10 THE COURIER. X,UsU Jst js 3 U ti ti tis 4 4 i i i TO TE P0PiS. OY ViUC0iM 1 1 having1 succeeded to the rights of the Lincoln Gas Company, will hereafter furnish 'to consumers gas and electric ity. It will be the purpose of the new company to secure the good will of its patrons, improve the service, in crease consumption and reduce prices: The present prices are: For illuminating gas $1.92 1-2 per thousand cubic feet, and fuel gas $1.50 per thousand cubic feet; in each case a discount of ten per cent is allowed if the bill is paid before the 7th of the month. Commencing August 1st the price ot illuminating gas will be reduced to $1.75 per thousand cubic feet, and of fuel gas to $1.50 per thousand cubic feet A discount in each case of 25c per thousand cubic feet will be al lowed when bills are paid before the 7th day of the month. THIS MAKES THE NET PRICE OF ILLUMINATING GAS AFTER AU GUST 1, $150 PER THOUSAND CUBIC FEET, AND THE NET PRICE OF FUEL GAS AFTER AUGUST I, $1.25 PER THOUSAND CUBIC FEET We are contemplating the expenditure of large sums of money in the improvement of our properties and ex- rct to make concessions to users of electricity. We desire to announce at this time, however, that a discount of per cent will be allowed on all bills for electricity where the same are paid prior to the 22d day of the month, commencing with the month of August. We will cmlttaiHLe prnfttag in free service as lhir tof re for 60 days from Jmly 11? autadl will sell t consumers (Sas Stoves t Costto Directors. I, M. RAYMOND. Pres. J.C.VANR1PER,V-Pres S. H.BURNHAM H. F. ROSE J. L TOMLINSON J. CRAIG HAVBMEYER R. 6. WOOD B! J. UIHI W S ! BH 11!B M PIT II v v ill VI II V V V 111 1 II 11 1 k blue and white quilt and her lipe were trembling. After a moment Lucy epoke. Terse, don't you want Nina here with you? I am sure Madam Bertrand would let her off without a notice, and we can get her sewing to do here in the bouae. Shan't I write and tell her to come!" When Lucy began speaking Trese had opened her eyes. They had a strained, faraway look, but as Lucy talked they grew large and bright: At the words, "Shan't I write and tell her to come?" the old woman's mouth trembled, the tears gathered, and, sitting up, Bbe stretched out her arms, crying: "Mon Pere! Mon Fere! then fell back white and trembling. Lucy was frightened. Hurrying to the kitchen for some water, she came back crying, "Trese! Trese! What is the matter?" It was some time before Lucy could make any impression on the old woman. But at last her breath came more nat urally, and, opening her eyes, she smiled up at Lucy's anxious face and motioned away the water. Lucy turned to put down the glaw, aad whan aha cam back to the bed Trese was looking at a picture that Btood on a bracket below a print ot the Virgin at the foot of the bed. It was the picture of a youDg girl with curly hair and great laughing grey eyes. Trese looked at the picture, and then at the Virgin, and murmured "Ma petite Nina. Ma pouvre Nina." There was silence for some time, while the old woman lay with closed, her lips moving as though in prayer. Then she spoke. "No, Miss Lucy, my Nina must not come here. These neigh bors are good, kind, but not friends for my little one. It is right where she is. A long pause, while Trese breathed heavily. "I may live a long, long time. She would lose all chance." Here Lucy broke in, but Trese continued: "She is good, but that would not be right." Then placing her thin hand on Lucy's soft white one: "Your father and you are so good. I want not. She fs young and happy; I am old, so old." There was a step across the kitchen and Father Marand entered. "Papa said today that Mr. Dimling I Do you get your Courier regularly ? was a bachelor," said Willie to Esther. I Please compare address. If incorrect, "What is a bachelor?" please send right address to Courier "Don't you know what a bachelor office. Do this this week. is?'' replied Esther with superior wis dom. "A husband."- bachelor is -The Bazar. an eld maid's Works Both Ways. Independent Reform knows no party. Regular Well, no party knows re form. Town Topics. A woman's confession to her fiance usually lacks one of three things: can dor courage or memory. First Pub. July 28-3. Notice of Final Report E J380. In the County Court of Lancaster County, Ne braska. In re estate of Christina Hass. deceased. The state of Nebraska to Theodore Kline, guardian of Jacob Kline, Insane; Jacob Kline, Charles Kline, Theodore Kline: to all persons interested in said estate, and to any other heirs or next of kin of the said Christina Hass, deceased. Take notice that Theodore Kline has tiled a final report of his acts and doings as adminis trator of said estate, and It has been ordered that said matter be set for hearing on the Hth day of August, 1500, before said county court, in the court house, at Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M., at which time any person Interested may appear and contest the same; and notice of this proceeding Is ordered published for three weeks consecutively in The Courier of Lincoln, Nebraska. Witness my hand and the seal of said conn ty courthls 20th day of July, 1900. SEAL. FBANK R.YVATXBS, 1 County Judge. By Waltxh A. Lkxse, Clerk County Court Summer Outings. &.S THE . Principal Western Resorts ARE BEST REACHED VIA THE Union Pacific THAT LINE HAS MADE THE FOLLOWING Special Excursion Rates Lincoln to Denver and return 818.25 Lincoln to Colorado Springs and return $&Xo Lincoln to Pueblo and return 819.00 Lincoln to Ogden and return.... 812.00 Lincoln to Salt Lake and return. .832.00 In effect AuguBt 2. Final return limit October 31, 1900. W. S. Sloaaon Agent. v ji ?.-S rJ A "J 1 Yfj J A s p SI f -4 fe..