The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, July 07, 1900, Page 11, Image 11

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    ij. -
Would call the attention of all who desire a musical education to the unequalled facilities offered at this school. n
ATIXLARr KJMBAlr,, Director.
The drug store in the United States
has become not only a depository for
chemicals, drugs, soda water and post
age stamps, but a general directory for
various kinds of information. In Eu
rope the chemist's is a place purely for
the Bale of chemicals or the mixing of
drugs. A foreign chemist is perplexed
by the broad demands made by Ameri
cans upon his shop. Inquiries for poet
age stamps are a complicated puzzle to
him. He lacks the American quickness
of perception and fails to see the con
nection between drugs and stamps. An
incident occurred not long ago in one of
the suburbs of Lincoln that illus
trates how wide are the possibilities
of a drug store and how dependent we
are upon them in more than one sense
of the word. The suburb is some
distance from the town. There were a
few necessary shops besides a number
of houses with a length of lawn. A
wedding had been announced and the
newspapers wished a report. The ad
dress had been lost and the one to
whom the interview had been assigned
on descending from the train was mys
tified as to the tirst step to pursue. A
coal and lumber ofllce and a bakery
were tba only visible means of informa
tion. Then down the street the eye
suddenly caught a black sign portend
ing "Drug Store.' Anxiety faded from
the mind. The needed information
would not only be forthcoming, in all
probability, but the case would be
treated with serious-courteey. Inquiries
of the wedding in thai vicinity were
made of a kindly looking man, the pro
prietor, "Yes," he answered, "I don't
know where they live or the names, but
I've heard rumors of the kind. Joe,"
calling to a tall young man with brilliant
locks, which he was carefully arranging
before a diminutive mirror in the back
of the store, "do you know anything
-about a wedding that is to come off to
morrow morning?" "No," answered
"Joe," continuing his occupation. The
door slammed, "Good morning, Stephen,
heard about that wedding that is due
tomorrow morning?'' "Yes, of course;
it is Anthony Smith's daughter and she
is going to marry young Blackman that
has just come here from Mason City.
You come right out here and I can show
you the exact house in which they are
going to domicile." The druggist, the
-man with brilliant locks and the other
one followed Stephen into the street,
where in the distance he pointed to a
freshly painted house of two stories,
with tall trees protecting the front.
Stephen elongated his finger again.
"There," he said emphatically, "is where
they are goiug to domicile.
The Woman Vho Had Broad Views,
There was once a Woman who held
very Broad Views. Of the Views she
often Spoke as is the Habit of those
who holcl them. But though she was
Very Advanced, she had her little
Plans, just like the Rest of Us. One
day she was talking with a Man who
was Interested In Her, and therefore,
as she thought in her Views. For even
Advanced Wcmen make this Mistake
"If I were Married," Bhe said, "I
should Never for one Moment expect
my Husband to confide his Fast to me.
I should Consider it none of my Busi
ness. Nor should I feel that he was
Necessarily Immoral if he looked at
Any Other Woman but me. For that
is Idiotic, Considering that Men are
only Human.
The Man Smiled Approvingly. "You
are Quite Right," he said. "If more
Women were like You, the World would
be a Happier Place. But Few are eo
"And then," said the Woman, "I
should expect the same Tolerance from
Him; for Women are only Human, too."
The Man drew away his chair. "I
fear," said he somewhat boldly, "that
you are Carrying Matters a Little Too
Far. The Constitution of Societ) re
quires some Foundation. There are
Certain Things a Man has a Right to
Exact from His Wife."
And he Engaged HimEelf to aReccent
Graduate of a Convent School.
This teaches us that the Broad Road
is More than likely to Lead to Des
truction. Josephine Daskam, in The Century.
McCall's Magazine for August has
reached our table filled with choice il
lustrations of patterns of elegant de
signs for ladies, misses and children. A
free pattern is given to each subscriber.
Published at five cents a copy or fifty
cents a year by The McCall Co., 133
West I4th street, New York.
TO THE DEAF. A rich lady, cured
of her Deafness and Aloises in the Head
by Dr. Nicholson's Artificial Ear Drums,
gave $10,000 to this ineti.ite, so that
deaf people unable to procure the Ear
Drums may have them free. Address
No. 6,6389 A, the Nicholson Institute,
780 Eighth Avenue, New York.
Do you get your Courier regularly?
Please compare address, If incorrect,
please eend right address to Courier
office. Do this this week.
Hewitt I sat at the table next to
yours at the restaurant yesterday, and 1
don't see how you could laugh at the
table stories that Grewitt waa telling.
Jewitt He waB paying for the dinner.
The Rock Island playing cards are
the slickest you ever handled. One
pack will be sent by mail on receipt of
15 cents in stamps. A money order or
draft for 50 cents or same in stamps will
secure 4 packs. They wiil be sent by
express, charges prepaid. Address',
John Sebastian, G. P. A.f
Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R'y,
Do you get your Courier regularly ?
Please compare address. If Incorrect,
please eend right address to Courier
office. "Do this this week."
...... .. m
reople nave INo 1 rouble
In getting- what the want at the
Good Luck Grocery.
Missouri Editor All Right .
Do you get your Courier regularly ?
Please compare address. If incorrect,
please send right address to Courier
nffino Tin tlila fKIc n.1.
A Missouri editor nets off the follow
ing: "Ten cents a line will be charged office. Do this this week
for obituary notices to all busines3 men
who do not advertise while living.
Delinquent subscribers will be charged
fifteen cents per line for an obituary
notice. Advertisers and cash subscrib
ers will receive as good a send off as wo
are capable of giving. Subscribe and
send in your advertising, as smallpox is
abroad in the land."
Delinquent Subscriptions to
As She Is Spoke.
Jimps Did jou see the college boys
in their Latin play?
Jamps Yes; but I couldn't under
stand it. It was all Greek to me.
First Pub. June 16--I.
In the district court of Lancaster county. Ne
braska. In the matter of the application of George
II. Clarke, as executor of the last will, anil tes
tament of Alonzo Harnes'deceased, for license
to sell real estate.
This cause coming on to be heard upon the
petition of the said executor, and the proofs
offered in support of the same and it appearing
therefrom that there is not sufficient personal
property of the said estate in the hands of the
said executor to pay the legal debts and ex
penses of the same, and it further appearing
that it is necessary and proper that the real
estate of said Alonzo Barnes, deceased, should
be sold to pay the same, and being fully
advised in the premises,
It H ordered and ad judged by me. as judge of
the district court, that all persons interested in
said estate be and they are hereby directed to
be and appear before the judge of the said dis
trict court on the 31st day of July. 1900. at nine
o'clock, standard time, in the forenoon at the
the offlce of the district clerk of Lancaster
county, Nebraska, then and there to show cause,
if any such there be. why a license should not
be granted to said executor to sell real estate of
deceased, described in said petition for the
purpose of paying the debts and legal expenses
of the said estate.
It is further ordered and adjudged that ser
vice of this notice be made by publishing the
same for four successive weeks in The Courier,
a legal newspaper in the said county.
Dated at Lincoln, county of Lancaster, state
of Nebraska this 9th day of June. 1SU).
Edwakd P. Howies,
Judge of the District Court.
First Pub June 161
Notice to Creditors. E 1466.
In the county court of Lancaster county, Ne
braska: In the matter of the estate of Susan R. Link,
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that the County
Judge will sit at the county court room in Lin
coln, in said county, on the 16th day of Octo
ber, 1900. and again on the 16th day of Janu
ary. 1901, to receive and examine all claims
against said estate, with a view to their ad
justment and allowance. The time limited for
the presentation of claims against said estate
is six months from the 16th day of July.
1900. and the time limited for the payment of
debts Is one year from the 16th day of July.
1900. '
Notice of this proceeding Is ordered pub
lished for four weeks successively in The
Courier of Lincoln, a weekly newspaper pub
lished in this State.
Witness my hand and the seal of said court
this Ith day or June, 1900.
seal. Frank R. Waters.
, County Judge.
By Walter A. Leese. Clerk County Court
Received after the first of
July. 1900,
A complete rile of "The Courier" is
kept in an absolutely fireproof build
ing. Another file is kept in this office
and still another has been deposited
elsewhere. Lawyers may publish legal
xotices in "The Courier" with security
as the files are intact and are pre
served from year to year with great
Cde Photographs jj
Athletic Photographs J
9 Photographs of Babies J
K Photographs of Groups
Exterior Views J
129 South Eleventh Street.
All Delinquent
Subscriptions to
..The Courier..
After the first of July.