A- r . c h I T -ortb, $k$ V r gmx THB COURIER iTOiP ?WW -.IT (NliVi m ? mt5 ?i-ttLC i?&; ?c-3fcat liv jTM "?ifi"S Jbofokiei r,fl IcSU!) ffi i 8 Began THURSDAY, JUNE 7th, and is Now in Progress. A June clearing- of summer merchandise a special sale at the beginning of the season rather than at the close. Our object is to give an impetus to the June selling", hence an opportunit y is given you to save an unusual rap amount on tne summer wants, ana wnen tney are most wan tea, too. rAOKS, ISMBROIIXISRlEiS, Etc. m m A lot of embroideries and inser tions, worth 10c this sale, per yard 6c Another lot of embroideries and insertions', worth 20c this sale, per yard 10c A lot of embroider' edges, worth 5c this sale, per dozen yard . . .lc A lot Val. laces, dainty edges, doz yds... 1 5 Another lot of Val. laces of bet ter quality during the special sell ing, per dozen rards 25c and . .5c A lot of fancr imitation Torchon, Fancy Laces Plat. Val. Laces. 15c values sale price, er Tard . We show the newest things iii fancy neckwear always and carry an assortment rich with the prettiest and most popular conceptions obtainable. Every late nov elty that has met the approval of eastern fashion cen ters is represented here. UNDERMIISLINS French style garments the "Haute Neauveaute" underdress magnificent styles in white lace skirts, fancy lace corset covers and fancy drawers. The i ichest collection ever shown in this section. Women's gowns, full size, liberally made more" than ten styles, trimmed in lace, embroider' and cambric ruffles, each 50c Novelty gowns in great variety prices range up ward from $1.15 to 6.75 Dainty, lace trimmed Skirts, full ruffled flounce, two rows of insertion and lace, each.. .., $1.35 Women's long Skirts, tucked cambric ruffle, tiimmed with embroidery and lace, each 50c Skirts with extra fine hemstitched India Linen flounce each SI. 00 Novelty Lace -Skirts the "proper filing-" for the present season, prices range .$1.50 to $12.50 && W 1 jm 7 m DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. All Wool and Half Wool Satin Striped Challies, 30 inches wide, sale price, per yard 29c Fine quality Imported Satin Striped Challies in dark and delicate grounds, exquisite printings, 85c values, sale price, per yard 47c All Wool Checked Suitings, 48 inches wide, in pretty colorings, suitable for separate skirts, actual value $1.00, sale price, per yard ... .... 65c Heavr quality mixtures, 56 inches wide, especially de sirable for golf skirts, $1.35 values, sale price, per yard 95c NEW BELTS AND RIBBONS. Leather and Patent Leather Belts in black, brown and tan, with fancy stitching, worth 35c to 50c, sale price each 25c An immense line of Form Fitting Leather Belts at. .50c Black Satin Pulley Belts, with buttons on back, each . . . .50c Good quality black satin pulley belts, with small steel buckles in the back, each , 60c A large assortment of black elastic and satin pulley belts at 75c and 85c RIBBONS Splendid quality double faced satin rib bon, five inches wide, in a big line of colors, 35c and 45c values, sale price, per yard . 15c New styles and colors in fancy hemstitched ribbon, 5 inches wide, per ard . . . ....... 25c m w & TJ? AS && W pa ? v uosr- One lot of Women's very fine Shoes in small sizes, - to 4, A and D, pome of which we Eold as high as S3 and none for less than $2, in one lot, for this sale, a pair ....97c REMARKABLE OFFERINGS IN THE SHOE DEPARTMENT. A lot of Women's fine High Grade m A lot of Women's fine Kid Good year Welt Shoes kid or patent tip, lace or button, the popular toe extra value at 82.50 and S3 00 sale price, per pair $1.95 Osfojds, in tan or black, goods that are extra values at 52 f0 and S3, sale price, a pair $1.97 A lot of Women's Fine Oxfords, iu tan anrl black, popular toes. 31.73 and 2 00 values, sale price, ap-iir $ 45 CHILDREN'S SHOES OX SALEat67c, 75c,97c&$I.IT DOMESTICS. Lonsdale Cambric in Mill Ends, per yard . 7c All Linen Lamp Dusters, knotted fringe, large size, worth $1.00, sale price, each . . . 69c Lamp Dusters of Linen and Mumme, fancy embroidered centers, full size, each 47c Indigo blue, gray and dark, fancy prints, worth 7c, sale price, per yard 3c WASH GOODS. tm Vo$r Cotton Grenadine and Dimity, worth from 10c to 20c, lj coin t s a -i-k- ti ! C "lHS OU.H, yin-t, ptJ. uuu . . . - - o C Br Fancy Cotton Foulards, worth up to 35c, sale price, W" per yard - -- 13C 'fh I .t mi f -r'Mi nttin I-- i 1 Cn T- ! C -. i . cafti .i.v.u UH.11U1I1UI, a. ucauiuui 1.1U1 IO 1UI LOU1 Summer Trjfty? gowns, worth 75c to 85c, sale price, per yard - 57c l& ao- xtt "( - .OTK 111 Sb .