The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, March 17, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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t "
Ib our ppecial brand of Coffee. It has won medals over other
coffees at In'ernatiooal Coffee Displays. It must be good. It is
certainly reasonably cheap. 25c per pound Try it.
130 So. 1 3 tli St.
Phone 951.
Cycle Photographs
J Athletic Photograohs
Photographs of Babies
J Photographs of Groups
M ft
J Exterior Views
120 South Eleventh Street.
Mrs. D. D. Little. Potted plants in pro
fusion were tastefully arranged and the
parlors prettily decorated in the club
colore, green and white. Tno guests
and member j were entertained with a
Eugene Field program by the littlo
folKs, consisting of poetical and other
selections from his worus, songs and
music. A luncheon was served in sever
al courses, the entertainment closing
with extemporaneous speeches by the
gentlemen, in which hearty words of ap
Drecibtion were expressed. This is but
the first of a series of gatherings planned
by the club for the benefit of the sojial
Are being off red by
To be reported by the United States
Census Bureau for 19W).
Tho tiri cfnsus of tho United States was
taken in 1810. Sinco then every succeeding ten
years. The result of each census has been as
follows :
Year. Population. I Year. Population.
1MU TNtSSl IH 3I4I3.3U
1H1( !.EUei 1C( 3S.5.-W.371
l&BI .. .. 12 NVJ.II 0 IN1) nO,l.V7S3
1M0 IT.IttUX! 1WO Gl&H&O
lKoU ... 23,nU,STli
Ilerejou have the figures of a basis of calcu
lation The . roblcm now is: What will bo
the vopulation f the Uuited States excluding
recent acquisitions but tho total of states, ter
ritories ami the District of Columbia?
To the iirst neare t correct guess ro-
ceived J3.0UO.OO
Tothe second 1,500.01)
Tothothird .. 75000
To the. fourth iVlOUU
To tho fifth 1 UU
To tho sixth '-1U.00
To the seventh HOW
To tho next ten. each iiuu. amounting to l.OOOOl)
To tho n-xt fifty, i.VJeaih.amountingto 2,500 00
To tho next ouo hundred, each -.
amounting to 2,500.00
To tho next livo hundred, each 10,
amounting to 5,000-00
To tin next one thousand live hundred
and thirty, each ", amounting to . 7,650 00
Total number of premiums, 2.197. nr nnn
amounting to. WU UUU
Readers of
The Courier
Can aiailthemsehes of this offer by payment to
us f a year's subscription for I'MIS
1SXQUIR13R Costine
only 11. o.
To PATENT Good Ideas
may be secured by
our aid. Address,
Baltimore. Md.
Subscriptions to Tbe Patent Record 11.00 pr annum.
with enthusiastic favor, and plans were
discussed and adopted. There are to bo
no officers, dues or regular meetings.
Membership shall bo unlimited. The
only quantisation required is that each
moaiber take the anti-gossip plodgo of
the association: "I Uo hereby solemnly
pledge my word to speak no evil of any
woman, whether such report bo true or
not. Any violation of this pledge, how
ever, does not release mo from its subse
quent obligations, which are to continue
for all time to come." This is a step in
the right direction Wo hope to see it
duplicated in every club center and
one club makes a center.
As chairman of the art department of
the N. P. W. C , I am happy to an
nounce that I have had replies to tho
questions of investigation from tho
following clubs:
Omaha Woman's Club.
Seward Woman's. Club.
Seward Art and History Club.
Columbus Woman's. Club.
Stromsburg Woman's Club.
David City Ingleeide Cub.
York Review and Art Clubs.
The questions are as follows:
1. How long have you been studying
2. What phases of the subject have
you studied, and in what order ?
.'!. To what books and photographs
do you have access in your com
munity ?
i. Is it a popular department ?
5. Have you met with any dis
couragement? Please enumerate
G. If you have never before studied
art, please notify me.
Will not presidents of all other clubs
reply at an early date, that the art com
mittee may be able to plan for syste
matic work on this line next year ?
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs. P. M. Hall.
1OJ0 D Street.
The National Educational association
has accepted the invitation of Charles
ton, S. C , to hold its next annual meet
ing in that city. This will give an op
portunity for many northern men and
women to visit the sunny south. The
favorable rates secured by this associa
tion are always a great inducement.
Over thirty thousand people availed
themselves of the opportunity to visit
the Pacific coast last summer under the
auspices of this association. The con
vention is held from July 7th to lStb,
The woman's club of Lebanon, Penn
slvania, has issued a forty-page pamph
let on the question of the reorganization
of the General Federation of Woman's
Clubs. This innocent looking little
book is a compilation of all the argu
ments urged by the reorganizes.
These Newspapers club
at the following rates:
Sterling Sun
Tue Juniata Herald $2.00
Auburn Post
Palmyra Nineteenth Century Items. . . 1.50
Lyons Mirror 2.00
Burt County Herald 1.50
The Sarpy County Herald 2.00
Weeping Water Republican 2.00
A new club has been organized at
Springfield. Mo., and named the Wo
man's Self-Elevation Society. It was
recently organized by a prominent so
ciety leader at the close or a card party
which had been held at her home.
After the prizes had been awarded she
made the proposition to her friends that
they proceed to the organization of a
new Eociety of women, each member
pledging herself "to speak no ill word of
any other woman." The suggestion met
vicious temper, but it't follow her
life is immoral. Miseries may develop
that temper. I ask jou again to think
of theflb heart-aching women. They
want to work; they want to keep out of
It is gratifying to the ptate federation
of Nebraska to tind that the majority
report of this committee with Mrs.
Lowe at its head supports the pioneor
position takon by Nebraska that the
small clubs must not be crowded out.
The national organization has been a
federation of women's clubs from its beginning.
Georgia's plan of returning to the old
form of organiz tion and admitting
state federat ona and kindred organiza
tions on the basis of individual clubB
avoids any inconsistencies that have
troubled severely logical club women
and works no injustice, Least of all
can club women afford to be unjust to
the six hundred and fifty small clubs
now belongicg to the national federa
tion. If any still have qualms upon the
expense account, burdensome' ess or
unwieldiness of the biennials, re-read
Mrs. Decker's article upon this question,
which appeared in Tho Courier of
March 3d. Be prepared to go to Mil
waukee with strong convictions and the
ability to tell )our reasons wherefore.
This vital question is to be settled there
in a democratic way. Each delegate
will go on record for all time in the his
tory of the club movement.
A letter from Anna Maxwell Jones,
secretary of the Paris exposition com
mittee, asks that wide circulation be
given, through all club papers or depart
ments, that the meeting of the general
federation in Paris is given up. Mrs.
Jones is still receiving letters concern
ing the tour, which, of course, has also
been abandoned.
Dr. Sarah HacKett StevenEon also
gave a 6hort talk for the woman's lodg
ing house in Chicago recently, in the
course of which she gave an account of
a private interview she had with Eng
land's queen kstJune. Dr. Stevenson
said: "Queen Victoria is interested in
this club. She asked me to tell her of
it and of the Model lodging house, add
ing: 'Do all the members live at this
Model lodging house?' I replied: 'No;
nearly all have husbands, families and
homes of their own. The queen thought
it would be delightful to bean American
club woman, but said she had duties in
At a recent meeting of the woman's
club of Chicago, Miss Jane Addams ad
dressed the meeting in behalf of the
middle aged men and women of the very
poor. She explained that the burden of
life did not fall upon the little children,
and that interest in the kindergarten
should not take the thoughts away from
the middle-aged, the destitute, the
helpless. Her talk was a most eloquent
plea for the "Woman's Model Lodging
House," which several of the women's
clubs of Chicago have taken especial
charge of. She urged the women to be
generous with sympathy and help to
those who need an occasional tiding over
until work is secured. She said In part:
"Before we had this lodging house there
was no refuge for them except at the
police station. Don't be discouraged
over them. You may find one with a
Indiana is to have a state federation.
A mert'-ng has been called for April, to
which all of tho clubs of tho state are
invited to send delegates. The plan is
to orgjnizo, not only a statu federation,
but to choose delegates also to the Mil
waukee biennial, which will be held
from June 1th to Uth, inclusive. At tbe
last biennial meeting thoro wero sixtoen
states yet unfederated with the goneral
organization. It is hoped that tho most
of these will affiliate before the first of
June. California and Louisiana wore
added last month and Indiana ie the
latest addition.
The Lincoln Century club spent Tues
day afternoon, March i, with "Modern
Painters of Holland.' After consider
able discussion the club chose Egyptian
history fcr its next year's study. Mes
dames P. E. Campbell, A. L. Candy and
Davison were appointed a committee to
elaborate and present outlines on this
The woman's club of Plattsmouth is
endeavoring to have the anti-cigarette
law enforced in that city.
To clubs of ten taking The Courier the
annual subscription price is seventy five
cents (75 cents). Regular subscription price
one dollar per year.
The woman's club of Plattsmouth met
on Tuesday evening, March 0th. Por
the parliamentary practice department,
"Muni.ipal Laws;" American literature.
"Comparison of Edgar Allen Poe and
Walt Whitman;' class study, "Division
Two and Three in Part First of Evange
line." Mrs. Fannie Elson, hostese.
A convention of southern colored wo
men was held in the city of Montgom
ery, Ala.. December 2Sth and 29th. The
object of the meeting, as expressed by
Mrs. Booker T. Washington, was to
band together southern women for
greater usefulness in their own section
of the country. There were present
over two hundred women, all interested
in modern movements for the elevation
of home and children. There were dele
gates present from Alabama, Georgia,
Tennessee and Mississippi, while all the
other southern states Lent greetings
and expressions of hearty cooperation
in the object of the convention. A state
federation for Alabama was perfected,
also a permanent southern federation of
colored women's clubs. The southern
colored women all feel that great and
peculiar needs exist in their own land,
which they must meet, and that by such
an organization, which will bring the
willing workers closer together, they
can better study the need: of their own
section and make effective plans for ele
vating their racp. The importance of
mothers meetings, the great need of
kindergartens, manual training schools
and day nurseries for children were dis
cussed and practical plans were adopted.
The convention adopted tbe fo'loxing
Whereas, We, the Federation of
Southern Colored Women, feel that the
moral tendency of excursions on our
people is such that it draws them down
ward, instead of lifting them upward;
be it
Resolved, That the women of the
southern federation condemn excursions,
given for whatever purpose; and be it
Resolved, That we condemn any min
ister who may attempt such for church
Whereas We see and know the evil