The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, March 24, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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$25, GOO
Are being offered by
To be reported by the United States
Census Bureau for 1900.
Tlio first census of tlio United States was
taken in 1810. Sinco then every succeeding ten
years. The result of each census has been as
follows :
Year. Population.
1810 7,39 881
1820 9.63322
1830 124)66.020
1M0 17.069.453
1850 23,191,876
Hero you have tlio figures of a basis of calcu
lation. The problem now is: What will bo
tlio vopulation of the United States, excluding
recent acquisitions, but the total of states, ter
ritories and tlio District of Columbia!
To the first nearest correct guess re
ceived 13,000.00
To the second 1,500.00
Tothothird 75000
To the fourth 50000
To tlio fifth 150.00
Tothesixth 200.00
To the seventh U0.00
To tho next ten, each 1100, amounting to 1.000 00
To the next fifty, J50 eath, amounting to 2,500.00
To the next one hundred, each S5.
amounting to 2,500.00
To the next five hundred, each $10,
amounting to 5,0004)0
To the next one thousand five hundred
and thirty, each $5, amounting to... 7,650.00
Total number of
amounting to...
premiums, 2,197,
$25 000
-Readers of-
The Courier
Can avail themselves of this offer by payment to
us of a year's subscription for THIS
, 1JNQU1RER, CostlxiK
f- only IjjU.WO.
These Newspapers club
at the following rates:
Sterling Sun
Tne Juniata Herald $2.00
Auburn Post
Palmyra Nineteenth Century Items... 1.50
Lyons Mirror 2M
Burt County Herald J.50
The Sarpy County Herald 2.00
Weeping Water Republican 2.00
may be secured by
our aid. Address,
BaNfltert. M.
Subscriptions to Tbe Patent Becord $1.00 per annum.
-r Cycle Photographs
Athletic Photographs
Photographs of Babies
Photographs of Groups
Exterior Views
'' S i
9 SJJJfcOljta7lJLM
129 South Eleventh Street. J
feEGAb NOT16E8
A complete tile-of "The Courier" is
kept in an absolutely fireproof build
ing. Another nie is Kept in mis omce
it great com-practically devoting her beet energies
hiog to know and most of her time. Mrs. Birney is a
I happened one night in my travels
To stray into Butterfly Vale,
Where my wandering eyes beheld butterflies-
With wings that were wide as sails.
things that have made that
raonwealth. ,It in a cnrirFthincr
something about-ou'rowrrstate before nfost popular executive and makes an
rHtruinff nn thn iwinaa nt Rimoua nr ifWl nreaidins! officer. In season and
Alexander tho Great. out she plans and labors for tbe greatest
' v ' possible good of "mothers and the honor Uyti fa luch hotaa 0j gnn&cu,
The following information; taken frost and glory of motherhood, i trust in ai Their days were successions of joy
the National Association ' Notes is of many Nebraska women maybe able to j v j th butterflies had
much interest: attend the congreee at Des Moines. Wai mijag coflectiona of boysv
"Four million women in the United
States earn their own bread. Female The latest suggestion for a solution of There were boys of all sizes and ago"
When I said
Pinned up on their walls.
'Twas a terrible sight
to tee boys in that plight,
I was answered : "Oh, well, they are dead.
Wc catch them alive, and kill them
With ether, a very nice way;
Tear. Population.
1800 31443.341
1870 38.558,371
1880 50,155.783
1890 !,82,250
teachers and proressoni number one- the problem of domestic service comes
quartet of a million. Thore are 34.510 ' from Australia. The club women of
music teachers, and' 10,000 artists and that country advise calling domestic
teachers of art. There are 1,143 women servant by a more dignified name
clergymen. Journalists number 888. household employes. They further pro
There are 2.775 author Thr r nose two shifts of employes-one to
thirty-nine chemists, assayera and work from G A. M. to 2 P. M., the other j ock at this fellow, his hair is so yellow,
metallurgists, two hundred and eight rom 2 P. M. to 9 P. M., thus arranging And his eyes such a beautiful gray.
women lawyers and ' two hundred and that each may have the afternoons and
seventy-nine lecturera. The state of evenings of alternate weeks. In answer
Georgia haa a woman mail carrier who to the objection that such an arrange
travelBa forty mile route throe times raentvwould greatly increase household
a week. At the Y". W. C A. building; expentwj,tthese women claim that this
in Philarlninhiu . vn.,nnnm.n ... new irilaa would make domestic service
in charge of the elevator. In N sw York ttaetfve that servants could readily Ad now let me show you the latest,
City a blacksmith shop is mana ged by be obtained at half the present wages. A specimen reauy select,
three young womm. An entire Wock of But the wages of house servants in Ne- A bsy with a head that a carroty red,
houses in New York was papered by a braska have never been exorbitant and And a face that is funnily specked.
young woman, who takes the contract tnere are iew iair uiiuuw -uuiiu -uU
for such work from bidders. About would willingly see them cut in half. The
three hundred girls are employed in the laborer is worthy of his hire, and there
harness trade in New York. In the- city very little chance to provide against a
ofNew Orleans one of the finest onies- raalny day from the munificent income
tras is composed of women."' fAhree dollars a week. Mrs. Emmons
The secretary of sericulture of K rasas Mne of Chicago is trying the Austra-
iMjiMan in her own nome.
" Then there that droll little darky,
As black as the clay at our feet,
He sets off that blonde
that is pinned just beyond,
In a way most artistic and neat.
reports about thrae thousand five haa
dred women in chat Btate as far mete,
all owning the land on which they work.
Again the club women of Georgia
have Bet an example which it would be
kind for each city and tuwa in everv
.Atday One Dollar
Club Magazine
"We eanaot decide where to place hjm ;
Those spots bar him cut of each class ;
We think him a treasure to study at leisure,
And analyze under a glass."
I seemed to grow cold as I Usteaed
To the words that these butterflies spoke ;
With fear overcome,
I was speechless and dumb,
And then, with a start I awoke.
-Ela Wheeler Wilcox,
A shrewd Jasiness man was being
Arivaa ia.a crowded thoroughfare when
state to follow, namely, the organization &ia horses took fright and ran away. He
of a Bird Lovers' clnb. Mrs. Julius dirnd to kirn coachman.-
Brown, president of th. Atlanta feder
ation, sayp: "The Bird1 Lovers is a club
wbich has but one officer, a president
no dues, no meetings. "We repudiate as
ornaments tbe hideous bird mummies:
in use on hats. She who wears thenu
wears suggestions of death, pain, de
struction to crops by insects, loss of joy
and aong in the woods, and, moreover,,
stamps herself as being not highly civil
ized in taste. . I hope some woman may'
read this who has that in her nature
that responds to this call. Let her send
me her name to add to Atlanta's on--hundred
and forty bird lovers. Donot
forget the law of imitation and remem
ber somebody might follow your exam
ple and your published name prove a-missionary."
"Can you atop them?"
"No," replia
"Then," replied the other, "run them
into something cheap." Youth's Com
panion. "What's the difference between the
(states of Massachusetts aad Kentucky?"
"Give it up, colonel."
" Massachusetts produces boots aad
taaoee,and Kentucky produces abeota
Laad booze. Washington Star.
IKatker If my daughter marries you
II wish her to live in the style to which
she is-aceaetomed.
The Suitor That's all right, sir; your j, more discriminating, they pick out
Paris Hats and Bonnefs.
The chic bonnets and hats at
Famous are beinir bought by the
leaders of Lincoln society very rapidly.
The price of a bonnet or hat is int its
.style or distinction. Mr. Ackerman is
eUiDg millinery of the sort that makes
a rfitty woman look prettier and a
stylish woman more stylish, for very
.small (Prices. At The Famous they
study effects and .they offer customers
atyles which axe becoming. There are
styles for tbe .thin Jong" face, othnra for
broad faces, and intetnjediate styles for
mediums. The young ladies in charge
do not waste the jtime of customers
showing them hats they cannot wear,
Ihonie shalLbejmr- Town Topics.
Mrs. Marion C. Lawton, widow of the"
late General Lawton, and her children, .
have gone to her mother's home in
Kentucky.' It was General Lawton''
wish that she and the children should
make their home with her mother in
case of his death. She will return fcv
Washington in about a month, when the-'
Hewett-43iett said he was just dy
iing for a smoke. o t gwa him a cigar.
. Jowttt Thea wfca-t'did he say ?
IBowett He said be wished he had
"dial. Town Topiss.
and display the various styles suitable
to each individual. In this way no
time is lost and the customer does not
get discouraged or impatient. Ever
one is welcome, those who buy as well
as those who only want to look about.
He How stupid the magazine is. I
' TtO THE DEAF. A rich lady, eared wonder why it never prints anything
of her Deafness and Noises in the Head oew.
. , . .. . - - "" " " Tr:i.imfa At!flrial Ear Drums. She But it does. There are two cos-
xuna contnouied lor ner and the child- - ' "" "."" ; - ... ..
ren. which now amounts to nearly f 100 W WO to this institute so that metics and a new corset this month.-
000, will be turned over to her by the ' PeoP18 UDabl to P1000 "B,riBr
committee having it in charge. Tne- ' Drums may have them free. Addresa
1 7S80 Eighth Avenue, New York.
Town Topics.
young son of General Lawton has been
promised-an appointment to West Point,
it. he desires to follow bus father's profes
sion, t
Much interest and 'entbusias
western club women should
aooui mis spring's convention mf iK
"ie Kock Island playing, cards
.1 i i . . -no- tinnrllast I
ier i. E
4i.- slickest you ever uD
MDi . . . . m ,n ,.
will be sent by mail on receipt m. j own xupito.
. a in Ramm. n. iukillvj wmw
dtaft to r 5 ceaiB or Bam8 m BtamP8 wU1
nacks. xney wm ue ueui j
Mrs. Bundy Do you know that wheo
Mra. Lundy comes to my house I never
can find anything to talkabout-
Mrf. Gruudy Great heavens 1 Don't
vou know any one that 9he knows ?
mothers' congrees, Which 'wiU b'e held aecure PackB' ney wm u seu
inDesMointw. The f rapid Growth exore ja-wduee. prepaid. Addrees,
.k: .: u - 'nt, i ts. . 7 Ti KHBASTIA. U. XT. A.,
to the bean stalk which grWwayto Chica ,o, RkIc Wand 4 Pacific Ry,
the skies inorienignt: 'it'lk aWelt -
f-iKit.fA 4 ikjA'm:.L. f
.UUID u luocuiuouuv otimwnmr nts
Mrs. -Alice' McEelIanmnA k. -,r -TOo
B. -- - - ti . "-"" & aar- zj
and still another nas been deposited ing me inreyears or taa-saf nrn -
elsewhere. Lawyers maypubusn legal
xotices in '.'The Courier" with security
this or&ranizatinn ' Ihn'miaik..' . ..Jw"B3ln
o 7-; l--.Miinf qJ mOtntiL
ers' clubs has increased fros ttmrthmn-i ,W
iaaeveral persona for district
SoagerB in thta state to represent
SSpSm and surrounding coun-
Wllinc to pay yearly WpO, PT-
Mklv Desirable empiujmuu
When you are traveling, due con
sideration snould be given to the
amount of time spent in making your
The Union Pacific is the best line and
makes the fastest time by many hours
to Salt Lake City, Portland and Cali
fornia points.
For time tables, folders, illustrated
books, pamphlets descriptive of the ter-
vi ,mb than omn WW&.J. : ... - .. . ,.i - ii
I sthe files are intact and are pre- dozen to about three huaatr Zn7" I withi wBMt,frtftS ntory traversed, call at uuyumce. xv
'pnrved from vear to vear with ereat enty-five. Mrs. Birne -, excha oajstt. -"a -- ,. ooq o st. - owjsso.-.
n;,.j 41,-. ou -e - -, a a. Park. SM
congress. To. this && WOfk s Jj nauHding, Chicago.
Gen. Agent