The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, June 09, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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The May business was the heaviest we ever before did, and we intend to make June THE BANNER
MONTH OF THE YEAR. Very special prices have been made on
Prices that cannot fail to crowd our Store each day.
New and Artistic Millinery at sweeping reductions.
Low Prices on Suits and Jackets.
Popular Priced Waist Selling.
Hosiery and Underwear at Remarkable Prices.
Wash Goods at Our Usual Non-Competitive Figures.
Domestics at Manufacturers' Cost.
See Yellcwr Circular for HHill Particulars.
1000(D)0 Yellow
Delivered Moaaday
E. Turner, Mra. 0. W. Turner and eon,
left on Wednesday for Spirit Lake,
Mra. Lee Arnett, Mrs. Merritt Black
burn and Mrs. M. C. Laymon gave a
butterfly reception on Friday, from two
thirty to five-thirty. Beth Bonnell and
Valley Bonnell, young butterflies, open
ed the door and presented the card tray.
The guests were met by Miss Dalby in
a striking black and jet butterfly cos
tume, at the drawing room door and
directed to the receiving party, Mrs.
Arnett, Mrs. Blackburn and Mrs. Lay
mon. Mrs. Arnett was gowned in white
mull with many parures of tuckings.
Mrs. Blackburn's gown was of black
and yellow liberty silk, and Mrs. Lay
mon wore 'an effective gown of black
and white dotted silk muslin. The
drawing room decorations were palms,
syringas and graceful twistings and
windings of smilaz. In the library the
ceiling was festooned with green and
white roping. The chandelier globes
were shaded in yellow with gay
butterflies that had lighted here and
there. There was an oriental nook
from which a refreshing fruit punch
waa served by Mrs. Spangler in hand
some, black butterfly appearel. She
was assisted by Miss Bobiason, gay in a
black and yellow garb with butterfly
wings. Miss Graham in lavender and
white and Mitt Edna Harley, in pale
green with dark trimmings, were bril
Jiant butterflies as they glided first here,
then there in receiving the guests. In
the dining room red and white were the
themes of color. The ceiling was hung
with red, white and blue fringed ropes.
The table centre was Battenberg lace
and red carnations. Miss Rice in a
lovely white costume with dainty frills,
served the ice. Her assistant butter
flies were: Miss Mamie Miller, in pop
py color, and Miss Mildred Parks in
red. Mias Smith in white made with a
wing effect and gold garnitures hovered
near the malic box. In another direc
tion opening from the library waa the
butterfly, bower. From the ceiling were
blue aa4 pink festoons. On the chan
delier1 were Hue and pink shades. The
walls' were covered with butterflies of
colors and descriptions. There
i frequent mirrors upon the walls
that reflected the brilliant scene. Miss
McWhinnie in blue and pink waa the
good fairy butterfly, presenting each
guest with blossoms of yellow jessamine.
Miss Bonnell in pink and white flutter
ed near a music box, which played gay
ly. All of the costumes were unique
in their design and their brilliant and
dashing colors gave one the feeling of
having in truth joined a butterfly world.
The program committee of the Mati
nee Musicale, Miss Childa chairman,
has arranged the following outline for
next season's work:
President's Day Oct. 1.
Wedding March Oct. 15.
American Composers Oct. 29.
Artist Recital Nov. 12.
Opera Program Nov. 26.
Open Meeting Dec. 10.
Calendar of Song Jan. 7.
Musical Contrasts Jan. 21.
Artist Recital Feb. 4.
Hours of the Day Feb. 18.
Music of all Nations March 4.
Songs of Sorrow March 18.
Artisc Recital Apr. 1.
Flower Music Apr. 15.
Open Meeting Apr. 29.
Reception May 5.
The leaders of the first division are:
Mrs. A. W. Johnson and Mrs. Gould;
second division, Mrs. J. W. Winger and
Miss Shute; third division, Miss Childa
and Miss Givens.
Mrs. E. H. Steckley and Mrs. E. R.
Wells gave a proverb party on Tuesday
afternoon at the home of the former.
Mrs. Steckley's home is pretty and fresh
in its attire and charming was the ef
fect, with a number of women, in sum
mer frocks. Each woman came dressed
or decorated in such a way as to illus
trate the proverb that she had chosen.
Some of those most cleverly illustrated
were "Penny in a pocket, good compan
ions," "Burnt child dreads the fire,"
and "He who laughs last, laughs best"
The last was illustrated by five heads
each face more laughing than the one
before. Mra. Woodworth was the most
successful in guessing the proverbs, and
she was rewarded with a picture. Mrs.
Wharton came second in the line of
success. She was presented with a
book of proverbs. A light luncheon
cool and refreshing was served.
Miss Harley gave a handkerchief
shower on Wednesday afternoon for
Miss Rickettn. The young women
gathered on the lawn, where it was
pleasant to chat and laugh. The hand
kerchiefs were fastened on a white um
brella, which was fastened and wound
with jessamine. Miss Dorothy Baker,
in a white frock and pink sash, carried
out from the house the luxuriously
laden sunshade and presented it to
MisB Ricketts. As she opened it the
delicate pieces of linen and lace flutter
ed in the breeze. The invited guests
were: Mesdames C. R. Lee, Lew Mar
shall, Roes Curtice, Elmer Merrill, F.
W. Kind, Ackermann, Emory Hardy,
H. H. Harley, and I. N. Baker. Misses
Colson of Fremont, ClarR, Garten, Conk
lin, Rice, Risser, Webster, Harwood.
Broady, Grace Broady, Ames, Heaton,
Thiel of St. Louis, Whiting, Adelloyd
Whiting, Hammond, Clara Hammond,
Kirker, Griggs, Nance, Whedon( Mar
garet Whedon, Frances Gere, Ellen
Gere, Richards, Hawley, Houtz, Lind
ley, Hargreaves and Bridge.
Miss Marie Talbot gave a bicycle
party on Wednesday evening in honor
of Miss Zella Metcalf and Mr. Casey
Hamilton. After an hour's ride the
gay little company returned to the Tal
bot home where ice cream and cake
were served. The porch was festooned
with red, white and blue bunting, a
large music box played merrily and a
refreshing lemonade was served from a
great punch bowl. The lawn was 'fes
tive with lanterns, rugB and chairs.
Those present were the Misses Neva
Hibner, Mary Minor, Cora Faulkner,
Ethel Burkett, Addie Hamilton, Helen
Laws, Edna Baker, Mignon Gaylord,
Lila LeGore, Gratia Green, Marian
Hart, Vera Bignell, Katherine Lee, Ir
ma Sears, Wilma Casebeer, Gladys Gar
routte, Annie Jones, Dorrance Har
wood and Zella Metcalf. Messrs. Aldis
Hibner, Herbert-Post, Allan Flansburg,
Ted Faulkner, John Burkett, Earl Fos
ter, Willard Mills, Robert Warren,
Laurence Tipling, Alva Gaylord, Jean
Biguell, Ira Lee, Vogle Gettier, Casey
Hamilton and Chester Ager.
Mrs. Edward Lewis Baker gave a
kensiogtoa on Tu2sday afternoon in
honor of her mother, Mrs. H. M. Cooke,
who has lately returned from Puerto
Rico. There were bowls of fragrant
roseB placed in picturesque opportune
places and long syringa branches here
and there. A guessing game in which
Mrs. Green was the most successful,
occupied a goodly part of the afternoon.
She was presented with a charming
gift-book. In the library was an in
teresting collection of curios that Mrs.
Cooke had brought from Puerto Rico.
A three course luncieon was served.
Those present were: Mesdames Mars
land, Rose, J. G. Morrison, Green, Mary
Phillips, Eliza Polk, C. W. Chambers,
Miller, I. E. Johnson, McCreery, Mary
E. Van Brunt, R. T. Van Brunt, R. D.
Stearns, C. E. Yates, Eli Plummer, F.
M. Hall, W. M, Hindman and Mies
Minnie Cooke.
Mrs. Blanche Reddish gave a party
forLavern Reddish small maiden, at
the home of her mother, Mrs. J. C.
Lamb, 2824 Q street, on Thursday after
noon. There was gamboling upon the
green and fruit punch whenever there
were thirsty lips. Later ice cream and
cake were served at small tables. Mrs.
Reddish waa assisted by Mrs. Neir and
Miss Nellie Hartley. Those invited
were: Stella Sallenbach, Lucile Clyce,
Marie Ciittendon, Helen Morse, Ethel
Speier, Rae Neir, Dorothy Wallace,
Helen Wallace, Russet Gentzler, Her
bert Diamond, Katherine Moore, Har
old Clyce, Herbert Sallenbach, Edith
Sheely, Leon Rugg, Genevieve Roberts,
Mary St. Clair, Dorris King and Ruth
Tuesday evening at eight o'clock Miss
Edna Williams wbb married to Mr.
Orville Eddy of Minneapolis, in the
Westminster Presbyterian church of
Omaha. The bride is a well known
musician and has been leader of the
chorus and soprano soloist of the West
minster church for several years. Mr.
Orville Eddy is a son of Mr. and MrB.
Ambrose Eddy of Lincoln and has been
a successful manager of the furnishing
department of Browning & King's store
in Minneapolis for eight years. The
wedding party consisted of the maid of
honor, two bridesmaids, the best man,
the ushers and ring bearer, Master Can
field Eddy, who was a princely little
boy in his brown suit and flaring collar.
Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Orville Eddy
were in Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs. Am
brose Eddy gave them a breakfast at
eleven o'clock. The flower scheme of
the parlor was white roses. The guests
were seated at two tables in the dining
room, which was handeo-nely decorated
with pink roses An elaborate collation
was served. The invited guests were
Messrs. and Mesdames Nelson Taylor
and John C. Wharton of University
Place, Becker of OmahB, Burt Davis,
Crandall, I. N. Goddard, James Boyd;
Mrs. Moore; Miss Mamie Taylor and