The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, July 21, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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' ..
of a Curve with Plpnimetric Applica
tion" are two of these contribationa
which bare secured recognition for Mr.
Lehmer in the form of an election to the
position of Instructor in Mathematics
in Berkely University, California.
Mrs. Frapk Ellis of Athens, Texas,
with her mother and two daughters,
arrived on Wednesday from Des Moines,
and will be the guests for a few weeks
of Mrs. Ellis' sister, Mrs. L. W.
Gafoutte. Mrs. Ellis brings news of
Captain Dion Williams of the Oregon,
the brilliant young naval officer who is
a nephew of Mr. Garoutte, and who was
the first man to carry our arms ashore
on the lands of Spain, and to hoist the
American flag in the Filipino Islands.
Captain Williams is detailed to return
with the "Lucky Ship" Baltimore, he
being the only officer left of the fighting
crew which is escorting Admiral Wat
Bon from Manila. The young captain's
return to his Williamsburg home, is
eagerly awaited, not only by his parents
Professor and Mrs. Byron Williams, but
by the entire city which will welcome
his home coming.
The Matinee Musicale board met on
Friday evening with the president, Mrs.
E. Lewis Baker, at 2511 B street. The
important business of the meeting was
the arrangement of the second artists'
recital, for February 4. This engage
ment is to be filled by the famous New
York violinist, Miss Maude Powell, of
national reputation. The board was
fully represented, and after the business
session resolved itself into a porch party
upon the airy veranda of the president,
where an ice was served. For the first
artists recital, November 1, it will be
remembered that the board has engaged
Mrs. Wakely, the contralto, well known
on both sides of the ocean, and espec
ially remarked for her work with the
Persian Garden last year. The third
recital is yet to be arranged.
Mrs, Mary F. Fuller's will has been
'probated. It disposes of real estate
worth about $6,000 and about 82,000
worth of personal property consisting of
uncollected insurance policies on the old
Oriental hotel property. Her bequests
are as follows: Holy Trinity church,
$500; Frederick Sidles (an infant), 8500,
some eilverwear and a watch; Ivan C.
Lansing, son of J. F. Lansing, 8100;
Tocsl Townley, a niece, her largest dia
mond ring, Eome silverware and a lot in
Lincoln; Mrs. John Stite, her sister-in-law,
set of cameo jewelry; S. P. Scott,
Hillsboro, Ohio, a sapphire ring he pre
sented years ago to her; Jessie Lansing,
chatelaine watch; Mrs. H. W. Brown,
some fancy linen and coverlets; Mrs.
Florence McArthur, set of silver jew
elry; Miss Maysie Ames, set of rare
coral jewelry and a set of bracelets; Dr.
Muir, cash. 8100, in lieu of all fees for
services; Jessie Stewart, Paisley shawl;
Phoebe Martin, gold thimble; the resi
due to her brother, R. H. Townley. Mr.
J. F. Lansing is named aa executor of
the will.
Miss Willa Cather's story, "Eric Her
manneon's Soul," which appeared in
The Cosmopolitan, is being translated
into German by Eugene Von Tempsky,
the eminent Dresden critic. He will
read it before the Dresden literary so
ciety. Herr TempBky refers to the
story as a "psyshological masterpiece."
The editor of The Cosmopolitan says
that a request for translator's rights is
most unusual.
A letter from District Clerk Phillips,
who is with a party of Lincoln people
on a camping trip in Wyoming, states
that they left Ranchester, Wyoming,
lust Saturday for the mountains, with
all signB indicating a pleasant trip.
A picnic on the lawn at the home of
Air. and Mrs. A. J. Sawyer wa9 enjoyed
on Saturday evening by the members of
the Renaissance club and their families:
Messrs. and Mesdamea F. M. Hall, A. J.
Sawyer, A. C. Ricketts, II. H. Wilson,
E. T. Hartley and Judge and Mrs. A.
W. Field.
Miss Florence Butler of 2314 Q street,
entertained a merry party of young
girls on Friday evening in honor of Miss
Pauline Raper of Pawnee City. Games
on the lawn and a moonlight feast were
enjoyed by the following joung ladies:
Misses Alice Barber, Helen Fitzgerald,
Marian Coffman, Marie Bowers, Jewell
Holben, Lela Sherdeman, Blanche Mc
Kibben, Vera Folte, Maude Hoppock,
Edith Mickey, Ethel Clarke, Camille
Bell, Helen Stewart and Pauline Raper.
Mrs. Allen W. Field has returned from
a visit with her father, Dr. Fairfield, of
Mandfield, O.
Messrs. J. E. and E. L. Hickey left
on Sunday for their old home in Hinge
ton, Ontario, Canada. They expect to
visit several New York points before re
turning. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Hutton, Mr. and
Mrs. E. G. King; Misses Pearl Archi
bald, Ethel Erford, Lulu and Edna
King; Messrs. Lyle Chambers and Hugh
Hutton returned on Monday from a
week's picnic at Milford.
A pretty wedding service united the
lives and fortunes of Miss Minnie Fryer,
a well known and accomplished young
lady, and sister, of Councilman Fryer,
and Mr. Henry C. Stoddard of Moscow,
Idaho, on Thursday evening. The cere
mony was performed by Doctor B. M.
Long of the Pre3byterian church, at
the bride's home, 233G P street. Mr.
and Mrs. Stoddard left immediately
after the ceremony for Moscow, their
future home.
Mr. William Hebard of Boca, Cali
fornia, is visiting his aunt, Mrs. S. F.
Harris, and his cousins in this city.
Miss Florence Butler gave a pleasant
lawn party Friday evening, July 13. in
honor of her cousin, Miss Pauline
Raper, of Pawnee City. Games and re
freshments were enjoyed. Following
were present: Misses Marie Bowers,
Jewell, Holben, Helen Fitzgerald, Vera
Foils, Alice Barber, Marian Coffman,
Blanche McKibben, Florence Rathbone,
Maude Koppock, Rena Sherdeman,
Edith Mickey, Edith Clark, Lela Sherd
eman, Camillo Bell, Helen Stewart and
Pauline Raper.
Mr. C. H. Morrill has returned from
a periodical examination tour of Wyom
ing. Misses Claire and Elizabeth Dovey of
Plattsmouth are visiting their cousin,
Jeanette Palmer of 918 South Tenth
Miss Herberta Jaynes of Omaha is the
guest of Miss Garten.
A glorious week's outing is reported
by the Milford party who returned
Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Hutton
and son Hugh, Mr. and Mrs. E. G.
King, Pearl Archibald, Ethel Erford,
Lulu and Edna King, Lyle Chambers,
and Myrle G. Mather of Aurora made up
the number which was increased by
the daily arrival of guests from those
left behind.
The Hawthorne club of the high
Bchool met Friday evening, July 13, with
Mi3s Spears, Miss Alice Spears and Miss
Nancy Cunningham, at the home of the
Misses Spears, 630 South Sixteenth
street. Amateur poetry-making, re
freshments and dancing were the enter
tainments. Grace L. Ashton left on Sunday to
spend the summer in British Columbia.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Miller and Mr. and
Mrs. F. II. Piatt started on Tuesday for
a week on the lakes.
Governor and Mrs. W. A. Poynter,
Miss Poynter, and Mr. Poynter'a moth
er, and Doctor and Mrs. Stanhope, have
been the guests this week of Superin
tendent and Mrs. J. E. Harris, at Ne
braska City.
Mr. A. M. Byera of Aledo, Illinois, an
old time Lincoln resident who once en
deavored to purchase the Capitol hotel
is visiting friends in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Morrow of At
lanta, Georgia, arrived in Lincoln on
Thursday and will be the guests over
Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Mar
shall. Mr. Morrow was formerly the
paying teller of the Columbia National
Mr. Curtis Thatcher of Lewiston,
Idaho, is the guest for a few weeks of
Mr. J. F. Lansing.
Doctor A. Ross Hill left on Wednes
day to join Mrs. Hill and child in East
ern Canada, for the rest of the summer.
Mrs. Caroline Bray has gone to Colo
rado Springs.
On Wednesday, Mr. Hugh Hallett
set out to join the Lincoln contingent
at Colorada Springs.
Mr. M. H. Tilton left on Wednesday
for Grand Rapids, Milwaukee, and Osh
kosh, Wisconsin.
Mr. and Mrs. II. G. Piatt are enjoying
a two months' visit with friends at Lig
onier, Indiana.
H.W.Matthews left last week for
the Black Hills. With him departed
Mrs. Matthews and son Will, who are
now entering upon a two months' so
journ at Hot Springs.
Mrs. J. W. Petry, with her sister,
Mrs. John Gore of Libby, Montana,
started on Monday to visit their parents
at Mount Olive, Illinois.
Rutus K. Clark, son of W. H. Clark,
accompanied by his mother, has re
turned from Washington, where, during
the last session of congress, be was mes
senger in the house. ' (
Miss Louise Coleman, for some years
teacher in the Episcopal school at Sioux
Falls, South Dakota, is home for the
rest of the vacation.
Miss Burnham who was so seriously
injured is convalescing rapidly.
Mrs. Ernestine Lyons, teacher iu the
home for the friendless, is spending her
recess at Colorado Springs and Manitou.
Mr. Marsland and Miss Frances Mars-
land started on Saturday for an eastern
tour, which will include Boston, New
York, Toronto, Washington and Phila
delphia. Miss Louise Bargreaves and Miss
Claire Funke are in Ohio for an extend
ed visit. Miss Hargreavea will bo in
Cleveland, Miss Funke at Newark.
Mrs, M. I. Aitken, with her son and
daughter, Miss Grace Aitken, went on
Friday for a visit of several weeks in
Des Moines.
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Harris and Bon
Fritz have returned from a three weeks'
vacation in the east and northwest.
Mias Carrie Bayard has returned from
a visit in Kansas City with Mr. and
Mrs. E. L. Bretner, 232G-Park avenue.
Mrs. Maud Henry of Fort Worth,
Texas, is visiting her brother, F. M.
Johnson, 927 J street.
Dr. Charles Yungblut and Miss
Bertha Yungblut left Thursday even
ing, July 12, for a month's visit at their
old hoiie in Marietta, Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Munson and son
Alfred are enjoying a three weeks' vaca
tion trip to Hot Springs, South Da-
ota, and Spirit Lake, Iowa.
Mrs. O. A. Williams of Minneapolis,
wife of the former pastor of the First
Baptist church, will spend the remainder
of the summer with her sons in this
city, during the absence of Dr. O. A.
Williams in Wales.
Mr. and Mrs. W, O. Thomas, who
have been guests of Senator Thurston at
the Philadelphia national convention,
are in Lincoln, after a stay of six months
in Washington.
Mrs. D. A. Riaser is visiting Mrs. E
A. Risser at CouncifBluffs.
Miss Mary E. Thornburn of Bing
hampton, New York, and Mrs. W. B.
Thornburnof Oneonto, New York, are
visiting Misses Jennie and Hannah
Thornburn of this city.
F. L. Williams and family returned
Sunday from a vacation trip to Florence
and other Colorado resorts.
Mrs. E. E. Betzer of Seward was in
Lincoln Sunday, the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. I. E.Johnson.
Mr. B. E. Block of Lead, South Da
kota, has been in the city on business
this week.
Mrs. Crowl of Deadwood, South Da
kota, is visiting Lincoln friends.
Mrs. C. C. Gow of Norfolk is the guest
of Mrs. Lee Arnett.
Mrs. Emma Hallett of McMinnville,
Oregon, widow of Captain Warren Hal
lett, U. S. N., arrived in Lincoln Tues
day and will be the guest of her broth
ers, S. M. and N. E. Melick.
Mrs. W. B.Clark of Denver was in
Lincoln on Saturday.
Misses Julia Deweese, Maude Cauger
Edith Hayne have returned from a
Colorado outing, on which they were
chaperoned by Misses Lena Deweese
and Laura Haggard. Among the plsea
visited during their sojourn are Colora
do Springs, Pike's Peak, Denver, and
Manitou, the latter place being their
headquarters during the trip.
G. E. A. Farrow, conductor on an
Elkhorn passenger for many years run
ning out of Lincoln, has removed bis
family from Missouri Valley to his new
home at 1612 Q street.
Professor W. C. Knight of the Uni
versity of Wyoming, at Laramie, spent
Monday in Lincoln.
Frank E. Lahr, who. with his family,
is making a European tour this summer,
had a pleasant voyage to London, where
the Lincolnites in his party spent a
quiet Fourth of July. Tbey are now at
the Paris exposition, which they leave
July 24 for Switzerland and Italy.
Miss Boyer of New York has been the
guest during the past week of Mrs. Ode
Rector. On Saturday morning Mrs.
Rector gave a card party, followed by a
luncheon, in honor of Miss Boyer.
Messrs. and Mesdames T. G. Munger,
J. C. Seacrest, Paul F. Clark, Roscoe
Pound, Will Owen Jones and Lincoln
Frost left over the Northwestern Tues
day afternoon for Bayfield, Wisconsin.
They will be joined at St. Paul by Mr.
and Mrs. W. E. Hardy. It is their pur
pose to camp for three weeks on Mada
line island, in Lake Superior.
Dr. and Mrs. Dorris went to Bayfield,
Wisconsin, on Monday for a cool month.
Major B. J. Koehler, formerly of Blue
Hill, Nebraska, but now assigned to
duty with the Thirty seventh United
States volunteers in the Filipmee. is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Yates.
Major Koehler returned from the FHi
pines with the body of his brother,
Captain Koehler, who was killed in ac
tion in the Filipines, and he is now on
his way back to his regiment.
"Golf matches and practise are filling a
place in Lincoln summer life which has
heretofore been empty. Tan is faahion
ablg and pallor a reproach.
Mrs. R. E. Comstock has gone east