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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1900)
THE COURIER. I a . i Y- x sT . chair. Those invited were: Messrs. and Mesdamea Ritchey, Alwyn, Ault, Deyo, Herrick, McCain, Mitchell, Gra ham, Ihringer, and P. L. Sutter. Mrs. Travis, and Mrs. E. Smith; the Misses Wise, Vandervere, Bee Baird, Deyo, and Manley, Masters Vandervere, and Graham; and Messrs. ThomaB, Herrick, Tockey and Arnold. Cards were played during the evening. Mrs. Alwyn and Mr. Gerge McCain won the royal prizes and Mi6s Baird and Mr. Herrick the booby prizes. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Neir gave a card party on Wednesday evening. Progres sive high five was played and the even ing was full of merriment and life, it being the ninth anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Neir. Ices and cakes were served. The invited guests were: Mes srs. and Mesdames Grant Macfarland, G. W. Losey, Fred Knight, Woempener, Eetes, and Stoneseffer. Mrs. Reddish, Miss Williams, MiBs Emory, Mr. Hal Zehrung, Mr. Mar, Mr. Bailey and Mr. "Williams. Mrs. Neir was assisted by Mrs. Morris, Mrs. McGraft and Miss Williams. The Lotos club met with Mrs. Ogden on Thursday. Mrs. Robinson is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. John B. Wngnt. Mrs. Robinson leaves today for Chicago and will sail on Saturday, April seventh, for Europe. Mrs. Gold of Hampton, Iowa, is the guest of her Bister, Mrs. Henry Mayer. The engagement of Miss Striker to ir. Janowitz, was announced Sunday, Jdarch 2oth. Mrs. Hutchins of Ashland, is the .guest of Mrs. Atwood. - The M. M. M. club meet this evening with Mrs. Traphagen and Mrs. Folsom, at the home of the former. Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Everetts will en tertain the South East Circle of the Presbyterian church on Tuesday, April second. The Athenea club held a meeting with Mrs. Manss on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Will Green returned on Thurt day evening. She was the guest of Mrs. Irwin of Quincy, Illinois, for a few days, and then went to St. Louis where she has been for the past week. Miss Gregory, MiBB Garten, Miss Welch, and Miss Cochrane went to Mc Cookon Friday to be at the house party given by MiES Noren. Mrs. Ackerman invited a few friends informa'ly for Thursday afternoon, in ihonor of Mrs. Gold of Hampton, Iowa, And Mrs. Gus Friend of Grand Island. The Pythian Sisterhood gave theic tenth annual dance in Walsh hall on Thursday evening. The hall was gay with the colors of the sisterhood red, blue and yellow. Palms were placed here and there in the reception rooms. Those receiving were: Mrs. C. E. Whedon, Chancellor Commander, Mrs. John Harrop, past Chancellor Com mander, Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs. Wil liam S. Bentley. Ices, ice cream, cake and chocolate were served. Mrs. Mc Dill and Mrs. William S. Bentley pre sided over the punch bowl. Mrs. Sutton is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Ogden. The Ideal Mandolin club, assisted by MissRena Aldermac, elocutionist, and a ladies quartette gave a concert for the benefit of the Third Presbyterian church, last evening. Miss Noren of McCook, entertains a house party this week consisting of Misses Gregory, Garten, Welch and Cochrane. Today she gives a lexge party for her guests and the young ladies will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the pleasant people of McCook. Ihese house parties are con stantly being invited to different towns in the state. Acquaintances are formed at the university among the resident undergraduates living here and else where. The elsewheres are entertained by the former and they desiring to be hoanitable to their intimate friends in- ft vita them to their homes in Omaha w$m g8SS88 SSSSfcSfcSSSi J&exfo&stf Seward, Crete, McCook, Grand Island; Kearney, Plattsmouth and Beatrice. ' This markB the beginning of the era when the cultured people of the state I will know each other and be known familiarly. It is hard to be provincial I and local under such circumstances. And as the years pass and the university contains five thousand students coming and going from their homes and taking parts of Lincoln, Omaha and other towns with them, even the old feud be tween Lincoln and Omaha may lose significance. The other schools and colleges of the state are doing their part in the work of introduction and harmony. Mrs. H. M. Rice, 2523 Q street, in vited some small boys and girls, Thurs day afternoon for her nephew and niece, Esther and Court Thomas Dillon. Miss Esther and Master Thomae are going off to the mountains next week and will be gone some months. Games were played and afterwards the good things that children love were served in abundance. Each child found a pink flower at his place at the long table. Those invited were: Marie Axtel, Fay Lyons, Ruth Crawford, Lucile and Harold Clyce, Floyd Joerger, Jeanette Finney, Lawrence Finney, Billy Fitz gerald and Helen Keller. Miss Mariel Gere sails the middle of June for America and will arrive in Lincoln about the first of July. Mrs. Spaulding of the Presbyterian church entertained her Sunday School class on Thursday afternoon. The young girls had a jolly time. The North Circle of the Presbyterian church met with Mrs. Cunningham on Friday. The afternoon was one of in dustry, A quilt was tied for the benefit of the poor. Miss Agnew sang charm ingly and Miss Cunningham played ,to the pleasure of those present. Company B gave a hop in Walsh hall on Friday evening The brilliant Uni versity red and cream was everywhere predominant. According to the tradi tion of military hops there were stacked guns about. A large number of uni versity people were present. The Woman's club of Stpnton was given a reception at the beautiful new home of Mr. John Eberly. Each lady was provided with a square of coarse cotton fiaanel, a needle and number eighty thread and told to make a button hole in twenty minutes. The prize to be awarded by four men. At seven o'clock the husbands arrived for the banquet. In the commodious dining room the table was decorated in pink carnations and ferns, carrying out the club colors of pink and green. Covers were laid for twenty-two. Guests found their places by means of cards bearing nicknames given to noted men. A flash light picture was taken of the guests at the table. After the banquet all repaired to the drawing room and there a flash light picture was taken with the host and hostess in the centre. Mrs. W. W. Young received the prize for the needle work. Mrs. A. A. Kearn ey won first favor for writing the great sat number of superstitious sayings in twenty minutes. Instrumental and vocal music closed the evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Grainger enter tained the members of the E. E. D. knnsington club and their husbands on Thursday evening. There were vases of beautiful flowers in the various roome. :8 JVlIT I T1MCDV Pa"s patterns. New York I Vil L 1 I IN C l I productions and the daint iest of dainty creations from our own work rooms. These go to make up our new season's showing" a showing of all thai fashion and fancy require, a show ing rich and dainty enough for a queen and priced reasonabl' enough for anybody. We invite your inspection. IS None but the season's most Of wanted weaves, weiirhts, en colors, patterns, designs and combinations all the rf latest novelties, an tne staple styles, many exclusive sjj effects and all priced modestly as always here. 9f UflQUIDI nAUfll (IflAIW Many new things ushered in Tk nflOlUlDLL uUHN UuUUO by the new season, many gj staples improved upon and all come in new color com- binations and designs. We have an exquisite assortment of exclusive v novelties in imported and domestic fabrics our own Cy exclusive styles shown no where else. See them. fa Our special catalogue of ready to wear goods is h free to out-of-town customers. Send for it. cj We're sole Lincoln agents for Butterick patterns and publications. YUNKA black silks are absolutely guaranteed. They're exclusive with us. JlenholdbuuMM,Vfc LINCOLN. NEBRASKA. S$J5 A number of games were played and then a musical program was given, which added much to the evenings en joyment. About fifty guests were present. Mrs. Sarah F. Harris gave a luncheon in honor of Madam MacLean on Thurs day. The guestB ware: Mesdames Mac Lean, Farnam Smith, Polk, Weeks, Gere and Harwood. Mr. Harris planned Bnd executed a surprise party for the pleasure of Mrs. Harris on Wednesday evening, Mis. Harris birthday. The guests who played high five were: Messrs. and Mesdames Foster, Bignell, Guenzel, Holyoke, WilkinsoD, Rehlaender, O' Neill, Friend, and Mrs. Canfield. First Church of Christ (Scientist) Fourteenth and K streets. Arthur C. Ziemer, C. S. First Reader. Sunday morning services at lOi'H); subject, "Are Sin Disease and Death Real?' The sermon consists of the read ing of selections from the Bible and the Christian Science text book, "Sci ence and Health, With Key to the Scrip tures." Wednesday evening meeting at eight. The public is cordially invited. -Tuesday evening a large number of people surprised Captain and Mrs. Bax. They came in order to do honor and make glad the thirty-fifth anniversary of the Captain and his wife. Flags were hung in the door ways as portieres, and scattered about the rooms. There were generous vases of red roses and pink carnations on the tables and book cases. Two stately oak chairs were presented to Captain and Mrs. Bax. An elaborate menu was served: Orang es, oyster soup, bread sticks, cold ham, baked turkey with oyster dressing, French rolls, frozen pudding, wafers, pink nests of spun sugar, fancy wafers, coffee and Boston chips. Captain Bax was a valiant soldier in the Civil war. He came to Lincoln in 1809 and since then has been well known amoog tbo older residents of Lincoln. The guests present were: Governor J. M. Thayer, Judge Fritz Westermann, Judge and Mrs. Leese, Mr. Leese, Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Houtz, Dr. and Mrs. McLeod, Dr. Alma Coe, Rev. and Mrs. L. P. Ludden; Messrs. and Mesdames G . W. Mnsoley, L. J. Byers, S. D. Stoner, Luke, O. J. Sandquist, Isaac Lint, G. E. Allen, Geo. Hanson, G. Worsley, Harper, G. A. Vaugban, Chas. Wagner, Sam McClay, S. Roberts, W. D. Crawford, C. C. Pace, Carson, Carson, Creveling, ArtburMas terman. Kingman; Mrs. Etta Alexander, Mrs. Laura Wible, Mrs. A. N. Thomas, Mrs. Louise Lemme.Mre. JacobSchmidt, Mrs. Newell J. Crocker, of Evanston, Wyoming, Mrs. Brad Reiger, Mr. E. T. Roberts, Mr. Nelson Damrow; Misses Lulu Lemme, Clara Lemme, Ethel Fancher, Minna Smith, Omaha, Lula Thomas, Katherine Reding, Omaha, Ethel Gray, Ruth Thomas, Margy Young, Cortland. Doctor and Mrs. Ladd gave a red din ner on Friday evening. The name cards were done in red with an effective design at one side of the card. There were magnificent American beauties in the centre cf the table, and the menu also carried out the color idea. The glow of color was very inspiring to the guests. The invited guests were: Mes srs. and Mesdames A. S. Raymond, S. H. Burnham, Frank Hair, McMurtry and Crittendon. Mrs. A. S. Raymond entertained the active members of the Matinee Musi cals on Thursday afternoon. The meet-