The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, August 18, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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    I jHBBNFrHtiVMHHKtfVMMVvj Jj"5trfB55-
"It was nothing to be proud of," she
. "Oh, you prefer them like this I Bee.
But pray go on; I'm interested."
"After you went away"- ehe didn't
turn her head again, but looked past
him "I'm afraid I flirted a little."
"After? Yes. I am glad I was spared
the pain of it."
"I made a lot of people mad, so Anally
I decided it was best to be just honest,
you know."
"No, I don't know, but I accept the
amendment. And pray how did this
new deal work, may I ask?"
"That's the trouble: I told them all
the exact truth. It was really best," in
a. tone of eager defense..
"Truth! How much is done in thy
name!" he quoted. "And the truth
and may I hear what particular form it
took?" He shot at her a sharp scrutiny,
but her guilelee serenity remained un
broken, "I simply said to each one: 'I don't
love you but then I don't love anybody
"And was that true?"
"Certainly. Didn't I tell you I de
cided on the truth?"
"Beg pardon." he murmured, "did it
develop properly, according to specifics
"How do you.mean," suspiciously.
"Ob, not at all' Go on, I'm all atten
tion.' "Then each one asked me to take
time, and I did. I made no difference
at all between them," virtuously. "I
set the same day for each.
. "Great 'heavens! to marry them?
Wasn't that a rather heavy investment'
for even such a reckless speculator as
"To answer," she added composedly.
"To answer?" he echoed.
"Yes," abe said; "yea or no."
"Well, did you?"
-"Ob, it iM'ltUed, than?' - .
"No, that's where the trouble comes
"I don't understand." he said, puzzled.
This was growing distinctly interest
ingto him." - z
"It's the uncertainty," she explained.
I wish it were over. It's very wearing
not to know which o them there are
five is to be my fate."
"One is bound for the post, is he?
"Yes, indeed. I can't go through with
it again. I have concluded to choose
one of the present applicants." Still
that look of seraphic innocence.
"Well," he interrogated impatiently.
"Well, I simply can not make up my
mind. They are all so irreproachable."
A long sigh. "If only you could help me!
You offered, you know."
"Have I the honor of their acquaint
ance? When ia the time up?"
"Today," desperately; "so you see"
with a gesture of utter abandonment.
Consulting his watch, he rose hurried
ly. "Awfully sorry, I'm sure, but I
must go. Accept sincere condolence,"
with sarcasm, "in this crisis. I would
be charmed to discuss ft further, but
the truth is, this stop-over is pleasure
and business combined. My train goes
at two, and I must see a man. Good
bye." "After all, she's just a common-place
flirt," he thought, irritably; "and I
simply pitched into her trap. Of course,
her mind is already made up, and she is
just playing me for another catch.'
As she, watched the erect figure disap-
E ear she, thought: "He's jest a cold,
eartleesman. I'm glad yes, clad I
found him out in time,"
All of which goes to show that woe
bad undermined reason, since that
chapter was closed two years before.
"I'll go right now and write answers
to all of them, but I shall say 'Yes' to
somebody,' she concluded, viciously.
broad and long, with the strength of all
time in its iron-locked frame, spanning
the stream the present, bridging past
and future.
On it a girl silhouetted, like a while
cameo, against the luminous West. She
leaned fair arms on the old gray parapet
and gazed wistfully into the sunset.
A ringing step, coming nearer, nearer.
She did not look. Life was over for her,
and with life, necessarily interest and
A pair of masculine arms appeared on
the 'rail beside hers. 'Listlessly ehe
"You! I thought you were going at
"So I was. but I didn't. I waited to
find out." His head bent, while master
ful eyes, like steel, held hers. "Which
in it to be?"
"Nobody," she answered drearily, with
total disregard of grammar. "This mor
ning you saw a millionaire in love. This
evening, alas! finds her bereft of ready
cash, stock going down, no chance to re
deem her bankrupt capital or to make a
new investment." She shook her chest
nut head dolorously. "Nobody.
' Yes, one body," drawing her hand
through her arm. "I've come back to
advance for you, to prove the value of a
Back Number.'" Town Topics.
No Zest to It.
Miss Summit He is too enormously
rich for you, dear.
Miss Palisade What do you mean?
Miss Summit Why, with a man like
that, there would be no fun in being ex
travagant. Town. Topics.
Do you get your Courier regularly?
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office. Do this this week.
Crawford How was it you didn't
have any fresh vegetable at the farm
house where you were boarding?
,Crkbehaw I fancy, the old farmer was
sensitive and didn't like to have any
green good around.
"A hear Dick was chased by a dog
how is he now?"
"He '6 all right, but his clothes area
little bit off." Town Topics.
To dubs of ten taking The Courier the
annual subscription price k seventy five
cents (75 cents). Regular subscription price
one dollar per year
The Rock Island playing cards are
the slickest you ever handled. One
pack will be sent by mail on receipt of
15 cents in stamps. A money order or
draft for 50 cents or same in stamps will
secure 4 packs. They will be sent by
express, charges prepaid. Address,
John Sebastian, G. P. A.,
Chicago, Rock Island ib Pacific R'y,
A Definition A satirist is who
discovers things about himself, and then
says them about some one else. Life.
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A swift river turned
under the Westering
to a path of gold
sun. A bridge,
And any One Dollar
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Specially i,o w Prices on
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Grain, Provisions. Cotton.
Private Wires to New York Gty and
Many Goes East and West
New York Stock Exchange.
Chicago Stock Exchange.
Chicago Board of Trade
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