The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, July 07, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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The Dewey Arch.
The public value of the naval arch
temporarily erected in Fifth Avenue
last year, ia pointed out in th'e July
Century by its designer, Charles R.
Lamb. On one aspect of the subject he
"The Dewey Arch in New York,
which, as it neared completion, attracted
almost us much public interest as the
stately procession which followed, mark
ed, as never before, the value of the
artist in the designing of public festi
vals; and the measure of ib? success whb
bo great that it Eeems impossible to be
lieve thai that value will ever be doubt
ed again. It was not the first instance
of the kind, but it was the first in which
artistic cooperation was carried out on
a large scale, and for which there was
provided a fairly liberal amount of
public money.
Instinct In a Bird.
A traveler relates that while passing
through a small forest in Brazil he was
attracted by the rapidly-uttered cries
of alarm of a bird, and, wishing to
learn the cause, ho made his way to
the tree whence he thought the sounds
proceeded, and, looking up, saw that a
serpent was slowly winding itself up
toward a nest of unfledged little ones.
While- watching its movements the
male parent bird arrived, who, cir
cling twice or thrice over the top of
the tree, swiftly darted further away
Into the forest, and in a few seconds
returned with a large leaf in its little
mouth, which it instantly placed over
the nest, and then flew up higher.
Meantime the serpent wound itself
lowly up the tree and reached the
nest, but, on putting its head over the
side, quickly started back, descended
the tree, and was lost in the under
wood. The traveler, being deeply in
terested In the singular incident, aft
erwards learned from some of the na
tives that the leaf of a certain tree is
a deadly poison to the serpent. Hor
had the bird acquired a knowledge of
this? What mortal can say? What
philosopher can .explain?'
Tommy (whispering) Say, Chi m my,
why don't yer show de teacher yer
mumps, so she will let yer go home?
Chimmy (hoarsely) Sb, yer idyur,
I want ter have de whole school ketch
de disease so'st I kin have some of de
fellers to play wid. Judge.
Superior People Driven to tbe Bwtnp ol
What IfNow Louisiana.
Prof. George E. Beyer, of Tulane
univemity, New Orleans, has Just re
turned from his explorations of the so
called Indian mountm along the Red
river, and between that stream and th
Mississippi, In Franklin, Natchitoches,
and other neighboring parishes, which
he Investigated tor Tulane university
and the Louisiana Historical society.
He was able to distinguish the several
layers of earth, shell and clay deposited
at different times, and to demonstrate
a greater antiquity for the mounds
than had been 'supposed an antiquity
of at least 1,000 years. The skeletons
and implements discovered proved fur
ther that the inhabitants of these
mounds were not of the race of the
ordinary red Indians who were found
there by the French and Spanish ex
plorers, but a race akin to the Aztecs
or Toletlcs, of a more peaceful disposi
tion than the neighboring Indians, and
originally more civilized. They had
apparently been forced Into the great
swamps by the surrounding Indian
tribes, and their civilization had de
teriorated under the unfavorable con-
ditions in which they lived.
Prof. Beyer's later explorations con
firmed his former ones, or rather show
ed that there were two varieties of
mounds :n the country he explored,
one variety on the higher land, ap
parently erected by Indians, and used
mainly for burial purposes; the other
built by a more ancient race, and con
taining Bkulls of the same kind as
those found in Catahoula. The Indian
mounds contained a large number of
skeletons with heads distinctively In
dian, arrows, tomahawks, etc. The
other mounds were in the swamps or
lakes, like those of Mexico. Such lakes
were once abundant along the Red ri7
r, but nearly all have been drained
firy to-day by the removal of the Rod
river raft The number of these
mounds fairly staggered Prof. Beyor.
he found no fewer than fifty clustered
together and extending a distance of
two miles from Brown's bayou to Lit
tle Deer creek. They were so close to
getheronly fifty feet apart as to
make what must have been In old days
a settlement or town.
After Supper, at a Ball. He With
out joking, Elsie, I do really adore you.
When I look at you there, is such a
commotion in mv breast "'
She And in mine, too, Henry. It
mu6t be the lobster salad.
She You hesitated when I asked
you if I were the only girl you had ever
He Yes; I couldn't tell from your
expression whether you wanted me to
eay ''no" or "yes."
Teddy I v?ish I hadn't licked Jimmy
Brown this morning.
Mamma You see how wrong it was,
don't you, dear?
Teddy Yes, 'cause I didn't know til
noon that his mother was going to give
a party.
"My sympathy,' he eaid, "is always
with the under dog."
"Yes," she replied, "but did you ever
try to choke the upper dog loose?"
Chicago Times-Herald.
Elliot You very seldom hear of a fat
criminal, do you?
Dangerfield Of course not. Don't
you know that it is difficult for a stout
person to stoop to anything low ?
"What building is that" asked a
etrangsr of a boy, pointing to the school.
"That?" said the boy, "why, that's the
tanner'." And he feelingly rubbed bis
back as.ho passed on.
A Difference in Tastes. "I saw you
kissing my daughter. I don't like it,
"Then you don't know what's good,
"Don't you think Binkles has a very
breezy manner?"
"If you refer to the delight he takes
in airing his opinions. I do."
"To err is human, to forgive divine,'
i a good old adage, but we notice it is
never quoted to us when we make a
mistake. We have to do the quoting
for ourselves.
To dubs of ten taking The Courier the
anatal subscription price is seventy five
ceats (75 ceats). Regular subscription price.
cjae dollar per year.
And any One Dollar
Voman's Club Magazine
Nebraska Wfeslean gnioersit
gonseroatoi of $Iusk.
One of the foargest Music Schools in the West.
The remarkable growth of this conservatory is due
largely to the rapid and intelligent advancement of its
pupils through the same methods of instruction which
are pursued in the leading European Conservatories.
All branches of music taught, with many Free ad
vantages. Fall Tm Be$"3 Monday September lStlj.
Send for Neto Circular Giving Full Information, to
University Place, JNetor.
"What if I were one of those hue
bands, my dear, who get up cross in the
morning and bang things about and
kick everything over just because the
coffee is cold?"
'John," responded his wife, "I would
make it hot for him.'
As her words admitted of more than
one interpretation, John said nothing
about the coffee.
d T A- M T W are practically annihilated
km IL m Ha by the ocean cables and
A"A Li I land telegraph systems
'W -M. -A. .a. B MLaj which now belt the cir
cumference of Old Earth in
so many different directions. "Foreign parts" arc no longer
foreign in the old meaning of the term. Europe, Africa, Asia,
are "next door" to us. What happens there to-day Ave know
to-morrow if we read THE CHICAGO RECORD, whose
Special Cable Correspondents are located in every important
city in the world outside of the United States. No other
American newspaper ever attempted so extensive a service;
and it is supplemented by the regular foreign news service
of The Associated Press. Tor accurate intelligence of the
stirring events which are shaking the nations of wars and
rumors of wars of the threatening dissolution of old govern
ments and theestablishment of new of the onward sweep of
the race in all parts of the world the one medium of the
most satisfactory the enterprising, "up-to-date"
American newspaper,' THE CHICAGO RECORD.
A largo map of the world on Mercator's Projection, about 2314x16
Inches In sire, 'beautifully printed in colors, with a ianrc-scaie map
of Europe on the reverse hide, will be mailed to any address free of
charge on receipt of request accompanied by two --cent stamps to
cover postage and wrapping. The maps illustrate cletrly how comprehensively the
special cable service of THE Chicago Record covers the entire civilized world. Ad
dress The Chicago Recobd, 181 Madison street, Chicago.
May cost the most, but
Covers the most surface
Spreads the easiest.
Looks the best,
Holds color the best and
Wears the longest.
240 JNortl' Tenth Street. -