The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, March 24, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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Ensign gave "Concerto iD G Minor,"
Adagio, Finale, by Brunh. Mies Ensign
ia a charter member of the Matinee
Musicale. It eeems aa if ahe had always
played well, even from the beginning,
but her great improvement after her
year of study in Chicago ia a source of
pleasure and pride to the club. Miss
Holmes' full, rich contralto voice was
magniffceot in "Serenade to Zanetto,"
by Massenet, and ''My Love is Like a
Red, Bed Rose," by Hastings. Mrs. P.
V. M. Raymond was the accompanist.
How charming it must be to be able to
sing and how much more so to be ac
companied by Mrs. P. V. M. Raymond.
Songs of the Sea will be given for the
next; program.
On Saturday afternoon, March 17th,
Mrs. Hell wig, MisB Gertrude Aitken and
Miss Grace Aitken entertained at six
handed euchre. Full honor was done
St. Patrick, the presiding hero of the
day, his color being everywhere predom
inant. Over the tops of the card tables
green cloth was spread and the lights
were shaded with green chrysanthe
mums. On the mantle, on the sideboard
and on the various opportune corners
were ferns and palms. The score cards,
done in green and tied with green rib
bons, were most attractive. Cakes and
ices of the prevailing covor were served
to the guests. The bon-bons were fee
tively wrapped up in green tissue paper.
Six prizes, effective little water colors,
were offered. Those most successful in
the afternoon's amusement were Mes
dames Tefft, Holyoke, Baker, Righter,
Aitken and Clarke.
On Monday afternoon Miss Maude
Jewell invited a number of her young
friends to masquerade with her and
make merry her twelfth birthday. Miss
Maude, in the garb of a tiny young wo
man of Japan,, received her distin
guished guests. George Washington,
Miss Muffit, several Japanese ladies and.,
other famous characters were present.
Games were played, and the children
engaged in a cake walk, ia which Ruth
Ferguson and Master Boyd Tucker were
the successful ones. A cake with twelve
fluttering candles, a gift to Mis Maude,
was much emjoyed. ThoEe invited were
Helen Oliver, Bruce Barnard, Paul and
Ruth Ferguson, Mary and Boyd Tucker,
Mary Stuart, Wilder Baker, Jean Mc
Gahey, Thomas Usher, Margaret Clink
er, Ruth Gillilan, Mayny and John
Selick, Ella Morrison, Vera Bignell,
Fay Dupue, Harry Hiynie, Ethel Poole,
Grace and William Bryan. Miss Agnes
Casebeer presided at the punch bowl.
Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Imhoff and
children left Lincoln Monday for New
York, where they expect to live in the
future. Mr. and Mrs. Imhoff have
long lived in Lincoln and it is with deep
regret that their many friends bear
their departure.
The Fortnightly met Tuesday after
noon with Mrs. Charles H. Gere. Mrs.
Lamb read a paper on Russian music.
Mr. Willard Kimball returned Tues
day. He has been in Mew York and
Boston for two weeks looking after
musical interests.
Mrs. Walter Hargreaves returned
Tuesday from New York.
Mrs. ThomaB F. Griffith gave a box
party at the Oliver theater on- Saturday
afternoon. Tne guests were Mesdames
Tilton, Wright, Thompson, Irving, Wil
son and Miss Oakley.
Lea Bohemiennes met Wednesday
afternoon with Mrs. Ed. Fitzgerald.
Miss Burnham returned home Mon
day after an absence of three months or
First Church of Christ (Scientist),
Fourteenth and K streets. Arthur C.
Ziemer, C. S. First Reader. Sunday
morning services at 10:30; subject,
"Unreality.' The sermon consists of
the reading of selections from the Bible
and the Christian Science text book, "Sci
ence and Health, With Key to the Scrip
tures." Wednesday evening meeting at
7:30. The public is cordially invited.
Mr. and Mrs. George Burr entertained
the W. T. M. Saturday afternoon. The
club gathered especially to keep St.
Patrick's day. The women wore gowns
of green and the men were fastidious
with yellow ties. Irish songs were sung,
Irish jokes were made and Irish decla
mations given, all in Irish. The parlors
were munificently decorated with pota
toes., Later in the evening progressive
crokinole was played. Those present
were Messrs. and Mesdames White,
Edleman, Crow, Scott, Bartlett, Mickey,
Case, Weidner, Sherdeman, Compton,
Mesdames Hess, Deck, Evans, Rogers,
Holben and Kime.
&.n elaborate dinner was given Friday
evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John B. Wright. The guects were
seated at small tables placed in the din
ing room and the library. There were
covers for sixty, and roee carnation
greeted each one as he found his place.
The name and toast cards were most
original, being the design of Professor
Barbour. They were of poster fashion.
The top of the card was headed with a
lion and the words, "Let Him Roar."
At the foot a bear and the words "Hug
the Bear." The center of the card was
devoted to various ancients in history.
Those toasting were Mr. Frank M. Hall,
toastmaster; Mr. Burnham, Mrs. Taylor,
Mr. I. M. Raymond, Mr. H. H. Wilson,
Mr. Morrill and Mrs. Brooks.
Puree of pea.
Creamed halibut in crust cups.
Brown bread.
. t , Sandwiches.
Fillet of beef with mushrooms.
Mashed potatoes.
String beans.
Hot rolls.
Currant jelly.
Roman punch.
Shrimp salad.
Cheese balls.
Salted almonds.
For those who have ever been in
Turkey, more especially in Constanti
nople, the striking note, even before
Turkish coffee, is the ease and luxury
of the life there. The Turks know
what is restful to the eye and moreover
how to interpret this knowledge. Mrs.
Wright has a Turkish room with the
soft, rich looking rugs of that country,
Turkish hangings, cushions, taborets,
lamps and curious, interesting, lovely
pieces of bric-a-brac. A bronze jarde
niere with a wierd, graceful design is
one of the most beautiful pieces in the
Mr. A. C. Ziemerrwho for thirty years
has sold tickets from Lincoln to all
parts of the earth not imhedded in ice
or a desert, has resigned from his posi
tion of Burlington ticket agent. The
gentle courtesy Mr. Ziemer always
showed the caravan of travelers will
surely be missed. Women with im
pedimenta of bird-cages and children
who asked Mr. Ziemer questions the
answers to which were written on the
blackboard, received the oral informa
tion which they evidently preferred,
and were not referred to the blackboard'
or printed folders. Possibly Mr. Ziemer
never knew what a relief he has been
to nervous travelers whose experience
with cynical ticket agents has made
them sensitive.- Mr. Ziemer never
seemed to expect commonBense of
travelers and he was thus never irritat
ed. But his typo in that business and
position is very rare. He has resigned
his position in order to devote his whole
time to Christian Science, of which he
is a successful and devoted practioner.
The Lincoln Club banquet committee
desires it understood that banquet
tickets cost $1.50 each; that the banquet
will begin at 7:30; that the speaking
program will commence about eight
o'clock; that ladies are urged to come
to the banquet with their husbands;
that there will be no wine, no cigars,
and no delay in waiting for a dinner in
courses, but a ready prepared dinner,
all on the table, with nothing to serve
after the guests are seated but hot cof
fee. Prior to the banquet which will
be in the auditorium, a public recep
tion will be given in the parlors of the
Lindell hotel, to Governor Shaw, Lieu
tenant Governor Woodruff, Messrs. and
Mesdames John N. Baldwin, A.E. Cady
and Norris Brown, and no special invita
tion is necessary, but a cordial and gen
eral invitation is extended to this re
ception. Lieutenant Governor Woodruff ar
rives today at 10:15. He will be met at
the train by a committee. Lieutenant
Governor Woodruff will be the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Burr. Governor
Shaw will be entertained at the resi
dence of Mr. F.M. Hall. He will also
be entertained a part of the time while
In the city by his old friend and towns
mar, Doctor Wilkinson.
Colonel J. H. McClay in the Burr
block is in charge of the sale of tickets.
The people are urged to get their tickets
before noon today.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Morrill gave a
dinner on Thursday in honor of Ma
dame MacLean who is visiting in Lin
coln. BesideB the host and hostess and
the guest of honor, therewere Mf. and
Mrs. A. J. Sawyer, Mr. and Mrs. H. H.
Wilson, Doctor and Mrs. Kimball, Mr.
and Mrs. S. H. Burnham and Mrs. New
man. The University colors, in scarlet
and cream roses, decorated the table.
Mrs. N. S. Clark, president of the
Francis M. Ford club, who is visiting in
the city, was entertained at luucheon
on Thursday by Mrs. A. C. Ricketts.
Mrs. Clark reports great activity among
the clubs of Stromsburg, and a vjry
general interest in the question of re
organization. They expect to send a
strong delegation to Milwaukee.
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Wheeler ar
rived in Lincoln on Tuesday from Ha
vanna, Cuba. Mrs. Wheeler was called
home by the death of her father, Mr.
Austin Humphrey. Mr. and Mrs.
Wheeler have been living in Havana
for the past year.
Mr. and Mrs. Jaques Levy of St.
Louis, are the guests of Mr. and Mrp.
Each one of the membership com
mittee of the Western Art association
has agreed to secure twenty-five mem
bers of the association. These will
meet in the art gallery to appoint a com
mittee to nominate the officers of the
association. All are invited.
Mr. August Hagenow, the leader of
the orchestra and the liberal dispenser
of good music is asking those who share
with him in a love of music to make it
possible to hold another series f of sum
mer concerts in the open air. The open
air concerts were the pleasanteet and
most distinctive feature of last summer
in this resort of the weary and sunbak
ed. The work of securing the contri
butions is wearisome and if those who
really appreciate Mr. Hagenow 's efforts
to temper the effect of the wind, flies
and midday sun by an evening t
door, soothing, cooling - -
send him their contri
of this faithful, patient musician would
be lightened. It requires 31,500 to give
the twenty concerts he offers, Thero
will be nearly thirty players in the or
chestra. A new ropnrtoir has been
prepared and those requests for special
members which aro signed will bo hood
ed by the leader. Mr. Hagenow thinks
there is a difference between trashy and
popular music, and his orchestra will
play the latter.
The ladies of tho Review and Art
club of York, with their husbands, en
tertained tho Avon club members and
their the spacious residence
of Mrs. J. (I. Bell, on March 15th. In
celebration of St. Patrick's day, every
thing pertaining to the evening's en
joyment was carried out in real Irish
style. Each guest assumed a character
for the evening, and was an
nounced by his nom de plume. Each
one recited an amusing Irish anecdote.
Wit and mirth abounded and sparkled
through the evening. The dining room
was a bower of green, the table was
profusely decorated with smilax. Po
tatoes weie served in dainty transfor
mations and upon every guest tho sham
rock was pinned. Cards attached to
minute tubers, were given to each guest
and a prize was awarded to tho one
making the largest number of words
from "Potatoes." This was a huge po
tato filled with bon bono, tho cover
tied down with a bit of green ribbon.
Before leaving, many tried, but few suc
ceeded in kissing the Blarney stone,
which was suspended in the hall. The
originality, true hospitality and lively
.Irish wit, in this "St. Patrick's Day"
party will live long in the annals of
York's social events.
Mrs. Apperson, president of the Ne
braska Federation, paid her first official
visit to the Omaha club on March 5th, .
as the special guest, of, the Household
Economics department where she was
the chief speaker. Several hundred
women including the representatives of
the Mu Sigma, Dundee, North Omaha,
and Council Bluffs' Women's clubs were
present to greet Mrs. Apperson, and at
the conclusion of the program they
made her acquaintance personally at a
reception given in her honor by tho
House and Home committee, Mrs. Har
ford, chairman. Mrs. ApperEon's pa
per was an exposition of the duty of Ne
braska women toward home making,
and her practical discussion of their
opportunities was an inspiration to the
women who heard it, as was also her
strong and gracious personality. Mrs.
Apperson was in the city a few hours
only, but the informal hospitality of her
hostess, Mrs. Draper Smith, made room
for guests not only at dinner but at
breakfast, and for calls at all hours.
While space by Mrs. Mary M Pugh. was
formed for a luncheon, to the State
president and some members of the
Household Economics department. In
deed Omaha clubdom made rapid use of
its opportunities, and Mrs. Apperson
must certainly feel herself the richer in
personal friendship, since her visit.
Mrs. Mabel Cox entertained at lunch
eon on Truesday at one o'clock. Those
invited were Ruth Raymond, Gladys
Hargreaves, Marie Weisner, Mabel Ben
nett, Pauline and Leah Myer, Luui3
Burnham, Hazel Lane, Ruth Macfar
land, Fanchon Hooper, Edith Robbies,
Elsie Fawell, Helen Dobeon, Mabel
Murray, Helen Wilson. Jessie Outcalt,
Louise Hargreaves, Ruth Baker. Nan
Cunningham, Clarie Funke and Celia
Cornell. A five-course luncheon was
The senior class of the state univer
sity gave an informal reception at
Walsh's hall on Saturday evening. The
seniors are beginning to realize that
their alumni days will soon be at hand
and that now or never they must culti-