JE 'S(v"VUL4- '"V -WPWW i- IWMfaiMWKP""" - r -a'ttacE - -t;a &px$&rs& ' THE COURIER. early rising. The completion of the American part of the Paris exposi tion far in advance of other buildings is an example of the American habit of hurrying, favorably commented upon by the president of the French Republic and by delegates or com missioners from all other nations. Commissioner Peck was surprised at the dilatory, restful habits of the French workmen. By his constant exhortation to them to "hurry," by his own example and that of the few American artizans he took with him, he succeeded in completing the Amer ican building in time for the opening day. According to the correspond ents it was the only building ready for the exhibits. Painting, music, sculpture and literature are allevia tions U the pain of existence. Life would be arid without them but the makers of literature are arrogant. The busy little business man who has made his capital by industry, brains and energy and keeps a great manu factory going by force of will and fer tility of resource is disregarded or considered only as a subject tor ad vice and expostulation from literary fellers. But if it were not for the bustle and hurry which has got on the nerves of the Englishman and the literary American there would be no money to pay for the expensive Turk ish cigarettes of the writers who pro duce a page a day of choice English only to revise it next day as being unworthy of their reputation. The after dinner dreams, which they crys tallize and sell at a dollar a crystal would be hurried and more frequent ly interrupted if it were not for the modest workers, whose hurry and preoccupation the men who have time to write out in full their first and second names do not comprehend or appreciate. Mr. Eliot Gregory in the May num ber of The Atlantic, under the title 4,A Nation in a Hurry," distresses himself causelessly about the wear and tear of American life, the ex penditure of vitality, the nervous cess, tension, etc., etc, and the other familiar complaints urged by Dick ens. Anthony Trollope and twenty others from their easy chair retreats, soothed and inspired by nicotine and self satisfaction. America was discovered so late by white men that they have had to hur ry ever since to catch up. The bour geois American haste to accomplish in 408 years what it has taken other nations five or six thousand years to build or develop, shocks literary sen sibilities. But as aforesaid, when the habit of energy is contrasted on the same job with Latin grace and in dolence, the need of repose in Ameri can life does not appear so exigent to Americans as to the few who write books and "articles" disturbed by the noise of active life and strenuous ex ertion. The man who can make an honest living or accumulate a fortune even at the cost of tired muscles, and though the processes make a racket is entitled to the deference of all cults and even to the literary cult. The supercilious latter is the only one from which he will probably never receive it. Cultivating the Roads. Sun-Sower and rosin-weed spread from season to season until they take possession of a field once serving man kind by ripening oats, wheat, or corn. The thriftiest farmers, more to drive out the weeds than for the sake of the ground, have planted the wide margins of the roads to oats, millet and corn. If all the fanaers culti vate the highways nobody would ob ject, their own arable land would be increased, and every farm within reach of the wind-blown seeds of thistle, sunflower and rosin-weed would be benefited. Doubtless the first farmer who ploughed and plant ed the margins of the high way thought only of increasing his acre age. If the custom were universal the weeds might gradually be lessen ed if not finally destroyed. The lit tle black specks that appear in Ne braska oatmeal after it is cooked and ready for the table are only chopped rosin weed, harmless, but suspiciously black and unhealthy looking. Ggarettes. Hundreds of sickly, red-eyed little boys aetat eight, more of nine, still more of twelve and fifteen years may be met on the street smoking cig arettes. Manufauturers of the pois onous packages insist that they are innocuous and that cigarette smoking is as beneficial to youth as it is profit able to tobacco dealers.So?But what is the cause of the blazzy.old f aces.the flab by muscles, the red eye lids, the South American indolence and laissez faire of the boys who smoke them? They cannot all be the underfed, poorly bred children of the vicious. And the teacher? say the boys whose clothes and breath smell of cigarettes are always inferior scholars. There are no statesmen, no great generals, no successful business men., nobody of any account who smokes cigarettes. This may only be a coincidence. It may also be a coincidence that the Spanish, the South and Central Ameri can people, the Turks and the French, all of whom smoke almost exclusively cigarettes, are undersized, of a pale, Chinese yellow, and lag at the tail end of the procession of nations. In other places there are flourishing anti-cigarette leagues but nobody ssems to care about the degenerating, flaccid, narcotized little Nebraska boy, who begins to smoke almost as soon as he doffs dresses and is grad uated from the nursery. The Pacific Cable. The Alaskan route proposed by Mr. Harrington Emerson has not yet been seriously considered. The projectors of the southern route, twice as long and twice as expensive, summarily dismissed the proposition of the com pany who offered to build the north ern caole without a subsidy from the government, but with a promise of national patronage. The objection that the ice in the north Pacific would cut the cable and prevent re pairs is silly. There is no ice in the north Pacific in the region of the pro posed route. The Japan current keeps the waters warm. The thousands of visitors to Alaska in the last twenty years are suprised most of all at the warmth of the climate, the luxurious vegetation of the coast districts, and the balmy, tender air. It is much further north of the Alaskan penin sula, and the chain of islands that the warm Japan current is finally overcome and the region of perpetual snow and ice begins. In this north Atlantic region there are co long stretches of deep sea without islands, but there is a friendly, neighborly chain of islands connecting North America and Asia. The waters are too cool for the coral insects, that pest of the Pacific which has shown ac especial greediness for cables. The Hill bill for a Pacific cable passed the Senate on April 11th. The cable it provides for is a Government line from San Francisco to Honolulu, with a view to extension hereafter to our more distant island possessions. The appropriation is 83,000,000. The cable is to be laid by the Navy De partment. When completed it is to be operated by the Post Office Depart ment. Revenue in excess of operat ing expenses to be pa!d into the treasury. The House referred this bill to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, which has reported it back with an amendment wiping out the entire Senate measure and substitut ing the text of the House bill intro duced last December by Congressman Sherman of New York. The Pacific cable contemplated by the Sherman bill, as afterward amend ed by the Interstate and Foreign Committee, is a very different enter prise from that which the Senate has approved. The government has noth ing to do with its construction or operation except in time of war. The bill authorizes the Postmaster-General to contract with an American cable company for the transmission of official messages to Honolulu, Guam and the Filipines, and further to China and Japan, for twenty years at a rate not exceeding $300,000 annually. That is, the cable of the House bill is to be a commercial enterprise, sub sidized by the Government to the possible extent of 86.000,000 in twenty years. The annual deficit in the post office department induces the tax pay ers to hope that the department will not be given charge of the Pacific cable. The company that offers to lay this one in the north Pacific with out subsidy and agreeing besides to lay one to Honolulu is still ignored in favor of the south Pacific plao which will keep the rubber, wire and cable wrapper manufactories busy for a longer period. When England Conquers. The ultimate victory of England in the Transvaal is assured. The brave Boers do not expect anything else themselves unless some other nation intervenes, as England has intervened in the past between them and the Zulus. England has conquered before and has grown wise. It is not likely that the Boers will be disfranchised or punished in any way other than that involved in becoming a part of the British empire. The French Ca nadians have shown how thorough ly since the sixty-three years of their last rebellion they have become a part of the British Empire. They have sent regiments to the Transvaal and the Roman Catholic Premier at Ot tawa has shown himself a devoted servant of the empire. It is not enough for England to conquer by war. The Australian Englishman and the Canadian Englishman, vote and hold office. England to them is just what it is to an Englishman in England, not the little island but a great empire of loyal Englishmen. The Boer will vote and enjoy more freedom, though not as much tyranny after the war as before. A peaceful, loyal citizen is worth more than a rebel with a soldier to guard him. A newer or less experienced nation might overvalue the worth of victory. The problem of the Transvaal is to convince the Boer that be is to be allowed to run his own country, only admitting settlers to a share in local self government. The French Ca nadian runs his own affairs. Be sure that it is no make-believe. The tur bulent, exacting, excitable French are ready to fight at the drop of-the, handkerchief. They are as ready in Canada as in France. But for sixty three years they have found no oc casion. There has therefore been no cause for rebellion. Millinery Bird. William Wilson of Wantagh, New York, is the largest dealer in stuffed birds for hats in this country. He says in The Sun. "I probably handle more birds than any other three men in the business." This statement may be ouly a boastful advertisement. So many men consider their business "the most important and most ex tensive of any in the United States." However that may be Mr. Wilson says he employs twenty men to skin and stuff birds for the millinery market. He says that nearly all of his birds are purchased in the market, skinned, their wings cut off, and resold to res taurateurs and hotel keepers. 'During the past year 1 have hand led about twenty thousand wild ducks mostly teal, broadbills, mallards and shelldrakes, which were purchased in the markets of Washington, Balti more and New York. All of these birds were killed for the market and would have been killed just the same even though it were not fashionable for the ladies to wear feathers on their hats. I might add that all of these were resold after being skinned, for table purposes. The same is true of the thousand of snipe and other game birds which are handled in the millinery line; the birds are killed for the market, and will continue to be killed, whether or not fashion calls for the use of feathers in the mil linery art. The pigeonB, which are used quite extensively, are purchased at the markets and from the sporting clubs, but the principal trade com modity is the wings of ducks and other game birds, which are chopped off by the marketmen and sold to me in large quantities. No song birds are killed for millinery." Ornithologists, who have been em ployed to identify birds on the thous ands of hats for sale in New York, report that larks, robins, blackbirds, bluebirds, swallows, wrens, humming birds, terns and gulls are used. And that the song birds of New England have been appreciably diminished. It is a point to be decided entirely by an examination of the wings and birds that decorate the hats. The statements of a dealer and taxider mist whose business has been affected by the agitation for the protection of song birds needs additional confir mation. Mr. William W. Wilson's address is Wantagh, Nassau County, New York. He keeps a record of all birds handled and offers to furnish any further information about the kind of birds handled in his trade, to any one interested in song birds and their preservation. The Spanish Cannon. "With the existing colonies or de pendencies of any European power we have not interfered and will not in terfere." Mr. Whedon quoted the foregoing clause la the Monroe doc trine last Tuesday afternoon to shew that in espousing the cause of Cuba which until the Peace of Paris unwil lingly belonged to Spain, the United States had broken the provisions and obligations of the Monroe doctrine. Yet Secretary Root quotes the Doc trine as though he still believed in its verbal inspiration and our own un swerving adherence. Mr. Whedon has a lawyer's habit of quoting docu ments and applying the quotation immediately to the point he is seek ing to establish. From the enuncia tion of the Doctrine to the declara t.on of war with Spain, the people of America supposed they were keeping, and making an effort to keep the Monroe doctrine. As a matter of fact obedience has been accidental. There has been no temptation to break itsprovisions, which have been rather a favorite topic of speculation and reference than of any ac tual service as a guide or a light. The Spanish cannon presented by the government to the city of Lincoln and set upon a a pedestal on the universi ty campus is more than a symbol and souvenir of the war with Spain and American victory. It marks the be ginning of the time when the east shall be west. - y J