The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, April 28, 1900, Image 1

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Kkteredxn the postoftice at Lincoln as
second class mattes.
Official Organ of the Nebraska State
Federation of Women's Clubs.
Office 1132 N Btreet, UpStairu.
Telephone 384.
Subscription Kates In Advance.
Per annum - II 00
Six months 75
Three months 50
One month 20
Single copies 05
The Cockier will not be responsible for vol
notary communications unless accompanied by
return postage.
Communications, to receive attention, must
be signed by tne lull name of the writer, not
merely as a guarantee of good faitb, but for
publication if advisable.
Territorial Distribution.
Republican politics in Lancaster
county are complicated. Politics are
always mixed, but conflicting in
terests and the principle of the ter
ritorial distribution of offices has set
republicans against republicans in
this county. It is doubtful if a Unit
ed States senator can be elected from
Lancaster, if Lancaster has already
furnished the governor of the state.
Therefore the selection of Mr. Lam
bertson's name for presentation to
the state convention is supoosed to
be a ruse to defeat Mr. Thompson's
long cherished plans to go to Wash
ington as the senator from Nebraska.
All this aside, Mr. Lambertson's
long residence in Nebraska, his life
long position as one of the leaders of
the republican party in this state, his
honorable career, his brilliancy as a
speaker, his fidelity to republican
principles and his willingness to labor
for their adoption, his culture and
scholarship eminently tit him for the
position for which so many of the
party in this state desire that he
should be nominated.
The Republican party (like all
others) has three types of adherents
or members: the indifferent and vac
Hating, the zealous, patriotic and
unwavering, and the attaches who
work for it for pay in the form of
offices, contracts or honors. There are
no conceivable circumstances that
would tempt Mr. Lambertson to offer
to trade his republicanism for an
office conferred by democrats and
populists. In sickness and in health,
in defeat and in victory, Mr Lam
bertson is an unequivocal republican
partizan. He and such as he are the
strength and spirit of the party. His
nomination would attract to the
party all the better elements, who
were discouraged years ago wllen it
began to nominate for the most digni
fied office in the state Tom and Jack
ward politicians. The enthusiasm
and response which Colonel Ilay
ward's campaign awakened was worth
while even though defeat resulted.
The party has fallen on evil days and
needs a revival of the old spirit.
Chancelor E. Benjamin Andrews.
The only opposition in Nebraska to
Dr. Andrews, lias been withdrawn
since his" acceptance of the regents,
poss invitation. When he arrives lie
will find an open field. The faculty.the
body of students, and the citizens of
the state will receive him without
prejudice and with fervent, sincere
hopes for his complete success. How
long we can maintain our non-critical
hospitable expression and determina
tion is doubtful. Chancellors have
found us an obstinate and a perverse
people. Not. one, in departing has
been willing to sign his name to a
charter recommending the State uni
versity for compatibility.
The Monday New York Sun re
proves the Kennebec Journal for call
ing Doctor Andrews a successful ad
vertiser: "Doctor Elisha Benjamin
Andrews expresses boldly at all times
his own idiosyncrasies. He says and
does the unexpected. That is his
surprise and charm. It is not his
fault, but bis fate, that he makes
himself, talked about. He is an orig
inal and a vigorous citizen, and wher
ever he wanders there will be a hot
time in each town he visits."
The university, justly or not, has
acquired the reputation of being al
ways ready for a tight. Doctor An
drews also has a reputation to sus
tain. It may be we need a heavy
hand and a chancellor who will pick
up any gauge thrown to him. Liki
the big boy in the district school or
the border ruffian, both cowardly
types, we may need an encounter of
the sort we have invited.
Costly Churches.
The article in last week's Courier
in regard to costly churches has re
ceived marked approval from many of
those who helped to build the
churches of Lincoln. The day is still
distant when the congregations even
of one denomination will unite to
build a people's church for the mul
titude, where five thousand voices
can choir in a voice that will fill the
city with mighty notes like the rush
of a torrent. The church people of
Lincoln have got into the habit of
erecting churches with an utmost
capacity of 1,000 souls and when this
is strained, of building another, of
hiring another minister to preach in
it, of buying another organ for it,
and of devoting the hours of service
to explaining why so many thousand
dollars more are needed etc., etc.
There is no immediate prospect of
loosening this habit, although it is
apparent that the givers are exhaust
ed and unwilling. The conserva
tism of the pious is deep and cannot
be disputed by considerations of ex
pediency. A New Club.
A society for improving the speak
ing voice has been organized by wo
men in New York City. To eliminate
the nasal twang from the American
woman's tones is a laudable object.
It is also definite. The prospectus
happily contains none of those vague
aspirations for improvement "along
educational, spiritual and artistic
lines'' so common in such documents.
The task is all the greater for Its de
finiteness. Confined at first to New
York, it proposes to establ sh chapters
in every state and finally in every
city in this country. The inhabi
tants of Maine will be slowly brought
to the stage of phonie consciousness
where they will instinctively avoid
haouses, taowns, and maountins.
Massachusetts will be taught to sound
the letter It. Southerners will listen
to lectures and illustrations on the
value and function of consonants.
Ohio people will be taught the pure
sounds of vowels. Some of the most
advanced pupils from the latter state
can be expected perhaps within fifty
years to pronounce wash, hog and
dish correctly. Nebraskans have very
few local corruptions. Assembled
from all parts of the United States
provincialisms they brought with
them are subjected to criticisms from
settlers with some other style of cor
ruption. The contrast of dialects
produces a return to purity. In Ne
braska therefore the Society for im
proving the speaking voice may de
vole its attention to the elimination
of nasal effects. Nebraska women
need to be taught to speak louder and
slower on the platform, and lower at
receptions, on the streets and at
home. The clang of the American
feminine voice at teas and receptions
would be deafening if one ever stop
ped contributing to it, long enough
to listen. But the accidents from
such experiments are, fortunately,
very rare.
Seriously, the society in defining
and restricting its efforts to improving
one phase of error, has recognized the
futility of trying to uplift and reform
everything in America. I hope that
it may be successful in removing the
reproach of loud nasal speaking from
our country women in New York and
finally, drive it out of the continent
as Saint Patrick scared the snakes
from Ireland. The World says:
"That the origin of the distinctively
nasal twang In the American voice
has never been scientifically explain
ed, but in history it is generally as
sociated with a tendency to piety.
It appears as early as Chaucer's time
in the singing of the prioress, "en
tuned in her nose;" it was very highly
developed during the Puritan period,
when it was transferred to this coun
try via Massachusetts, and its wide
diffusion Is probably traceable to the
popularity of the annual New Eng
land dinners. At first sight the task
of extracting the nasal twang from
the American voice may seem as dif
ficult as the extirpation of the gypsy
moth or of the English sparrow; but
much may be accomplished by com
bining a policy of firmness with gen
tleness in dealing with the offenders.
President Hadley of Yale has made
the Ingenious suggestion that the
trust evil may be combated by not
inviting trust manipulators to -dinner,
but even severer penalties should
be visited on people who may, after
the society's warning, persist in talk
ing through their nose."
w m
The Rich Man.
Jealousy and distrust of the rich is,
or seems to be, growing. In America,
where hereditary superiority is de
nounced and disputed by the consti
tution, the poor regard the rich with
a suspicion which can be excited into
hatred by a demagogue. The rich
man who has made his own fortune
by cultivating economical habits, by
industry, good judgment and by that
rare, brave quality called individual
initiative does not deserve the sus
picion and distrust with which his
poorer neighbors sometimes regard
him. He is rich, not because lie bis
robbed anyone, but because he rec
ognized, because he was ready for the
tide whose turning led him on to
fortune. The competition of busi
ness life is so sharp, it is so difficult
for the average individual, to make
even a modest living that after a few
years' experience of trial, disappoint
ment, and partial success the sincere
worker can not refrain from express
ing admiration for those who have
succeeded. It is accomplishing a
very great deal to make one's living
and that of others. The workers are
obliged to exercise a vigilance, to pos
sess an almost infallible judgment, to
be indurated to fatigue and then after
all, chance must favor them. There
are constant heart breaking failures
of men who lack only inspiration,
men who are honest, industrious and
intelligent. These ftilures and par
tial successes are apt to review their
own futile efforts in the light of some
other man's success and attribute it
unjustly to his invocation of a power
diabolic. The number of clever men
who are willing to accept offices that
pay only a bare living a month is
proof of the sharpness of the strug-