The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, August 04, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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ries, plaintively. "Forgive me, but 1
do remember a little verse about cot
calling your brother a fool in your
''You're not strong on Bible quota
tions. The recognition of idiocy is an
affair of the head, not of the heart.
Now, must I coax any more!'
"No; bring me another cigar and I'll
talk all the scandal you want."
I bring the cigar, saying, as I do so,
"Is it true?"
"True an gospel."
"Then it is not scandal. It is a bit of
life, and life is the most interesting
thing in the world."
"Except death,'' my friend responds.
"Do you think it interesting It is
too often merely ghastly."
. "So is life, and yet hasn't the majesty
of death. Now, this story of Schens
kow is tragic enough, and yet it is the
ludicrous which will strike most of us."
gagements, and then back to the Vater
land. Imagine his happiness as he
neared the depot. She would be there,
and next day would make her his. It
seemed to him the train would nevrr
reach Denver, but at last it stopped be
fore the ruins of the depot; it was the
year of the tire. In a moment his hand
was grasped in a 'friendly grip aud a
manly voice said: 'I know you from my
daughter's description of you. She is
waiting for us.'
"The two walked through the station
to a carriage in which sat, not the wo
man whom Schenskow expected to see,
but the other whom he bad met only to
"Do you mean ''
"Yee, I do. He had mixed the names.
I don't know what they were, but he
had loved Miss Smith and written to
Mies Brown, who, of course, did not
know he was thinking of Miss Smith
Tailor-Made I
Half Price.
We are greaHy overstocked on ladies'
ready-to-wear suits.
It is our policy never to carry a lot
of ready made garments from one
season to another.
We are determine? to dispose of
every one of these suits, and to do
it quickly.
While they last you can take your
choice at exactly half price.
Think of it. $40 suits for $20;
$30 suits for $15; $20 suits for
$10; $15 suits for $7.50, etc..
"It was Shakspere's recognition of the while be wrote to her. Not ac unnat-
fact that life held both very near each
other that made him Shakspere."
"Yes, and what a motif for Sbak
sperian drama Schenskow's mistake
would make. The great William liked
people who made blunders. Schens
kow's was that he married (he wrong
"So have other men. Indeed most of
them do. If they waited until they
ural mistake, either, seeing that he had
met them together, and but once."
"But what did he do?'1
"Do? What any roan of honor would
do. Perjured himself like a gentleman
and married her next day."
'But the other girl ?"
"rlad never known, and this one con
fessing her love for him by letter if not
viva voca, had bullied her parents into
knew the right one they wouldn't marry giving their consent to the marriage.
at all."
"Why? Because they would have
passed the foolish age?
"That's old. I read it ic an almanac
years ago. But it isn't the reason. I
meant they would be in their dotage."
"No reason vhy they shouldn't marry.
But I waen't uttering a maxim; I was
stating a fact. Schenskow married the
wrong woman that is, he didn't marry
the woman whom he wanted to marry
and whom he thought he had asked to
marry him."
"Schenskow was on his way to San
Francisco to 1111 an engagement, and
stopped at Denver to give a concert.
While there some lion hunter, who
looked upon him as a rara avis, captured
him and invited him to dinner."
''Well, it was this way. Schenskow
took in a beautiful girl to dinner. When
he was presented to her there was an
other whom he did not notice. He is
an ardent little fellow, and before the
I EBiiil&i nil I
m Denver and return $18.25. ) 1
Her friends knew of her plans What
man could have the heart to humiliate
her by telling that he had made a mis
take?' "So he sacrificed himself. Quixotic,
but fine. I believe I like him.
"I don't know. You see, he rescued
himself afterward sacrificed her.''
"You mean he told her?"
"Yes, in one of his rages. He's a
great little brute when he's angry."
"Ob, the beast! Then it was no fine
scruple that made him marry her. It
was cowardice. He was a coward and
afraid to tell, and afterward he was a
coward and told. Please don't bring
him here. What became of her."
"She took, her baby and went home.
His telling her was a nasty thing, but I
think you a little hard on him. He is
capable of doing a fine thing if it would
not take too long. You know, lots of
men who can't live nobly die noble
deaths. She may have rasped him. We
Denver and return $18.25.
Colorado Springs and return $18.85.
Pueblo and return $19.00.
Glenwood Springs and return $3025.
Salt Lake and Ogden and return 32.00.
Hot Springs, S. D., and return $17.50.
Dead wood, S. D., and return $21.50.
St. Paul t Minneapolis and return $14.30
Duluth, Minn., and return $18.60.
Ka9ota,Minn., and return $1205.
Waseka, Minn., and return $12.05.
Superior, Wis., and return $18 60.
Tickets on sale Au- j
gust 7th -21st.
limited to return )
Oct. 31st.
2 Gity Ticket Office
6or. lOtn and O Streets.
" Telephone 235.
Burlington Depot
7th St., Between P and Q.
Telephone 25.
entrees were reached, he was head over ordinary folks haven't the nerve that a
heels in love with the girl beside him.
He wanted to declare his passion on the
spot, but had not been in America long
enough to know how that would do, so
he waited until he left Denver, and he
wrote it."
"To girl whom he had taken in to din
ner?" "He supposed so, and she answered,
and before his return from San Francisco
he had proposed and been accepted."
"Shade of Daisy Miller, and we say
vnn qfa n narioatnrtkV1
genius has. But here's Jem. Ask him
about it."
"Dear old Jem," I cry, "I'm so glad
you're no genius. Otherwise you would
find that you had married the wrong
"Perhaps I have. What or whom
have you been diecussing?"
"Whom? As if we ever takled about
"You can't get anything better to talk
about, my dear. Who was it, Wright? '
"Oh, I've been telling her about
Oar fee returned if we fall. Any one sending sketch and description of
any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent
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Send for sample copy FREE Address,
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'Daisy wasn't half bad, and Schens- Schenskow's mixing up the names, and
kow is a man to win a young girl's love.
He plays, as you say, like an angel,
though, come to think of it, I've heard
the other fellow knew Schenskow's in
strument pretty well."
"And so they married and lived happy
ever after?"
"Not exactly. Schenskow returned
to Denver all eagerness. All arrange
ments for the wedding were made, so
that she coulJ go right on with him to
the East, where he would finish his en-
now she wants to know what you think
of it."
"Think of it? Why, you rascal, you
know there's not a word of truth in it.
It's too good to be true."
On which I went to bed. Town
And Dairy 60.
Manufacturers of the finest qual
ity of plain and fancy Ice Cream,
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and Sherbets. Prompt delivery
and satisfaction guaranteed.
188 SO. 1 2th St. PHONE 205.
The Bock Island playing cards are
the slickest you ever handled. One
pack will bo sent by mail on receipt of
15 cents in stamps. A money order or
draft for 50 cents or same in stamps will
secure 4 packB. They will be sent by
express, charges prepaid. Address,
John Sebastian. G. P. A..
J Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R'y,
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Nebraska Wfeskan gnioeritV
: (onseruatoi of $usk.
J One of the kargest Music Schools in the West.
2 The remarkable growth of this conservatory is due
2 largely to the rapid and intelligent advancement of its
pupils through the same methods of instruction which
are pursued tn the leading hvuropean Conservatories.
All branches of music taught, with many Free advantages.
Do you get your Courier regularly ?
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Fall 'Ccrm gegins Monday Septem 1211;.
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