10 THE COURIER. effects of alcohol on our women, as well as our men; the power it has to make brute6 of men and immoral wrecks of women; be it Resolved, That wo condemn alcoholic drinks in any form, and that we recom mend total abstii. , e. As law abiding citizens, we believe in the protr- 'on of law; therefore, be it Resolve.,, uat we condemn all mob violence, since it is wholly against law and order. Whereas, The tendency of improper dressing is so prevalent among our wo men as to affect health and morals; be it - Resolved, That we condemn all im proper dressing on the part of our wo men. Resolved, That we devise waja aud means in different communities to look after and care for the indigent, poor acd sick. Resolved, That we encourage all ad vanced steps for the elevation and suste nance of women, and especially patron ize the places where they are given em ploy ment; and be it Resolved, That the Federation of Southorn Colored Women will do what ever we can to encourage the patronage of all the race enterprises. Whereas, We realize that the rankB of the criminal classes are being con stantly filled with the youth of our race, who have no early moral training; and, Whereas, Ve do feel that by organ ized effort on the part of our women for the carrying out of successful and ap proved plans for trailing children, be it Resolved, That this body do recom mend that such work be undertaken through kindergarten schools, in all places where clubs exist. Resolved, further, That acentraPcom mittee be appointed, consisting of one member from each southern state, who will take the work in charge. THEATRIGAb. The COURIER And any One Dollar viud iviagiiine v. wl t SI Ml Actor My cue is, "Do your worst." Manager That is no excuse for your always doing it. Town Topics. FASTER THAN EVER. Effective Oct. 15. The Union Pacifio will inaugurate new train service, and will reduce the time of the Overland Limited Train No. 1, between Chicago, Council Bluffs and San Francisco, 3 hours and 15 minutes. Only 57 hours Missouri river to Pacific coast. Buffet Smoking and Library cars with barber shop. Chicago and Council Bluffs to San Francisco and Portland. Three trains daily, to and from Pacific coast. Elegant palace sleeping cars, dining cars, chair cars. For full information call on E. B. Slossox $115 FOR LETTERS ABOUT NEBRASKA. The passenger department of the B. & M. R. R., offers thirteen cash prizes ag gregating $115 for letters about Ne braska. Particulars of the contest, which is open to all, can be had by addressing J. Francis, G. P. A., Omaha, Nebr. TIME j MONEY. When you are traveling, due con siderate r"onld be givpn to the amount ot .iJ-o spent in making your journey. The Union Pacific is the best line and makes the fastest time by many hours to Salt Lake City, Portland and C'i forniE points. For time tables, folders, illustrated books, pamphlets descriptive of the ter ritory traversed, call at City Office, 1044 O et. E. B. Slossox Gen. Agent THE OLIVER. William H. West announces to his many friends that in his big minstrel jubilee neither time, labor nor capital has been spared. This company in its entirety appears at the Oliver today, matinee at 2i0, evening a; 8:15. Rich ard J. Jose, with the beautiful tenor voice, ie making a tremendous hit in Paul Dresser's martial ballad. "The UNDER THE DIRECTION OF 0. L GRAWFOHD S F. C. ZEHRUNG Corner 13th and P. Phono 351 Tli Doors -will Open from Now on o T45 TO THE DEAF. A rich lady, cured of her Deafnpss and Joi6es in the Head by Dr. Nicholson's Artificial Ear Drums, gave $10,000 to this institute, bo that deaf people unable to procure the Ear Drums may have them free. Address No. 6,6389 A, the Nicholson Institute, 780 Eighth Avenue, New York. ivntlnee, 2:30. Evening 8:15. Annual tour they will electrif' rou. BIG MINSTREL JUBILEE Including" WIGWAM H. 'WEST OAJRROJL,r JOHNSON ' RICHARD J. JOSE? THE JwUKISlV BROS. And man' others. See the brilliant spectacula- sensation THE STORMING OF SAN JUAN HILL Grand parade at 11:45 a. m. Matinee prices, 25 and 50c; evening, 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00. Blue and the Gray." John P. Rodgers, the celebrated babso profundi from the Italian opera at Milan; Joseph Garland, and Herbert Ansdell are the stars. The comedians are Can oil Johnson and Fred Warren; the olio acts by the Luken brothers, the three marvels, Tommy Hayes and David Meier. The spectacu lar features are the most elaborate ever ssen in minstrelsy. It is entirely free from suggestiveness or vulgarity throughout. Matinee prices, 25 and 50 cents; evening, 25 cents to 81.00. "Blessed is the man who gets wisdom from another man's experierca." "If you have not wealth by patrimony, you must get it by matrimony;" "Whether a man marries or not, he will dread it;" "A woman is like a wild boas'; if you fear her, she will be merciless and cruel, but if you brave her, she will be submis sive and kind;, "Money belongs not to the person who has it, but to the one who has wit enough to get it," are some of the epigrams in "Other People's Money." Hennessy Leroyle tries to ac complish any deal to possess other people's money so Ionr as it does not land him in prison. He has multitudi nous schemes for securing wealth by advising and fleecing his clients. At the Oliver on Wednesday, March 21st. Seats on sale Monday. THE FUNKE. Monday night an eastern repertoire company, sailing under the title of Myrkle and Harder company and sup ported by two well known New York stars, open a week engagement at the Funke in Charles E. Callahan's beauti ful Eociety drama, "The Hoosier Heroine." This organization is said to be far above the average attraction. It has not been its custom to use what is known here a the "ladies' free ticket," but as it has been the custom of the opera house to do so with week stands, it will conform to the custom on the opening night only. Prices for the week will be 10, 20, 30 and 50 cents. Wednesday? M&rclhi 2lsto "There's nothing- so g-ood as money, and no money so good as other people's." Mr. H. H. Forsman pre sents the comedian, fir. Hennessey Leroyle, In his laughing- success, OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY From Hoyt's Madison Square Theater," New York. Nothing Funnier Anywhere A Comedy Sensation. Prices 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00. On sale Monday 9 A. M. FXXTCKE UNDER THE DIRECTION' OF 0. T. CRAWFORD AND F. G. ZEHRUNG COR. O AND TWELFTH. PHONE 355 Wk off Marelk 19th, BRILLIANT and ATTRACTIVE WILL HARDER, Society's greatest popular priced stars, EMMA MYRKLE THE GIANT German Comedian And a select company in a series of late New York successes and ELITE VAUDEVILLE. iiviokoay jvight, TME MOOSIE1R HEROINE Prices 10, 20, 30 and 50 cents. Seats now on sale. Ladies free Monday night. Wanted Several persons for district office managers in this state to represent me in their own and surrounding coun ties. Willing to pay yearly $000, pay able weekly. Desirable employment with unusual opportunities. References exchanged. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. S. A. Park, 320 Caxton Building, Chicago. ''This is one of the little things that count,' as the lecturer in the dime museum remarked in introducing the mathematical infant prodigy. Town Topics. $25.00 $25.00 The Union Pacific has made the Great ly Reduced Rate of $25.00 to Portland and other Puget Sound points, also to Helena and Montana points, Salt Lake City and Utah points. For tickets and full information call E. B. Slossox, First Publication March IT 3. NOTICE OF FINAL REPORT.--K I37 In the County Court of Lancaster Count v Ne braska: " l In He Estate of John Kuhn, deceased The state of Nebraska to the heirs of Pauline Kuhn-Frischholtz. deceased, Conrad Frisch holtz. Augusta Hoik. Carl Shell and to any other heirs or next of kin of the said John Kuhn, deceased. Take notice that William Hoik has Hied a final report of his acts and doines as adminis trator of said estate of John Kuhn, dt-ceased and said matter Is set for hearing on the Ilth day of April A. D. I'.w, before said countv court, in the court house at Lincoln. Lancaster county, Nebraska, at the hour of ten o'clock A M.. at which time any person interested may appear and contest the same; and notlctTor this proceeding has been ordered published for three weeks consecutively in The Couri.-r ,,r Lincoln. Nebraska a weekly newsirof gen eral circulation In Lancaster countv v braska. ""'. --- In witness whereof. I have hereunto set mv hand and hate caused to be affixed themir MaUrcS?n.Tat LIneoln "thdSf l" EALl FHA.NK R. U'ATEItS. Ily WA..TF.U A. Lkksk, Clerk Smufcou S i " f y- - 4