The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, June 23, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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gratifying' to find the old settlers, dis
turbed with the same anxiety, tbeir
hearts throbbing with excitement, their
blood fired with patriotism, assembled
in their territorial council and house of
representatives sending them greeting,
as with weary steps tbey pushed on
over the burning sand of the sunny
South, on to the sea, expressing their
admiration for their achievements in
the cause of humanity, their words best
expressed and show their unselfish
patriotism and lore of country, their
appreciation of bravery and their un
qualified loyalty to the principle for
which they fought.
"Let us read their loyal words, the
promptings of loyal hearts, and forget
not that these were our fathers:
"Whereas, A wicked and uncalled
for rebellion now devastates a large por
tion of our beloved country, threatening
its vtry existence, and
M 'Whereas, Our brave men have, at
their country's call, gone to fight her
battles and preserve the institutions of
our fathers; therefore, be it
" Besolved, That the thanks of the
people of this territory are due and are
hereby tendered, through their legisla
ture assembly, to the brave men that
are gone from our territory to battle for
the preservation of our country,
" 'That we look with pride and satis
faction upon the record our soldiers
bare made since the war of the rebel
lion was inaugurated, and their unsur
passed bravery on every battle field,
from Fort Donelson, where the blood of
Nebraska first mingled with the crim
son tide of the brave of other states,
who consecrated with their lives the
first great victory of our war, down to
the heroic defense of Cape Girardeau,
where the sons of onr territory, almost
unaided, achieved one of the most bril
liant and decisive victories that will
adorn the annals of the present strug
gle, a record which commands the ad
miration of the world, and places us
under a debt of gratitude to those brave
men which we never can repay.
" 'Resolved, That our warm' and ear
nest sympathiee are extended to the
friends and relatives of the gallant dead
of our territory, who gave up tbeir lives
that their country might live.
" 'Resolved, That the governor of the
territory be requested to transmit a copy
of these resolutions to General John M.
Thayer, that gallant and intrepid sold
ier, that honest and faithful citizen,
that magnificent statesman, and also to
Colonel Robert R. Livingstone, to be by
him communicated to the officers and
Boldiers under his command, and also a
copy to Lieutenant-Colonel M. T. Fat
rick, to be communicated to the officers
and soldiers under his command.'
"Such were their words on the 25th
day of January, in territorial legislature
assembled, in 1864.
"Did I say that history repeats itself f
Thirty-five years later, in the progress
of human events, in January, 1899, our
representatives in legislature assembled
passed the the following resolutions:
"'Be it resolved by the legislature of
the state of Nebraska, That the thanks
of the state be hereby extended to the
officers and men of the First Nebraska
regiment, United States volunteers, for
their gallant conduct on the field of
battle, their courage .in the presence" of
danger and their fortitude in the hard
ships of camp and campaign.
"Resolved, That we acknowledge
with gratitade and joy the debt the state
owes them by reason of the honor con- .
f erred upon it by their, valor while do- '
fending in the far-off Filipines the prin
ciples of onr government and adding
new glory.toour flag. We pledge the
honor of the state that to the living
shall be accorded worthy distinction and
to the dead a fitting memorial to their
" 'Resolved, That these resolutions' be
transmitted by letter to the command
ing officer of the First Nebraska, with a
request that they be read at the head of
the regiment.'
"Indeed a mild expression of our feel
ing for these faithful and loyal sons, s
mild assurance of our appreciations of
their patriotism and love of country,
but slight encouragement for the dang
ers and privations they endured in tbeir
fight for humanity's csubb. But for
getting the fealty of our fathers, forget
ting their 'unselfish courage and devo
tion, forgetting the example they bad
taught us at a time when the nation
was in peril, we hesitated, we denied
them the empty consolation of these
words of encouragement, either because
we were not sufficiently imbued with
the 'new idea' or else it Bhould interrupt
personal ambition, and I am chagrined
to say that for once history failed to re
peat itself. In this we were not pro
gressive and it was only a temporary de
viation from the lines given us to fol
low by those tnat planned the destiny
of our state and into which the divine
hand will again lead us.
"No, let us not think that we are bet
ter or know more than did our fathers,
or are half so courageous and, may I
say, as honest of principle as they were,
for again at a time, the darkest hour of
the nation's history, when the life of the
new republic hung in the balance, we
again find the old Bettlers of Nebraska,
in legislature assembled, speaking in
terms that showed the stuff of which
they were made with an honesty and
courage of conviction that must have
thrilled the very soul of that honest,
homely man, holding the helm of the
ship of state as it tossed upon the tur
bulent waves of civil strife, giving him
encouragement, strength and greater
force in his noble purpose in establish
ing as one of the fundamental principles
of our government the 'new idea.' Do
you doubt their patriotism as you bark
en to these burning words:
"'Whereas, The president of the
United States did on the 1st day of Jan
nary, 1863, issue a proclamation emanci
pating the slaves of statjes in rebellion
gainst the United States, a paper
irhich has caused a greater sensation
Jhan any other since the adoption of the
Declaration -of Independence by the
fathers otlhe Revolution, and which in
a moral and political point of view is of
greater moment than any other issued
in the United States, and
"'Whereas, It is the duty of patriots
everywhere, individually and collect
ively, to do all within their power to
hold up the.hands of our President in
his efforts to suppress the rebellion,
" 'Be it Resolved, That we heartily
endorse the general policy of the ad
ministration and especially the Presi
dent's Emancipation Proclamation, and
the arming of the negroes, measures
imperatively demanded, to aid in the
suppression of the rebellion, and which
have been wisely followed by the Presi
dent's Amnesty Proclamation, a paper
statesman-like in its views, aDd hu
mane in its provisions, and which cre
ates in those portions of our lands, so
terribly cursed and devasted with re
bellion, a neucleus arounJ which the
true and loyal may speedily rally to
bring back to allegiance their native
Btate, free from the taint of treason, and
of slavery, a sure guaranty of a lasting
peace, and the harbinger of that day
when our beloved country shall become
a monument of universal liberty, a
nation without a traitor and without a
"Need I ask you: Will we falter in
the performance of the trust that is
bequathed us? Will we make this an
age of retrogression? Will we forget
the new idea and fail to emulate those
that have gone before us, by staying
the hand ot progress and acknowledg
ing our inability to meet the emergen
cies occasioned by the advance of a
higher civilization? No! We may hesi
tate through misconceived duties. We
may waiver in the gratification of per
sonal ambition. But it is yet to be
written in the annuls of our history,
that Nebraska's eon reiterated the pa
triotic sentiment, as expressed by our
fathers in '64, with a force that will
guarantee us a lasting peace, and bring
the day when our beloved country shall
become a monument of universal liber
ty, a nation without a triator, a nation
without a slave.
"How fitting! How appropriate! Of
the legendary of Nebraska to the part
that we have played in the rapid events
of the recent days as legendary lore rec
ords it Marcos D'Niza a Franciscan
Monk Don Diego, a Spanish knight,
and Coronado the Spanish explorer,
werti the first of civilized men to set
foot upon Nebraska soil, spurred on by
the love of gold that characterizes the
Spanish race, in search of the mythical
kingdom of Quivera. where lived the
monarch Tartarax in regal splendor,
lulled to sleep by the tinkling of golden
bells fastened on the boughs of drooping
trees, as they were fanned by the zeph
ers from heaven, worshipping the gold
en image of a woman, the representative
of the Queen of Heaven, and while the
beautiful land of Quivera, with its
seven cities, their streets paved with
Bilver and gold, and the wealth and
splendor of its mighty monarch, was
never discovered, as runs the fabled
story. It was indeed most fitting and
appropriate that four centuries later, it
should be left for Spain to finally dis
cover the beautiful kingdom of Quivera,
transformed into this magnificent common-wealth,
where the people wielded
the scepter of a Tartarax.
"Let us look for a moment to those
that came to ".perform this mission in
our own immediate community, and
you will agree with me that I advance
no idle theory, or else we were most
fortunate in the happening of human
events. Accept either theory, if you
All Subscriptions to
The Courier
Received before the first of
July. 1900,
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