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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1900)
Trr"1" 12 THE COURIER. LITERARY NOTES. were going on normally and uninter- like. They knew they must let people ruptedly. When, however, the cat was of rank see me, and were afraid for irritated, it maybe by the sight of a . themselves." - Here I aaid' that the min dogl'these' pulsations "-instantly ceased. isters'were afraid -that if .-they4eft him Asl'Brvifl Osa friA OAllfa g9 vavafiAn waa Sn TCntvIa! lm ntAiiM aMMiiwi AuhZaa . .??2 iL.tT"" thepuiringof the animal ' the throne of France and wage another showed a contented frame of mind, the war against Ecgland. "Bah, bah !" Kipling's New Animal Stories. 'The beginning of the Armadillos' in the May Ladies' Home Journal - Of course, Mr. Kipling brings to bear an irreeistably funny, but withal a highly ingenious, philosophy in describing 4he peculiarities of the armadillo. He evi dently found enjoyment in writing these stories he oalls't hem "Just So" stories for he has interwoven more inimitable humor into his account of the way by which the armadillos came into being, and the others of the series, than in any thing else that has come frost his versa tile pen. stomach resumed its rhythmical move, tnents. The 'dependence of the diges tive apparatus on the state of the nerv ous system was thus clearly shown. The female cat was much more tractable under 4baa experiments than the male. Prom "Recent Developments with the X RayB, by Professor John Trowbridge, in Appleton's Popular Science Monthly for April. said he,, ''the times are changed; the time for that is over. I am old, and be sides, fifty years must elapse before France will be able to face England again. No, do; I know all that well; I know that that is all goner-vanished." Mr. W. K. Moody, who has in his possession all of his father's papers sd is preparing a very complete Hfe of the great preacher, has consented to write Napoleon on Suicide. In April Century Napoleon gives his views of suicide. "They perhaps think that I will put an sod to myself. No; there is greater courage in supporting it A gamstnr or .:ii . - -- - - :. .iu., wr - -"-"' barlDtmiyflnlBhthefflse1vee.but it Post a series of anecdotel papers pn his y not aman of character. True, I could'do it in an instant beyond father's life and work, profusely illus trated with hitherto unpublished photographs. The Same Effect. "It is very odd," remarked Mr. Hub. bub, "that in Africa there is a tribe which cannot wear clothes at all. Clothes make them sick. Isn't it strange, my dear?" "Not at all," replied Mrs. Hubbub. The same thing happens in this coun try aJso." '.'On, surely not. I never heard of such, a thing in civilized counties." "Well, Mr. Hubbub, I can tell you that even in this great and glorious The people who want to know about the latest place for "getting rich quick," should read Professor Angelo Heilprin's article. Jn the April .number of Apple ton's Popuiar Science Monthly. ' if 'gives an account of the" Cape Nome dis trict ia Alaska, which, according to Professor Heilprin, who is a scientist of high standing and whose statements maybe depended on, is an extremely promising, it not the meet promising of all the Alaskan gold fields. A number .of illustrations add much to the interest of the text, and give one an idea of the physical characteristics of the Cape 3?osae region. your help. They seize upon me with ,an0- tne same phenomena is by no violence, and forcibly transport me here, means unknown. When I see Mrs. and want me to pay fourteen or fifteen Poindexter coming out every nronth or thousand sounds yearly for livine in BO w'tn a fino new outfit from head to such a place as this." "They tell the governor to let me spend asnnrchmBnsy.asl -like of my own. It is true, I believe, I am above want, but I do not know how much money I have, and I do not choose to let them know where it is, as probably they wouid seize upon it as they did before. I did not settle my affairs after the battle of Waterloo; I- had not the time, and before it I had other things to do. Besides, I never was a man who oc cupied himself with money affairs. I never knew what I had. I thought that I would go either to London or America, , - . .. ,'- jmd I had bills for whatever sums I waicninguigesnonwiinmeArtay cnoge to take upon AmericaV I have foot, her clothes make me sick make me sick, I say, Mr. Hubbub when I reflect that you are just as able to buy me new clothes as c Mr. Poindexter is to buy them for his wife, and don't." And Mrs. Hubbub dissolved in tears. The Smart Set. The best of all - children's magazines. London Spectator St. NIGJtoLjftSf i For YOUNG FOLKS. A Monthly Magazine Edited by Mary Mapes Dodge. A Splendid Program of Art, Literature Fun. Jt Jt j 11 : 1 i - Ten ion Stories by Ruth McEnery Stuart, Mary Mapes Dodge, Elizabeth B. Custer and other writers. Each complete in one number. A Serial Story for Little Children Stories of Railroad Life. A Important Historical Serial of Colon- m ial Life in America by Elbridge S. 5 Brooks. Theodore Roosevelt promises to con- tribute a paper on "What America Ex- pects of Her Boys." Fun and Frolic, both in rhymes, stories, pictures and puzzles, will be, as al- 8 ways, a striking characteristic of St. 5 Nicholas. Everything Illustrated. November begins the new volume. Price . tXOO. All dealers and agents take sub- S) scriptions, or remittance may be made i direct to the publishers. aj The CENTURY CO.. Union Square, New York. Price S3. 00 a Year. With Courier, $3.50. g, iniMii THROUGH FIRST CLASS PULL MAN SLEEPERS BETWEEN CHI CAGO and SAN FRANCISCO Via Denver and Salt Lake City will be inaugurated February 25th, by the Great Rock Island Route, leaving Chi cago at lvuxj p. m. aany, umana iaup NEWS THE 0O3O0O00OOOO! and OPINIONS CSkOFO National Importance The use of the fluorescent screen, too, probably as much money as l' ever shall 6n " c""0- by daylight in both Dr. Francis want, but I do not know exactly where """ :""".' ."?"" ",b gnwen scenic trip in we world, xne cars are has been greatly extended. Dr. Francis want, but I do not know exactly where H. Williams of Boston has used it as a it is." Here he said that he had spent valuable instrument in medical diag- sixteen millions of ready money before nosis, especially. in studying. lupg dis eases. It has been used at the Harvard medical school to follow the processes of digestion. To accomplish this, in one instance a gooes was fed with food mixed with subnitrate of bismuth, a salt which absorbs X rays. The passage of the dark mass down the long neck of the bird could be traced on the fluorescent screen, and the pecu liarities of its i motion in the gullet could be studied. A cat was also fed with the same substance, and the move ment of its stomach noted. These movements are analogous to those of the heart in other words, were rhyth mical when the processes of digestion the battle of Waterloo which belonged to himself. . . . "The people of England want to know why I still call myself emperor. I have here explained it. It was my intention to have lived in England as a private person, but since they have sent me here, and wanted to make it appear that I was never emperor or chief magistrate, I shall retain the title. The admiral told-me that he had heard Lord Liver pool and Castlereagh say that the prin cipal reason they sent me here was that the ministers were afraid that I would be cabaling with some of the opposition, and that I would tell the truth of them, and explain Borne things they would not Pullman's Finest Broad Vestibuled Sleepers and are carried on limited traise with Dining. Car, Service through the Buffet Library Cars. Direct con nections to and from Southern Cali fornia. See your agent for berth re servations and folders, or address, E. W. Thompson, a. G. P. A. Topeka, Kans, m gin i TTTM v I BSBTaZaBBBBBBIBIBIlllBlllllllllllllllLaW I iE-Mtl :p FASTER THAN EVER. Effective Oct. 15. The Union Pacific will inaugurate new train service, and will reduce the time of the Overland Limited Train No. 1, between Chicago, Council Bluffs and San Francisco, 3 hours and 15 minutes. Only 57 hours Missouri river to Pacific coast Buffet Smoking and Library cars with barber shop. Chicago and Council Bluffs to San Francisco and Portland. Three trains daily, to and from Pacific coast. Elegant palace sleeping cars, dining care, chair cars. For full information call on E. B. Slosson SUN ALON9 CONTAINS BOTH. Daily, by mail, W-OOayear Datty&SundayDynuil,$&00a year ItiSurvday Surv Is ihe greatest Sunday News paper in the Wcrld, Price, 5c a copy. By mail, $2 a year Address THE SUN, New York. IOOO: THE CENTUKY MAGAZINE In 1900 NOVELTY IN LITERARY AND ART FEATURES. PRINTING IN COLOR r New Loifl Steel Range. IS BETTER.THAN EVER J ac L Made from the very best material. Warranted to be a Good Balcer- and economical of fuel. When in want of a new Cooking Stove i ! I' I' I' ' l I1 Tel. TTTTI7'Cni A TjVEI T"rei "lm nr Lincoln ( 32 J J J? JDAUO. JUXlX. IA. Nebk $115 FOR LETTERS ABOUT NEBRASKA. The passenger department of the B. & M. R. R., offers thirteen cash prizes ag gregating 3115 for letters about Ne braska. Particulars of the contest, which is open to all, can be had by addressing J. Francis, G. P. A., Omaha, Nebr. Wanted Several persons for district office managers in this state to represent me in their own and surrounding coun ties. Willing to pay yearly 1600, pay able weekly.. Desirable employment with utfusual opportunities. References exchanged. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. S. A. Park, 320 Uaxton Building, Chicago. THE BEST niUSTRATIONS. with Cole's Engravings and Cutaigne's Drawings. A NEW AND SUPERBLY ILLUS TRATED LIFE OF CROMWELL By the Right Hon. John Morley, M. P Begin new subscriptions with Novem ber. Erne J4 00 a year. Subscribe through dealers or remit to thepublish- THE CENTURY CO., UNION SQUARE, NEW YORK. With THE COURIER, $4.25. , -X r 4Ef A Y A