THE COURIER. . u. j- r - a hi 9 J Cycle Photographs J Athletic Photographs 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Photographs of Babies Photographs of Groups Exterior Views s4$6&nrify 9 9 9 9 9 9 M 999999 THE PHOTOGRAPHER - 129 South Eleventh Street. ASHES OF ROSES. THE CERTAINTY. 9 V i ' H. W. BROWN Druggist ana Bookseller. Fine Stationery and Calling Cards 9 127 So.Bleventh Street. j A KllUPit. OB r 0000000000000090000000003 8 ltfCUC onrl OPINIONS Q 0 HUMO UIIU VI I1UWIIU National Importance I THE SUN 8 ALONE CONTAINS BOTH. g - Daily, by mail, W.00 a year q iauy oc. ounoay oy uuu, -ro.uu a year 'Mid roses and rustle and laughter, Tea, greetings and gossip as well, The two of them met, a year after That neither would care to tell. Yet who could have said it mattered. Although with the eyes to see ? For they gossiped and laughed and chattered Of the marriages soon to be. Of the fact of his lessening chances, And the strangers come to town, The dinners and plays and dances, And the death of poor Nell Brown. And he oh, he spoke of his journey, And how Gibson had made a hit With his "Married," and Susie Gurney Was the model who sat for it. And they talked of Le Gallienne's novel, And she argued that Browning was wrong. With his rot about love and a hovel, And hunger and babies and song ! And they chatted and sipped and debated, Till a man who was gaunt and gray Came and said that the carriage waited, And hurried his wife away. And so in the crowd they parted, And the world went on the same; And neither was broken-hearted, Yet unto them both there came A thought that they dared not cherish, A riddle they left unread: 'How so much of them both could perish, Yet neither, indeed, be dead 1" The Smart Set. Motifs. AmoDg the ruins of her life a woman wept. "Here," she said, "1 built my happiness, and for that which made it, gave the jewels of my soul. A joy worth so mucbrI thought, must last; but here I mourn, for it lies fallen in thb dust, shattered by the weight of what it cost." 8- c i c jjovirvaay our Is ihe greatest Sunday JeWs- g paper in the World, o Price, 5c a copy. By mail, $2 a year S Address THE SUN, New York. ooooooooooooo-oooooooooooo On the walls of an old temple waB found this picture: A king forging from his crown a chain, and nearby a slave making of his chain a crown. And underneath was written: "Life is what man makes of it, no matter of what it is made." Thev sought a place to bury their hatchet and chose the heart of a friend who stopped the fight. Broad "Veiixl5S. Firat'Claas Sloepera DAII.Y1I ft BETWEEN CHICAGO AND SAN UMBO WITHOUT CHANGE VIA Surrounded by the pleasures of a pampered life, a woman sighed. "I have all the gifts a world can give," she said, "and would give them all for the wish to keep them. April Century. Leave Omaha on Big 5 at 1:30 p. m. AH the best scenery in the Rocky Moun tains and the Sierre Nevada by day light in .both directions. These cars are carried on the limited trains of the Great Rook Island Iot, Denver and Rio Grands (Scenic Route). Rio Grand Western and Southern Pacific. Dining Car Service Through. Buffet Library Cars. J J J E. W. THOMPSON, A. G. P Topeka, Kan. JOHN SEBASTIAN. G. P. A. Chicago, 111. A Prize Thought. A teacher of music in one of the pub lic schools of the south desired to im press the pupils with the meaning of the signs "" and "ff" in a song they ware about to sing. After explaining that "" meant forte, he said: "Now, child ren, if ' means forte, what does 'ff' mean?" Silence reigned for a moment, and then he was astonished to hear a bright little fellow shout: "Eighty !" Lippencott for April. The Doctor's Wife (opening her eyesi) What 1 Going out again Itmusf be after one oclock. The Doctor: (struggling into hit vesti) Yes, just. The Doctor's wife: How dreadful! Wear your heavy coat. And, dear, please, will you mail my note, There, on the mantel? The Doctor; Yes; all right. The Doctor's Wife: And hurry, hurry back, for, oh, When you're away, like this, at night, I never sleep I The Doctor: You don't ? The Doctor's Wife: Why, no ! What wife could calmly rest? The Doctor: Ah, true 1 The Doctor's Wife: So come straight home. The Doctor: That's what III do;- I won't stay out to view the sky. But try to doze, dear, meanwhile. The Doctor's Wife (reproachfully.) i? (Opening her eyes after a silence:) Do hurry and get off, for then You'll be the sooner back again. It is so lonely watching here ! The Doctor (taking off his necktiei) I've just been gone three hours, my dear ! By Madeline S. Bridges, in The Saturday Evening Post. These Newspapers club with TJHB COURIER at the following rates: Sterling Sun Tue Juniata Herald $2.00 Auburn Post Palmyra Nineteenth Century Items. . . 1.50 Lyons Mirror 2.00 Burt County Herald J.50 The Sarpy County Herald....'. 2.00 Weeping Water Republican 2.00 Columbus Journal '. 2.00 Pay Your Subscription to ..The Courier.. Before the first of July. ..Only $i.oo.. THE CENTURY MAGAZINE In 1900 NOVELTY IN LITERARY AND ART FEATURES. PRINTING IN COLOR. THE BEST ILLUSTRATIONS. with Cole's Engravings and Castaigne's Drawings. Miss Summit My doctor says I ought to sit still aB long as I can and not exert myself. Mibs Palisade Well, that won't be so hard. You can still go to dances. The Bazar. A NEW AND SUPERBLY ILLUS TRATED LIFE OF CROMWELL By the Right Hon. John Morley. M. P. All subscriptions to The Courier re ceived before the first of July, only 81.00 Corn Tassels, William Reed Dunroy's new collection of poems, on sale at the book stores. Begin new subscriptions tcith Novem ber. Price $4.00 a year. Subscribe through dealers or remit to the publish ers, THE CENTURY CO., UNION SQUARE, NEW YORK. With THE COURIER, $4.25. All Subscriptions to The CoMrieir, Received before the first of July. 1900, Only fl.oo foEGAfo NOTICES A complete tile of "The Courier" fs kept in an fireproof build ing. Another file is kept in this oftico and still another has been deposited elsewhere. Lawyers may publish legal kotices in "The Courier" with security as the files are intact dnd are pre served from year to year with great care. y BUT FATEITMMhs may be secured by our aid. Addreaa, THE PATENT RECM9. RaMhaan. IM. 8ubcrlpUons to Tbo Patent Becord ftOO per annum. ron ffftoUTE. SCRIBNER'S For 1900 includes: J. M. Barrio's "Tommy and Grizel" (serial). Theodore Roosevelt's "Oliver Crom well" (serial). Richard Flarding Davis' fiction and special articles. Henry Norman's The Russia of Today. Article? by Walter A. Wjckoff. authors of "The Workers." Short Stories by Thomas Nelson Page, Henry James, Henry van Dyke, Ernest Stetson-Thompson, Edith Wharton, Octave Thanet. William Allen White. Special Articles: The Paris Exposition. Frederic Irland's articles on spottp and explorations. "Harvard Fifty Years Ago," by Senator Hoar. Notable Art Features, the- Crom well illustrations, by celebrated Am erican and foreign artists. Puvis De Chavannee, by John La Farge (illustrations in colors). Special illustrative schemes (in colors and in black and white) by Walter Appleton Clark. E. C. Peix otto, Henry McCarter, Dwight L. Elmendorf and others. "Illustrated prospectus sent free to any address. Charles Scribner's Sons, Publishers, New York. pi em si