The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, March 17, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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Professional Directory.
i .-. . -n -r -i,. r r o 1 omce l"ui anil u street.
,OriOn F.LamDertSOn, D.D.b. (ItooinsSI-:!! Alexander block
618 Dr. Benj. F. Bailey
. ..671. I I Kei
Evenings, by appointment. Sunday 8 12 to 1 p.
i Office, ZohrunR Block
1 9 to 10 a i
) 2 to 4 p m
Kesidence. 1313 C streot
m and by appointment.
I Dr. J. B.Trickey,
j Rofractionist only
19 to 12 a. m
Office. 1035 O street VI to 4 p. m.
Office 153 4 J.M.LUCaS -j 15th and O street.
J . ,. -n-r- - -r -. J Office, rooms 26, 27 and )
Office 530. LOUiS N. Wente.D.D.S-i 1. Brownell Block. 137
I so Htb street. I
I 1 Ollico over liarley's I
oiiice 7si Oliver Johnson, D.D.S.mK store v
) (limO street )
office tajJDrs Clutter & Shannon -jiuwo street.
Lincoln Infirmary of Osteopathy,
Farmers and Merchants Building.
$5.75 delivered.
1044 O Street.
CAiMM COftti CO .
3 U0& 0 SIR., PflOflE 05,
u i u ci r r k
vTsVJ? iviimvj v v i u
. JM.
Brookside Garvorv
$6.65 Delivered
f A AVP DC Send The Courier your legal notices
LAW lL lyO" files are kept in fire proof bui1 v'u s.
when looking" at our fine slock of
shoes, that there is more stTle
&. and beauty in their make-up
than 3'ou can find anywhere in
the city. Our stock of ladies',
misses', and children's shoes are
unexcelled for style and durabil
ity, and we are selling- them at
prices that will surprise you.
Some odd lots going at $1.00.
gepbin guidon & (Tfoambeplain (To.
Though the days are growing colder
again and that nonchalance has left the
air, jet I am quiet, very quiet. I do not
ofttr lunch and dine and dance. It is
the Lenten season, I suppose, that
quiets me; at least I know that I am
much at home. The clubs, however,
keep me about a bit, both these of liter
ary and those of social instinct. One
hears particularly, of fraternities, this
week, it Beems to me, for some of them
have reached the epoch of birthdays.
And then there are always cards in
this good West of ourj.
The annual reception of the Woman's
Club of Lincoln was given at the home
of Mrs. Frank M. Hall on Monday
afternoon from three to six o'clock.
Mrs. Hall was assisted in receiving the
members of the club and their friends
by Mrs. ApperEon, president of the
State Fedetation, and Mrs. Allen V.
Field, president of the City Federation.
Mrs. J. H. Gleason and Miss Brundage
met the guests as they descended the
stairs, and presented them with a violet
satin ribbon upon which was written
the club motto, "The truth shall make
jou free." Mrs. A. A. Scott introduced
those entering to the receiving party
and Mrs. Callen Thompson guided tho
gueste into the various rooms. In the
drawing room and the library, mes
dames Milton Scott, H. W. Kelley, H.
P. Sawjer, Elmer Stephenson, J. A.
Piper, A. C.Ricketts, W. M. Morning,
C. F. Harpbam, E. E. Chapman and
MissH.E. Brackett assisted. In the
reception room and in the drawing room
glorious American beauties held up
their heads. In the library were bril
liant tulips. In the dining room violet
was the color scheme. Over the lights
were shades traced with wreaths of
violets. On the dining room table was
Battenburg lace upon which was placed
the club monogram, mnds of violets and
primrobes. There was also a silver
candelabra, with lavender candles, and
sparkling cut-glass water bottles and
glasses. Upon the side board a great
jug of Easter lilies held dominion. Mrs.
Will C Phillips, gowned in white with
violet trimmings, served the pineapple
ice, which was of a violet hue. She
was assisted by Mesdames James H.
Manahan, A.P.Metcalfe, J. E. John
son, G. E. Haskell, O. P. Erlenborn
and L. H. Atwood. The rooms up stairs
were thrown Oj.en. On the tables were
art books and art journals and vases of
pink roses.
In every picture or in every musical
composition there is always a back
ground which determines, to a certain
extent, the success of the work. In
Mrs. Hall's home there is a background
of softly colored walls from which hang
pictures, that inspire one with the de
sire to see them time and time again.
There are also marbles and bronzes
that speak of the glories of Italy aud
breathe into this far town of ours, the
breath of the beautiful. Long lingered
the guests at Mrs. Hall's on Monday
afternoon. On Friday evening the numbers of
the Delta Gamma gathered at the de
lightful home of Miss Garten to do
honor to their twenty-eighth birthday
by feasting and merry-making. At
seven o'clock the young ladies sat down
to a glittering banqueting table which
was stretched through two long rooms
and laid for forty covers. From the
chandelier to the four corners of the
table were festoons of pink roses. The
tout ensemble of color was pink. Silver
candelabras with pink candles, and
vases of pink roses were on the table.
The lights were shaded in pink and so
for a few hours, at least, the world it
self was rose colored to a number of
people. The great mantle, covered with
many strands of smilax and clusters of
pink roses, formed a charming back
ground to the table and its guests.
The menu cards were most attractive,
being in the shape of anchors and tied
with pink, blue anil bronze silk cords.
On the shield part of the card were
fascinating girls' beads done in water
colors by Mrs. Edmisten and Mrs.
Nicholson. Those present wore: Miss
es Haggard, Dautsch, Dennis, Wing,
Deweese, Starrett, Mullon, Rice, Web
ster. Gregory, Cochrane, Bridge. Laura
Bridge, Garten, Woods, Nuren, Wpt
kins, Polk, Mulliken, Woods, Welch,
Davis, Tukey, Cole, Macomber, Maude
Macomber, Janes, Jackson, Haecker,
Kenney, Hamilton, Daniels, Honeywell,
Wilson, and Harley. Mesdames Sher
man, Fisher, Woods, Edmisten and
Lau. The toasts fulfilled the functions
of a toast being short, wise and witty.
Toastmistress Miss Haggard.
The University Miss Mullon.
Wandering Feet Miss Daweese.
Heavenly Hash Miss Jackson.
Fishermen's Luck Miss Woods.
The Twentieth Century Midway
Miss Macomber.
Grape Fruit au Claret.
Pea Consomme
Wafers and Radishes.
Scalloped Salmon."
Brown Bread and PickleB.
Chicken Patties.
Potato Balls. Parker Houso Rolls.
Cranberry Sherbert.
Tomato Salad.
Cheese StrawB. Olives.
Frozen Pudding.
Birds" Nests of Spun Suga.
Angel's Food.
The Ideal Mandolin orchestra played
during the evening.
Mrs. Schlesinger entertained the
Unity club on Tuesday evening. Be
sides the members of the club, Miss
Lottie Greenbaum, a guest of Mrs
Weil, and Mr. IN a than Rothschild of
Denver were present. Mr. Henry Blum
won the gentleman's prize and Mrs.
New mark the lady's.
Friday evening the Naomi society of
the Hebrew church gave the Passing of
the Flowere a fancy dress ball for the
children of their Sabbath school. The
committee worked very hard and much
credit is due it for the happy passing
off of the affair. The little girls were
charming in their paper cowns repre
sentative of flowers. The following
children took part: Fay Herzog, daisy;
Gertrude Friend, pansy; Ruth Kroner'
carnation; Mariam Ksensky, enow ball;
Babette Weil, lilac; Jeanette Mayer,
sweet peas; Edna Mayer, sunflower
Eleio Ackerman, corn flowers; Nellie
Newmark, forget-me-not; Jessie New
mark, poppies; Hazel Steinberg, violets
Bessie Pol woski, pinks; Polly Berkson,'
heliotrope; Fanny Nefsky, lilac; Rachel
Nef6ky, chrysanthemum; Rose Poski,
white rose;. May Kellner, lilies of the
valley; Helen Levy, holly; Dorris Levy,