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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1900)
lv ' K -- . U X "; Ss r VOL. XV., NO. XXVII ESTABLISHED IN 1866 PRICE FIVB CENTS 4fiM.. -4 4. ?r3f f "C" f - "- ATI A A - , -v ', fS LINCOLN. NEBR., SATURDAY. JULY 7, 1900. THE COURIER, Official Organ of the Nebraska State Federation of Women's Clubs. Entekkdin the pqstoffice at Lincoln as second class matter. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY bi HE COURIER PRINTING UNO PUBLISHING GO Office 1132 X Btreet, Up Stairs. Telephone 384. SARAH B. HARRIS. Editor Subscription Kates In Advance. Per annum $100 Six months 75 Three months 50 One month 20 Single copies 05 The Cockier will not be responsible for vol nntary communications unless accompanied by return postage. . Communications, to receive attention, must be signed by tno lull name of the writer, not merely as a guarantee of good faith, but for publication if advisable. 5' o c Z OBSERVATIONS. g Time's Majority. Last week was the twenty-sixth of the ypar. The year is at maturity a period which is never celebrated. On the last day of an expiring year the periodicals contain pictures of what are known as the "Old year" and the "New year." The old year in the picture papers is an old man with Straggling, long white locks, such a type as eighty years of living, loving, hating, working, and shirking will produce. The new year is a Puck of six years, a dandy of eighteen or twenty or a baby of eight months. Nobody, so far as I know, has ever made a picture of a year six months old, for the reason that we memoralize only the beginning and end of things. The middle of the day and of the year when we are most vigorous, when we have lost the inspiration of beginning and havenot the desperation and regret of the ignored by the artists and poets.If indeed these should think the back bent to labor and the hands and the head to commerce, worthy a song or a picture then might the back straighten and the bands strengthen for that they are being recorded in the history of man. To bestow all our symbolic pictures on the begin ning or end of years and days, en courages the maiiana tendency. The middle of the day, the middle of the year, i9 the best time to stop smok ing, drinking, or swearing It it hap pen to be the present time. Time is a circle anyhow with only artificial starting and stopping places. As the year wh'irls us along we. can make it satisfactory and epochal in July as pondered upon the problems of ISGO.of easily as in January whether the 1787,of 1797. The crown of thorns and poets and symbolists are willing or cross of gold speech is insutliclentevi- not. Besides, there is only one be- dence of disability to guide the nation ginning and one cndiDg every year, through the impending four years The commonplace, undesignated, wet which even to the minor prophets are days of April, the hot days of July portentous. and August, and the dust-windy days Mr. Bryan uses his oratorical talents of autumn, and early Nebraska winter to corage his hearers, whom he as- invite us the rest of the year to make sumes are his friends, against the resolutions and keep them in all sea- mistakes and corruption of rspubli- sons. The first day of the year was cans. His charges are not groundless, selected as the only suitable time for We have laid a tariff for the rich man renunciation of favorite, deadly vices against the poor man, we have been because it occurs only once in 3G5 too lenient with combinations Ilka days. The masculine shrewdness of the ice trust which is plainly a con- the selection is undeniable, but there spiracy against the poor. The partv are a few women whose importunate is an old one, its history is a story of entreaties to chastity and temperance pay no heed to the calendar date of repentance and baptism. A Sketch of Mr. Bryan Mr. Willjam Allen White, of Boy ville, Kansas, lias a black and white impression of Mr. Bryan in the cur rent McClure's. While giving his model's wonderful voice, his enthusi asm, and his cleverness in striking the chords that both soothe and arouse the discontented, Mr. White quite apparently does not believe Mr. Bryan a reformer who can reform. Before he was nominated for con gressman, Mr. Bryan was a young lawyer not overburdened with busi ness. But as in other cases the young man whom private parties and cor porations with disputes to settle do not select was considered just the man to debate and legislate upon the nation's affairs. While not old enough. not wise enough, not prac tical enough to get his share of the law business of this district, hun dreds who heard him speak voted for him for six reasons. (1.) They could hear him. (2.) He was apparently ready to sacrifice his time, labor champaign and nobody cares which, patriots struggling for larger consti tutional liberty. Washington, Grant, Adams, Lincoln were republicans and exemplified and established democ racy more completely than any mod ern, democrat. Nevertheless, if it were not for a vigorous opposition, forever calling attention to the abuse of power any dominant party de generates. Because lie makes his charges effectively and because he has been able to convince so many people that he has Moses' commission and Moses devotion to a country that lie is not in the habit of saying a good word for, Mr. Bryan may do the whole country a service though not in the capacity he anticipates. The Snap-Shot Highwayman. Governor Roosevelt said, "Take it away ! Take that away !" when a man with a camera, stationed himself in front of him just as he was about to make a speech at the Philadelphia convention. The man with a camera does not trouble most of us. Blessed be obscurity. She can walk up and down the highway,to and from a meal of mush and milk, or of truffles and and mind to freeing the common people from an oppression, a disgrace ful servitude which he told them was choking freedom and happiness out of their lives. (3 ) He is a good color istand a draughtsman like Dante; he can draw horrible looking devils and monsters and give them a like ness to Mark Hanoa. (4.) He is a master of the tricks of oratory and the still undeveloped resources of a sympathetic, human voice crying in the wilderness. (5.) Some of the aDuses he complains of and offers to right, are abuses. (6.) The people do her figure may be awkwardly an gular or hopelessly squat, she may favor to the iudifference of the pub lic a simple reaffirmation of the Chi cago platform or a reiteration of it, giving the words sixteen to one with out waiting for the consent cf any other nation or David B. Hill, the place of honor in the platform as the invention of Mr. Bryan himself. A humble unit of the millions that live in America is not invested by cameras And this is really a blessing, no less so because it is a negative one. Governor Roosevelt does not object to having suffer from oppressive combinations his picture taken when he has dressed like the ice trust formed through the for the part or to a snap shot at the aid and by the connivance of mayors bead of his rough riders but he. was and other representatives whom the people have elected to guard their interests and not to betray them. Mr. Bryan may be an inchoate Moses, but in the minds of all thoughtful democrats, who know the worth of oratory and the value of a pose, there is a constant demand that he say something, to show that be disconcerted by the man without humour just in front of him ready, not to listen to bis speech, which to every man who delivers one is the event of the hour, but to take his picture while making it. The sergeant at arms, in response to the Governor's horrified exclamation, hustled the man. and his camera out of range, but has pondered upon the problems of to- not before, for the first recorded in day as Lincoln, Adams or Washington stance. Governor Roosevelt showed that he was startled. It may have been a ruse of the democrats to spoil a good speech and blot a dauntless record. At any rate the lime tas come for the courts to decide whether a man, in the photographic sense controls his own features. Governor Roosevelt's quick appre ciation of the undignified and ridic ulous is in direct contrast with Mr. Bryan's iose on the first page uf last Sunday's New York Wor'd. The can didate for the presidency of 7.",000,100 people, lawyers, doctors, college pro fessors and ministcs, as we'l as laborers. Had his picture takes with his back to the camera, in his shirt sleeves with his troupers stuffed Into boots. Tsi An. Tigerish, determined, brave, re sourceful, bigoted, unhampered by affection-;, scruples or feminine vani ty as it is usually displayed, Tsi An is the mistress or China ani if she hold the ambassadors as hostages, as it is said she does for the time being she frightens Europe and the horde that. waits at her gates far a division of territory. It is expedient that she be deposed, but while she reigns and confuses the occidental Teuton, Gaul, and Briton with her oriental tactics it is not easy to repress an accasional expression of gratification at the keenness of her feminine intellect. She must be conquered for all China and all the powers are against her.bnt her reign lias been an example of the power of mind over custom, tradi tion, over military power, over mat ter, over everything we have been accustomed to yield the throne to. Custom, which is supposed to be un breakable in China Tsi An conforms to when it suits her plans and over looks when. obedience would dereat them. It has always been said that the Empress would jar Chinese loyalty loose from her if she broke the pe culiar convenances hampering China women, and especially a Chinese em press, but she thought it advisable to give an audience to the wives of the embassadors in Pekln. Just as coolly as a Colorado woman goes to the poles orrides a diamond frame bicycle, Tsi An issued invitations to her recep tion, the ladies came, and. after all. not a Chinaman dropped. The com mon people would make hash of her if they could catch her for Chinese laundrymen say among her various and admirable gifts, patriotism does not seem to have a place. Patriotism, is an emotion. Tsi An has no use for emotions. If to make her power more absolute it was necessary to give away a slice of China and a few million Chinamen, she gave it with out consulting the inhabitants and without any sentimental regrets. She has all the indifference to blood-letting that characterised Boadicea, Queen Mary or Queen Elizabeth of Eogiand, or the Empress Katharine of Russia and Catharine dl Medici of