lim umzw&vmrnmmtmimmmmawa - -"5 l-alii.- ' - 12 at .-- THE COURIER. Head ard Shoulders Abovte Ary Evter prepared, Hamdsoffl Gaurfflemilts ttHaalt Bear Bestially 9 Elegamaee aumdl Disitimotiv lkMm(Slfcir Largest ground floor Clothing- Store in the West, containing an immense variety of the most nobby attire in nearly every fabric, every color and style garment you can ask for, at prices that are emphatically and positively the very lowest. May we not hope to have the pleasure of a visit from 3Tou ? SILVER GRAYS, OXFORD GRAYS, CAMBRIDGE GRAYS. GRAY ROUGH WORSTEDS, GRAY VICUNAS, GRAY BASKET WEAVES, GRAY CLAYS, Gray Prince Alberts, Gray Frock: Suits, Gray Three Button Sacks, Gray Four Button Sacks, Gray Military Shoulder Suits, Gray Top Coats, Gray Overcoats, Gray Box Coats HUMS H OMER 00 DVFTOttiK SORTS Grays in men's clothes, grays in young men's clothes. We anticipated grays almost a year ahead and long before the present scarcity of grays. We share the advantage with our customers and offer grays of all sorts far below others. -Here is-Bargain-Givmg 500 so-called Scotch che viot suits-, exact counter parts of suits advertised strongly by tailors at $15; made better than $15 tailors can make them. Choice. $6.98. lOO -Covert -and -Oxford-Gray Overcoats Silk lined and otherwise hand some, rich garments that we know, and you know, to be worth $15. You can see them in windows marked $15. Any size, $IO.OO. ISO Top 3cats FinestJ material, five different lengths, soft as a mouse's ear, rich as the best can be; to be had in our store, and our store only. Worth $20, choice, $15.00. A.BigJ3argain 200 jnen's all wool black clay worst ed suits; come either round or straight front sack strle or in cutaway frocks; worth exactly $10 in any store in Nebraska, choice, $750. Finest Suits Ever Known Ready to Wear Judge our ability as Clothiers by this range. It is the effort of our lives. How veil we have succeeded you will be able to tell. There is not a etitch in .this range but what is right They are the finest woolens from the four quarters of the. earth; they are the finest buttons experts ever made; the finest linings that money can pro cure; the finest designs ever achieved by Ameri ca's foremost high grade manufacturers. In a word, it is the finest hand work by the finest cus tom tailors. The best values are our aim. To eclipse the finest ever shown heretofore is our ambition. It would be impossible for you to duplicate these garments at any time, at any price, outside of a few swell shops in New York The materials cannot be matched by local tailors under S45 or 850. They are strictly high art, ab solutely genteel, thoroughly exclusive the very acme of modern clothing art choice of 500 suite, and $20. 78 Different Style Suits at $15 This range of Men's Suits was planned a year ago to distinctively, majestically overstep all oth er offers. There are 78 different styles. They represent, probably, a greater financial invest ment than most whole clothing Etores call for. It is an unapproachable gathering of worsteds, vicunae, thibets, caseimeres, cheviots and serges. A rare bargain of extraordinary quality. This 815.A0 line is gotten up to add other laurels and fame to this greatest clothing store. Thoy are the newest colorings, whether plaids, checks, mix tures or stripes, silk lined or plain. We planned this 815.00 line and have succeeded. They rep resent the best values in America. They are made over the reform tailored patterns. We guarantee to fit any man, no matter what his dimensions may be. There are two large tables devoted to this line alone, and they are the pre cise garments that tailors will ask you 830 to $45 for. We offer choice of this magnificent array for $15.00. Perfectly Tailored Suits for Only $10 Over 100 different stylee strictly pure worsteds, all wool cassimeree, all wool thibets, all wool serges, fine Australian clays, in sacks, frocks and Prince Alberts. Suite that will overtop any other proposition placed before you. Suits that will prove up way beyond your expectations in blacks, browns, grays, plaids, checks, stripes and mixtures. Men who care to investigate will find this, the very largest and choicest line of strictly new goods offered. They are all full of merit. Every suit thoroughly sponged and shrunk, all stitched with silk; all have hand worked edges; all perfect fitting. The line Bhows many styles of fancy weaves as well as solid effects. They are dark, medium and light to suit the conservative or those who want dash and coloring. Made in long or short sacks, wide or narrow trousers, mili tary shoulders or plain. Easily worth up to 815.00 on sale at the remarkable price of flO.OO. MMSTOOHG Gi01ttft&. CO., - i - tS. r