THB COURIER X - ) V ur h K v- 'l ) r I h x and run when first we reached a coun- yet one would not Bell try place. We felt as if all out doors a'ny money. the memory for belonged to ns. Everything waa beau tiful and wondsrful. Like the youthful witness in Peter Stirling's great case, wo thought "the milk that' squirted from a cow'1 was real nectar. We tried to drink it "warm," .and . wished we hadn't, though the big folks told us it was good for us. You know there is a time in a healthy child's life when he likes or dislikes just because he likes or dislikes, though Mamma, Papa, and .all his relatives try to coax, convince and coerce him. Afterwards convention, friends and doctors get in their work on his character, and he likes or dislikes according as the custom or desire of his friends or the advice and warning of his doctor demands. At least he will be influenced and will be slower to ex press absolute contradictions. But the children, bless them, cannot be budged. It they do not like warm milk at first, a course of training to acquire the taste Let the children loose on a farm for two or three weeks in summer time. I do not mean the poor children of the slums and tenements, but the well dressed children who have enough to eat and a fair chance for all the fire-crackers they need on the gloriouB Fourth. To go far from home is not necessary nor bo good. You must go on a train, then, and that spoils the story. The ideal way is to ride out on a Saturday evening with the good man of the farm', after his day of bartering. Perhaps when you arrive it will be dark, the dogs will be the only ones to greet you. and you will be half-asleep and all turned around in the dark. A tumble into a Eott, clean bed and then it is morning in a gay wonderland. You see we cannot escape from some of the simple ideals we gained when we were young. After we are grown up we do not forget that it is possible to have as the grown-ups learn to eat olives a good time without going far from is useless. It is a glorious state of in- home, and though we succumb to the dependence. With some children it allurements of travel, we are all the lasts all their lives. time in our camping trips and outings And batter-milk! When I was a trying to get back to the-simple free child we thought of butter-milk 'as an dom and wholesale enjoyment of those especial dainty of the farm likely to be halcyon days in the country, thrown out for the pigs unless asked. ' for. So we asked for it and grew fat, though the farm-hands laughed at' us and the good wife and children ex pressed a polite surprise. It wasn't any such "watered stock" as people can buy from a cart now-a-days, and imbibe because the doctors recommend butter milk as a beverage. They call that butter-milk for sbort, I fear. If milk is only genuine when "squirted from a THE FIVE THOUSAND. Naauwpoort Nek, July, 26. 1900. Katharine Melick. cow." then the only warranted butter milk is the kind that comee out of a churn and has little specks of butter floating in it too. I pity the children who do not learn to like this much lauded beverage in its native haunts. If you spent summer time when' you were just a boy or girl, rn the country you will have a treasure book of days and exhilarating times some happy some otherwise. Circus days in town, picnics, and all fete days fade from your mind but you cannot erase youthful memories of gay times at the farm: I remember myself when we children put on our sun-bonnets and trooped down "to the end of the pasture." It was a long journey, bo we would spend a hot afternoon at it and follow the cows home for a late supper, a washing of feet and next morning! There was a winding creek at the end of the pas ture capable of offering minnows to the angler. But we needs must see if the plums were ripe, or look for the wild straw-berries. Mint grew there, too, and cat-tails were a prize of note. So we trooped down and back again, and were tiled and happy, just being chil dren. I recall the day of the great slaughter of the innocent rats. The barn was a two-story building with a stone base ment. It was infested with rats. So we got the dogs and went at it. The pater familias promised ten cents I think a head, or tail, it mattered not which if the rat was dead. I do forget how many we caught, it was about sixty, I think, but the boys took them up, strung them across the road, and old Billy shied as he went by with the farmer The Briton fights in our faces As Kaffir and Zulu fought, And we buy with our blood each kopje Again as our fathers bought. We pay for our wives and cattle As Israel paid of old: It is life for life that we offer, Not pitiless gold for gold. St. Helena's vulture circles But never the lion's paw Shall trample our ancient altar Shall mangle our ancient law. We carry the faith of our fathers Wherever a Boer breathes, Though we trek to the farthest ocean That the arm of an empire wreathes. Though they walk in the ashes of hearthstones Though they curse at our concubines Not ours is the god of their battles The creed of their firing lines. They have struck the chain from our bondsmen That swarm like dust in our land That may rise in the might of the simoon And cover their necks with sand. That may wake the demon we fetter By the might of our fathers' blood And wipe from the necks of Naauwpoort The prints where their feet have stood. Specially lluovtr Prices on. Jt Jt THIS WESK A.T jt jt jt 9S S 104 North Tenth St. BIGGEST STORED &Tkr . r .r EVanA noTma a -- -- - . - X)30D (MKllDDDgxlig). f A XKI V P P en( e Courier yourLEGAr, notices L W I Ct0- files are. kept in fireproof buildings. Blew Until Blue. Scooter Is it true that Tooter tried to blow his brains outlast night?" Fluter Well, you'd a thought so if you'd seen him wrestling with that French horn. "Do you think the lecturer wan right in referring to Noah and his relations as He cheerfully paid the money, one of the first families?" "No, I" don't. History teaches that they were not in the swim." and when his birthday came received; a handsome present from the rat-killers. Then there were blessed rainy -days when we fled from the house to 'the; high loft of the barn where grain and machinery were stored, and played hide and-seek, covering ourselves and each other with wheat, or oats, or corn, re gardless of consequences. There were . fishing days, and Dlumming days when rnTTTI-l, we tramped jthft wild wood through. -.'It JS&t Dollar makes one homeiick to think of thatf, - - Woman's dub' Magazine us Do you get your Courier regularly? Please compare address. If incorrect, please Bend right address to Courier office. Do this this week. 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For accurate intelligence of the stirring events which are shaking the nations of wars and rumors of wars of the threatening dissolution of old govern ments and the establishment of new of the onward sweep of the race in all parts of the world the one medium of the most satisfactory information is the enterprising, "up-to-date" American newspaper, THE CHICAGO RECORD. FREE A large map of the world on Mercator's Projection, about 23!4xlft Inches In size, beautifully printed in colors, with a large-scale mai of Europe on the reverse side, will be mailed to any address free of charge on receipt of reauest accomDanled bv two Z-cent stamns to cover postage and wrapping. The maps illustrate clearly how comprehensively the special cable service of The Chicago Record covers the entire civilized world. Ad dress Tub Chicago Recobd,.181 Madison street, Chicago. U. FLEMING Silverware FxrleraclAlaip Hearts, Bracelets. J. F. HARRIS, No. I, Board of Trade, CHICAGO. PJ9 STOGKS AND- BONDS. Grain, Provisions; Cotton. Gf9 Private Wires to New York Gty and Many Uties East and West. MEMBER Nw York Stock Exchange. Chicago Stock Exchange. Chicago Board of Trad Do you get your Courier regularly ? Please compare address. If incorrect, please send right address to Courier office. Do this this week. AN! I REN M gtf o. 111. Aug. 27-Sept. 1 One Fare for the Round Trip via the UNION PACIFIG. Tickets on sale August 24, 25. 26, 27. For limit on tickets, time tables and full information, call on E. B.Sloaaon . Agent.