The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, June 09, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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steen, H. Wittmann & Company, F.
H. Woods, Frank It. Waters, Louis N.
Wente, John B. Wright, H.J.Win
nett, Western Union Telegraph
Company, Woodman Modern Accident
Association, Victor Vifquain.
Other contributors to the fund:
W. D. Fitzgerald $100.00
John E.Miller 100.00
John T. Dorgan 1000
L. Wilson 1000
L.C. Richards 10 00
Dr.C.F. Bailey 5.00
C. E. Sanderson 5.00
A. S. Raymond 5 00
W.F.Kelly 5.00
Crancer Curtice & Co 5.00
W. B.Kirby 200
Alice C.Clark 2.00
A.M. Davis Co 2.00
Lincoln Hardware Co 200
F. E. Yoelker 2.00
andofiice is one that in the opinion of fifty six women, members of indepond
maoy students of. sociology can never bo ont clubs, wero represented by oightcon
solved until the women of tho country delegates.
Ml000MHOOtOOO0MOm I080
OFFICERS OF N. F. W. C lKtf 1900.
Pres., Mrs. Anna L. Appcrson, Tccumseh.
V. I'., Mrs. Ida W lllulr, Wayne.
Cor. Sec, Mrs. Virginia D.Arnup, Tecumsch.
Rec Sec. Miss Mary Hill, York.
Treas., Mrs. II. F. Doane, Crete.
Librarian, Mrs. G. M. Lambertson, Lincoln.
Auditor, Mrs. E. J. Hainer, Aurora.
take hold of it in a practical way.
Another important matter, but which
does not come up uiitil Wednesday, is
in relation to sectional needs in the
public schools. This deals with work
by club women in the elementary
schools, and for the first time tho needs
.and peculiar problems of southern
schools will be brought before this groat
body of practical workers. Here tho
colored question again comes to tho
front and northern women will have it
explained to them why southern women
cannot do school work the same as their
Mrs. Williams was followed by Dr.
Dickinson of Chicago. Sho came armed
with a large number of documents
showing tho wisdom of the finding of
tho committoo. She pointed out that
Virginia and West Virginia wero tho
only states and Arizona the only terri
tory not represented. That wbb mak
ing a rather good showing for a system
rhirh it was now proposed to destroy.
As a five minute rulo tad been adopted,
Dr. Dickinson did not have time to
make the elaborate address that she bad
prepared, but sho was granted some ox-
From letters $21.25
Previously reported 383 35
Reception fund 32700
Milwaukee, Wis., June 4.
Mrs. Tod Helmuth, wearing thirty-six
badges and belonging to thirty-six New
York clubs, and a large party are here
from New York. "Assure me Mrs.
Lowe does not want the presidency and
I'll take it," she said. "I'll take any
thing the federation wants to dispose
northern sisters. These and many oth- tension of time. Later sho will bo heard
er important questions will be before at length on tho question,
the convention that is representative of Mrs. Denrison of New York said tho
150,000 women organized into a compact minority report was totally out of con
body for work for the good of the na- formity with the articles of iacor
tional community. poration. It was not organization, but
In opening the discussion today Mrs. disorganization, that was now proposed.
Lowe stated that tho first topic for dis- Mrs. Elizabeth D. Gosso of Boston
cuesion would be the vital one of co-op- spoke in refernnco to clubs in the cnun-
eratioo between club women and wage-
265 00
Massachusetts is here with a big dele- earning women.
topic was
gationand a candidate for tho presi- chosen, 7 said Mrs. Lowe, "because so
dency. "Who is she?" was asked. '-She maDy t5mes active club womon would
is Miss West." "From where?" "Oh. 8ay: How caa wo reach the wage-earn-
Tfii sow: r.n I forzet." Club women keen on believ- 'nB women? We want to come near to
try and pointed out a number of rea
sons why reorganization would not be
Mrs. Brock of Pennsylvania brought
the discussion to a cIobh by pointing out
that it might bo wise to get a legal
The Lucky Tattooer.
The tattooing artist of the tribe
Remarked unto the glum one:
"When I run short of food and funds
I always draw on someone."
"A penny for your thoughts, Mr. Bar
ker," cried Miss Sweetlips gayly, to
that young man as she euddenly enter
ed the parlor.
"They are not for sale,"' replied Bar
ker, gravely. "I am a free thinker."
- "I sat down at the piano and played
for that girl, and what do you think she
"Goodness knows; what was it?"
"She asked me if I didn't wish I was
musical "
"That 'Uncle Tom's Cabin'
didn't give the play."
"Why not?''
"The local iceman wouldn't trust
them for the ice across which Eliza had
to escape.'
"How do you stand this boarding
house, Billy?"
"Why, you Bee the landlady's daugh
ter is so pretty that I forget to notice
whether or not the food is good."
'What is a political feast, pa?"
"It's the fiist meal a man eats with
his wife and children after he's sure he
is elected to a remunerative office."
"See here, Dave, you said you'd
to return that 810 iu ten days."
"Well, how do you know I'm
She Do you think it proper for a
woman to propose?
He Certainly, if she can support a
it was?
Maude Yes; my
Isn't your waist smaller than
arms are growing
Is your mother-in-law in her usual
good health?
Yes; can't you suggest something,
ing Mrs. Lowe will be re-elected, annd it
was whispered today that the disgrunt
led followers of Mrs. Alice Ives Breed,
who was defeated by Mrs. Lowe at Den
ver, will support Mrs. Lowe provided
Mrs. Lowe promises to help along Mrs.
Helmuth or some other eastern candi
date two years hence.
The call for reorganization of the fed
erated body seems to be resting for
awhile. It was not bo very active at
this morning's meeting of tho council.
Mrs. Horace Brock of Pennsylvania and
Mrs. Williamson, president of the Min
nesota Federation, epoko for it and Dr.
Dickinson of Chicago declared against
it. The sense of the council was not
for a clearing out of the old constitu
tion. It rather indicated a return to
the early days of the federation, when
the representation was by clubs only
and not through clubs and state feder
ations, as at piejenl.
The colored question came up today
before the council of the federation and
the whole matter was laid on the table.
This means that the race problem is nut
of the way for a time, and that Mrs. J.
S. P. RufQn, a colored club woman of
Boston, will be admitted to the conven
tion as a member of the Massachusetts
This does not carry with it the recog
nition of a colored club, as she is cred
ited as one of the delegates to the state
federation. She will take her seat with
the Boston delegation tomorrow. The
qustion of receiving colored clubs into
membership will come up in the con
vention tomorrow. The indications
now are that the majority of the dele
gates will be opposed to the admission
of colored clubs at this time. But there
are some descendants of the old-time
abolitionists among the delegates, and
they will be heard from in protest.
The serious phase of this great gath
ering of women has to some extent been
overshadowed by the interest aroused
by the politics of the national body.
The election of a president, the radical
changes of those who wish a reorganiz
ation and the difference of opinion in
regard to affiliation with clubs com
posed of colored women have all been a
factor in causing this. But the real
businees of the convention sill have for
itfl object the bettering of the material
them, to help them, but how can we opinion on the proposed change in the
bridge the chasm? If we only knew the
way,' and so," continued Mrs. Lowe, "I
thought it would be of interest to you
all to talk upon this subject that is so
near to ub all, and that much good
might be accomplished by its full and
free discussion."
The discussion of the relation of the
federation to the wage-earning women
was then taken up. Mrs. Holmes of
the state of Washington, told about a
club in Seattle composed of working
women called the Evening club, which
was a part of the etate federation. She
eaicl the wage-earners of that club did
not wish to be branded as di Jerent f rom
the members of any other club.
Mrs. Tyrell of Texas said the Fort
Worth omana club used its influence
toward closing the stores during the
corporation. Perhaps no steps could bo
taken at this time. She thought a wo
man Gent as a delegate from the state
federation represented her club as much
aa if sent direct from the club.
Mrs. Allen of Massachusetts made
the point that the rich clubs objected
more to the per capita tax than did the
poor ones. She favored the reorganiza
tion. A motion to adjourn was u.ade
and carried when sho took her seat.
The Milwaukee young man with
crude ideas of club womon hustled
home this noon and spruced up a bit.
He had an impression that tho conven
tion would be a sort of composite of
short skirts, glasses, alpacca gowns,
gingham umbrellas, lisle thread gloves
and poke bonnets. He realizss bis mis
take, for there are hundreds of as bright
summer at seven o'clock. Club mem- ana as Pre"y as cnarmmg and as faph-
bers geiierally in that city pledged them- onaby gowued women as can be found
selveB not to do any shopping after six
Mrs. White of Massachusetts told of
how working women were taken into
the club at Battleboro, Vermont, on the
same footing as other members and how
well the plan worked. She thought
this a very good place for small cities,
but one which might not serve for large
Mrs. William Tod Helmuth of New
York caused a smile when she said she
did not see that there was much differ
ence between wage-earning women and
wage-earning men. She had yet to see
a woman who was not a wage-earner,
and, addressing Mrs. Lowe, in the chair,
remarked that all the women on the
platform weie wage-earners.
Mrs. Hartley of Georgia urged that
the women who spent the most money
did the least work and that the women
who work the hardest spent the least
No action was taken and the subject
was left open for further discussion by
the council later in the week.
The discussion on reorganization was
opened by Mrs. Williams, president of
the Minnesota State Federation. She
at once declared that she was in favor
of the minority report for the reason
that the federation baa now "an illogi-
in all America or all the world for
that matter.
"By Jove!" exclaimed a young Mil
waukeean this afternoon, "I couldn't
stand it any longer. No raoro golf for
me this week. This is a better game.
1 wandered down to the Plankinton to
see what they looked like, and I found
out. You see, I have an aunt in Ver
mont, who is a club woman, and I
thought I knew what they were like.
Well, I found out."
The discovery that club women are
really what they are has set the men to
Bcurrying about for cards to the various
receptions and social functions that are
on tho program for the week. The Mil-
No. I, Board of Trade,
cal organic structure"; there was too
much of "me and my club;'' that the
and ethical condition of men as well as time had arrived for a broad national Grain, PrOVlSiODS- CottOD.
of women. organization of the women of America.
Co-operation between club women She quoted the Minnesota delegation as
and vage-earning women was one of the proof that there was something radically Pvate Wires to New York Gty and
topics discussed at the inaugural meet- wrong in the present s stem of repre- r
v "There's one thing," mused the ur- Ing of the council today. The wage- Bantation. The Minnesota state feder- mEmBER
iiane idiot, "which always gives weight earning woman question the working- ation with a membership of 5,000, had New YorkStock Exchange,
to the fish story the Bcalee." girl problem, from factory to retail Btore nine delegates, while four hundred and "'"hkaIfcard of Trad