The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, March 17, 1900, Page 5, Image 5
THE COURIER. r x X Kether with thn dependent question of proper taxation and representation," and mindful of the expression of opin ion conveyed by replies received by the chairman of the committee to circulars snt out, showing fifteen state federa tions, representing ninety four thousand and one members for this reorganization and seven state federations, represent ing twenty-six thousand two hundred and tifty-one members against reorgan ization, respectfully submit the follow ing minority report: ARTICLE I. Section 1. Tho general federation shall consist of state federations of wo men's clubs and territorial federations in states or territories where the state federations exist. Section 1 in present constitution shall be made section 2, and shall read as fol lows: The general officers of the federation shall be a president, two vice presidents, a recording secretary, a corresponding secretary, a treasurer and an auditor. Section 2 in present constitution shall be omitted. Section 2. The general olBcers of the federation and eight directors shall con stitute a board of directors, who shall transact the business of the federation subject to its direction, and make a full report at each biennial meeting and to the council when it convenes. They shall meet at the call of the president or upon the written request of three mem bers. Five members Bhall constitute a quorum. Section 4. The presidents of stale federations, chairmen of federation com mittees in territorial federations and board of directors of the general federa tion shall constitute an advisory council to meet the day previous and the day following each biennial, and at the call of the president or at the written re quest of five members of the council. Section 5. The seven officers of the general federation and eight directors shall be elected at biennial meetings by bhl ot. Oce delegate from each state, chosen by the delegation of the state, shall form a nominating board to offer a list of officers and directors for election. A majority vote of those present entitled to vote and voting shall constitute an G. No member shall hold moie than oce office at a time, and no officer shall be eligible to the same gen-e-al office fur more than two terms con secutively. No two members ot the board shall be from the same state. One-ha!f of the board of directors shall ' be changed at each biennial meeting. Each officer shall hold office until the a-lj lurnment of the biennial meeting following that of her election. In case of a vacancy, the board of directors shall appoint a member to. 6erve until her suc cessor U elected. Section 8. Each state federation con sisting of one thousand or lees members shall be entitled to be represented by its president or her appointee and four del egates. Each three hundred additional members may be represented by one delegate. Territorial federations shall be entitled to the same representation. Srctiou I). All members of the gen eral federation may be present at the biennial meetings and may take part in discussions upon all measures brought forward, but shall not introduce motions or vote. ARTICLE II. Section 1. State federations desiring to join the general ftderation shall make application through their president to the president of the general federation. They must show that no sectarian or political test is required for membership in their organization and must agree to the constitution and by-laws of the gen eral federation. ARTICLE III. Section 1. The meetings of the gen eral federation shpll take p'ace every three years, beginning 1902. Tho place and date of meeting shall be decided by the board ot directors. Section G. The annual dues of the state and territorial federations shall be three (.1) cents per capita. Dues shall be paid annually by tho treasurers of state federations to the treasurer of tho general federation by March 1st- The representation of state and territorial federations shall be reckoned by the number of members who havopaid their per capiti dues by March 1st. AKTICLK IV. Section 4. At each meeting of the board of directors an executive commit tee of thiee, ot whom the president shall be chairman, shall be appointed by the board to transact routine busi ness and to act in emergencies until the next board meeting. The action ot this committee ehall ba unanimous and all action taken by it shall be reported in writing to the board. Section 5. The state president and executive board shall have charge of the general federation business in her state, and shall appoint a federation secretary as a meanB of communication between the state and general federations. In states or territories where no state fed erations exist the board ot directors shall appoint a committee of three from different ssctionB of the state or territory, who shall have charge of all general fed eration business of the state, and in con sultation with the board ot directors, decide how delegates to the biennial meetings from their state or territory shall be elected. The annual dues of the state or territory shall be paid to the chairman of this committee, who shall remit the same to the treasurer of the general federation. This committee shall promote intercourse among local clubs and organize state federations as soon as practicable. The members of thiB committee shall be delegates to the biennial meetings and the chairman shall lead the delegation. In case of the adoption of triennial meetingp, wherever the word biennial occurs, triennial shall take its place. The committee is undecided as to the advisability of making the meetings ot the general federation triennial at pres ent, but made the change in the by-laws at the request of a laige number ot members, in order that the subject might be discussed at Milwaukee. If the general federation decides to hold triennial meetings, the committee con siders three cents per capita dues ample for the support of the general federation. It biennial meetings are continued, it recommends five cents per capita dues. Attention is also called tothefjct that this plan of reorganization in no wipe interferes with the government of state federations, but leaves them free to elect their delegatee. collect their dues and manage their state affairs as seems be6t. (Signed.) DnrjRAH N. C. Brock, Chairman. Louisa Dickinson Sherman, Mary Alden Ward, Emily E. Williamson. Julia S. Douglas. The art department of the Lincoln woman's club iret as usual on Thursday in the club rooms: Mr. Neligh of the public schools lectured on "Art for Art's Sake" Mr. Neligh spoke of "How to Build Up an Art Environment in Our City." Much could be done through the pupils in the schools, by inducing them to plant flowers, shrubs, etc., and to keep the sidewalks in repair. The department heartily indorsed Mr. Ne ligh's comments, that the city needs more parking and street improvements, and that much may be done to beautify it. He said the art-loving people of this (Continued on Page 8.) ll0IIHfllll)IHMI0l0mM00l0'O Some of the New Things Now on Our Counters. 0aOOOW0O0OO0M000n 000 0fro4 o Golf Suits and Skirts. Tailor-Mad Suit. Fine Hand Mmlu Laces. Cambric, Svrihs ami Nainaok Embroideries. Printed Foulurd and other Fancy Silku. "New Finish" IM.ick Silk Ore- pons. Beaded and Spangled Robes and Trimmings. Not for many yenrs hut thero b.n n Beacon when it was so necen- sary for thoeo who want choice fabrics to make their selections early. MlbbiR&PAINE eO 2 wj J.V ! 9 S S 45 -5 ft ft 3 5 5 M S 5 S ' . V .- - - - - - ' : p Rotable Victory . , Easily and Hon estly Won by the weber mhm ?. The Maurice Grau Opera Co., of New York, have recently made arrangements whereby the Weiikk Grand Pianos will be used exclusively by them at the Metropolitan opera honse in New York City, and io all their concerts throughout the United States. This marked recognition of the merits of the Were': Piano easily places it above all other pianos in the most cultured musical circles. The general agency for this renowned instrument is held by Matthews Piano Go. 1120 0 street:, LInooln, Xebr. -ft Gv Cw ONIv 15 hours and 40 minutes now to Chicago via THE BURLINGTON, leaving Lincoln at 5:50 p. m., arrive Chicago 9:30 a. m.: leaving- Lincoln 10:35 p. m., arrive Chicago 2:15 p. m. The Burlington is Progressive, and Her Service Shows it. I S Gity Ticket Office 5 Burlington Drpot Gor. lOtn and O Streets. J10iB27th St, Between P and Q.J Telephone 235. Telephon- i!x ! Furrier . . . 3 . Stcck 5 Repairing Done in the Neatest Manner All Work Guaranteed. S J43So. J2thstr -- Lincoln, Nebr. o-se-5ft ARTKITIf; PRI'T1'r. Of every inscription It will pRjrjou tocongnlt (.'. L. Lemmon, at the . LEGAL NEWS HR I NTING . . Excellent Work. Satisfatory Prices a. HOI X street. $ V-Ofrfr0OOO0OO