The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, April 28, 1900, Page 11, Image 11

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Lady Modish in Bhck.
Black promises to be the mast domi
nant note in the wardrobes of the Mo
dishes this season.
American women of fashion have al
ways shown a strong inclination to af
fect gowns of this sombre hue, but the
fashion makers of Paris have never
encouraged the fancy either at home or
abroad. Consequently, a really smart
black frock has been, since time im
memorial, one of the almost impossible
things to And among the model gowns.
Smart black materials have been
imported only in very limited quanti
ties, to the regret of tha many who
would have chosen them had they been
in evidence. But this season nous
avons changt tout cela. Black now
reigns supreme as the keynote of the
smart toilettes of the best dressed
Tiny tots of four and five, or even
younger, are tricked out in black and
white in miniature imitation .of their
To put black on a child was, a short
time ago, looked upon as little short of
Fashion has a pleasing way with her,
however, of twisting one's point of view
about with a hard, sharp spin that
leaves one so bouleversee on the sub
ject that the only way out seems to be
to agree blindly to whatever she ad
vocates. So we shall, I suppose, prompt
ly dress our feminine tots if we hap
pin to have any in raven coloring.
Apropos of dressing in black, I don't
know anything that has been more re
volutionized by Fashion's decree than
Women used to look their worst when
dressed in mourning under the old
Henriettas and bombazine, made on
ugly, straight, hard lines, with some
stiff bends of crepe as the only per
missible trimiiing, was the popular
conception of mourning. Anything
else more attractive was to be inter
preted as a marK of disrespect and lack
of regret for the dead.
Today the women in mourning are,
if anything, better dressed than the
rest of their world.
AH sorts of exquisite fabrics in black
are to be found, and the eoft French
crepe so much in vogue is tucked and
shirred and turned into endless fasci
nating modes. The white French crepe
is equally smart, and is much worn for
dinners en famille.
The dull black of mourning is pe
culiarly becoming to some women.
Mrs. Perry Belmont, Mrs. Harry
Payne Whitney, and Mrs. Burke-Roche,
for instance, never looked handsomer
than they do now in their sombre
Mrs. Belmont is wearing an unusually
smart hat just now.
It is made entirely of black foliage
and berries. It Hares off and gets over
the face as all the best and latest hats
do. With this bat Mrs. Belmont wears
a thin plain veil of net.
The face veil, with the disfiguring and
unhealthy crepe band across it, is ob
solete, fo far as the woman of fashion is
A word to the wise, in general, and
the unwise, in particular, about the too
eager adoption of the tucked every
thing. This is a mode that is already too
popular. By the time the season is well
advanced it will not be tolerated by the
really modish.
Many women who are not in mourn
ing wear a touch of color, with their
black frocks especially their evening
At the play the other night Lady
Mary Sackville was gowned in some
black gauzy material embroidered in
cut jet.
Her gown was cut away from the
neck in the new shallow square decol
lete and it was veiled with blue ma
terial. Lady Mary wore a wisp of blue
material about her throat under her
Collars of full ceil jet Btrung on dia
mond bars set in gun metal are the
dernier cri. By the way, to wear with
these quaint semi-decollete bodices the
neatest crepe de chines are in black,
with big splashy designs in white wan
dering over them.
These crepe de chines promise ti
rival, if not outshine, the perennial
foulards that have been in vogue so
long. The crepe de chines have the
virtue of novelty, but the foulards re
tain their virtue of coolness so it seems
likely they will yet "win out."
The smartest foulards are in black
with white polka dots of graduated
Some of the most desirable of these
foulards have borders formed of the
polka dots as well.
None of the really smart women is
wearing her new things yet.
They have learned that by ordering
their gowns leisurely they get much
better results. So this is at the mom
ent what one would call "between
You see the women prominent so
cially now busily using up the best of
their winter things, with skirts the
same width at the top that they are at
the bottom.
Mrs. Henry Burnett is wearing at
the moment a very good gown in black
beloit. It is made very plainly, a big
collar of exquisite lace being the only
touch that breaks its absolute severity.
With this gown Mrs. -Burnett wears a
bonnet really a bonnet that suggests
the old-fashioned poke. It has two
black ostrich feathers for its only trim
ming, and black maline strings of con
siderable length which tie under the chin
on one Bide and float over the shoulder.
Mrs. "Dick" Trimble is wearing a
gown of purple cloth strapped with
much machine stitching. With Mrs.
Ogden Mills, Mrs. "Dick" Trimble, Mrs.
Townsend Burden and other leaders
affecting purple as they do so success
fully, it looks as though this gorgeous
color would prevail to a great extent,
and so save this from becoming entirely
a Salmagundi season.
Lady Modish.
TO THE DEAF. A rich lady, cured
of her Deafness and Noises in the Head
by Dr. Nicholson's Artificial Ear Drums,
gave $10,000 to this institute, bo that
deaf people unable to procure the Ear
Drums may have them free. Address
No. 6.C3S9 A, the Nicholson Institute,
780 Eighth Avenue, New York.
May cost the most, but
Covers the most surface
Spreads the easiest.
Looks the best,
Holds color the best and
Wears the longest.
FOR sale; by
SfcO IVortlx OCenttk Street. -a
People Havte No Trouble
In getting- what they want at the
Good Luck Grocery.
OTVW CCTfr" HOT O Mtreet.
-XA SXVli-'t TeleplioneOSO
The Bock Island playing cards are
the slickest you ever handled. One
pack will be sent by mail on receipt of
15 cents in stamps. A money order or
draft for 50 cents or same in stamps will
secure 4 packs. They will be sent by
express, charges prepaid. Address,
John Sebastian, G. P. A.,
Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R'y,
On April 22nd, the Union Pacific will
inaugurate two palace train services to
Portland. Ore. No. 1, morning train,
will consist of through palace and tour
ist sleepers, buffet, smoking, library,
chair and dining cars. No. 3. afternoon
train, through palace and tourist sleep
era, buffet, smoking, library and chair
car. Diner to Ogden. The only direct
line. City office 10U O street.
First Pub. April II, 1900 t
Notice to Creditors. E 1425.
In the county court of Lancaster county. Ne
braska. In the Matter of the Estate of Nathan S. Har
wood. deceased.
To The Creditors Of Said Estate:
You are hereby notified that I will sit at the
county court room in Lincoln, in said county,
on the 1st day of September. 1WW, and again
on the 1st dav of December, 19O0. to receive and
examine all claims against said estate, with a
view to their adjustment and allowance. The
time limited for the presentation of claims
against said estate is six months from the 1st
day of June. 1900. and the time limited for
the payment of debts is one year from the 1st
dav of June. 1900
Notice of this proceeding is ordered published
four weeks successively in The Courier, a week
ly newspaper published In this state.
Witness mv hand and the seal of said county
court this 6th day of April. 1900,
(seal.) Frank K. Waters,
County Judge.
By Wai ter A., Clerk County Court.
First Pub. April II, 1900 1.
Notice 1 hereby given. That by virtue of an
order of sale issued by the clerk of the district
court of the Third judicial district of Nebras
ka, within and for Lancaster county, in an ac
tion wherein Mary E. Hrown is plaintiff, and
William II. Cleveland and Man-aret Cleve
land, his wife, defendants, I will, at 2 o'clock
P. SI., on the 15th day of Slay A. D. ISAM,
at the east door of the court house, in the
city of Lincoln. Lancaster county. Nebraska,
offer for sale at public auction the following
described lands and tenements to-wit:
The west one-half (w JJ) of sub-division
fourteen 1 II) In S. V. Little's sub-division of
the west one-half ( w i) of the southwest quar
ter (sw H ) of section twenty-four 1 20. township
ten ( 10) north range six (6) east in the city of
Lincoln. In Lancaster county, Nebraska.
Given under my hand this 13th day of April.
A D. 1900.
Notice to Creditors.
First Pub., April 2s-1 1
In the county court of Lancaster county, Ne
braska: In the matter of the estate of James Wampler
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notlned, that the County
Judge will sit at the county court room in Lin
coln, in said county, on the 1st day of Septem
ber, 19U0. and again on the 1st day of Decem
ber. 1900. to receive and examine all claims
against said estate, with a view to their ad
justment and allowance. The time limited for
the presentation of claims against said estate
is six months from the 1st day of June.
190t), and the time limited for the payment of
debts Is one year from the 1st day of June.
Notice of this proceeding has been ordered
published for three weeks successively In The
Courier a weekly newspaper published in this
Witness my hand and the seal of said court
this 21th dav of April. 1900.
seau1 Frank R. W aters. County Judge.
By Walter a. Clerk County Court.
Than any other line.
57 H
Hours to San Fkancisco.
ours to Portland.
Double Drawing Room Palace Sleepers.
Buffet Smoking and Library Cars with
Barber Shop and Pleasant Reading
Dining Cars, Meals a la Carte.
Pintsch Light, Steam Heat.
For time tables, folders, illustrated
books, pamphlets descriptive of the ter
ritory traversed, call on
E. B. Slosson, Agent.
All Subscriptions to
Tke GdDMrieir
Received before the first of
July. 1900,
Only $loo