The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, May 12, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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Professional Directory.
Jfllce 618
Dr. Benj. P. Bailey
I Office, Zebmng Block 1 9 to 10 a in
H2 to 12 JO
671. ) Residence. 1313 C street 1 2 to 4 d m
KvcdIdrs. by appointment. Sunday's 12 to 1 p. m. and by appointment.
I Dr. J. B. Triokey,
) Rofractioni&t only
I 19 to 12 a. n
Office, 1035 O itreet VI to 4 p. m.
dfa-3 -
133 -J J. M. LllCaS i 1Mb and O stroet.
530. Louis N. Wente.D.D.S.- i. BroSf bImisi
I (so lltb street. I
Oliver Johnson, D.D.S. d wKS llarIey j-
I IllUiO street 1
ax Drs Clutter & Shannon -j use o street.
CiMW cojoi 00 .
fc WfVPv ( TD PUCMlt: t(
vSV IIVW W B ' I ft IV fta. 1 W W il
m ' n
The advantages of-Music Study in Nebraska Wesleyan Conservatory
may be summarized as follows:
1. A superior corps of instructors, presenting thp most approved Eu
ropean methods.
2. A choral society aJording efficient drill in part singirg, and giv
ing students the oppor(unjty of becoming acquainted with the standard
worke of the best composers.
3. Numerous recitals, concerts, lectures, etc, free to students.
4. The opportunity; of taking one or more studies in any other depart
ment of the University.
i. Healthful and helpful surroundings to the physical, mental and
spiritual life. ?
G. Freedom from the turmoil, distractions, and temptations of a com
mercial city.
7. Accessibility to the artistic attractions found only in large centers
of population.
For Circular Giving Full Information, Address
University Place, Nebr.
and we are' prepared to furnish deco
ration for all. j j jC jt j jft
Leaoe Your pflcFs. . .
1388 O St.,
Telephone 237. LIKGOLN, NEBR.
when looking- at our fine stock of
shoes, that there is more style
and beauty in their make-up
than 3Tou can find anywhere in
the city. Uur stock of ladies',
misses', and children's shoes are
unexcelled for style and durabil
ity, and we are selling- them at
prices that will surprise you.
Some odd lots going- at $1.00.
gerkinf gfyeldon & Chamberlain (To.
New York and Boston society col
umns. just now, make us fuel our own
limitations in the way of summering
places. Their social planets .have not
miny miles to go in order to reach
Westchester, Oyster Bay, Meadow
Brook, Bar Harbor and Tuxedo.
If only at Crete, Waverly or Milford
there were a lake, a sandy shore, a fish
or two and cool northerly brefzee, then
the Charles Alexanders, the Doers, the
Vanderbilts, the Astors, the Ogden
Mills, the Gardiners and the Ames
would be hurrying off to country homes,
Nebraska stationery would flourish with
such names as Billmore .and Fern
Lodge, and the prairie would be rife
with polo, and golf. As long .as golf is
the plaint of today's theme if only
there were a cool, comfortable spot,
perhaps at Denton, for that still large
majority who want principally cool
air and rest, a place attractive, too, for
those frequent lover? of sand piles,
stones and wading, and if at Burlington
Beach there woie something to do,
something to eat and shady walks
where people that labor all the long
day might go for the evening then the
sun could shine, the corn could grew
and the long heat of summer would not
be the ominous foe that it seems. If
only nature, Aladdin, Edson (or Carne
gie would deposit a mile of 'the Atlan
tic in the Lincoln suburbs even the
cynical, the thoughtless and the un
grateful, would give a sigh of. relief .
On Tuesday from tfre to ejght, Mr.
and Mrs. Ross Curtice gave a reception
in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Beman Dawes.
It is a pleasure to notice these recep
tions where the time is so arranged that
both the advantages of afternoon and
evening hours are attained. It is a
small beginning, but beginning never
theless it is of the time when men
shall have short business hours and
there will be more leisure and hence
pleasure in this much-too-busy world.
In the hall were great bowls of lilacs
and smilpx was wound around the
newel post and up the balustrade. Mr.
and Mrs. Curtice, Mr. and Mrs. Beman
Dawes and Madame Curtice received
in the drawing room. Mrs. Dawes was
beautifully gowned in white lace over
white silk and Mrs. Curtice wore a
picturesque gown of pink and white
foularde. Pink and white were the
colors used in the drawing room.
There were vases of sweet peas about,
the first of the season's offering. Thore
is a certain charm and personality about
a pink Hood of light, about ink rib
bons and pink flowers, that will always
be lasting. In the library were pink
roses and candles. A white he was
served here, Miss Burr in a white gown
presided at the refreshing bowl. She
was assisted by Mrs. Morrison, Mrs.
AUey, Miss Gaban and Mies Oakley.
In the dining room tho theme of
color was mainly white. Mrs. Eimep,
all in white, presided at a Utile laden
with an abundance of good things.
Salad and coffee, hot rolls, pickles and
radishes were Berved here. There were
pink roses on the sideboard and on the
cabinets. Mrs. Eames was assisted by
Mesdames Lew Marshall, Fred Howe,
George Woods, George Crancer and W.
F. Kelley. Mesdames L. C. Burr, Carl
Funie and Ogden assisted in the var
ious rooms. An orchestra played con
tinually. The atmosphere of the re
ception on Tuesday was particularly
happy, because it gave the friends and
acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. Dawes
the opportunity to meet them again,
and there is a true.short line that reads,
"Friendship is the wine of life."
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ilall gave a din
ner on Thursday for Mr. and Mrs. R.
E. Moore who expect to leave Lincoln
on Friday for New York, and to sail
from there in a few days for Europe.
The table decorations were vases of
graceful bride roses and a silver- can
delabra with pink candles. A dinner
of seven courses was served. The in
vited guests were: MesErs". and Mes
dames R. E. Moore, G. M. Lambertson,
S. H. Burnham, W. C. Wilson, Doctor
and Mrs. Ladd. Many wishes there
were of bon voyage for Mr. andi'Mrs.
The Oliver web crowded on Mondfry
evening with a brilliant audience. 1 he
boxes on the left were occupied by Mr.
and Mrs Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Lambert
son and Mi6S Watkins. The second
box framed Mr. and Mrs. Curtice,
Madame Curtice and Mrs. Beeman
Dawes, their guest. Mr. and Mrs. A. S.
Raymond and Mr. and Mrs. Ogden oc
cupied the third box. On the right the
first box was occupied by gentlemen,
the second by Mr. and Mrs. MacDon
ald, the latter in a very picturesques red
bodice and black picture hat. Colonel
Ewing's and Colonel Wilson's seat,
fourth from Btage, left, having, unfortu
nately, been Eold before they came in,
thess two genial gentlemen sat ia a box
The Art department of the Woman's
club met on Wednesday with Mrs.
Frank Hall. It was tne last meeting of
the year and therefore mote of an in
formal social occasion. Mrs. Hayden
was elected president, and Mrs. Hall
f . s -w m t -a a
A. Step Irx Tlie JPuare Food. Science. .
The importance of "Pure Food Products" can scarcely be overestimated,
and in order to create a demand for the pure, wholesome and nutritious in
food stuffs, and to urge upon the public the wisdom of selecting only that
which comes nearest the ideal of perfection, an extensive "Pure Food Ex
hibit will be undertaken in Lincoln May 11th to 19th.
It promises to be the most elaborate display of its kind ever given in
Nebraska, and is planned with the Bile object of demonstrating to Nebras
ka people the purest and most wholesome food which wide experience
can bring together, of the best in every line which hunran effort and
money can accomplish.
Every article displayed will represent the highest development in its
line, in the science of food preparation- "The Keystone" has give'n a great
deal of thought and study to the subject of "Good Things to Eat," and
wish to urge the vital importance of ''Pure Food."
We only ask that you visit this exhibit, test the best goods which sci
ence and skill produce, and note lor yourself their delicacy and superior
nutritious quality. We rest assured as to the result.