The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, June 23, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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or her brother, and she has not the
gracious UDselfconsciousness to make
friend and foe welcome on a public
occasion. Mrs. Dewey makes enemies
wherever she goes. At Columbus,
Ohio, which was a station on the cir
cle it is said she went to a luncheon
in her honor and never unfolded her
napkin or pretended to eat any of the
courses offered her. She said she was
not hungry and bad been fed too
often, which was doubtless true, but
what would Lady Frances Cleveland
have done? A hostess whose guest
of honor will not even taste of the
"dainty refreshments" which are, in
reality, an oblation to her, is less or
more than a woman if she be not
grieved and humiliated. Mrs. Dewey
may not have been silent because she
remembered that Governor Nash, in
whose house the luncheon was given
by his daughter, Mrs. Wortbington
Babcock, defeated her brother, John
It. McLean for governor. But under
the circumstances, how Lady Cleve
land would have talked and smiled,
so that everybody would have re
membered that luncheon as the pleas
antest time and the most delicious
luncheon ever served.
It is unfair to Mrs. McLean to com
pare her to that lady about whose
christening couch the opulent fairies
danced and dowered her with the
position of the first lady in the land
and the most successful mistress of
the White House since it was first
presided over, dowered her so that
every time she speaks a gold piece falls
from her mouth and last with beauti
ful children. Quile other fairies pre
sided over Mrs. Dewey. The Ad
miral's wife, therefore is another
reason why there must be trouble for
him in a political campaign and why
with infinite relief the country has
received from him the news of bis
recent decision to withdraw his name
from the list of possible candidates.
The laying out of a golf course near
Lincoln is a welcome sign of the
spread of out-door games. "We are
not an up-to-date people. Our sus
picion of all new styles and games and
dress is a survival of the times when
all the business bouses on Salt creek
were saloons and the tenderfoot wore
a biled shirt at his own risk. The
east has been playing golf for twelve
or fifteen years, the south, north and
Pacific slope for seven or eight years,
but this geographical centre of the
United States is the most stationary
point on the circle. Golf has now
started to hunt the hermit places of
the earth and has conquered Lincoln,
where the men are afraid to wear
beaver hats with evening dress, where
the banks issue cheques the size of
theatrical posters, where a liveried
coachman would be stoned, where
progressive euchre and prizes have
been the cherished distraction for
years, and where until lately there
has been no systematic distinctive so
cial enjoyment of the summer.
Golf is a leveler of artificial distinc
tions. The best man wins, it- is as
square as an honest prize fight.
There are no professionals. It en
courages sportsmanship. The man
who perverts the truth about his
score is discovered in time and ac
quires eventually exactly the same
reputation he has in business. On
the other hand, healthy rivalry of
his (the good-goif-player's) gory com
mercial scalp at the very time. Two
such men occasionally meet and play
entirely ignoring the scalp that dan
gles from the belt of one and the pa
thetic scar on the other's crown.
There would be fewer scars though,
fewer savage belt ornaments and more
brotherlineis if all men played golf on
the last three or four hours of every
summer day. Outdoors is evangeliz
ing and the pleln air is medicinal to
character as well as to lungs and liver.
Mill Ml MIMOeOOOMMtt 01000000'
OFFICERS OF N. F. "W. C 1899 & 1900.
Pres., Mrs. Anna L. Apperson, Tecumseh.
V. P., Mrs. Ida W. Blair, Wayne.
Cor. Sec., Mrs. Virginia D.Arnup, Tecumseh.
Rec Sec., Miss Mary Hill, Yprk.
Treas., Mrs. H. F. Doane, Crete.
Librarian, Mrs. G. M. Lambertson, Lincoln.
Auditor, Mrs. E. J. Halner, Aurora.
(Chairman Educational Committee, X. F. W. C )
The session devoted to education at
the federation was of great practical in
terest. It was presided over by Mies
Margaret Evans, the dean of the wo
man's department of Carleton college of
Northfield, Minn, Her theme was the
importance of a complete moral devel
opment of the child and the earnestness
of public school teachers. She said
that club women are not pessimists.
They say "Pass the cream," not "Is
there milk in the pitcher?" They are
glad that one-half of the apple is good
and do not complain because the other
half is poor.
Mrs. McCabe of Georgia, in consider
ing the needs of southern public schools,
regretted that they had so few kinder
gartens, as it was a form of education
peculiarly adapted to the wants of negro
children. Mrs. Charles W. Flagg of
Portland, Me . plead for better superin
tendents in eastern schoole and thought
the child gained much educationally
from the teacher's personplity. Mrs.
better salaries. Utah's superintendent
thinks that the consolidation of the
many small districts into one would
bring about good results there. Kansas,
that county high schools are their im
portant need. Wisconsin needs county
training schools for district school
teachers, a modification of their system
of supervision in uider to remove the
position of superintendent from the
field of politics. Texas needs most an
enlargement of local tax fund and more
skillful teachers. Iowa is reaching out
for more state normal schools and com
pulsory education laws.
Under the head of general needs, Miss
Lizzie Bloomstein of Nashville, Tonnes
Bee, spoke on compulsory laws and their
enactment, reviewing the history of such
laws and stating that thirty-one states
now had them on their statute books.
She said without strong administrations
they ware a dead letter and explained
that the contention that they were un
constitutional and tyrannical was being
overcome. She appealed to her hearers
to create public opinion in favor of com
pulsory school attendance and also for
the compulsory education of the south
ern negro.
The importance of the elementary
school was treated of by Mrs. Laura B.
Elder of Indianapolis, Indiana. Miss
Fruchte of St. Louis opened the general
discussion by urging club women to use
their influence in establishing vacation
schools and playgrounds and for the
enactment of child labor laws. Mrs.
Thomas Catman. Arkansas, was the
first woman to take advantage of the
opportunity to speak from the floor.
She said that the public schools were a
lever to pry women into power. Mrs.
Andrews of Omaha said that many
teachers did not dare to stand firm as
moral agents because they feared the
Mrs. Robert Burdette of California,
was greeted with applause as she arose
to say that California needed women on
the school boards. She related an inci
dent concerning one woman who was a
member of the school board there, whom
the men tried to humiliate by makiug
chairman of the committee to look after
the janitor, but who outwitted them by
doing her duty so well as to shame the
Mrs. Miller of Baltimore a ked for free
tion is of the same character for them
as a special election for men, which
never calls out the voting strength.
Mrs. W. H. Kistler of Denvor spoke
of her personal experience as a member
of the Denver school board and the
courtesy and respect shown by the
men to its women members and how
glad they were to have the women share
their responsibilities in visiting .the
schools, looking after sanitation and
even the finances. It was her belief
that not through men alone, nor women
alone, but through their united hands,
each for the other, both for all, that
our school systems will eventually be
brought to the highest possible degree
of perfection. In discussing the train
ing of the will, Mrs. Helen Elliott of
Ottumwa, Iowa, said: "Don't break the
child's will; divert it not by negation,
but by substitution." Remarks were
made by Mrs. Lydia Warren, Chicago;
Miss American, Illinois; Mrs. Keating,
Michigan; Mrs. Spofford, Delaware.
The systematic moral instruction in
the schools was argued by Mrs. Lydia
P. Williams, president of the state fed
eration of Minnesota.
Vote on Reorganization.
The detailed vote by states for and
against reorganization was as follows:
For.Aic'tl State. For.Aic't
. .. 8 Newllamp.... 7
.. 42NewJeriey.... H
9 UNewYork 3
16 3 North Carolina I
4 North Dakota. 7
3 Oklahoma 5
10 Pennsylvania.. 21
lllthode Island.. 3
flu.So. Carolina... 3
South Dakota. 4
25jTenncvee 3
ISTexas. tf
5iVennont 1
VlrKlnla 1
Utah. 6 1
Washington... 5 ...
Connecticut.... 9
California 16
Dlst-ofCol'm'a .
Florida. 5
Gorgla. ....... ..
Idaho... .,
Illinois 25
Indiana. 3
Iowa H
Kansas. ....... 3
Kentucky 9
Maine S
Maryland 3
Massachusetts. 63
Michigan. . 5
Minnesota 15
Missouri 21
Montana.. i
Nebraska..... . 8
cers of the
2 5
Totals 298 48N
Averna B. Howe of Marshalitown, Iowa,
compiled a report of thn needs of wesc- lunches for the scholors, paid for by the
ern public schools from the replies given state. Mrs. Chatterton of Kentucky
by state superintendents to the ques argued for instruction in domestic sci-
tion, "What public school legislation ence; Mrs
do you need in your state?" A ripple public schools from
of laughter passed over the large audi- rianism.
Sowell for a divorce of the
politics and secta-
enco when Mrs. Howe stated that Min
nesota was the only state found which
absolutely needed no further education
al legislation. South Dakota laws need
amendment in some minor details, that
they may be more readily understood
by school officers. Illinois needs a law
providing transportation for children to
and from school and a small tax for
libraries. Washington and Nebraska
need legislation to provide for libraries
in each school district, and for the lat
ter a law consolidating school districts.
Ohio's greatest need is a state normal
school. The Ohio Federation of Wo
men's clubs has resolved to exert its
force in the establishment of one. In
diana needs a longer term of service for
state and city superintendents. Michi
gan needs the same, and that the su
perintendent should have more control
of school work, and a law for the sub
mission of plans of school buildings to a
competent state board. Oregon needs a
law allowing districts to combine for
the links is an encourager of morality
in conduct if not of temperance in Ian- high school purposes, a
guage. it also enlarges a man s cir- compulsory attendance
cle of acquaintances and teaches him
that he must leave bis enmities and
scrap memoranda down town in his
office or counting room. Every good
golf-player ought to be able to play
with the rival or competitor wearing
Under the head of "The Home and
School" Miss Maud Summers of Chi
cago expressed the belief that some
educational reformer would soon dis
cover the proper way of correlating the
capacity for play and the capacity for
work. She pleaded with the delegates
to arouse public conscience in this mat
ter, turning the boy's propensities for
fun into a manly determination to ac
complish fine things for the good of the
community. In concluding, she effect
ively said that in searching for the star
of the philosophic insight into educa
tion, wise men of all ages had not found
that star resting over a library, but
over a little child. Mrs. Wiimarth of
Illinois addressed the delegates on co
operation of home and school in school
and state offices. She maintained that
it was the duty of the leisure class to
serve the public, and inasmuch as wo
men predominate this class, their duty
is clear in the sphere of public educa-
The Color-Line in the Federation.
Mrs. Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin,.the
colored delegate from Massachusetts,
was the central figure in the color-line
controversy which agitated the General
Federation of Woman's clubs at its re
cent session in Milwaukee. Mrs. Ruffin
claims that the Woman's New Era club,
of which she is a delegate, and which is
composed of seventy-five colored women
of Boston, is an accepted member of the
national federation and has received its
certificate of membership, but some of
the officers and members refuse to rec
ognize her because of her color.
Mrs. Ruffin is one of the most promi
nent colored women of Boston. The
Woman's Era club, of which she is pres
ident, was formed in 1892. and is che
leading one of colored women in the
United States. It was under its aus
pices that a national convention of col-
No. I, Board of Trade,
county superintendents more power, a
law enforcing a uniform course of study
for rural echools, also one doing away
vith their grade certificates. Oregon
and Indiana both need a law by which
teachers in rural schools shall receive
tion. Another reason whr women were
more efficient desirable members of school boards was Grain, Provisions. CottOD..
w, uuu giving uouauuo a majority or. me teacners ere
women. She pointed out the fact that
although the women of Wisconsin can
vote on all school matters, they do not
do so, which shows their indifference.
Not so, it is because where women can
only vote for the school board, the elec-
Private Wim to New York Gty
many uues can and West.
New Tork Stock Exchange.
Chicago Stock Exchange.
Chicago Board of Trade