The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, April 21, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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Time Spent in Our Home-Like
Will be found most profitable to our patrons-thisprrag. There is positively nothing left undone to make this
department the strongest, best and most complete of any in the west. When looking for Boys' and Children's
goods you will do yourself a great injustice if you neglect to see our unsurpassed Spring offerings, for here you
will see twice the variety, twice the quantity as can be shown by any of our followers, and besides we will dem
onstrate to your yerfect satisfaction that we actually save you from 20 to 33 per cent on every purchase.
This season Boys' and Little Fellows' Clothing is refreshingly new in design, bright in color effect and
thoroughly different from those shown during any previous season. We are in a position to show you hundreds
of different styles, and no matter how many we may show you each particular suit will be found in some noticable
respect different from all others.
Vest Suaits.
Ages Three to Nine Years.
20 STALES Child's Vestee Suits, ages three to
nine years. Among this lot you will tiod the
ewellest creations of this year for the little
fellow. They come mostly with small collars,
satin faced. The vests come ingle or double
breasted of same material as suit, or of fancy
silk; colors, black, blue, brown and fancy effects.
True value, 9650; special price $500
40 STYLES Child's Vestee Suits, made in the
very latest style. You may have them with
small or large collars; some satin faced, some
braided edge. The vesta are single or double
breasted, of same goodB or fancy silk. Every
puit in the line is a true work of art. Colors,
blue, black and pretty mixtures, checks, plaids
and stripes. Materials, fine worsteds, serges,
cheviots and caseimeres. True value, 85.00.
Special price $3.50
15 STYLES Child's Vestee Suits, fit boys age 3
to 9 years. Come in floe all wool serges, worst
eds, eMHsawee and cheviots. There are in this
liae seats made with small or large collars;
sotse fancy trowed, aome silk faced. The
vests come single or doable breasted, and may
be had like the coat or of fancy silk or of other
fancy material. This -line shows some wonder
fully pretty color effects, which, of course, in
clude both blue and black. True value, 83 50 to
84.00; special price $2.98
AT $2.50 we are showing fully twenty styles of
. Child's Vestee Suits; we claim that these hand
some little creations are equal to any in the
market at 83 50. You may have them with
large or small collars, plain or fancy vests and
in colors blue, black', small checks, plaids and
mixtures. These suits are made from pure
wool fabrics and are guaranteed fully.
AT $I.98Ten Styles Child's Vestee Suits come
ia blue and black, also neat effects in gray and
brown, besides a few striking novelties. They
are each and every one a good 83.00 suit. Spe-'
cial price $1.98
AT$1.50 Seven Styles Child'e Vestee Suits,
come in colors black, blue and brown, also a few
in fancy colorings. Some are fancy trimmed,
others plain. All are good 82.00 and 82 25 values.
AT 98c Two Styles Child's Vestee Suits, neat
patterns. Elegant values for the money.
Beys' Em
Pamt Sunlit
Ages 7 to 16 Years.
25 STYLES Boys' Double Breasted Knee Pant
Suits; agea 7 to 1G. In this line you will find
Buits such sb are being sold about town at 86.00,
8650 and 87 00. They are made of the finest
worsteds, serges, ca&simereB and cheviots. Some
are Bilk faced; all are elegantly finished. You
have practically an unlimited vuriety of color
effects to select from. Special price. . . .$5.00
30 Styles Boys' Double Breasted Knee Pant
Suits; come in plain and fancy colorings, of
fine worsteds, serges, cassimeres and cheviots.
In this line you may have colors both blue and
black, besides a big variety of grays and browns
in plaidp, checks and stripes. The true values
are $5.00; special price $3 . 50
48 Styles Boys' Fine All Wool Double Breasted
Knee Pant Suits; made of thoroughly tested
fabrics (colors guaranteed, sewing guaranteed).
You may have them in worsteds, serges and
solidly woven cheviots. They come in a big
variety of pretty mixtures, stripes and checks,
besides the staple colors, blue and black. True
value 8350 to 84.00; special price $2. 98
40 Styles Boys' Double Breasted Knee Pant
Suits, come in a big variety of fancy colorings,
besides blue and black. These suits are strictly
all wool and well worth 8350; special
price $2.50
25 Styles BoyB' Double Breasted Knee Pant
Suite, made of all wool material and come in a
big variety of handsome patterns. True values
upwards of 83.00; special price $1.98
IO Styles Boys' Double Breasted Knee Pant
Suits; some are made of all wool materials,
others are 80 per cent wool, while some are per
haps half cotton. All, however, are in good,
wholesome patterns and the real values vary
from 82.00 to 82.50; special prices $1.50
5 Styles Boys' Double Breasted Knee Pant
Suits; ages 6 to 15 years; made of honest ma
terial; worth 81 .50; special price 98c
Boys' Loitag
PaMt Smits
Age 14 to 19 Years.
At $15. OO We are showing in Boy6' Long Pant
Suits a line of' patterns and fabrics such sb
have never before been shown in Lincoln.
Worsted and worsted cheviots in stripes, checks
and plaids, also vicunas in Oxford grays. These
are the identical suits that bring 820.00 in the
large cities of the east.
At $12.50 Boys' Long Pant Suits; single or
double breasted vests. These artistic creations
may be had in vicunas, cassimeres and worsteds.
They are beautifully made and the finest'fitting
lot of merchandise we have ever owned. True
value 816.50.
At $10.90 Boys' Long Pant Suite. Here is a
very strong line with us. We strive to give our
customers the very best merchandise in the
woild at this price. You may have them with
single or double breasted vestB, and in materials
of worsteds, cassimeres, vicunas and cheviots.
In this line there are many new creations that
we own exclusively. True values, 912.50 and
At $7.50 BoyB' Long Pant Suits. In this line
we give you the 810 suits of the other fellows.
They are pure wool worsteds, serges, cassimeres
and cheviots. Come with double or Bingle
breasted coats, round of square cut. Vests cac
be had either single or double breasted. Col
ors black and blue, besides fancy coloring of
stripes, checks, plaids and mixtures.
At $5.00 Boys' Long Pant Suits. This line is
the wonder of all lines. All wool cheviots in
colors blue and black; fine caeaimere in fancy
effects. True value 87.50. This is -not over
stating facts.
At $3.95 Boys' Long Pant Suits. In this line
you have many good things to select from.
Some are all wool, but al! are good values at
85.00 and 86.00.
At $2.98 Boys' Long Pant Suits. Come in neat
effects of brown and gray; also black and blue.
Honestly tailored and very good fitters. True
value, 84 00.
Boys' Shirt Waists at 19c, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c and
Boys' Caps at 19;, 25c, 35c, 50c and 75c.
Boys' Odd Knee Pants at 19c, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c
and 81.00.
Boys' Shirts at 25c, 50c, 75c and 81.00.
Boys' Collars at 8c, 10c and 15c.
Boys' Puff or Teck TieB at 25c.
Little Boys' Shirts, age 4 to 9 years (juet like
dad's), at 75c
Boys' Sweaters at 50c, 75 and 81 00.
With every purchase of $5.00 or over in our Boys' or Children's department we
"" erive free of charge a COUYNE KITE. These kites are the identical kites
that could have been seen flying- over cur city during- the butter makers' convention. They are the strongest,
most easily controlled and most lasting kite on the market and in an ordinary wind will fly three or four thousand