The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, March 17, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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    TrtE COURIEk.
from plowing and reapinp, and yet had
an equal share with hip fellows. At
length, when the peasants began to
take music as a matter of course, and
forgot to tell the piper every morning
what a gifted fellow be was, he decided
that they did not appreciate a good
artist, and didn't know one when they
heard one. So ho went away to Paris
and began to play very different music
from that which he had played for the
hay-makerp, music that did not give
pleasure or delight except in a dry,
barren way, but people went to hear him
because it gave them an opportunity of
saying clever things and writing articles.
Now these people who got the music
were not really the people who paid the
musician, for they produced nothing
and did no work, but wrung their
money from the peasants and with it
bought jewels and music. So the hay
makers still paid for the music, though
now they heard none of it. This, Count
Tolstoi claims, is the present status of
While Miss AddamB was talking I
couid not help thinking of the letter
that Turgeneiff wrote Tolstoi from his
death bed, urging him, begging him to
abandon bis philanthropic madness and
give himself again to the great art
which he had once enriched. When
Count Tolstoi lived ij the world and
wap, as he assures me, a very bad man,
he wrote some of the greatest novels in
the world's literature. Now that be
lives like a serf and spends his strength
for bis convictions, he writes fables for
heavy-browed peasants. The compari
son !b a poor argument for godly living.
But the gist of the whole matter is this,
in these times a man cannot live away
from the stress of the battle. A weak
man or a vicious man who in the long
run makes for good is more useful than a
6hint who hides in the cloister.
Count Tolstoi argues that art has
grown too far away from the people.
No, it is the people who have grown,
and art with them. He argues that no
greater poetry has been written than
the "Iliad"' which came almost directly
from the people. But verses from the
people of today would be very different
sluff. The life of the p?asant today is
less independently personal, more com
plex than that of the Argive kings.
The life and fortunes of the humblest
laborer today are influenced by tele
graph reports, stock markets, questions
of transportation. Sothe art that ex
presses life today must be more complex
than the art of the Homeric Greeks.
As to Tolstoi's theory of labor, of one
rcan'e doing several kinds of labor and
of throwing the disagreeable work
wholly upon no one class, its absurdity
is plain enough, if Ten Dyson had gone
every day into his tulip bed and tent
hin tulip gardener in to work at
"Maude," I fancy neither "Maude" nor
the tulips would have prospered. It
seems unfair enough that some should
be doomed ps the hod carriers of the
world, but even Count Tolstoi cannot
unmake and refahion God's universal.
Nature did not mean all things to be
equally beautiful or equally happy.
She made the skjlark and she made
the toad, and not all the passion of our
prayers could give the reptile wings.
There is no means among all the re
sources of science whereby we may
communicate to an oyster the beauty
of a symphony.
17. Woman's c. Child Study Lincoln
17, Woman's c, French Lincoln
1 History and Art c Effects of the
17, CrusadesGothic in architec-
ture Seward
. I Fin de Siecle c. Brook Farm
'' i Hnwthnrnn Seward
,- ( Woman's c. Household econ-
' . nmliN North Bend
i omlcs
I Zetetic c.
' practice.
Weeplng Water
. j Frances M. Ford c. Children's
,a' hour Stromsburg
19, Woman's c. Business meeting Omaha
I Woman's c Abraham Lin
IP, coin and the Civil War. Rep-
resentatlve men of the U. S..Central City
19, Woman's c. Household economics.. Lincoln
iSorosis. "All's Well That Ends
I Well" Stanton
19. Matinee Musical, Open meeting Lincoln
20. Woman's c, French conversation Omaha
0, Woman's c Ethics and Philosophy.. Omaha
a). Woman's c. Business meeting. . . Fairbury
.,., History and Art c Political Irelard
" ' ( Scott, Ingelow and Kingsley Albion
., t Woman's c, "Merchant of Ve-
" ( nice Stanton
ii i Woman's c. Parliamentary prac-
J3 tice Lincoln
20, Fortnightly c, Russian music Lincoln
f Cozv c, Frederick the G reat and
. his court Comparison of 11a--'
; ria Theresa and Catherine the
(. Great Tecumseh
21, Woman'sc., Oratory Omaha
' Marv Barnes c, American revo-
1 lution Events of 1777-1778.. ...Fullerton
21, Woman's c Lecture
.,, J Woman's c. Household econom-
-' ) ics Omaha.
22, Woman'sc., English literature ... .Omaha.
22, Woman's c Education Omaha
22, Chivalry and Knights Templar Dundee
22, Woman's c Art Lincoln
10, Woman's c. Literature department-Lincoln
.... t Fortnightlv c. Mara time discov-
j eries of the age Raphael Wymore
23. - C
J val
i Self-Culture c The Austrian war
Career of Napoleon Nutritive
value of foods St. Paul
Woman's c Current topics
-Ecclesiastical history. . . . Plattsmoutn
23. Woman's c. Music Lincoln
21, Woman'sc, English History.. .Stromsburg
... ( New Review and Art c Titian, Tin-
-' toretto York
History and Art c. Writers or the
-J middle ages The servant ques
I tion Seward
21, Woman's c. Music Lincoln
21. Woman's c.. The Crusades. North Bend
... J Fin de Siecle c, Alcott, Ripley.
-' Ossoll Seward
21 Woman's c Colonial expansion ...Syracuse
OFFICERS OF N. F. W. C 1899 1900.
Pres., Mrs. Anna L. Apperson, Tecumseh.
V. P., Mrs. Ida W Blair, Wayne.
Cor. Sec, Mrs. Virginia D.Arnup, Tecumseh.
Rec Sec., MKs Mary Hill, York.
Treas., Mrs. H. F. Doane, Crete.
Librarian, Mrs. G. M. Lambertson, Lincoln.
Auditor, Mrs. E. J. Hainer, Aurora.
The club movement of the United
States is confronted with the most mo
mentous question which has arisen since
its conception, viz: the reorganization
proposition, which originated in Massa
chusetts. At the council meeting in June
a committee was appointed to coi siJer
the question. This committee has just
printed a majority and minority report.
The reorganizition committee met in
Philadelphia February 15th and tCtb,
the members present being Mrs. Horace
Brock, chairman; Mrs. Rebecca Douglas
Lowe, president G. F. W. C; Mrs. F. M.
Hanger, president Arkansas federation;
Mrs. Lucia Eames Blount, state chair
man correspondence, District of Colum
bia federation; Mrs. Emma Van
Vechten, ex president Iowa federation;
Mrs. Di triies T. S. Denison, president
Sorosit, New York; Mrs C. A. Eldredge,
state chairman of Colorado; Mrs. P.
Lindsay Johnson, president of Georgia
federation; Mrs. Penoyer L. Sherman,
president Chicago woman's club; Mrs.
May Alden Ward, vice president Massa
chusetts federation; Mrs Emily E. Will
iamson, president New Jersey federa
tion, and Mrs. Selwyn Douglas, presi
dent federation of Oklahoma and Indian
The committe- calculated that an an
nual income of five thousand five hun
dred dollars would meet the expenses of
the general federation. This provides
for a stenographer for the president and
secretary, necessary postage, stationery,
etc., and leaves five thousand dollars
for biennial meetings. The Denver bi
ennial cost about one thousand six hun
dred dollars, and three thousand dollars
was paid by individuals for speakers,
and the stenographical reports for the
program committe cost three thousand
dollars more Ihe club women desire
the best speakers at the biennials, and
these cannot be had for nothing.
Section 1. The General Federation
shall cons:st of women's clubs, state
federations, national societies and kin
dreJ organizdtions, the two latter to be
admitted on the basis of individual
Section 2. The general officers of the
federation shall be a president, two vice
presidents, a recording secretary, a cor
responding secretary, a treasurer and an
Section 3. The general officers of the
fedeiation and eight diiectors shall con
stitute a board of directors, who shall
transact the business of the federation,
subject to its direction, and make a full
report at each biennial meeting, and to
the council when it convents. They
shall meet at the call of the president.
Five members shall constitute a quo
rum. Section 4. The board of directors,
presidents of state federations, presi
dents of clubs and kindred rocieties
ehall constitute a council to consider
and promote the interests of the Gen
eral Federation of Women's CIulb. This
council shall meet the a ay previous and
the day following each biennial, also at
the call of the board of directors. Twen
ty members shall constitute a quorum.
Section 5. The presidents of state
federations and board of directors of
the general federation ehall foim an ad
visory council, to meet at the call of the
Saclion 5 shall be called section 6, and
read as follows:
The seven officers of the general fed
eration and eight directors shall be elect
ed at biennial meetings by ballot. One
delegate from each state, chosen by the
delegation of the state, shall form a
nominating board, to offer a list of offi
cers and directors for election. A ma
jority vote of those present entitled to
vote and voting snail constitute an elec
tion. Section G shall be called section 7, and
read as follows:
No member shall hold more than one
office at a time, and no officer shall be
eligible to the same general office for
more, than two terms consecutively. No
two members of the board shall be from
the same state. One-half of the board
of directors shall be changed at each bi
ennial meeting. Each officer shall hold
office until the adjournment of the bi
ennial meeting following that of her
election. In case of a vacancy, the
board shall appoint a member to serve
until her successor is elected.
Section 7 shall be called section 8.
Section 8 shall be called section 9, and
read as follows:
Each federated club end national so
ciety or kindred organization shall be
entitled to be represented at the bien
nial by one delegate.
Each state federation shall be entitled
to be represented at the biennial by five
delegates, one of whom shall be the state
Section 9 shall be called Eection 10.
Section 1. Every organization desir
ing to join the general federation shall
make application through its presi
dent to the president of the general fed
eration. They must show that no sectarian or
political test is required for membership
in their body, and must agree to tho
constitution and by-laws of the general
Section 2 The president shall refer
all applications for membership to the
committee on membership appointed by
the board of directors for its action
upon the tame.
The action of the committee on mem
bership shall be in writing and a unani
mous vote of the commifee shall be re
quired to elect. In case the committee
fails to agree, the application ehall be
referred to the whole board, the written
vote of two-thirds of which shill be
necessary to elect to membership.
Section 2. The board of directors
and regularly accredited delegates only
shall be entitled to vote at biennial
Section G. Annual dues for clubs, na
tional societies and kindrtd organiza
tions ehall be six dollars. . The annual
dues for state federations shall be fif
teen dollars.
Dues shall be paid annually the first
of May.
Note Tho committee considers that
this plan will provide sufficient income
for the support of the general federa
tion. (Signed.)
Rebecca D.Lowe,
Frances Mario Hanger,
Lucia Eames Blount,
Emma M. Van Vechten.
Dimies T. S. Denison,
Emma Hayward Elijkeihje,
Annie Gillespie Johnson.
We, the undersigned, understanding
it to be the du'y of the committee on
reorganization as expressed in the reso
lution unanimously adopted by the
council of the G. F. W. C, to formulate
apian for reorganization which shall
"do awav with club representation, to-
No. I, board of Trade,
Grain, Provisions. Cotton.
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