The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, March 17, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE C0U13K.
lily; Roeo Speier, red rose; Silvia Orloff
ski, red pinks;Go!dio Blumentbal. white
pinks; Rebecca Poski, pink rose. Tbero
was a short program, the little girls be
ing arranged in a Bemi-circle. Each
child had a neat verse pertaining to her
particular (lower. Later in tho eve
ning the children danced to their heart's
content. Tho boys wore fancy cos
tumes. Mrs. Rewiek invited a few of her
friends informally Tuesday afternoon
for whist in honor of Miss Oliver of
Lockport, New York.
Tho Century club met with Mrs. Van
lirunt Tuesday. The afternoon was
made more of a social event than cus
tomary, it being tho last meeting at
which Mrs Noble, owing to a change of
residence, could bo present for some
time. Mrs. Noble was remembered with
a number of thoughtful, pretty gifts.
Refreshments are generally forbidden
by the club, except on unusual occa
sions, such as the departure of a long
time member. Mrs. Lmdley had pre
pared a paper on lace-making, tapestries
and Delft pottery.
The Round Table met with Mr.
John B. Wright on Monday evening.
At seven o'clock Mrs. Wright served an
elaborate dinner for the members of tho
On Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. A.
II. Weir entertained the La Veta Whist
Les Bohemiennes mot Wednesday af
ternoon at tho home of Mrs. Crittendor.
The Athenae club met with Mrs.
Fred M. Fling on Thursday afternoon.
At eight o'clock on Wednesday eve
ning Miss Edna C. Spalding, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Spalding of 130
II street, was married to Mr. W. H.
Harding of Ord, Nebraska. Miss Spald
ing's gown was of white silk tissue, with
llully rullles, a demi-train and a joke of
beautiful point d'esprit. She carried a
bouquet of bride's roses and an exquis
ite handkerchief of point lace, a gift of
the bride's mother. After the wedding
ceremony, which was performed by Dr.
Hindman.a delicious supper was served,
only tho immediate families of the
bride and groom being present. The
bouse was prettily decorated with roses
and Easter lilies, and from the portieres
hung graceful strands of smilax. There
wero handeomo gifts, with many good
wishes for Mr. and Mrs. tlarding, who
left Lincoln on Thursday for Ord, where
they expect to live in the future.
First Church of Christ (Scientist),
Fourteenth and K streets. Arthur C.
Ziemer, C. S. First Reader. Sunday
morning services at lOiiO; subject,
"Reality.'' The sermon consists of
the reading of selections from the Bible
and the Christian Science text book, "Sci
ence and Health, With Key to the Scrip
tures." Wednesday evening meeting at
7:30. The public is cordially invited.
On Saturday evening, March 10th,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Wilson and Mr.
and Mrs. Henry B. Ward gave a musi
cal in honor of Miss Ward. Mrs. Frank
M. Hall was of tho receiving party.
Mrs. Wilson's gown was of mode silk,
with garnitures of cerise silk and white
ribbon. Mrs. Ward wore a skirt o:
white satin, with a corsage of lace with
violet trimmings. Miss Ward was
charming in a gown of blue and white
striped silk, with net flounces and blue
ribbon parures. The platform gave no
hint of its real nature or purpose, so
man dark, rich looking rugs there were
and palms and meteor roses. There
were red shades, too, for the chandeliers
and lamps to complete the color picture.
In the room where the guests were
served to refreshing ices and cakes the
tout ensemble of color was yellow. On
the table, over a beautiful centerpiece,
was a great bunch of yellow jon
quils. There was also a silver
candelabra with yellow candles and
shades. Mrs. Isaac M. Raymond acd
Mrs. Janson presided at the tablo.
They were assisted by Misses Poynter,
Gregory, Garten, Cochrane, Whiting,
Adeloydo Whiting, Ellen Gere, Frances
Gere, Rickotts, Richards and Kirkor.
The music was listened to with enjoy
ment and enthusiasm. Mr. Charles'
Hagenow, accompanied by Mise Mabel
Hagenow, gave as an encore to his ren
dering of the "Gavotte in D," by Popper,
the "Song of the Evening Star.'' Mrs.
Cdmpbel), as an encoro to "Penelopo
Wearing a Garment from Odysseus,"
by Max Bruch, sang "Oh, That W Two
Wore Maying," by Nevin. Mr. Augus
tus Hagenow, Miss Mabel Hagenow, ac
companist, for an encore to his three
numbers, "Canzonetta," by Herbert,
"Stilles Glueck."by Schaker, "Trau
merei," by Schumann, gavo tho "Ber
ceuse,' by Goddard. The last number
on the program, "Angels' Serenade,"
was given by request, it having been
played during the wedding of Mr. and
Mrs. Ward.
Mrs. Clinton R. Lee entertains the M.
M. M. WhiBt club today. It i6 the day
of St. Patrick and both his country and
country's color are to be remembered in
ingenious ways. The score cards are
shamrock leaves, and refreshing green
tea, lettuce sandwiches and cakes with
green icing are to be served. Mrs. Lee
has made a collection of Irish curios,
such as wooden shoes and shillalies.
These are to be shown, and Miss Ethel
Burk will play some Irish airs. The
members of the club are Mesdames
Gibbs, Risser, Rudg, Seacrest, Warner,
Cbapin, Legore, Dr. Faulkner, Cook,
Van Brunt, Finch, Metcalfe, Wolcott,
Folsom, Herbert Folsom, Traphagen.
C. I. Jones and Lee. Mrs. Brown, a
guest from out of town, will be present.
The Good Times Euchre club enjoyed
a pleasant evening, Friday, with Miss
Nance. Those present were Meebrs.
and Mesdames Marshall, Howe, George
Woods, Frank Woods, Mark Woods,
Curtice, Rector, Dorgan, Ed. Fitzger
ald, Crancer, Merrill, Latsbaw, Kelly,
Edmisten and Morrison; the Misses
Marshall, Burr, Hoover, Gahan, Oakley,
Putnam, Naughton of New York, Odell,
Hooper, Hargreaves and Cochran;
Messrs. Baldwin, Joyce, Butler. Hayee,
Walsh, Gregory, Honeywell, Lansing,
Marley, Fitzgerald and Thatcher.
On Tuesday the Monday Night club
enjoyed a pleasant evening with Mr.
and Mrs. William J. Turner. The mem
bers of the club are Messrs. and Mes
dames Sine, Garoutte, Jewell, Hibner,
Casebeer, Whiting, Hutchins and
Turner. The invited guests were Messrs.
and MesdameB Parker, Morse, R. M.
Turner; Misses Polk and Reynolds.
Mrs. Elmer B. Stephenson reviewed
"Seats of the Mighty," by Gilbert
Parker, at the laBt meeting of the litera
ture department of ihe woman's club of
Lincoln. The regaining meetings of
this department will be devoted to the
study of the "Merchant of Venice," and
will be held in rcom 302, high school
building. Tho next meeting will be on
March 22d, at 2:30 o'clock.
Mrs. Van Brunt entertained the Lin
coln Century club last Tuesday after
noon. There was a full attendance of
members, ae it was also a farewell meet
ing to Mrs. G. W. Noble, one of the
members of the club who soon removes
to Omaha The regular subject of the
afternoon was the lace, tapestry and
Delft ware of Holland. The next meet
ing will be held March 27th, when the
school system and universities of Hol
land will be discussed.
On Wednesday evening the members
of All Souls Church gave a reception to
nr ur XVlT ir Mir lk7- 4L MJL flW V tk XV IUT ur LV tu
The correct thing- in wearing- apparel and gown
fabrics, both woolen and washable Fashion's pret
tiest and most popular productions properly priced
and carefully collected for the approval of a prudent
The wrapper stock is complete
and is the bigg-cst one we've ever
had. The prices range 59c, 75c,
97c $1.25 and upward.
An exclusive line of novelty
skirts at $7.50, $10.00, $12.50,
$15.00 and upward to $35.00.
We show about 1,500 skirts this
year, all kinds and all prices from
97c to $6.00. We fit them, and
iruarantee a nerfect fit.
Spring- jackets in tan, navy blue, brown, black and
grey; prices range $5.00, 6.75, 7.50 and 10.00.
Misses' and children's box jackets upward from
Children's wash dresses in fast colors, upward
from 35c.
Suits Spring- weights, all the late styles, all
sizes; prices range $5.00v 6.75, 7.50, 10.00, 12.00,
15 and upward to 45.00.
Black all wool Jacquards,
new styles, per yard 39c
Splendid quality all wool
black storm serge, 42 in.
wide, per yard 50c
A magnificent collection
of fancy striped and figured
Pierola cloths, tne season's
most popular dress fabric,
prices range, per vard, 95c,
$1.25, 1.50, 1.65 and 2.00.
Plaids and shepherd checks
4 -vyvv -tl4 rtrtl AM.'' 1il W1 I C
in ui;, uiiiil V.U1UHUJ43, -i ja.iu tJUC
50 inch checked cheviot suiting for separate skirts.
special value, per yard $1.00 and 1.10
Plaid cheviots and tailoring checks in all the new
pastel shades of grey, castors and choice mixtures at
$1.25, 1.50 and 1.75.
Golf suitings in all the new shades of grers, cas
tors, blues and browns, $1.25, 1.50, 1.95 and 2.50.
Sayesse Mull, 32 inches wide,
something new, per yard.. ..35c
New Batistes at 12c, 15c,
18c and upwards to 35c. Dimi
ties, Lawns, Swisses, Mulls,
etc., etc.; prices range from 10c
to 75c a yard.
Linen silk grenadine, another
late novelty, 75c a vard.
Ginghams upwards from 7c to 75c a yard.
We're sole Lincoln agents
for Butterick patterns
and publications.
YUNKA black silk, ab
solutely guaranteed, ex
clusive with us.