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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1900)
11 (S&i THE COURIER. . . . . THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA . . . . SCHOOL OF flUSIC. WouldcalPtheattention of all-who desire a mu&tcaleduGation-to.the-unequalIedfaGihttes.offw:eilvat thisschool. VIXvART KIMBALL, Director. y 4P - - h fs." i r 1S vt ilitk!!11? .wr SKQRU'XWU.K K 5 inriiiii Held the week of ;mr rrTr k i i i 4 "3fie JTloioeF parade 4 TwntSESVUM wf Friday will be a novel feature, and will show V in parade hundreds of the handsome horses of j-J Lincoln and vicinity. TL Saturday night will be CARNIVAL NIGHT and a fitting1 close of the week. d Ask local agent for rate. A very low fare has V been secured on all Railroads. OCTOBER i to 6, . Will be a GREAT FREE ENTERTAINMENT of the year. The following are special features that will show something of what the Carnival will give to all visitors. There will be Two Hundred and Fifty Exhibits in handsome Booths in the Carnival District. Six stages will furnish free 'entertainment at all hours. Japanese Acrobats, Aerial Artists, Trapese and Tight Rope Exhibitions, Clog Dancers and Cake Walks; Clowns and Con tortionists. Four Bands, headed by HAGENOW'S CON CERT BAND, will furnish music daily and evening. The Electrical Display and Night Illuminations will surpass anything shown in the State. Tuesday and Wednesday will witness two of the greatest political parades of the year, with Theodore Roosevelt present Tuesday, Repub lican Day, and Senator Wellington present Wednesday. Thursday will be larger and finer than ever before, and the most beautiful parade ever given in the West. you will yLwyY5 find The best of everything in the grocery line at the u uuuu iuwiv vjiuccry. U aT TT fiTTT: ..MO O atreet. "" ---- --.M. jb. n TeleplioneOUU ?sa First Pub. Sept. 81. Ne- In the district court of Lancaster county DraxKu. Herbert B. riawyer, Rufus I! Wedge and Mildred J. Wedge, his wife, Charles R. Kidwall and Amanda An. derson, formerly Amanda Kidwell, wife of Charles R. Kidwell, Levi Wilhelm, and Al Tin Nelson, and Martha A. Nelson, his wife. Rufus E. Wedge and Mildred J. Wedge, tiia wife, Charles R. Kidwell and Lerl Wilhelm will tae notice that on the 3rd day of "August, 198U Herbert B-Hawyer, plaintiff herein, filed his petition in the DUtrict Court of Lancaster county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which is to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by the defendants, Rufus E. Wedge and Mildred J. Wedge to one James E. Heeley upon lots 13 and 11 in blocks of W. H. Irrine's second addition to the city of Lincoln, locate d on the north one-half (n 541, of the southwest quarter (it H '. of the south west quarter sw!of section eighteen 1 18 , township ten (10), in range seven 17), east, to secure the payment of a certain promissory note dated September 1. 1900. for the sum of seren hundred ($70000) dollars, with interest First Pub. Sep. 29 1 In the district court of Lancaster county.Nc braska. In the matter of the application of Joseph Leech and George Leech, executors or the last will of Nathaniel Leech, pray for a license to sell real estate belonging to the estate of said decedant. for the payment of legacies. Upon reading the petition heretofore tiled in the office of the clerk of this court, in the above entitled matter, and It appearing by said peti tion that at the time of the decease of Nathan iel. Leech, testator therein named, he wu seiz ed'ln fee of the following described real estate in the state or Nebraska, to-wit: Lot No. 21 in block No. 1 of Kennards nidi, tlon to the city of Lincoln, in Lancaster county in said state of Nebraska, and the west hair or the southeast quarter or section 21 in township No. 29 north, or range No. i, east or sixth meri dian in Dixon county. Nebraska, and the east hair of section No. 32 in township No. 10 north, or range No. 1 east or sixth meridian in Seward county. Nebraska, and or the southeast quarter or section No. 15 In township No. 13 north, of range No. 2 east or the sixth Drlncinal meridian In Butler county. Nebraska; and It further ap pearing by sld petition that the last will of at seren per cent per annum and due and pay. said decedant has been duly admitted to pro able on the first day of October. 1895, and that bate in the county court or Lancaster county, there is now due upon said note and mortgage Nebraska, and that there hare been proven and the sum of twelve hnndred 1 11200 00) dollars. that said note and mortgage has been duly assigned and is now owned by the plaintiff. Plaintiff further prays in his petition that a mortgage executed by Charles K. Kidwell and Amanda Kidwell to the said 'Rufus . Wedge.' and by the said Rufus K. Wedge assigned to Levi Wilhelm for the sum of $160.00, given Feb ruary 16, 1893, be declared a subsequent and in ferior lien to that of the plaintiff. flaintff further prays for a decree that the defendants be required to pay this said mort gage of $1200.00 and that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You and each of you aro required to answer said peti tion on or before Monday, the 8th day of Octo ber, 1900. Dated August 28. 1900. Hekdekt B. Sawyek, Plaintiff. By A. W. Field, his Attorney. First Pub., Sept. 22-4 Notice to Creditors. E 1482. arc known to said executors, no debts against the estate of said decedant. but that by the terms or said will, specific legacies to divers persons and in divers .sums, amounting in the aggregate to more than 10,000 are charged upon and against 'above -mentioned real estate, and that said executors and petitioners are by said will particularly directed and enjoined to sell and dispose or said real estate and all other estates and properties or which the said Na thaniel Leech died seized, and out of the pro ceeds of such sales to pay. discharge and satis fy said legacies and every or them, and pay the residue or such proceeds if any to a residuary legatee in said will named: Therefore. It is ordered that all persons in terested In said estate appear before one or the Judges or this court at chambers, at the court house or Lancaster county in the said city or Lincoln on the 12th day of Not ember 19U0. at 2 o'clock P. M.. and show cause ir any there be why license should not be granted to said ex ecutors and petitioners'as prayed to sell all and singularly above mentioned descriptions of real estate for the purpose or procuring funds inih.mnnt.miirt r.f i.mi.i,i.r onnnt.. v with which to pay the said several .xDecltle and a . ' VtfkM tilt... . 1r.n(-f a. rt u.iil ffuA.1 ..... .. uf.l will mentioned. And It is further ordered that a copy of this notice be published for four successive weeks prior to time fixed for said bearing in the Cour ier, a newspaper published and of general cir culation in said county or Lancaster. It is further ordered that the clerk of the dis trict court of Lancaster county, Nebraska, be and is hereby directed to enter this order on the Journals or said court. v Itnesg,my hand at Lincoln. Nebraska, this k.t .t. Onin wn n.m braska. In tho matter of the estate of Sarah K. Freeman, deceased. To the Creditors of Said Estate: You are hereby notified, that the county Judge will sit at tho county court room in Ltn coln. in taid county, on the 15th day of Janu ary 1901, and again on the 15th day of April, 19U1. to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their ad justment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation- claims against said-- estate , is six montns irom tne lain uay or uctober. 1900, and the time limited for the payment of debts is one year from said 15th day of Octo ber. 1900. Notice of thi proceeding is ordered publish ed four consecutive weeks in The Courier of Lincoln. Nebraska, a weekly newspaper pub lished in this state. Witness my hand and the seal of said county court this Hth day of September. 1900. (SEAL.) FttASK R. WATXB.S, County Judge. By Walter A, Leesc Clerk County Court. 22nd day of September. 19uo. Edward P. Holmes. One or the Judges or said Court. Ames & Ames, counsel or petitioners. First Pub. 8ept. 291. Legal Notice. bEGAfo N0T1GE& Mary I. Taylor, defeodant. is hereby notified that on the 2tth day or September 19W, William U. Taylor, plaintiff, tiled in the district court or Lancaster county Nebraska.his petition against said defendant, alleging that he i and for more than six months last past has been a resident of said Lancaster county. That in September 169. he was married to the defendant in St. Louis, Missouri. That more than two rears .... as the defendant without just cause wilfully abandoned the plaintiff anufor more than two A complete rile of "The Courier" ia yera last p .st defendant, has without just cause wilfully deserted -and 'absented herselr kept in an ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF build- from said plaintiff. Plaintiff prays that he may . . .. e, . , . ... .-, be divorced from said defendant. The derend- ing. Another tale IS kept in this office ant is required to answer said petition on or and still another has been deposited SncSn,oe,ehptju.Noremberl,X)- elsewhere. Lawyers may publish legal wniiam c. Taylor. -"-. v. iiucuuu(jiuiuej lui x laimiu notices in "The Courier" with security as the files are intact and are pre- -rt .-v-Mrarcu served from year to year with great AhdaayOae Dollar care. lToman's dub Magazine M f