f f N v r ( fc VOL. XV., NO. XXX ESTABLISHED IN 18S6 PRICE FIVE CENTS LINCOLN. NEBR.. SATURDAY. JULY 23 1900. THE COURIER, Official Organ of the Nebraska State Federation of Women's dubs. EMTHUCDIX THE P08TOFFTCE AT LINCOLN AS SECOND CLASS MATTES. PUBLISHED EYEBY SATDBUAY BT TIE COURIER PRINTING AND PUBLISHING GO Office 1132 N street, Up Stairs. Telephone 384. SARAH B. HABBIS. Editor Subscription Kates In Advance. Per annum II 00 8ir months 75 Three months 50 One month 20 Single copies 05 The Coceier will not be responsible for vol notary communications unless accompanied by return postage. Communications, to receive attention, must be sicned by tue fall name of tbe writer, not merely as a guarantee of good faitb, bat for publication if advisable. : o c ? OBSERVATIONS. 8 4-oo'fv Selfishness and Altruism It is an indictment of the plan or scheme of creation, all this praise of alttuism. Civilization owes the me chanical and most of its scientific discoveries to selfishness. We want to save work, it is comfortable to wear fine wools, to sit in easy chairs, it is soothing to be surrounded by soft, harmonious colors, music, fra grance, color, graceful fonts are pleasing, and man is willing to work harder in the middle of the day that he and those who minister to the comfort of bis home and flatter him as the bread-winner may the more enjoy the evenings and the mornings. In working for himself and hi3 family with all his might and main, a man, with no such design, makes it easier for his neighbor to live. If he be not a parasite, every man's success is a blessing to the community he labors in. and increases the happiness and prosperity of the whole. An occasional philanthropist who has inherited his money is miserable over the sorrows of others and yearns to distribute his inheritance by gifts, a method which nature and economics both render ineffectual. The race is to the strong and the swift. The conditions of the race were settled before the most pre cocious monkey found out he was a man and could vote and pose and strut before females and intimidate them by roaring and brandishing a club. If altruism or devotion to others, would develope ihe race fast er, it is certain t!:at each one of us would now be neglecting our own business and busybodying ourselves about the affairs of our neighbors, who in turn would be trying to make our fortunes. Such a law and regime would be very unhandy. Our own affairs are so niuch easier to reach and to understand and to handle than our neighbor's business. Be sides the Bible recommends that we treat others as. tenderly and consid ately as we treat ourselves, thus rec ognizing the universality of selfish ness and establishing it as it gauge of altruism. The Harvard School for Cubans. 2Jot many Cuban teachers respond ed to Harvard's invitation to them to come and learn American pedagogy. Those that came are having a good time. Members of the W. C T. U. and of the Woman's Century Club, met them as they disembarked in Boston, and with flowers and friendly tokens and signs made them welcome. The young ladies went to Cambridge and settled down not entireiy to study but to learn and practice the customs of our country. Accustomed all their lives to the strictest espion age or cbaperonage, for women in Cuba are still protected or tormented by the duenna who insists upon an antique seclusion of the female, these young girls are eager for freedom and in ignorance of the limits of Ameri can co-association, have shocked some of the Cambridge and Boston folk by going unchaperoned to restaurants with gentlemen. The Boston beaux expected tbat the girls would be beautiful and attractive, but they were afraid that the short summer term would be insufficient to over come the shyness of maidens raised behind latticed windows. But the Cuban girls go rowing, riding, walk ing and take their ice cream sodas as willingly if not as nonchalantly as the American girl. And the form ers eagerness and appreciation is very grateful to the Boston young man, who is used to very independent exigent ladies who take his offerings as a matter of course. In answer to criticisms of their evident willingness to be without a chaperone, the Cuban girls are very docile and express a willingness to conform to the customs of the coun try. Conventional distinctions can not be acquired, however, without study and the signorinas cannot be expected to know that though they may walk with an escort or go to an entertainment with him it is not comme ilfaut to dine or lunch with him at a restaurant or hotel unaccom panied by an older woman. The Boston papers report tbat the women are good students, attentive, intelligent and polite. The men are much more sedate than the women who impress the serious Bostonians as being cheerful to the point of gid diness. The Catholic societies of Boston provide for their pleasure a dance on Tuesday and Friday eve dings of each week at the Hcmenway gyunnsium A Cambridge temperance society asked President Eliot to send some of the teachers to a meeting of the so ciety in order that they might carry back to Cuba witii them some of the very latest American ideas on tem perance and a new repugnance for the rum fiend, but President Eliot was disappointing He wrote the com mittee: '"I cannot think that the Cuban teachers would take any in terest in total abstinence. They have no tendency to drink to excess, and cannot understand it in others. The vice against which you contend is not practised among them. Our people have much to learn from them on that subject: but they can get noth ing but a warning from us." To the zealous committee President Eliot's note was a disappointment. It is so discouraging to find after one is thoroughly equipped for rescu ing and converting foreigners, tbat they do not need our process When commercial development shall have made drunkenness rare and confined the intemperate use of tobacco to men out of a job, when employers have all joined a union whose bylaws declare their rights to unmuddled thinkin'g and undiluted energies, con trary to tbe expectations of a number of reformers who wish to hurry on the millennium by pledges, there will still be sins to preach against and plenty of the fallen to help up out of the gutter. In the case of Cubans; inhabitants of a warm country sel dom drink to excess. Their faults are those of indolence and treachery. Woman Suffrage in Colorado. Women have voted in Colorado for five years, but five years is too short a trial of any suffrage system to base any very important conclusions upon. The Colorado women this year will cast their second presidential vote and because women always belong to the conservative party, is a sound reason for believing that the woman's vote of Colorado will be for President McKinley. In off years the woman's vote iias been light and the testimony of politicians that they do not count upon it or pay a.iy campaign atten tion to is doubtless correct. But they will vote this year and every presidential year will mark an in-c-ease in the number of habitual wo men voters. An interest in politics is one of the most vitalizing of medicines. Ennui never attacks a politician. He has loo many men to see and too many interests, and candidates to remember and pitfails to avoid. When women begin to take an interest in politics, they will have no more time to spare for the consideration of Rome or the study of Dante. Current events, chances and combinations will expel more academic thought. Then the ward bosses will begin to think about the "woman's vote"' and to lay plans to conciliate and attract it. Saloon keepers cannot be elected in that time either to the school board or the common council and in that day wo men school teachers will receive as much salary as men. Thirty years is a short trial, yet in tbat time the wo ni2n in Colorado should be able to exhibit a creditable record of influ ence in elections. A few good citi zenship leagues like that one in Chi cago which publishes tiie records of notoriously corrupt candidates in both parties would make tbe "wo man's vote" of Colorado a force which nominating conventions would bear in mind. Unless all the women vote it is inexpedient that a few should and the women of Colorado, interest ed or indifferent ought to know that they are trying an experiment for the whole United States and according as they accept their responsibilities or treat them frivolously, the question will be settled in scientific minds all over the world. The Consent of the Governed. A phrase occasionally fastens itself to tbe language and tiie people ac cept it as truly discriptive when it is really meaningless. Ask any school boy if the people of this country are governed by their own consent, and he will answer affirmatively. He re members the Declaration of Inde pendence and is sure tbat we govern ourselves. Half of the people are wmen and this hnlf of tax paying orderly citizens are governed without their consent. Perhaps a third of the male population is under age and can not vote. There are the Indians, Chinese, convicts and idiots who can not vote. It is reckoned that about a fifth of the population vu'es, so that it is not so spread-eagle but more accurate to say that, this government exists by tbe consent of less tban one fifth f the governed. Even this fraction, is lessened by the manipu lation of men who make politics a trade and a livelihood, who arrange deals with candidates so that when the time comes the delegates have ns choice but to vote for a bad man or a worse one. In the case of children, parents do not ask their consent. All children, properly trained are put to bed, fed plain foods and clothed under pro test. Unless force were used they would go to bed when everything amusing or interesting ceased. They would eat sugar until their stomachs fermented and their teeth were black ened. Tbey would wear the bright est colors and play all the time. They would not study. Of their own will they would not prepare themse'ves for a strenuous life. But armed men and women coerce children to do all these things. They teach them either by moral suasion, influence, or a stick, according to the disposition of the governed, self-control, the satisfac-