10 THE COURIER. THEATRIGAfo. THE FUNKE. The Flints bold the record of having played the beet week's stand of any at traction ever in Lincoln. There are hypnotists and hypnotists, but there are none who can duplicate the Flints. They are the product of 1900 years' research in psychic lore and their own twenty-two years experience. The Flints are putting up an entirely new show this year. They ubo fancy cos tumes in many scenes, and with calcium lights produce interesting effects. Mon day night one free ticket to a lady and gentleman or to two ladies. Thus a man can bring his wife or lady friend, or two ladies can come, for the. price of one ticket. THE OLIVER "The Village Postmaster' plays at the Oliver Tuesday, March 27th. The play furnishes a series of realistic stage pictures "quite as refreshing as a vaca tion in the country." It is a simple drama of rural life. The play originally ran at the Fourteenth Street theater, New York, for one hundred and fifty nights. Mr. Archie Boyd playB the title role, Seth Higgins, the postmaster. Mr. Boyd will be remembered from his long connection with Denman Thompson's part in "The Old Homestead" and Uncle Nat in "Shore Acres." The first act opens in the country store and post- office in a small New Hampshire town on the morning of Training Day. This act closes with a rain storm of real water. The second act shows the home of a Baptist minister and the Donation party, when the members of the village church choir render old fashioned mel odies and various gifts are presented to the minister. The third act shows a farm yard with an old fashioned thresh ing machine at work. The last act is a capital setting, showing the interior of an old New England church, where the villagers are busy putting up decorations in honor of the approaching wedding of the poster aster's daughter. Kathryn Kidder, Louis James and Charles B. Hanford are- "together on a tour with two of Shakspertfs plays and two of Sheridan's. They have brought that highly legitimate repertory to the Grand opera -bose, where they began their week lasfnight with an interest ing and commendable performance of "The Winter's Tale." Miss Kidder lias the personality and the ac complishment of a satisfactory player. Her Hermione, the unjustly accused queen, had a mien of graceful dignity and was pathetic in all the phases of sufferings from a jealous king's 'injus tices. Tbe transition to Perdita, from the repression of the Bad mother to the liberty of joyous daughter, was a suffic iently demonstrative emergence from shadow into sunshine. Her dual achievement was much more than merely creditable. The same degree of praise may be given 'to Mr. Hanford, who played the insanely jealous King Leontes with a great deal of earnest force. Mr. James' aspect was ludicrous, his behavior droll, his speech unctuous and his singing deeply bass. It was a unique and very rlever achievement. The scenic representation of the play was new and excellent. Franklyn Fyles in the Sun. At the Oliver Friday, March 30th. A woman who is the mother of sons who are now at an age to select voca tions in life told me the other day a stoy rthat carries an interesting point. One of her boys, who is of a thoughtful and serious turn of mind, had expressed a wish to enter the ministry. His prac tical mother wanted to feel that he was qualified before uhe placed him in the way of a theological student's career, and so, with the aim of finding out just what qualifications were essential, she determined to see some clergy-nan and ask the logical question. So she sought an interview with the Reverend Rains ford. To tell the story in her own words: "I found the doctor in his study, and I think I put my question to him rather courageously, feeling that he would hail the announcement that I had a son who felt inclined to the sacred calling. He did not seem to be impressed with the sentiment involved, and he replied to my question as toon as I gave him a chance. 'The prime qualification, mad am, is to be named in one word,' he aid.. 'The day has gone by -when mere ly piety, sincerity, personal goodness, 'humility, love of Btudy, or any one or taore of those admirable personal char acteristics are sufficient to commend a young man to the ministry. A man to succeed in the ministry must, fiist and foremost, be a leader of men. The min istry today is crowded with failures. Madam, is your son a leader? ' 1 "The statement and tbe question were so entirely different from what I had expected, that I was obliged to think a moment before replying to him, and during that moment 1 turned my boy Robbie around in my mind, and' looked him all ' over from an entirely new standpoint. Robbie is gentle, con scientious, and kind and truthful aud pure. He is reverent, and he loves everything that is eacred and holy. But Robbie is retiring and sensitive, mod he loves approbation. I knew that these were not the attributes of the leader, but I felt as though I were Rob bio'a only defonder against ihe arraign ment of his shortcomings, which the clear-sighted divine had so negatively suggested. 'I think my son would like to be a leader,' I said, with some hesita tion, and then, with considerable as surance, I added: Tes,l am" sure he would iik-j to be a leader. He could sooa team to be a leader. He replied to my statement with decision: 'Lead ers, MADAM, ABE BO EN, NOT MADE.' So Robbie will not go into the ministry. It was something of a shock and a dis appointment to us both, but the atmos phere is cleared of uncertainty.' The Baxar.. ?Are you sober ?" asked Mrs. Laxkin as she leaned out ot the second story window ki 2:30 a. m., in 'response to her huband's ring. Tesh, my dear." "Then say PietermariUburg." Town Topics. UNDEE THE DIRECTION OF 0. T. GRJIWFORD MD F. G. HIM COB. O AND TWELFTH. PHONE 355 coffin Marclk 2ltk MONDAY. The management takes pleasure in announcing1 the engage ment of America's Famous Fun-Makers, Miwrs oryrr;Eit Presenting a unique program of all the latest novelties in the science of suggestion, introducing the greatest laugh- provoker on the stage, GRACE MARION FLINT, The Only Lady Hypnotist. Prices 10, 20, 30 and 50 cents. Reserved seats at box office. UNDEK THK DIRECTION OF 0. T. CRAWFORD S F.C. ZEHRUNG Corner 13th and P. Phone 354 Tbe Doora xvlll Open roxxx J&cr?r on at. 7x45 The theatrical event of the season New York's Great Big Hit A play with a record. 22? Nts at tfte Fourteenth. Street eater, Nw York "Another 'Old Homestead.' "New York World. Alice T. Ives' and Jerome H. Eddy's picturesque New England play, The Village Postmaster. Under the management of Mr. J. Wesley Rosenquest. "New Yrk has never seen a better drama of rural life." New York Herald. The- new and big production direct from New York includes Late of "Shore Acres," as the postmaster. Prices 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00. Friday, . Marelk 30th. LOUIS JAMES, KATHERINE KIDDER CHAS. B. HANFORD. Under the management of Wagenthals & Kemper, in Shak- spere's. The Winters Tale Thirty-five leople Two cars of scenery. LallBatl.tKs'BIBlllllllHI ' mii K-Uf LHHIB aflBLIIIIIH BiiiiiKw-rrBiViiiiiiV1llPP" h aV IP"'- ' "LiiiiiB ' , aaiiiiiiiH aiiiiiiWtt-vtHv'i(raiiiiiiiiW Xlin ItaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiV MsYiMsjsaalM JJYk JBaitilaHBtBIHB (eetMMsmfforim ! A i -4 y