THE COURIER. X tor farms his own land, bis reputation as a farmer may suffer. For the Boer is thrifty but lazy. He rides a borse and shoots a gun. He has made bis money by grazing cattle and bis slaves watch over them while he lolls on the piazza of bis farm bouse. The American farmer will be an example as well as a competitor to him. Mr. Bryan says :n answer to The World's despatch to bim at Lin coln, Nebraska, asking his views on the suggestion to invite the Boers to America: "The Boers are industrious and in telligent, and have shown themselves lovers of liberty. If they lose their fight for independence I hope they will come to the United States. I wish they could come soon enough to help save this country from the im perialism that is driving them from South Africa. A small part of the money now being expended on a war of conquest would, if spent in reclaim ing arid lands, furnish homes for all the Boers and thousands of our peo ple besides. "I wish there were more of them in this country. They would well take the place of a good many republicans who believe in tbe imperialistic policy of Great Britain." Along Thou. Lines. In the dally papers even the pro fessional reporters reporting the Bien nial meeting at Milwaukee sprinkle an alongtheselines in nearly every stick of copy. It is more difficult than it appears to make a club speech, or re port a club meeting and leave out club terminology. But 'because spring is still with us, because the rain's have made this part of the world look fresher and newer than it has for a hundred yiars, because tbe federation itself is new, young, en thusiastic, of unmeasured energy, club women should select their phrases fastidiously. Loose phrases which were in ue a long time ago by high school graduates in white swiss muslin, ought to be discarded by members of an organization whose reason for being is the hope, the will and the ability to treshen a great many things that have been decaying ever since woman began co stay at home and attend to nothing outside the four walls of her dwelling. 'The English language is our noblest institution and inheritance. It may not be perfect, but humanly speaking, and as other languages go, it is. French is more flexible, has more shades, but lacks depth and serious cess; German is more rigid, it has depth and large seriousness, but it is also frequently lugubrious and it is always heavy and in sound guttural. Italian and Spanish are musical and poetic, but the history and genius of a romance language unfits it for tbe 8edium of expression of an Anglo Saxon race. CIuo speakers cannot re form tbe language, but they can re lieve it of the rubbish which succeed ing generations have deposited upon it, careless ancestors ignorant of its rules and unmindful of its beauty, responsiveness and cunning enginery. These people have fastened on to the language loosely, (and they may be easily detached) meaningless phrases and dislocated adjectives. Tbe func tion of city improvement societies is not to build monuments but to set an example of tidyness, wholesomeness, and respect for city ordinances and city officers. One mission of the club woman as heir to the riches of tbe language that Sbakspere wrote, is to restore it to its original purity, to lovingly and reverently endeavor to exclude from her own vocabulary silly and meaningless phrases and words, and fastidiously to choose from her stock tbe words which will exactly express her meaning. For notwith standing all those who have written and spoken English, no two have thought exactly alike. Therefore each must express his own thought and select his own words. If tbe work of assortment is carefully done it will take more time. Essays will be fewer and better, speeches shorter, flavored more by personality of virgin freshness. Of such essays and speech es we do not tire and tbe complaints so often made, of the monotony of a woman's club program, would grow fainter were such rules followed. Association of Collegiate Alumnae Representatives of Nebraska Uni versity Alumnae have accepted the invitation extended them to join the Association of Collegiate Alumnae. Although the A. C. A. was organized in 1882 only twenty-two colleges havo been admitted to membership. The invitation to this university is a rec ognition of its curricula, faculty, and tbe correlative scholarship of tbe graduates. The organization was created to associate college women, for the pur pose of increasing their usefulness to communities and to each other. It is in the way of becoming a bureau of employment, and it has efficiently united the alumnae of tbe universi ties in membership, united them so cially, and in work. It keeps the alumnae in sympathy with college work and it is proposed that the Lin coln branch hold monthly meetings and cultivate the acquaintance of under-graduates, that there may be lines of communication open between tbe new and the eld. Statistically the A. C A. has made valuable contributions to facts about alumnae. By letters addressed to a large proportion of women college graduates in this country the associa tion has been enabled to refute fossil lies about alumnae, their poor healtb, the small percentage of successful matrimonial experiments among them their poor eye-sight, superfluous book knowledge etc., etc. The Lincoln branch of A. C. A. will meet at the university next Thursday, June 14th. Everyone interested is in vited, is urgently invited to be present The Baccalaureate Season. Chancellors, presidents, ministers and learned doctors of science and letters have been for two weeks giving advice to college, technical school,and high school classes. The character istic of nearly all such addresses is, not erudition, though that effect is not absent, but a yearning tenderness for the youth about to take their turn at earning a liing, supporting a family and bearing responsibilities which according as they are well borne or shirked in tbe next ten years will make this country better or worse. The men usually selected to make these baccalaureate appeals are men who have lived e'ean, upright scholar ly lives, in direct contact with un dergraduate students. Their exis tence has not been without the trials and temptations of humanity, but in all probability they conquer more temptations than the ordinary man. Plain living and high thinking and the effect upon the character of be ing a sincerely good example for the young have made , baccalaureates rarely good men and safe guides. Acting Chancellor Bessey's address to tbe university class of 1900, was a tender, encouraging, inspiring speech from a man of character and of su perb attainment in science. Genuine ly sympathetic with tbe jouth who listened to him, the advice be gave them was that of a veteran general who addresses and seeks to inspire bis troops on the evening before a battle or the beginning of a cam paign wbereia he knows many will be killed, some will run and others will fight it out to the end, to their own glory and their-country's sal vation. The free gift by the unlettered workers of the state of an education such as that obtainable at the state university is not entirely appreciated by lower class men. Seniors and graduates begin to appreciate tbe largess of the state and their obliga tions to it. Doctor Bessey. expressed very plainly the return they were, in duty bound to make. His texts were: "Go ye therefore and teach all na tions." "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." "As my father has sent me, even so send I you." "Freely ye have received, freely give." Pro and Anti Thompson. It is "indicated," as tbe palmists say, that there will be a difference of opinion at tbe meeting of tbe Abra ham Lincoln club to-night. The ade herents of Mr. Thompson, who from appearances are in tbe majority, have given dissenters a week's notice tbat tne club will on Saturday night, the 9th of June, pass a resolution recco mending, approving or sanctioning Mr. Thompson's candidacy for tbe office of United States senator. It is a warm time of tbe year and men who inveterately come down town after supper to see a man, now affect a smoke in a wiljow chair or a hammock on their own porch or lawn. But to-night, wet or dry, hot or cool, the membership of the Abraham Lin coln club will face two ways on tbe personal issue whicn has created a schism in th club, in the county and may yet enfeeble the republicanism of the state. Old time leaders of the party, who are well acquainted with Mr Thompson, who have associated with him in business and in society are convinced tbat he is not a suita ble representative of tbe party. Tbey assert tbat be offered at the end of the last struggle to vote with the populists on all bills but those involv ing the silver question, if they would elect him instead of Senator Hay ward. Tbey are convinced tbat this treacherous ruse and betrayal and tbe suspense of the hours after the re publican caucus in wbich Mr. Thomp son's supporters and the populists were considering it, caused the lesion of tbe blood-vessel wbicb was the be ginning of Mr. Hayward's fatal ill ness. They believe tbat Mr. Thomp son's influence on municipal politics has been corrupt, tbat bis tools who have done his errands and his bidding are not desirable friends of and con ductors of patronage from a United States senator to Nebraskans. These are a few, and tbe mildest, of tbe opin ions tbat will be expressed at the meetiog'of the Abraham Lincoln club tonight, if the indications are au thentic. Oom Paul's Heroism. Oom Paul bas little regard for bis hero -worshipers and for his pos thumous fame, which at least lasts longer than contemporary notoriety even if the departed is not in a posi tion to enjoy it so much. For he has taken the treasure of gold of the Transvaal "republic" and fled to tbe coast where before the English get near enough bis biding place to make his capture inevitable, he will flee to some other country willing to receive him and his treasure. Tbe Transvaal troops have fought and died without pay, but Oom Paul has sent 2,000,000 pounds to Holland where be acd Fru Kruger can buy the best there is and as much of it as tbey want. Tbe climate maj be a trifle damp for a farmer accustomed to the dry veldt, but it is preferable to St.- Helena and more sociable. If Oom Paul wishes to escape in this inglorious fashion with tbe money of bis Boer fellow citizens, no statesman will attempt to stop bim. As a martyr on St. Helena, the old man would be a pathetic figure. As a double-chinned, Dutch burgher, smoking a pipe and enjoying the placid life of Holland, loyalty to bim would be farfetched and Impracticable. The Stotsenburg Fund. Tbe following are contributions to the Stotsenburg Fund: J. H. Ager, John H.Bauer, A.M. Baird, D. C. Berry, Z. S. Branson, C. O. Boettcher, Frank M. Blish, E. J. Burkett, George W. Bonnell, William J. Bryan, E. E. Brown, A. G. Beeson, E. W. Brown, H. W Brown, E. Big nell, J.H. Broady, Burr & Burr, Bay ard & Guerin, Buckstaff Bros. Manu facturing Company, F. W. Brown Lumber Company, Bankers Life In surance Company, Thomas Cochrane, W. L. Crandall, A. E. Campbell, J. J. Cox, W. B. Comstock, Amasa Cobb, John F. Cornell, A. Bruce Coffroth, H. F. Cody Lumber Company, Central Granaries Company, S. G. Dorr, C. Q. De France, Walt L. Dawson, L. J. Dunn, J. W. Deweese, S, J. Dennis, George Elmen, C.J.Ernst, H. Elche, A. O. Faulkner, E. Finney, D. A. Frye, H. F. Folsom, Funke & Ogden, Foster & Smith, Doctor R. E. Giffen , Doctor M. H. Garten, Fred Garvey, J H. Graves. R. J. Green, J. J. Gilli lan, A. G. Greenlee, Sarah F. Harris, James Heaton, Paul H. Holm, W. A. Hawes, E. P. Hovey, H. J. Hoagiand, J. H. Hatfield, o. N. Humphery, J. E. Houtz, Hoge & Benton, Harwood fc Ames, Hunter Printing Company, Frank Irvine, C. H. Imhoff, J. R. Inkster, Oliver Johnson, James J. Kelly, O.J.King, J.S. Ksensky, Will H. Love, William M. Leonard, Henry E. Lewis, Clara Leese, A. W. Lane, W. B. Linch, O. F. Lambertson, C. F. Ladd, W. J. Lamb, Lambertson & Hall, Lincoln Paint & Color Com pany, Lincoln Drug "Company, John B.Maule, CnarlesE.Magoon, William MacLaughlin, James Manahan, Eu gene Munn, J. H. McMurtry, D. D. Muir, W. A. McClure, A. B. Minor, C. H. Morrill. E. E. Mann, D. W. Moseley, R. C. Manley, J. A. Marshall, J. H. Mockett & Sons, Matthews Piano Company, Metropoliton Life Insurance Company, Charles T. Neal, O'Neill & Gardner, Alden M. Phelps, Samuel Patterson, William B. Price, Thomas H.Pratt, W.C.Phillips, C. A. Parks, C. C. Pool, H. B. Patrick & Company, Walton G. Roberts, John S. Reed, Oliver Rodgers, Robert Ryan, J. E. Riggs, M. B. Reese, L. C. Rich ards, O. M. Routzahn, A. Roberts, Ricketts & Ricketts, H. F. Rockey Nebraska Post, Lillian Sterling, Vic tor Seymour, Rhoda H. Stewart, F. S. Stein, E. E. Spencer, R. D. Stearns, A. H. Sinclair, F. Shepherd, C. L. Smith, H. B. Sawyer, W. F. Schwind, E G. Stevens, E. C. Strode, Scbutz Brodcrsen, Sulpho Saline Bath Com pany, A.R.Talbot, H. Trowbridge, C R. Tefft, James Tyler, A. S. Tib betts, F. M. Tyrrell. J. B.Trickey & Company, Union Fuel Company, W. W. Wilson, George M. Walsh, Robert Wheeler, G. II. Walters, Fred Wil liams, Nelle Whitcomb, O. J. Wilcox, Fletcher L. Wharton, J. n. Winter- s - -A -t . f, ?