this this week.
The Rock Island playing cards are
the slickest you ever handled. One
pack will be sent by mail on receipt of
15 cents in stamps. A money order or
draft for 50 cents or same in stamps will
secure i packs. They will be sent by
express, charges prepaid. Address,
John Sebastian, G. P. A..
Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R'y,