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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1900)
THE COURIER. V E. Thompson said at the time we were attempting to test this well, that lie would make it his business to see that that well should not become a part of the city water system. The lire man at Mayor Graham's tria testi fied that he had been instructed by the mayor to plug the well so -that the test for the aoundance of water should fail. It was said in the .coun cil that tbe stream of water which supplied this well was shallow and irregular, not worth digging for and puttiog in an expensive pump to raise. But the councilman was per sistent and The Courier was satisfied that the citizens had used salt water long enough. No other paper in the city was on the side of pure water. The salt water comes from the Salt creek. basin. It spoils irorr boilers, lead pipe and warps and destroys the .human s'tomach. Nevertheless the coal Sealers and Mr. Thompson thought the water stations should re main on the west of the city, and Mr. Mockett was advised in language which he said was unique, because of its profanity, to attend to his own business. But in spite cf plots and counter-plots the Mockett well was dug, satisfactory tested and now supplies the city with a stream of un tainted, refreshing water, whose con duit is now being widened. "The Management." Mr. Thompson's managers are a blundering lot. In the hands of the opposition they are as cattle Jed to the shambles by a disguised confede rate of tbe butcher. The opposition to Mr. Thompson had deadened in this section. .Former opponents had accepted the inevitable, made up their minds to be quiet and do noth ing to interfere with republican suc cess. Mr. Thompson's chances were never better in Lincoln when Messrs. Bud Lindsey, Billingsley, Tom Ben ton and Courtney mistook passive disgust for popularity. They decided the time had come to take the horses out of Mr. Thompson's victoria and give him a triumphal entry into the city, where he has advertised that he means to build three large, very ex pensive and ornamental wholesale houses. For this purpose the Abra ham Lincoln club was assembled and a resolution was offered endorsing and pledging loyalty to the county con vention which nominated well known Thompson men for the legislature. When it was first offered it stirred up only two anti Thompson men who happened to be at the meeting. These men responded to the pole and Captain Billingsley magnanimously offered to let the matter rest for a week. In addition Mr. Thompson's intimates dared the opposition to pro duce proofs of his offer to sell what republicanism he had for a place in the senate. And this, though every body, populist, democrat or repub lican assuredly knew that Mr. Thompson made the offer and attempt ed to effect the sale. A week from that time, last Saturday night, the anti Thompson men were present with four teen affidavits,sworn to by well known legislators of character. When Mr. Ilall began to read the affidavits it occurred to the four men to whom Mr. Thompson has entrusted his destiny that the affidavits and the proceed ings would be published and would not increase his reputation with the republicans of the state or with those non-partizans who are not politicians, but who prefer not to vote for a can didate who has been incontestably proven a traitor. With this end in view they howled and made so much noise that Mr. Hall could read only a part of what he had prepared. They still ; -. r--'"' MMMIimilMMMIMIHIIOMHIIMI LHB3- might have passed the esolutJonV'byJthe leaves, the old, old vines, whose approving Mr.xThompson's .Cn'di- Jripgiug slivered bark, was sign of dacy, for the opposition was only-one- age to everything but ,a head full of eighth of the audience, butr they dough, have becn''lgnored by com- nolsilv Ipff, t.lift hrainv minnrTfcv- in nianrlenr, Fnwlfir fnr fpnro twists nnrl possession. and-passed tbe resolutions because the birds disturbed -his slug- f mum mm c0nmnmnoo appoint somewhere else. If Mr. Thompson be gard slumber. Travellers to Milford not defeated on his own record the.- are blind with impotent rage at such lack of .acumen of Messrs. Lindsey, imbecile spoiling of "monumental, .ir Billingsley, Courtney arid 5?omV-Bi-"recoverable beauty. But we have no ton will insure it. The denou'ment recourse. A man -grossly unfit for of last Saturday night and the active such a charge is in control, and the opposition which it evoked and is surroundings of the Soldiers' Home OFFICERS OF N..-F. W. still stirring up was entirely of their preparation. Though Mr. Hall's quickness to take advantage of their mistake was admirable. Van Wyck and Tweed. Mayor Van Wyck's confession of his acceptance of stock from the ice trust has overwhelmed New York with shame. A student of human nature has suggested that thirty years ago when the New York Times secured the testimony that convicted Tweed of having stolen $40,000,000 from New York, astonished. They large sum of money and were interest ed in the exposition of his robberies. Now the conscience of the people is profoundly shocked. People are not talking about the money Mayor Vau Wyck has made. School children are which his predecessors have preserv ed and enjoyed and for the beauty of which the site was selected, will be ruined by a brute who prefers fence posts and the price he gets for them to his reputation, and century-old trees. a, 1K9 4 1900. Prcs., Mrs. Anna L..Apperson, Tecumseli. V. P.. Mrs. Ida W. Ulair, Wayne Car.' Sec., Mrs. Virginia D.Arnup, Tecumseh. RecSec., Miss Mary Hill, York. Treas., Mrs. H. F. Doane, Crete. Librarian. Mrs. G. M. Lambertson, Lincoln. Auditor, Mrs. E. J. Halner, Aurora. The Chrisman. Mr. Chrisman, the teacher of paid ology in the Kansas Normal School, who made unscientific statements about women before the Mother's con gress at Pes Moines has been investi- the people were gated by the regents of the Kansas talked about the school. One half were in favor cif asking for his resignation, and the other half willing that he should re main till he sighted another school, willing to employ a survival of the dark ages or a Turk. Kansas clubdom is a particularly taught the duties of cit:zenship, the strong and progressive body of women relation of the mayor and other city and as more than four-fifths ol the officers to the community, and the undergraduates in the normal school heinousness of betraying a city. are young women, Chrisman's early This changed attitude of the peo- departure from Kansas is predicted pie towards Van Wyck's crime demon- with some show of authenticity, strates that civic consciousness is deepening, and that, however it may seem we are not advancing in a circle. The Tweed scandal, the revelations of the Lexow committee and now evidence of Mayor Van Wyck's cor ruption are discouraging. Apparent ly they indicate that city officials are all dishonest and that a few of them are found out. In Tweed's day it is doubtful if the discovery of ice stock under the same circumstances of its possession by Van Wyck would have disqualified the mayor from holding the mayoralty and earned him the dis favor of men of his own part. There is no discussion now about the im propriety of his acquirement of the stock and his inevitable retirement from politics. The World is a yellow newspaper but its services to the city in this case are just as grateful as those of The Times in the Teed case. By the cleverest and patientest detective work World reporters discovered that the mayor held five thousand shares of ice trust stock. Their lawyers cit ed him to appear in justice court where they produced the irrefutable evidence of his guilt. Sacrilege. The destruction of the fine old trees on the grounds of the Soldiers' Home at Milford is an inexcusable act of vandalism. Com'mandant Fowler or dered the big tree near the home cut down because the song of the birds in the morning disturbed his slumbers. The rustling, verdanfvine-hung grove has been denuded of trees large enough for fence posts by this un mitigated philistine. The ancient venerable trees, among the oldest in the state have been cut down and the rights of the people of the state, to the property of the state have been ignored in order that the command ant may not be disturbed by the meadow-larks, robins, orioles, and blackbirds that he says "infested the grove." The noble girth of the an cient trees, the wide reach of the branches, the years they had been Census Questions. Mrs. May Wright Sewell, president of the International Council of Wo men refused to answer the census taker's questions as to whether she was black or white and whether she could write or not. The newspapers have advised her that it is silly to get mad at anything the government chooses to direct the canvasser to ask. But the canvasser represents the whole people and even an average in telligence would not be guilty of ask ing Mrs. May Wright Sewell it she was black or white, or if she could write. There are also doubtless in telligent people at the head of the de partment, but the agents, "O worse than senseless things'' that the com missioner generals send :nto the sa cred homes of the people incite them to revolution and ambiguity. Reorganization. The General Federation of Women's Clubs will remain what the title in dicates: an aggregation of womens' clubs. The state federation is repre sented only incidentally, because it may be broadly considered a woman's club. Strictly speaking the state fed eration is in the general federation only on tolerance. The individual clubs are the basis of representation. They are the units and will counter act the inevitable approaches of aris tocracy or exclusiveness- The over whelming verdict against an aristo cratic composition showed that tbe large majority of the delegates ap preciated the meaning, the value and the vitality of democracy. Adoption of the reorganization reccommenda tion would have made the Federation an aristocratic body. It might have met in a small place without crowd ing the touchiest inhabitant. Rail road rates, hotel rates and all sorts of the consideration it receives for its size, would no longer be offered it. Most of the women recognize the wholesomeness of the present organi zation and refused to meddle. And ' rlll1iC !im pnifiiporl FIFTH BIENNIAL. Officers for 1900-1902. President Mrs. Rebecca D. Loue. Georgia. V.-Presldent Mrs. C. T. Denison. New York. 2d V.-PresM't Miss Margaret J. Etans, Minn. Rec. Sec. Mrs. Emma Fox, Michigan. Cor. Sec.-Mrs. G. W. Kendrick. Pa. Treas. Mrs. E. SI. Van Vechten, Iowa. Awl. Mrs. George II. N'oyes, Wis Director Mrs. Edward L. Buchu alter, Ohio; Mrs. Charles W. Fairbanks. Indiana; Miss Margaret J. Evans, Minnesota; Mrs. Margaret J. Lockwood. District of Columbia. Mrs. Annie West. Massachusetts; Mrs. W. J. Christie, Montana: Mrs. W. J. Coad. South Dakota: Mrs. William Streeter, New Hampshire: Mrs. R. L. Priddy, Kansas. growing, tho traditions of Indian en- all the womens' clubs are campments and councils whispered over their sagacity, Milwaukee, Wis., June G. While the Mason and Dixon line was being re traced by members of the General Fed eration of Women's clubB today Mrs. Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin. the colored representative of the New Era club of Massachusetts, came quietly into the convention hall and took a seat with the Massachusetts delegation. The few that know she was there whispered to one another: "Wait until the board acts." The southern states, with the exception of Tennessee, claim that the passing of the Georgia resolution is all that stands between them and secession. The northern state?, some of them, cry: "Let the South secede if it will." The board must deal with these fac tions, both of which have presented pre tests for and against the admittance of colored women into the federation. And so these women are digging up the hatchet of discord buried by their hus bands and fathers. "Southern women will leave the federation at once if the delegates admit colored women," said Mrs. Kate Cobell Currie of Dallas, Texas, president of the United Daugh ters of the Confederacy. Mrs. Currie was a warm personal friend of Mies Winnie Davis and wears an exquisite miniature of Mis Davis at her throat. She says "we women of the South." The cry of "no East, no West," does not ring out as it did at former biennials. Tho cry has changed to "You of the North, we of tho South." Perhaps when the FeJeration vindicates Mrs. Lowe in her attitude against reorganization tomorrow the South will smile again. The smile would broaden if the nominating com mittee would put its arms around Mrs. Lowe and place her in the presidential chair once more. The board of direct ors of the Federation wants to postpone action so it will avoid the discussion that will come when it makes its report to the convention. Chicago women, who, with all Illinois, urged the board to ratify the admission of Mrs. Ruffin's club and to reconsider its former, action, were glad when they got a long message from Mrs. Ida Wells Barnett, the colored club woman of Chicago, to-day. Mrs. Barnett has been looking after the anti-lynching bureau of the National African-American coun cil. The message was sent to Mrs. J. Ed ward Thorndyke of the Catholic Wo man's National league, and was as fol lows: "The color-line tide is stronger than ever. Friends of justice, to say nothing of Christianity, seem more and more afraid to Btand for right and justice and J 4 A Hi ; y J: