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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1900)
k THE COURIER. Mesdames Campbell of Danvor, Jaycox of Texas, Edmisten, Morrison, Morrill, Fitzgerald, Lau, Wokott, Mark Woods, Frank Wood?, Crittenden, Latshaw, Ladd, Hutchins, Lyon, Hardy, Thomas, Hargroaves, P. W. Brown, T. W. Grif fith, Muir, Lowrey, Buck3ta(T, Rhodes, Holm, Lewis, Bumhani, Richards, Wil son, Fling, Fawell, Howe, Tilton, Ward, Crancer, Hellwig, Miller, Turner, 'Ray mond, Irvine, Manahan, Aitken, Snell, 'liorney, Menz-'ndorf, Wheeler, Hol yoke, Clarke, and Ewing. Misses Kel loy of Minnesota, Marie Hoover, Helen Hoover, Otfell, Burnham, Grace Aitken, Gertrude Aitken, Alice Cowdery, Kitty Cowdery, Hammond and Hollowbush. MrB. Charles Frank Harpbam and Mrs. Alfred Archibald Scott gave a f white reception Thursday afternoon at tho homo of Mrs. Harpharn, from three to six o'clock. The house looked charm, ing. The door was opened by a butler splendid in white satin and a powdered wig. Earh caller said Oh! as she en tered. Such freshnese, such daintiness, such whiteness! The arches in the hall were hung with airy white draperies and wreaths of white roses and Easter lilies. There were white rugs on tho tluorand tho balustrade of tho stairway was wound with whito bunting. The gu?6ts were first shown upstaira to a room where Miss Uisser, all in white with powdered hair, soated under a white canopy, served a refreshing frapped fruit. Shu was assisted by Mrs. Nelson and Mrs. Suter, Miss Lease, Miss Hill and Miss Scott of Ashland. Roses and smilax were wound around the chandelier and stranc's of white llowers hung from the curtains. The guests then descended to tho hall where they woro met by Mrs. Callen Thomp son, who directed them to the receiving party in which were Mrs. Harpbam, Mrs Scott, Mrs. Speocer, M-s Plerca of Chicago and Mre. Wilson of Omaha. The receiving ladies were all gowned in white and wore their hair powdered. Mrs. Harpham'sgoR-n was an effective white dotted silk muslin. The waist was made with a yoke trimmed with a dainty lace guipure. On the skirt were many laca rutlles. Mrs. Scott wore a llulTy gown of white Swiss muslin. The corsage wat. shirked with frequent hand some lace entrc-deux. In the drawing rooms and in the library were white roses, carnations, fernB and palms. The chandeliers were wrappad in roses and lilies and on the floors were white rugs. Those assisting in these rooms weie Mesdames Frank Hall, Allen W. Field, A. D. Wilkinson and F. II. Hill. Mrs. L. C. Richards showed the gueit3 into the dining room which was of the whitest white. On the walls was a graceful frieze of soft white material. Smilnx aud roses were wound in and out in tho scroll work above the dcor; the chandelierB were prettily decorated and tho draperies were effective with their garnishing of white roses and lilies. Mrs. Sheldon Reymond, with her accustomed dignity and grace, served the ice. She was assisted by Mesdames Henry P. Eames, Manahan, Freeman, Misses Foynter, Weeks, Odell and Olive Shute. The tablo centre was Batten burg lace and a bowl of lovely bride roses. White ices, cake3 and boa bons woro served. Mrs. MunRon invited tho ladio3 from tho dining room into" the library and from there Mrs. Atwood guided them to the Grecian room which was on the second lloor. In the Grecian room there were whit9 divans and cush ions all about. Tho walls, quita covered .vith whito roses and smilax, formed a beautiful background to the women gowned in tho soft, graceful, Grecian rnh. Mm. J. II. SteDhens served Grecian te3 and orange straw?. She was assisted by Mrs'. Arnett, Miss Dal ly, Miss Hartley and Miss Kelly. All the women assisting Mrs. Harpham and 1 Mrs. Scott wero gowned in white and wore their hair powdered. The Ideal Mandolin orchestra played during the reception hours. The music was in touch with the tone-color of the after noon, "Lo! I thought all in white". This evening Mrs. Harpbam and Mrs. Scott give a card party at the home of the former. The evening is given in honor of the ladies who assisted them on.Thursday afternoon, and their hus bands. Six-handed euchre is to be the game. Those invited are Messrs. and Mesdames J. II. Stephens, Atwood, H. II. Wilson, L. D. Munsen, Sutter, Nel son, Lee Arnett, James Manahan, Spier, J. C. Harpham, C. A. Robbins, Mark Tilton, R. B: Wilson and Walter Davis. . Newton and Paul Campbell gave a dancing party to some of their friends on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woods enter tained the Good Times Euchre club nn Wednesday. The club particularly en joyed life last evening after its intermis sion during part of lent. The Congregational club gave a quar terly dinner party on last Tuesday even ing in the dining room of the church. At the three other banquots the con gregational sisters are not expected, but on this nccsion they were invited both to prepare the banquet and to dine with tho members. The club also did the handsome thing by allowing the women to have both the tiret and the last word. Although Mrs. A. S. Raymond did not expect to preside, the toast mistress being absent she took her place and in troduced each speaker with a few grac'ous and well chosen words. After a savoury banquet, Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. Winchester, Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Hartley, Mrs, Doane and Mis3 Harris responded to toasts. After the last word the men folks elected President, Prof. Swezsy; Vice president, Mr. George A. Loveland; Secretary and Treasurer, Mr. T. C. Sea crest. Ex. Com. Mr. D. E. Green, Dr. Stevens, Mr. O. T. King and Mr. Win chester. Mr Bnd Mrs. W.F. Sch wind gave a spring dinner party on Tuesday. The dining room and table wero in roses and violets. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. M. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Waite, Mr. and Mrs. Winger, Mrs. St rot her and Mr. Milton Schwind. First Church of Christ (Scientist), Fourteenth and K streets. Arthur C. Ziemer, C. S. First Reader. Sunday morning services at lO-'K); subject, "Everlasting Punishment.'' The ser mon consists of the reading of selections from the Bible and the Christian Science text book, "Sci ence and Health, With Key to the Scrip tures."' Wednesday evening meeting at eight. The public is cordially invited. Mr. Richeson gave a series of dancicg parties this week for the pupils in bis various classes. His decorations were elaborate, and both the dance given on Monday and the one on Wednesday eve ning ere very successful affairs. The flower programs were dainty bits of cardboard. Mr. Richeson's carnival sea Bin has been thoroughly enjoyed by his pupils. The Bryan Home Guards gave a ball on Monday evening at tne Auditorium. The Auditorium presented a very gay fete like appearance, with its festooning of bunting and the number of flags used in decoration. There were frequent portraits of Mr. Bryan on the walls, also one of Abraham Lincoln. A Hag lighted by electricity made a most brilliant dis play of light ana color. The evening was opened by a musical program given by Hagenow'e band. About ten o'clock the dancing began The grdnd march was led by Adjutant General Barry acd KB I 1 i 1 m m J The advantages of Music Study in Nebraska Wesleyan Conservatory may bo summarized as follows: J 1. A superior corps of instructors, presenting tho most approved Hit ropean methods. J 2. A choral society, a.Tording ellicient drill in part Hinging, and tiv- ing students the opportunity of becoming acquainted with tho standard 2 works of the best composers. .'!. Numerous recitals, concerts, lectures, eto, free to studonte. " 4. The opportunity of taking one or ruoro studies in any other depart- ment of tho University. m b. Healthful and helpful surroundings to tho physical, mental and spiritual life. 0 G. Freedom from the turmoil, distractions, and temptations of a coin- mercial city. m 7. Accessibility to the artistic attractions found only in largo ceuterx of population. For Circular Qiviiuj Full Infurmulion, Address S ORK3V K. LOCKE, University Place, Nebr. A XKJ V P P em ie Courier yourLEGAL NOTICES L VV I ClU"" files are kept in tire proof buililitij's. . FLEMING f Girdles at 38c; Chatelaines. -IOs; Beauty ?ins, l5cdoz.;cu(T buttons 25cto$l 50; Zll O St., South sido. Lincoln, Nebr. Mrs. Wente, Mr. James Manahan and Mrs. T. S. Allon, who were preceded by Lieutenant Eager and Lieutenant Pace in uniform. There were about two hun dred people present. Ices were served during the evening. Credit is due tho various committees for their careful di rection of affairs. There is a certain young lady in Lin coln whose charms have caught the eye of two of Omaha's prominent society devotees of the other sex and each of them has lately been concocting excuses for frequent trips to the city by Salt creek without the knowlodge that his rival knew of his attentions to the afore said damsel. One of them recently dis covered the other, however, and was in turn discovered in the same breath, and it was all due to the fact that somebody's telephone is on the same circuit with some other body's. Upon taking down his telephone, Mr. A. heard the follow ing brief bits of conversation between a young married lady of Lincoln who was visiting in Omaha and Mr. B: Mr. B "Whew! Is that so?" Mrs. C "Yes. And he was down again last Sunday and took a long walk with her all the after noon." It is said that Mr. A and Mr, B met the next Sunday afternoon in Lincoln and the old adage that "three is a crowd" was painfully verified. Omaha World-Herald. Miss Garzplon, of Boston, who is visit ing Mrs. N. S. Harwood, is a member of the Castilians, a woman's club which has devoted the last ten years to the history, literature and institutions of Spain. Each year the club publishes two books containing the research and conclusions of the previous year. There are now in the Boston public library twenty volumes on Spain contributed by the Castilians. These books, con taining full bibliographies, are edited with the thoroughness and conscien tiousness of Boston women, and are a valuable addition to the knowledge of Spain. Matinee Musicale organ recital at Armory U. of N., on Monday evening, April 23rd. Miss Nellie May Mortill will give an organ recital for the Matinee Musicale Monday evening April 23. A Midsummer-day by Jadasrehn will be presented by the full chorus under the direction of Mrs. P. V. M. Raymond. Miss Jcsephene Zeller left on Monday afternoon for Peoria, Illinois. From there she will go to New York City to join the Doctor Fling party which sails on the twenty-fourth of thia month for Paris. Mies Zeller expects to remain abroad some two years and will spend the time sight-seeing in European cities of historical renown. Doctor J. V. Beghtol of Friend, was in the city tho first of tho week. Mrs. II. P. Kinjf of Friend, returnod to her homo on Sunday, after being tho guest of Mre. U. B. Dudgeon, for Eovcral days. Mrs. Harpham aud Mrs. Scott give a breakfast at twelve o'clock noon today to the young women who assisted them on Thursday af.e-noon. A four courso luncheon is to be served. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall entertained a card party on Tuesday evening. Mes srs and Mesdames Wright. Wilson, Wil son, Yates, Raymond, Aitken, Morrill. Campbell, Lai'd, Kimball, Miss Oakley, Mr. Will Raymond and Mr. Selden Kodgers. Miss Oakley won a beautiful prize the royal prize which was a plate. Mr. Rodders was the successful winner among the gentlemen. He was presented with a head of Hosea. Mrs. Yates won the lone hand priza. Miss Ruth and Mr. Jack Macfarland gave a delightful dancing party on Mon day evening. The guests were MieseB Weiscer. Hunt, Raymond, Pauline and Leah Meyer, Hargreaves, Hargreaves, Cox' Burnham, Casebeer, Fawell, Muir. Funk. Robbins, Cornell Messrs Kil lian, Whitman, Uurtz, Fawell, Kimball, Quick, Lau, Fawell, Krandel. Wheeler, McConiir, Giiren, Tomson. Culbertson and Muir. Les Bohemiennes met with Mra. Frank Irvine on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Lambertson acd her daughter Jean returned this week. They have just passed several very pleasant, in vigorating months in California. Mrs. C. E. Yates gave a luncheon at one o'clock Thursday in honor of Mrs. R. R. Livingston of Piattsmouth. The table was in Easter lili-s. The guests were old friends of Mrs. Livingston: Mesdames White of Platt&moutb, Gero. Plummer, Campbell, Harley, Campbell, and Wright. Mrs. Hammond and Miss Hammond gave a euchre party Wednesday after -noon. Mrs. Frank Hill won the royal prize a poster. Mrs. Rudge the becond prize and Mies Nance won tne connota tion. The prizes weie picturesque posters. Guests: Mesdames Richards.