The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, June 09, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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On Tuesday evening the university
ecbool of music gave (ho annual con
cert. Tbcee annual culminations of the
musical season- are the most popular
of all the universjty numbers only ex
cepting the commencement exercises.
Mrs. P. V. M. "Raymond, has trained
a chorus which this year numbered 133,
bo that it sang with ono voice, the mei
low.'sprightly'music of tbo cantata, St.
John's Evoi "The tine soloists were, ap
preciated and applauded but the noble
song of tho chorus, ita unity, strength,
sustained Breotnesa of- tone and its
perfect blending and obedience to the
direction of the conductor was surpris
ing even to'an audience' accustomed to
Mrs, Raymoffd'e ctiorusea.
As a conductor, Mr6. Raymond's work
is admirable. As the trainer of a chor
us capable of rendering an oratorio or
a cantata with equala brilliancy and
finish, she has a unique reputation
among professional musicians in this
country. She is a devoto of the loftiest
music and every member of her chorus
classes learn from her eventually much
more, oh very much more, than bow to
sing this or that oratorio or cantata.
The eoloistswereliss.IIelenF. Smy
ser soprano, Miss Grace Reynolds alto,
Mr. W. P. Hypes tenor, and Mr. C. V.
Kettering bass. Miss Symser's pure
soprano, sureness and Catholic culture
was apparent. Mr. .Hypes, the tenor,
had thejsame mastery of his work.
The duet at the close of the evening
was artistic and pleaEed a rather un
demonstrative audience. Miss Rey
nolds and Mr. Kettering though the one
is still a student and the other is not a
professional, were in admirable voice
and sung with no whit less feeling, com
prehension and artistic effect than the
foreign' emgers.
The ensemble effect of the chorus,
was most pictureeque with the men on
the highest seats on the background,
the women, in front in white and the
light feminine shades of blue, yellow,
green and pink, with' the -orchestra and
their shiny instruments in the middle
foreground and the soloists and the
conductor in the foreground,.,. . n
The orchestra wts trained by Mr.
August Hagenow.- Here too,there has
been a great" improvement. -Violinists,
cellists, corflettistsyand "fympani" per
former, remembered their place as ac
companists'and that they were parts of
a composition. As accompanists on
string or brass they eLtered into no
rivalry "witlr.throatB'but took'tne s'econd"
place and the satisfactory result was
due, in part, to their , moderation. Miss
Stuart was the piano accompanist. She
played with verve, sympathy, and mu
sicianljTunderstEp'dmg. Wesleyan Conservatory
; Commencement.
Wesleyan graduate- students, assisted
by the Wesleyan quartette, the Hage
now Philharmonic "orchestra, Miss
Smith, the pianist, and' Director Locke
as conductor, gave, an admirable xncert
on Monday evening at the Oliver to a
large audience, which listened and
spontaneously applauded the clever per
formers. Professor Locke has made the
music department at the Wesleyan one
of the strongest in the university. Gifted
with patience, an ability for taking
pains, possessed of unusual musical
culture, and assisted by Miss Smith, bis
pupils brrv'Mbnday night showed what
such a'character.jculture and inspira- ,
tion, when a'gplied to music, can ac
complish" The'gfee club and the quar
tette .received tumultuous applause
whenever they "sang; Single' and double
enrores Were insisted upon. The glee
club sang, a sea song as an encore. Mr.
Farmer' gave "Maid of Dundee." The
quartette added to'tne printed number
"Annio laurie" and the funny "Owl
and PusBy Cat."
Tbo program w.19 so long that indi
vidual criticism is impossible. The
bearing of the pupils was composed and
their accuracy in rendering the works
.of Chopin, Schumann and Schubert
Liszt was noticeable. Their interpre
tations, although characteristic of the
student, were not without promise,
which in some cases was brilliant and
guaranteed fulfilment.
At the close of the program the thir
teen graduates appeared upon the stage
and received their diplomas from the
hands of Chancellor Huntington. A
short address preceded the distribution,
in which the guests were asked to use
their musical gifts for the benefit of
their follows and to the glory of their
The program was as follows:
Overture Zampa, Herold; Philhar
monic orchestra.
Pianoforte Polonaise, op. 53, Chopin;
Cecil M. Longworth.
Song "Summer," Chaminade; Vic
toria A. Hodden.
Part-Song "The Storm Fiend,"
Roeckel-Macy; Wesleyan Glee club.
Pinafortt Ballade, op. 23, G minor,
Chopin; Eunice Mnulton.
String Orchestra Prelude, Massenet.
"Song "Hosanna, Grainer; Frank W.
Pinaforte Concerto, op. 51, Schu
mann; first movement with accompani
ment of orchestra, Florence E. Foris
tall. Cavatina "Tyrant, Soon I'll Burst
Thy Chains,'' Rossini; Lulu A. Craw
ford. Pinaforte Erl King, Schubert-Liszt;
Edna Dixon.
Cavatina "0, Light Divine," Doni
zetti; Mrs. Anna E. VanSkike.
Quartette Schubert's Serenade,
Schubert-Kiuze, Wesleyan quartette.
Overture Bohemian Girl, Balfe; or
chestra. The graduating class included the
following students. Those who did not
appear on the program had already
taken part in a graduating recital:
Pearl Anderson, University Place;
Lulu Adeline Crawford, Lincoln; Edna
Dixon, McCook;Frank Wallace Farmer,
'University Place; Mary Esther Gardner,
Auburn; Victoria Adelaide Hedden,.
Seward; .Sadie Jane Hopperlen, Bea
trice; C-jcil Marie Longworth, Univer
sity Place; Adda Gertrude Mead, Blair;
Eunice Mouiton, Swanton; Edith Mar
gurite Tvndale, Plainview; Mabel Eliza
beth Vincent, University Place; Flor
ence Edith Foristall, postgraduate, Re
public City Kansas; Mrs. Anna E. Van
Skike, postgraduate, University Place.
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First Pub. May 9, 19004
Notice to Creditors. E 1461.
In the county court of Lancaster county, Ne
braska. In the Matter of the Estate of Lois H. Ar
nold, deceased.
To The Creditors Of Said Estate:
You are hereby notified that the county judge
will sit at the county court room in Lincoln,
in said county, on the 1st day of October, 1900,
and again on the 1st day of January, 1901, to re
ceive and examine all claims against said estate,
with a View to their adjustment and allowance.
The time limited for the presentation of claims
against said estate is six months from the "d
day Of July, 1900, and the time limited for
the payment of debts is one year from the 2d
day of July. 1900
Notice of this proceeding is ordered published
four weeks successively in The Courier, of Lin
coln. Nebraska, a weekly newspaper published
in this state.
Witness my hand and the seal of said county
court this 31st day of Mav, 1900,
(seal.) Frank R. Waters,
County Judge.
By Walter A. Leese, Clerk County Court.
Pay Your Subscription to
..The Courier..
Before the first of July.
..Only $1.00..