HIE COURIER. 11 r U a y t FASHIN LETTER. Isady Modish on Coming Modes. Hats imported for spring are the last dominant note in the warfare between the seasons, and, if I mistake not, will prove a more potent factor in establish ing the supremacy of spring than all the blizzards old winter can collect. Never has headgear been more charm ing, more varied or more original. Fruits as well ps flowere are lavishly used. Grapes, in all colors ind tints, are most in vogue, though cherries are nearly as popular. Toques made entirely of colored leaves with a big clump of roses on one side that Ehade on the tame coloring, are, per haps, the newest and smartest of all the flower hats. Mrs. Ogdea Mills has ordered one of these tcques in pinkish red leaves, with a bunch of deep pink roses. Amelia Bingham, in "Hearts are Trumps," wears one of these toques done in dark mauve leaves, with the bunch of roses in lighter shades of mauve. All the newest and smartest hats tit close to the head, and have low, straight lines. The cache peigie is a thing of the past. Ostrich feathers are more worn than they have been for jears, and the osprey is seen not at all, except in odd orna ments of the hair. The newest of there are powdsred with small, floe Rhinestones, and ere much more extravagant in size and price thau heretofore. Their importance increases constantly as the obnoxious "theater hat'' fades more and more into oblivion. Miss Csroline Duer is wearing a very smart arrangement in black and white malino just now. With the influx of spring hats, one naturally looks for some variation in the way of doing the hair. But as yet it is safe to say there is no radical departure from the present mode, except that it is considered in Paris very smart to drag the hair well forward on one side, so that it shades the face considerably. Some of the Parisienne leaders are wearing a bow of ribbon tied through their hair on top, and falling on one side, as one seee the ribbon bow3 on children's hair. The hair is not waved as much, or as regularly, either, as we wear it. The whole idea is to soften the nature of the hair as much as possible. The indiscriminate use of Jeweled combs, which has been so overdone with us, is absolutely tabooed by the lately modish Parisienne. Plain combs for the side and front of the hair are still worn, and are really necessary to hold the hair in its soft outline, but they must be placed so as to be as little en have arrived, but it is a foregone conclu sion that all skins are to be tucked and pleated in endless shapes and forms. The one thing to Le deeirf d is to dis pose of the fullnessover the hips in such a manner that they will Lot be enlarged, while the width of the skirt about the bottom must be exaggerated as much as possible. These skirts are very graceful and most becoming to the vtry slender fig ures, but how, oh ! how, will Madame Avoirdupois look in them ? Miss Eveljn Burden is wearing a very smart gray gown that has theskirt done in pleats somewhat on this idea. An other new tucked model has fine tuck-) in clusters on theskirt to the knee only. From the knee it falls in soft fullness. On the bodice the tucks continuo on the same lines as the skirt to just above the bust line, where the fullness they form is held in place by the collar, which is finished with a bow with short loops and ends that almost reach the waist line and finish in silk fringe The mitten sleeve I spoke of recently is becoming a marked favorite in spring's fancy. For thoater and dinner gowns these sleeves are often made in a lattice-work of jet, of pearls, of chenille and beads in fact, in any and all possible combi nations of things that lend themselves to the lattice-work effect. That they must have if you would be truly Modish. Of course, theso sleeves must be worn without lining. Melodrama is hardly the place that one usually looks for ideas for smart clothes, but there are some frocks in "Hearts are Trumps that really do strike the right note in spring's fashion an them. Amelia Bingham's gown of pale blue crepe de Chine, embroidered all over in the same color, accentuates the fact that embroidered chepe de Chine gowns are to be much worn ibis Eea son. A net gown of yellow white she wears has some new touches. The skirt is in tine tucks that fit closely ovar the hips and flare out at the bottom, where they are slashed into squares that are out lined w th a border of tucking; between these slashes are loops of cream Cnan tilly insertion. Underneath the slashing there is a full rutlle of tne net, edged with tucK-ing. Ihe bodice is done in the tucked net, and over that is a little lace bolero that falls from a square yoke of insertion to the waist line in the back, and in front the lace is so arranged that it forms a bow and falls in long ends to the hem of the skirt. The sleeves are in lace, long and transparent. The bodice is also transparent about the neck, and theie is no collar. Collars are conspicuous by their ab sence on all Miss Bingham's gowns, as well as on those of others in the cast. lot us hope this argues that we are to have at last a collarless summer, which sl?4tV jfl y:f'or&Li People Havte No Trouble In getting- what they want at the Good Luck Grocery. O. M. seit, , H07 O Htroet. ssHsi:i 55ss: First Publication Mar 3-3 Notice of Probate of Will and for Letters. In the county court of Lancaster county, Ne braska. The state of Nebraska, to Mrs. Minnie ,. Matthews. .Ida A. Millar. John J. Millar. Frances J. Millar and to any other persons in terested in said matter. You are hereby notified that an Instrument purporting to be the last will and testament or Richard I. K. Millar, deceased. Is on tile In said court, and also a petition slimed by Mary F. Millar, his idow. praying for the prubateof said instrument, and for the apioliitment of said petitioner as administratrix. That on the -1th day of March, l'.rno. at ten o'clock A. M. said petition and the proof of the execution or said instrument will be heard at the county court room in Lincoln, in said county and that if you do not then appear and contest said court may probate and record the saint and (.rant administration of the estate to said Jfarv F. Millar as administratrix. This notice ha lieen ordered published for three weeks successively prior to said hearing in The Courier of Lincoln. Nebraska, a weekly legal newepaperof general circulation printed in Lancaster county. Nebraska. Witness mv hand and seal of said court this 23d day of February- ''"" seai-I Kha.nk R. Waters. County Judge. Uy Wai.teii A. Lee.sE, Clerk County Court. SCRIBNER'S For 10 includes: First Publication March 17. U 3. Notice of Petition for Letters. In re estate of Joseph Westfahl, deceased. In the county court of Lancaster county Ne braska: The state of Nebraska to Jennie Westfahl. Bertha M. Westfahl Martin II. Westfahl. Ida M. '.'-estfahl. Klla M. Westfahl. Lena M. West- J. M. (serial). BarriVa "Tommy and Unzel'! Theodore Roosevelt's "Oliver Crom well" (serial;. Richard Harding Davu fiction and special articles. Henry Today. Gorman's The Russia of Article! by Walter A. Wickoff. authors of "The Workers." Short Stories by Thomas Nelson Page, Henry James, Henry van Djke. Ernest Stetson-Thompson. Edith Wharton, Octave Thanet. William Alien White. evidence as possible. Across the back of the hair a jeweled epells comfort for our suffering sex. comb is permitted, though a plain comb Next week the dressmakers will begin fanI- t;rni-n H Westfahl and to any other f . . ' . . . . , . . ,- ... .. persons interested in said matter. is Dreferred, wnile tne turt ot jeweled journey nomewaru irom their pilgrim- Take notice that a osprey, bow of maline or lace, or dia- ago to Fashion's shrine, and then we mond ornament that ie worn on the side shall Pee what we shall see ! Lady or in front of the head is depended upon Modish, in Town Topics, to carry its effect alone and unaided. Long, loose coats of lace unlined are another of spring's delights. They are vastly becoming and are more practical than they sound. Mrs. Oliver Harriman ordered one to take with her to the South of France, and it was charming. It was in black Chantilly lace rose pattern. The lace was dotted all over in small chenille dots. It fell in long straight lines to the feet, where it flared slightly. About the shoulders it finished in a capuchon, and fastened with loDg ends of chenille that fell to its very hem. None of the model gowns for spring BURLINGTON ROUTE. Through Sleeping Cars to in Francisco. No change; no delay; no chance of missing connections, if jou go to Cali fornia via the Burlington Route. The Burlington runs through sleeping cars, Lincoln to Silt Lake City and San Francisco, daily. Dining cars all the way . Library cars west of Ogden. Finest scenery in the world. J. Francis, G. P. A., Omaha. petition slimed bv Westfahl praying said court to grant letters of administration of said estate to Ernest T. Koop has been tiled in said court that the same is set for hearing on the Ilth day of April. l'JMl. at ten o'clock a. m and that if you do not then appear and contest, said court may grand administra tion of the said estate to Kmest T. Koop. Notice of this proceeding shall le published for three weeks successively In The Courier prior to said hearing. Witness my hand and the seal of said court this 1 1th dav of March. A D. U. seal Frank R. ateils. County Judge. kEGAfo NOTlGEd Charles Scribner's Sons, Publishers, New York. A complete rile of "The Courier" is kept in an absolutely fireproof build ing. Another file is kept in this office and still another has been deposited elsewhere. Lawyers may publish legal notices in ''The Courier" with security as tne files are intact and are pre- c TasseIs William Reed nvmJs Berved from year to year with great new collection of poems, on sale attnTbcifc care stores. Special Articles: The Paris Exposition. Frederic I rland's articles on spottP and explorations. s "Harvard Fifty Senator Hoar. Years Ago," by stable Art Features, the Crom well illustrations, by celebrated Am erican and foreign artists. Puvis De Chavannes, by John La Farge (illustrations in colors). Special illustrative schemes (in colors and in black and white) by Walter A ppleton Clark. E. C. Peix otto, Henry McCarter, Dwight L. Elmendorf and others. QTHIustrated to any address. prospect js sent free WITH THE GOURe, $3.35.