The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, April 28, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE C0U3ISK.
was a great bowl of white carnations in
the centre of the table. Covers were
laid for twelve. Those present besides
the guests of honor were: Messrs. and
Mesdamn Sheldon Raymond, H. P.
Eames, F. M. Blish, Miss Hoover and
Mr. Randolph.
Mr. Bennett and Miss Bennett, the
father and Bister of Mrs. Frank W,
Brown, are her guests this week.
Lee Bohemiennes met with Mrs. Lew
Marshall on Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Sheldon Raymond invited a few
people on Wednesday afternoon in hon
or of Miss Morrill, the organist. A
very happy, informal afternoon was
passed. A two course luncheon was
Miss Gellately of Fairbury,
guest of Miss Whiting.
Mr. and Mrs. Levering have taken Mr.
aud Mrs. Crittenden's house for two
Mr. M. D. Welch entertained the
members of the Round Table on Mon
day evening. A dinner was served at
half past six o'clock. Afterwards the
discussion of the evening took place.
Mr. and Mrs Crittenden will leave
the middle of May for a two month's
trip in the east.
Mr. and Mrs. Crittenden gave a chaf
ing dish party on Wednesday evening
in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Levering who
have recently moved here from Denver.
La France roses were here and there
and everywhere. There were tables of
cribbage, whiet and keno. A supper
was served and chicken terrapin was the
result of the chafing dish art. A num
ber of entrees were also Berved. Later
there was music, which added to the
completeness of the evening's pleasure.
Those present were: Messrs. and Mes
dames Levering, Tilton, Buckstaff, Carl
Funke. Marshall, Walter Hargreavee,
Wright, Campbell, Rodgers, Ladd, W.
C. Wilson, W. B. Watson, Judge and
Mrs. Irvine, Mrs. Stehbins, Mre. S-ott,
and Mr. Macintosh.
Mr. and Mrs. James Yates are the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Yates.
Mr. and Mrs. Yates entertained at
dinner on Friday in honor of Mr. and
Mrs. JameB Yples of Kansas City.
The recent birthday of a little girl,
who celebrates the anniversary in early
April, was made the occasion of a pussy-willow
fete. The invitations were
decorated with the furry blooms and
asked each guest to "come to my pussy
willow party." When they arrived- the
children found the parlors trimmed
with pussy willows, vases, pitchers and
bowls filled with them standing about
everywhere. Pinned against the wall at
one end of the room was a sheet upon
which was sketched a large pussy-willow
stalk. Paper catkins were distrib
uted among the children, who tried,
blindfolded, to pin them on the stalk.
Prizes of Easter favors were given ac
cording to the success of the contest
ants. The Bupper table was decorated
with more pussy-willovis, tiny rabbits
were at every place, and around the
centre piece of pusey-willowB was a cir
cle of larger rabbits, the necks decorat
ed with frills of yellow paper. A hunt
for Easter eggs closed the little festival,
after supper, with more simple t Easter
tr.fles as prizes.
Mrs. C. 0. Wilson entertained on
Wednesday afternoon in honor of the
seventy-eighth birthday of her hus
band's mother, Mrs. Wilson. Madame
Wilson was remembered with a number
of pretty gifts, among them was a
quantity of flowers. At half past five
o'clock the guests sat down to the din
ing table, where a birthday feast was
served. There was a cake in honor of
the day and each guest blew out a can-
On account of the Bitr Mav Dav Celebration to be held here on May 1st, all
railroads coming- into Lincoln have made a special rate of ONE FARE FOR THE jg
ROUND TRIP, good from May 1st to return May 4th, and goed from any point to Jj
Lincoln and return.
TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1900.
From a co-partnership this firm has become a stock companj', and to promptly HP
satisfactorily adjust matters and thoroughly organize the new concern, it is gjg
WE RAISE 550.000 CASH, and raise it quickly. We'll do it as w
necessarv that
- ?. - .-.. . . -! r . , -11 J-
we've done it before that is, by placing mercnanaise or tne inuispensiDie, most
wanted and Anost seasonable kind on the market at prices that can't fail to concert
it into cash in a hurry. We'll have to-sell a considerable lot more than $50,000
worth of goods to realize that much cash, because present market values are not
considered in this price reducing. Our object is to realize $50,000 in cash as soon
as possible, and the profit and real worth are foreign elements.
Mail orders will be fill on advertised" goods from May 1st to May 5th; after
latter date we can't guarantee to supply such values at such prices.
To take advantage of the special rate and come to Lincoln for this event. The
money you'll save will easily pay your railroad fare and still leave you a balance.
die and made a wish. Much mirth
there was in the carrying out of thi?
birthday tradition. The invited guests
were: Mesdames Marsland, Lender,
ClauB, Searle, Rhinehardt, Towne, Wal
lace. Burke, Tayloi, Limebaugh, Love
land and Binder.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Rodgerp, Selden
Rodgers and Alice Rodgers, leave today
for Manitou where they expect to re
main during the summer months.
Their friends and acquaintances sin
cerely hope that they may again return
as residents to Lincoln.
The W. T. M. and their husbands,
will be entertained by Mr. and Mrs.
Masters this evening. The evening ib
to be spent in playing progressive cro
kinole. A charming musical program
has also been prepared. The Arian
quartette will sing and Mr. Matthews
is to bring his pianola. The decora
tions will be in pink and white, and
apple blossoms are to be much used.
The invited gueet9 are: Messrs. and
Mesdames Crow, Traphagen. Compton,
Hess, Gentzler, Weidner, Burr, Case,
Schmutz, Edmunds, White, Bartlett,
Sherdeman, Evans, Edelman, Holben,
Scott, Deck, Hine, Hood, Mathews,
Coleman, Boney, Mickey, Mrs. Everett
and Miss Barrick.
Mrs. A. S. Raymond invited a few
people on Wednesday afternoon in hon
or of Miss Morrill, the organist. The
afternoon passed delightfully. A de
licious luncheon was served at rive
First Church of Christ (Scientist),
Fourteenth and K streets. Arthur C.
Ziemer, C. S. First Reader. Sunday
morning services at 10:.'i0; subject,
"Adam and Fallen Man." The ser
mon consists of the reading of
selectiona from the Bible and the
Christian Science text book, "Sci
ence and Health, With Key to the Scrip
tures." Wednesday evening meeting at
eight. The public is cordially invited.
Mrs. Rudolph Rehlaender gave a
luncheon atone o'clock on Wednesday
in honor of Mrs. Strickler and Mrs.
Wilson of Omaha. The invited guests
were: Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Strickler,
Mrs. A. L. Hoover, Mrs. S. C. Hoover,
Mrs. Bignell, Mrs. Usher and Mrs. Elias
The W. T. M. met on Friday after
noon with Mrs. White, C38 Sort Twenty-fifth
The Unity club gave a card party and
dance at Courier Hall on Monday eve
ning. It was the farewell meeting of
its kind for this year. During the
warm months the club will indulge in
various kinds of outings. The card
prizes were etchings won by Mm. Kel
ner and Mr. Charles Mayer.. About