The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, August 04, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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Caaebeer and Agnes Casebeer. Mnut
Kidston, Smith, Jones, Jack McConnel),
Will Jacobs; Earl Hubbard, Fred Hurts
Elton Schedeman, Willard Kimball
and Frank Quick.
Miss Kate Stoddard of Highland Park,
Illinois, has been the guest this week of
Mrs. J. W. Winger. On Tuesday Mrs.
Winger gave an informal porch party
for Miss Stoddard. On Thursday
morning at ten o'clock a breakfast was
given by Mm. R. T. Van Brunt, to the
following ladies: Miss Stoddard, Mrs.
Winger, Mrs. Milton Scott, Mrs. A. L.
Candy, Mrs. Hayes, Mrs. M. E. Van
Brunt, Mies Carson and Miss Kirker.
The table was fragrant and beautiful
with masses, of sweet peas. On Thurs
day eveningi Mrs. E. R. Guthrie enter
tamed a coagenial company who met
Mies Stoddard and listened to a most
inspiring paper prepared b that gifted
woman upon no less a subject than
"The Evolution of Woman." This
article met as enthusiastic a reception as
has already, been accorded it in Chicago,
where it was read before the Woman's
Club of thaf city. It has been request
ed for publication. Music was rendered
by Mrs. E. Lewis Baker, who generous
ly responded to enthusiastic encores by
singing a number of quaint Spanish
folk songs. Miss Edith Burlingim was
also heartily appreciated in an instru
mental number. The decorations were
roses, used in profusion. Refreshments
were served -after the intellectual and
aesthetic feast. The following were
among those present: Messrs. and Mes
dames A. . Candy, F. G. L. Taylor,
H. A. Babcobk, Kirker, Webster, Wing,
er, Milton Scott, E. Lewis Baker, Doc
tor and Mrs. Hill and Professor and
Mrs. Hodgman. Mesdames Burlingim,
Welch and Bryan. Misses Hammond,
Miller, Burlingim, Gund and Pierce.
Mr. Edward T. Leek and Miss J.
Floie Leonard, both well known in Lin
coln, were married on Wednesday, Aug
uat the first, at the home of the bride's
parents at Creeton, Iowa. Flora' dec
orations made a bower of the Leonard
home whence the young couple depart
ed, after a stately wedding festival, for
Denver, Colprado Springs and Salt Lake
City. They will return to their Lincoln
borne aboutjthe middle of August. Mr.
Leek has been for nine years with the
Payne and Leek Mattress Manufactur
ing Company of this city, and holds at
present the position of senior member
ot the firm. Miss Leonard made many
friends during her four years' stay here,
who will cordially welcome her return.
Mr. Charles Wort, son of ex-Congress
man Wort, and brother of Mrs. W. E.
Burlingim and Miss Julia Wort of this
city, was married on Thursday of this
week at Cfeighton, Nebraska, to Miss
Anna Hunt of Niobrara. Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Wort will remain on the family
homestead at Creighton.
A number of circus parties helped the
small boy watch the elephant, and inci
dentally the seals and the "statuary."
Tuesday evening. Miss Hammond, Miss
Clara Hammond and Prof. Allen C. Fling
of Nebraska City formed one party; an
other comprited Miss Mabel 'Richards,
Miss Vine Graham, Mr. Lowe Ricketts
and Mr. J. L. Anderson, while a larger
company numbered Mr. and Mrs. John
Dorgan, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Morrison,
Mi. and Mrs. Fred Howe, Mrs. Miller,
Mrs. Lewis Marshall, Mies Hollbowbush,
Miss Putnam, Messrs. Joyce, Eames,
Grant and Stoner.
The High School girls of the Haw
thorne club are renewing their zeal as
the weeks shorten and September looks
dangerously near. Their meeting with
Miss Treesa Reagan, on Thursday, July
the twenty-seventh, was one of unique
guessing contests, pillow dex and other
amusements so entertaining that the
proposition of finding new fun for the
next meeting, seemed dubious. Miss
Anna Hammond is to be hostess, how
ever at next week's entertainment, and
is certain to prove more than equal to
the emergency.
Mrs. John Dorgan is spending a few
dayB in Chicago and will return on
The members of the party now tour
ing the Alps with Doctor and Mrs. J.
T. Lees have been heard from at Ge
neva, Switzerland, where on July the
twenty-third, all were enjoying radiant
health and spirits.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Lam
bertson, of this city on Friday morning,
July the twentieth, 1000, a daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Lambertson had just
moved from the Little bouse on Seven
teenth street into the Nance house on
C street when this new member of the
family arrived.
Mrs. Hariet Macmurphy from Omaha
known and loved the state over was a
visitor in Lincoln on Friday.
Mr. C. B. Gregory was in Geneva on
the first week in July and writes that
in Chamonix there were more Ameri
cans than Swiss.
On Wednesday, Mr. W. J. Cooper,
received a telegram from Colfax, Illi
nois, stating the serious illness ot a
brother in that city. Mr. Cooper left
immediately for that place.
Mr. J. M. Lindsey returned on Thurs
day evening after a short vacation to
Coney Island and other eastern points.
A Large Trout.
So many Lincoln people have visited
Bayfield and met the celebrated Captain
Pike and whipped the trout streams
thereabouts that these letters from Dr.
Dorris to his daughter, Mrs. Til ton, need
no marginal comment: - 1
Bayfield, Wis.,
July 24, 1900.
We are in prime condition. Dr. Dixon
and wife arrived Sunday and are at
Captain Pike's, about three miles out.
We took dinner there yesterdaj. He
lives in style. He is the biggest mogul
of this region owns all the mills, logs,
pine and everything else. Has his pri
vate yacht and everything that million
aires have. He owns a trout stream,
because he owns all the land; and on
that trout streams hangs a tale. Your
father has suddenly become famous.
Yesterday I took the largest brook rout
ever taken in this region, weight two
and a quarter pounds. Captain Pike
wouldn't let it go ao, but declared some
years ago be caught one larger, but all
the old fishermen said it was the largest
ever seen here. I had an exciting time
landing him and had to play him up and
down the creek for some time. He
darted under logs, stones, banks, and
your dad danced wildly up and 'down
the shore trying to keep his line taut,
and finally succeeded in landing him,
and as soon ss the line loosened the
hook came out of bis mouth, so you
can see by how narrow a margin I
achieved victory. We had him served
here at the hotel for breakfast, and it
was enough for our table of eight, and
our chef outdid himself in the garnish
ing and cooking. All the fellows have
had their fish story and I never have
had one till now. This morning at
eleven we go on a picnic with the Cap
tain Pike party to Madeline island on
the steamer Plowboy. Did we tell you
there are thirty Lincoln people over at
the Madeline island resort? We are in
vited over there and shall go some day.
We also go on a steamboat excursion
with the Woods Saturday among the
Apostle islands. We are both sleeping
and eating well and enjoying it up to
.the limit (when my feet are warm).
Can't tell when we will leave here, but
probably not for two weeks anyway.
Begins Here on Monday,
August 6th.
July, the month of stockrclearing, has left num-.
berless odds and ends, broken lots, remnants, etc.,
etc., on the counters and shelves. Then we have pro-;
cured the mill ends" or factory lengths of many mills
throughout the country bought them in anticipation!
ot this event. Un Monday, the whole collection rep-
resenting every aepartment in tne store win go on
sale at ACTUAL, MILL, COST. This means that
it's possible for you to purchase these, the best of the
season s wares, for what they cost the makers.
Send for a special circular giving full particulars.
If you see Dr. Bailey tell him my fish
story. In fact, the more you tell it, the
better I shall be pleased. I never be
fore had anything to brag of, and the
new experience inflates me, and expan
sion is all right. Love to all my friends.
A. H. Dorris.
Bayfield, Wis.,
July 23, 1900. Saturday Noon.
There are only two bottles of ink in
the house and both in use, so you will
have to take a pencil sketch. We are
glad to hear you are so well, and you
need not worry because Dorris eats so
little. It is about time she was filled up.
So many events are taking place in such
rapid sequence that I forget what I have
told you and may repeat "myself. You
know of my achievement with the trout.
Well, I am so inflated that I go looking
into every water hole, under stones and
logs, in the creeks, looking for trout. Yes
terday, up a ravine, through which ran
a lively trout stream, I came to a large
bole with some floating logs in it snd, in
my enthusiasm, I jumped on a log to
look for the speckled beauties. Well,
it was a case of misplaced confidence.
That log shot out from under me and I
got a ducking, and had to send n.y
trousers to the tailor's to be pressed and
Dorrance Harwood was with me on
my ducking excursion and was wildly
amused at the accident. We went to
the theater together here. We thought
it was going to be pretty raw, but the
play turned out better than we expected
and we weren't half bored.
In the afternoon we went to Captain
Pike's to tea and met the Bayfield
swells. Had a good time. Got a lot of
new conundrums and stories and a swell
dinner. A promised rids in his yacht
bad to be abandoned because ot some
hitch in the wheels. We will take it as
soon as the machinery Is fixed and the
lake smooth enough. It is pretty rough
outside today and white caps are run
ning. It is so cool here that I am not intensely
comfortable; feet cold all the time' and
want my overcoat eight hours out of ten
through the day, and a big comfort on
the bed at night. Mama, however, is
delighted. I guess I didn't tell you of
our island excursion. Captain Pike in
vited us Thursday to a. steamboat ex
cursion to Madeline island. They pro
vided lunch for the party. There were
seven of us in the party and we had a
delightful time. He is a royal enter
tainer. We left our cards at the Woods
cottage. They -vere off on an inland ex
cursion. We have not yet made our
call on the tent party. Misses Helen
Woods and Jessie Lansing are here to
dinner today with Miss Helen Harwood.
Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Harwood seem to
be enjoying their stay here, but I think
Dorrance gets the most out of it. We
have nothing on band today. Tomor
row a trip among the Apostle Islands or
Ashland, twenty miles down the bay,
where we can do some dhopping in a
live city.
Later A fairy story comes over from
the island that the Hardy party out on
the outer island yesterday caught fifty
five bass, the smallest weighing, two
pounds, besides two muscalonge, one
caugar, by Ally Munger, weighing six
teen pounds, and one by Roscoe Pound
weighing fifteen pound. But from the
well known proclivities of this party the
report must be accepted with allowance.
I can't afford to let a mere rumor like
that eclipse the verified statement of my
trout. I am known here now as the
man that caught the big trout. Bus
and Muscalonge are tame fish.
A. H. Dorris.
Get a cheap Electric Fan at Kors
meyer's, and keep cool.
Garden Hose and Lawn Sprinklers,
the beet in the city, at Korsmeyer's.