The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, April 28, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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HilllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIttTTTHIITTTT .... - ............ .4....
" V-v - JL, "I Bit. O XB ? S;
Will be attended by thousands. of out-of-town people., It will certainly be worth, coming- hundreds of miles to
r witness and in consequence the railroads entering- Lincoln have generously granted
We are celebrating- the occasion with a Gigantic, Colossal Bargain-Giving Sale. Prices have been paral
ized for this week's offering-, and you'll miss it if you don't attend.
If you can't possibly get here send in your mail orders. Same shall be promptly .filled while lots last.
Important Purchase of
.N,w. Etoai Swifts, Jackets,
'' 5 SMnts amid5 SMntwadst
Rare bargains in suits to be found here Monday 2 special
prices that will appeal to your judgment,
Ladies Suits, made from fine Covert Cloths, jacket and skirt;
cutin the latest style, best of linings and btnding-s, nicely finished:
colors tan and gray 68 suits in the lot $7.98
Sample line of Suits received last week from New York, all
beautiful garments, appli.qued in Taffeta. Jacket short Eton
effect, silk lined, flare collar, latest cuttings, elegantly fin-
fatk bra sstt(3t!&
uf 1 J 1
J SfflMMkfi
g r tj I fr a Wt
ished .
If 3Tou wish something exceedingly swell in read v-to-wear Tail
ored Suit, we have them at $25.00, $30.00 and $35.00.
Separate Jackets New and complete lines in tans'and blacks,
$4.98 to $10.00.
IsrCw Hfesi
Monday we place ou sale 3 lines, of beautifully Trimmed Pattern Hats
in all the newest shapes and effects. We ask you, to see them.
2.08 $.08. feQ.CSO.
Exceedingly low prices have been placed on all of our high Novelty Pat
fcexn.Hats .forMonday's sale"-. . - - - - - - - -
You'll find it to your advantage to pu chase your Children's Hats or.
Sailors this week. Tarn O'Shanter Crowns and Fancy Braids everything-
that is new, in fact. Of Flowers we have an abundance and our
prices are abundantly loWj too.- Violets worth 20c a bunch go Monday for 10c. Violets worth 10c go
bunch. Remember we charge you nothing for trimming done here.
FRFF Beautiful Photo Medallion Free.
l 119L "With every 10c cash purchase
3Tou receive a coupon. "When you have $15.00
Worth, bring-them to us with the photograph you
wish reproduced and in a few days you will re
ceive the Medallion withou costing you one cent.
for 5c per
. y1
eleven o'clock the dancing began. .The
- evening was one of much pleasure to
all there. Those present were: Messrs.
and Mesdatnes 'Weil, Charles Mayer,
( Newmark, Henry. Mayer, Schleeinger,
Ackerman and Weasel. Mrs." Aach 'of
Barr Oak. Misses Mayer, Friend, Kel
ner, Schlesinger, Sarbach, Schlesibger,
Kelcer, Strieker, Steinberg of New
York, Dolly Polack and Kittie Polack of
Omaha. Messrs. Steinberg of TJew
York, S. D, Mayer of Norfolk, Sam
Speir of Beatrice; and Justin Sarbach
of Fairbury.;
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Yates gave a din.
ner on Thursday. The house and the
table were prettily decorated with many
of the out door .blossoms that make
this season of the year bo attractive.
Covers were laid for. fourteen.
Married, at Schuyler, Nebraska, on
Wednesday, April twenty-fifth, at .the
home of the bride, Miss Mildred Burk-
ettrto Mr. Mode F. Griffith, of Lincoln.
' The Episcopal ceremony was performed
uncle? a canopy of smilaz in front of
palms, by .the Hector D. C. Pattee.
i .The .bride wore a traveling gown of
i aW cheviot trimmed with an applique, .and white satin. Mr. J. A:
Basley of-Lincoln, was 'the beat man.
MiBS Alma Woods .of Schuyler,' played
the wedding march. Thirty guests'
breakfasted with the bride and groom
before they leftTor their new home near
Silve Creek, Nebraska, at Cedar Grove
ranch. The guests xere: Professor and
Mrs. G. F. Burkett, Mr. and Mrs. Pat
tee, Mr.- and Mrs. S. C. Weber, Mr. and
Mrs.CC. Cannon, Mrs. L. M. Walker'
Miss Katherine Woods, Mies Gertrude
Wright, Miss Alma Woods, Miss Stella
Schultz, Miss Florence Burkett,. Mr. C. -M.
Sutherland and Mr. Ralph Burkett,
of Schuyler. Mr. and Mrs. H. A.
Reese of Cripple Creek, Colorado, Mr.
and Mrs. H. 0. At wood of Milford,
Honorable and Mrs. D. C. McKillip of
Seward, Miss Irma Martindale of Nio
brara, Mr. and Mrs. A. K Griffiitb, Mr.
James A. Bailey, Jr., Professor Schuyler
Miller and Miss Mattie Good ell of Lin
coln, Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs. Auld entertained the
members of the E. Ek D. Kensington
club and their husbands last evening.
The guests came in masquerade
costume, each guest representing a
character famous from Borne point of
view. Every one was presented
with a numbered card and the even
ing's quest was not only to guess the
character portrayed but also the in
dividual who represented the character.
There was instrumental music by
Mies Auld, and her sister gave
Beveral solos on the violin. The in
vited guests were: ..Messrs. and Mes
dames Moaner, Hayden, Yoho, Ernst,;
Has9, Grainger, Dewitt' Townsend,
Naylor, Macguire, Mii'onberger, Hyde,
Whiting. Campbell, Edmund Baldwin,',
Gaylord Baldwin, Dobson and Cos? rove. J.
Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Matthews, Mrs. Zsh
rung, and Mrs. Hass. Misses Ernst,
Hass, Naylor, Macguire, Curtice, and
Cosgrove. Messrs. Curtice, Shepherd,
Whiting and Zehrung. '
The Century club met with Mra.
Davison on Tuesday. Mrs. Howell had
the afternoon's subject, "What has Hol
land done for the World in Agriculture,
Charitable and Reformatory-Work ?'
Mrs. Ward Richardson gives a ken
sington to about fifty women this after
noon. The main theme in the after
noon's entertainment is to see who can
make the best button hole in five
The New Book Review club gave its
annual dinner on Tuesday evening at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. T.' J. Usher.
The table was charmingly arranged,
pink, the club color, being profusely
used. There were festoons of smi'ax
from the chandelier to the table cor
ners, and pink candles radiated a fairy
glow over the board and its guests.
Those present were: MeBsrB. and Med
dames Rudolph Reblaender, L. C.
Hoover, J tf. Stevens, F. W. Barth
ruff. Nelson, and Elias Baker. Mrs.
Widener, Mrs. Penney, Mrs. H. W.
Kelley, Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Stnckler
of Omaha. Miss Howland. Mr. Stonr-
braker and Mr. Howland. Afler the
dinner cards and dancing were enjoyed
for several hours.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Campbell and
little daughter, of Cherokee, Kansas,
were the guests or Mrs. H. B. Dudgeon
for a few days this week. They left on
Thursday for Newman Grove, Nebraska.
Mr. I. S. Richards is enjoying the
spring weather, after being confined to
his bed for many weeks with a severe
attack of rheumatism.
Ticket holders for the Proraonade
concert and .ball by Hagenow's band
and orchestra on Tuesday, May first, at
the Auditorium, will be admitted at the
north entrance, on M street.
The Lotos club met with Mrs. S. H.
Burnhanon Thursday afternoon. The'
program was a delightful musicale -