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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1900)
10 THE COURIER. THEATRIGAls. THE OLIVER. No production of recent years has given the eatief action equal to that ot the presentation at the Broadway last evening ot the Dew Christian play, '"The Trince of the World," by Hal Reid and Bertha Belle Weotbrook. The play has a cast ot over fifty peopte with a carload of special scenery and a caga containing a pair ot untamed and untrained lions. The scene where "Leeia" is lowered into the cage with the ferocious lions is thrilling enough to suit the lover of the BtrongfBt sensations, as these lions are the genuine article and have never bad a day of training It comes to the Oliver Theatre on Thursday. October 4th, one night only. Prices 25, 50, and 75 cente, and f 1 00. Seats ol sale Tuesday morning. Secure your seats earl). "Haven't you noticed how quick-witted I am?' naively asKed the girl who played a thinking part in the burlesque. "You? Quick-witted?" inquired the stage manager, somewhat dazed. "How do you make that out?'1 "Why." sweetly replied the ingenue, "to think with me is to act." V EXCURSION On June 01 Jvily t7 S & 10andl8 and Au( 0 tickets from point west of Missouri Hirer, and east of Colby. Kansas, to DonTer, Colorado Springs. Manitou, Punblo, Salt Lake city, and Ogden Utah, and return, will be sold by the GREAT ROGK ISLAND America's Most Artistic House After two years' -careful search and inquiry the general assent of competent critics derided that the most artistic house in America is located in one of tbe Middle Atlantic States. The house is unpretentious externally and is little heard of outside certain art circles, but it is ndisputably the supreme triumph in interior decorations and furnishing. Its ovner and occupant has graciously consented to reveal its artistic beauties to the public through tbe Ladies' Home Journal, and two whole pages of an early issue ot that magazine will be devoted to picturing the interior of this superb home. ROUTE. NOTICE TO CLUB WOMEN. Mrs. T. C. Muogcr requests that all dele gates to the Sixth State Federation of Wo men's Qubs, which will be held in Lincoln on the 9th, 10th and 11th of October, 1900, send their names to her immediately. Arrangements will be made for their enter tainment on the Harvard plan. All com munications should be addressed to Mrs. T. C. Monger. 1505 S street, Lincoln, Nebr. Do you get your Courier regularly T Please compare address. If incorrect, please send right addiess to Courier office. Do this this week. -At rate of ONE RE6ULHR FARE RLUS S2.00 FOR ROUND TRIP RETURN LIMIT OCT. 3 1 , 1900 BEST LINE TO DENVER ONLY DIRECT LINE TO COLORADO SPRINGS AND MANITOU. Take advantage ot these cheap rates and spend your vacation in Colorado. Sleeping Car Reservations may be made now for any of the excursions- Write for full information and the beautiful book, Colorado tlie MQ8rLlloent,-8ent free. E. W. THOMPSON, A. G. P Topeka, Ken. JOHN SEBASTIAN. G. P. A, Chicsgo, 111. IRO vv MOUNTAIN imjmrsfi a Route ""Vj?i BROWN. TAT.E. gge HARE. PEXXSIXYANIA. JMBaPJUBPss II Vb3E9SsbbbbbpSf ssssssssflssssssssssH v-'BBLf" aH '''-HtsssssssssssssssssssTC LsssssssssssHtssssssssssssssi 'i: ViLHPaVIL fssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssl v?': Ki ssssrJissiaii23jsssssB I sssssssssssssssssssssssssH c&'LitiWH FELL. PRINCETON-. CAPTAINS ON THE DAL.T, HARVARD. GRIDIRON OP 1900. Football is now recognized aa a atroac; second to baseball as a popular field sport in tlii country. Tbe season of 1900 on the gridiron promises some warm contests between the riv.-1 elevens. The four leading; college teams will be strong this year, the new material being cuunidered especially worthy. The captain of these teams are presented in the group. UNDEE THE DIRECTION OF 0. T. CRAWFORD AND F. G. ZEfiRIHG COK. O AND TWELFTH. PHONE 335 STREET FAIR ATTRACTION! THE BIG EVENT-ONE NIGHT ONLY. Thursday, October 4. Mr. HAL reEII, -In tbe Great Christian Play- The Prince of the World Supported by BEJRTHA BELLE WESTBROOK and an excellent company. A play without a creed Not for a Protestant, not for a Catholic, not for a Jew, but simply Christianity for all Humanity. A Car Load of Scenery. A Pair of Genuine African Lions. A tevy of Caesar's Dane ing Girls. All the Panopy ot Ancient Rome. Light, Color and Beauty. True Mobility and Christianity. Prices 25, 50, 75, $1.00 and $1.50. On sale Mondaj'. TIME AND It W A M "Y " arc practically annihilated J IL L by the ocean cables and I A" Lj I land telegraph systems J -ML -A. ML sB MLm which now belt the cir cumference of Old Earth in so many different directions. "Foreign parts" are no longer foreign in the old meaning of the term. Europe, Africa, Asia, are "next door" to us. What happens there to-day we know - to-morrow if we read THE CHICAGO RECORD, whose Special Cable Correspondents are located in every important city in the world outside of the United States. No other American newspaper ever attempted so extensivea service; and it is supplemented by the regular foreign news service of The Associated Press. For accurate intelligence of the stirring events which are shaking the nations of wars and rumors of wars of the threatening dissolution of old govern ments and the establishment of new of the onward sweep of the race in all parts of the world the one medium of the most satisfactory information is the enterprising, "up-to-date" American newspaper, THE CHICAGO RECORD. FREE A larse map of tho world on ilercator's Projection, about J!4xlG inches in size, beautifully printed in colors, with a lanre-scaie map of Europe on the reverse side, will be mailed to any address free of charcc on receipt of renuest accompanied bv two 2-cent stamps to cover postapc and wrapping. The maps illustrate clearly how comprehensively the special cable service of TnE Chicago Record covers the entire civilized world. Ad dress Tub CniCAco Record, 181 Madison street, Chicago. PITKIN'S PAINT PITKIN'S PAINT May cost the most, but PITKIN'S PAINT Covers the most surface PITKIN'S PAINT Spreads the easiest. PITKIN'S PAINT Looks the best, PITKIN'S PAINT Holds color the best and PITKIN'S PAINT Wears the longest. K FOR SSAJLEJ BY W. P. DINSLEY & CO., StO Kortlx OTerxtla. Street. 9-s -v , 9 I - r M ( vi jl -' '"