x THE COURIER. 10 THEATRIGAfo. THE FUNKE. Among the sterling attractions visit ing Lincoln this season, none hare achieved greater financial or artistic success than "Si Perkins,1 at the Funke two nights, Monday and Tuesday, April 2d and .Td. The play is filled with strong situations and thrilling climaxes; The central figure is an honest-hearted countryman. Si Perkins is from New England, and the agent for the Agitator Threshing Machine company. Hie mis sion is to benefit the farmers in general and his company in particular, taking care not to overlook No. J. Cupid cares not whether the human heart is in the boeom of the threshing machine agent or Romeo, and he strikes Si hard. Si circumvents the enemies of his beloved and in epite of furious opposition marries her. Many clever skits and specialties are introduced, and the burlesque-band from Pughtown is great. Prices 10, 20 and 30 cents. THE OLIVER. This will positively be the last Beason of Lewis Morrison's superbly Btaged "Faust," and likewise the final oppor tunity of seeing the original version of one of the best of standard plays. From every city where this grand play has been presented this year, come reports that it appears as though in its first sea son, so brilliant and pleasing are the new settings. All of the many stage pictures are handsome, correct and elab orate. At the Oliver, Thursday, April 5th. -Sol Smith Russell's delightful play, "A Poor Relation," has brushed away with its comedy more tears, that its pathos has caused, than any other-play. The scene of the breakfast in the first act, the pathetic equalor of act second, the incident of the barrel and the sew ing on of poor little Rip's suspender buttons and the doings and sayings of Noal Vale, his little songs to make the children forget that they are hungry, make a fine ensemble. "A Poor Rela tion" comes to the Oliver next Wednes day, April 4th. Cast of "A PoorRela- Why is Miss Serleaf alwayb so sad? Poor thing ! A terrible calamity once befell her. What was it? She was born twenty years too Boon. mmmL kLLv ILsU s Hk I PP. oljl if m&w iV J E, r-J ftI LV?"T WW it! iHl Wfl ail i l $115 FOR LETTERS ABOUT NEBRASKA. The passenger department of the B. & M. R. R., offers thirteen cash prizes ag gregating $115 for letters about Ne braska. Particulars of the contest, which is open to all, can be had by addressing J. Francis, G. P. A., Omaha, Nebr. UNDER THE DIRECTION OF 0. T. CRAWFORD IMF. C.ZEHRUIIG COB. O AND TWELFTH. PHONE 355 anil $. MONDAY ana TUESDAY, APRIL i The comedian, SAM J. BURTON, And the charming Comedienne, fliss Lillie Coleman, Id the new Fenniylranla Sinn's Trojertlle. Mr. John R. Goulrey, of Tarentum, Pa., has Invented a projectile which is now being considered by the United States war department It Is for use in guns of four-Inch calibre and up wards. It consists of two tubes, one Inside the other. The Inner tube Is filled with a high explosive, which is flred by a time fuse. The fuse is light ed by the discharge of the. gun. Be tween the Inner and outer tubes the pace Is filled with a liquid, the v prep aration of wMch Mr. G irley holds a secret. On the explosion of the inner tube and the bursting of the outer shell this liquid, -which is highly inflamma ble, is thrown about the ship or other object shot at. As a result, the enemy Is Instantly in flames. Shells may be made to hold thirty to forty gallons of this fluid. First Pub March 313 Notice of Probate of Foreign Will. . In the county court of Lancaster county, Ne braska: The state of Nebraska to the devisees, heirs at law, next of kin of Nathaniel Leech, de ceased, and to any other persons interested in said matter: Take notice. That an instrument pur porting to be an authenticated copy of the Last Will and Testament of Nathaniel Leech, deceased, is on file in said court, and also a peti tion signed by Edward Leech and others praying for the probate of said instrument. That on the '30th day of April, 1900, at ten o'clock A. M.. said petition and the proof will be heard at the county court room in Lincoln, in said county, and that if you do not then appear and contest, said court may probate and record the same. This notice has been ordered published for three, weeks successively prior to said hearing In TheCourier of Lincoln. Nebraska, a weekly legal newspaper of general circulation printed in Lancaster county, Nebraska. Witness my hand and seal of said court this 29th day of March, 1900. seal J Frank R. Watebs, County Judge. By Walter A. Leese, Clerk County Court. First Pub. March 313. Notice of Final Report E 649. In the County Court of Lancaster County, Ne- InBe Estate of Nancy J. May. deceased The state of Nebraska to Mary C. Phelps, Harriet L. Wilson, Andrew J. Thayer. Harriet Bultard, Martha A. Lewis. James Bartlett, Mary Sweeney and to any other heirs or next of kin of the said Nancy J. May, deceased. Take notice that Wilmer IJ. Comstock has filed a final report of his acts and doings as adminis trator of said estate of Nancy J. May, deceased, apd said matter has been set for hearing on the lith day of April. A. D. 1900, before said county court. In the court house at Lincoln. Lancaster county, Nebraska, at ten o'clock A. M.. at which time and place any person interested may appear and contest the same. Notice of this proceeding has been ordered published for three weeks consecutively in The Courier, of Lincoln, Nebraska, a weekly newspaper of gen eral circulation in Lancaster county, Ne braska. Witness my hand, and the seal of said county court, at Lincoln, this 20th day of March, 1900. seal Frank R. Watebs. County Judge. T A superb scenic production. A Hip! Hurrah! Hilarious Sensation Corned j Drama, a Roaring Rousing Rally ot Fun, Laughter and Yelle. e Roted i Perkins golo rclestra Of twelve skilled musicians is the strongest ever presented to the public by a traveling company. One of the most necessary features for a firel-cUss per formance is the best of music rendered in an artistic manner especially is this so of SI PECRKia?fl&9 running over with songs, dances, catchy music, where a good orchestra Is absolutely neceesary. PUGHTOWN FARMER BAND leRZt at seven o'clock P. M. Prices, IO, 209 30 and 50 cents. OXvIVE)! UNDER THE DIEECTION OP 0.T, 6UMDI F.C.ZEHRUHG Corner 13th and P. Phone 354 Ttie Doora -will Open trotxx No-w on. a T45 Wednesday, April 4tlk. Once only. soiv smioph; rcsseiIv's Great Sympathetic Play, A Poog Relation Frank Keenan as Noah Vale With all the scene? y, all the properties, with all the mechan ical effects and all the stage settings used by Mr. Russell. Prices 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00. Ttarsd&yo April Last presentation of ITIS MORRISON'S Complete and elaborate production, With its magnificent electrical and scenic effects and its mar velous story; the seven wonders of stagecraft, the fiery Brock en; the illuminated garden; the Nuremberg Cathedral; the electric duel; the blazing cross; the Walpurgis revels; the beautiful Apotheosis, and all the great features of this favor ite play. Original company. Carload of scenery Everything New But the Title. Prices, 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00. tion"' Noah Vale, a seedy genius. Frank J. Kennan; Roderick Faye, who rales a thousand and is ruled by one, Alfred Hudson; Jasper Starrett. his junior partner, James Lackaye; Charles Smith, a sensitive plant, Charles Arthur; Mar mad uke O'Haley, a janitor, Jacques Martin; Mrs. Faye, Lillian Gsrome Martin; Dolly Faye, fresh from school, Miss Lillie Convere; Alice Warriner, the forsaken, Miss Emily Wakeman; "Scol lops," the terror of the top floor, Mies Hazel Kirke Cbappel; Rip (the herit age), Master Donald; Patch (of the poor), Little Tamar. Corn Tassels, William Reed Dimroy's new collection of poem, on tale at the book stores. First Pub. March 31, 1900-3. Notice of Petition for Letters. In re estate of James Wampler, deceased. In the county court of Lancaster county Ne braska E 1453. The state of Nebraska to Pet Cauger. John O. Wampler, Anna Belle Coleman, Bertha Lewis William Wampler and to any other persons interested in said matter. Take notice that a petition signed by John C. Wampler praying said court to grant him letters of administration of said estate has been filed in said court; that the same is set for hearing on the 16th day of April, 1900, at ten o'clock A. M and that if you do not then appear and contest, said court may grant administra tion of the said estate to said John C. Wampler. Notice of this proceeding has been ordered published for three weeks successively In The Courier of Lincoln, Nebraska, prior to said hearing. Witness my hand and the seal of said court this 21st day of March. A. D. 1900. seal. Frank R. Waters. County Judge. By Walter A. Leese, Clerk County Court. TIME IS MONEY. When you are traveling, due con sideration snould be given to the amount of time spent in making your journey. The Union Pacific is the best line and makes the fastest time by many hours to Salt Lake City, Portland and f!j fornia points. For time tables, folders, illustrated books, pamphlets descriptive of the ter ritory traversed, call at City Office, 1044 O st. E. B. Slosson Gen. Agent Ella I am carried away by Tenny son's poems. SUlla I am eorry we have not an edition in the house. The Rock Island playing cards are the slickest you ever handled. One pack will be sent by mail on receipt of 15 cents in stamps. A money order or draft for 50 cents or same in stamps will secure 4 packs. They wiil be sent by express, charges prepaid. Address, John Sebastian, G. P. A., Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R'y, Chicago. Too Much. Castleton Willie, do you ever look through the keyhole when I am in the parlor with your sister? Willie No, sir. There are some things that no man can stand. The Smart Set. "S -A - A y f