The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, March 10, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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airected by numbers, tbo rati s (or print
ing, stamping, etc., being, of course,
smaller in proportion as the greater
number was required. In view of this
glance a! the work of the committees, I
fail to see where the unwieldinoss of the
period under the reign of George II.
The lesEou proved to bo of more than
usual interest, treating of the political
and ecclesiastical a Hairs of both hemis
pheres. Tho charactorof Sir Robert
Walpolo waB portrayed and an account
Denver biennial was felt. There was given of his achievements in diplomacy.
not one federation to spare, not one club
nor delegate no- visiting club woman
who was not necessary and a pleasure.
Nothing is so hopelessly depressing as
to prepare for a great number and have
a meager attendance.
One of tho propositions for reorganiz
ation suggests a delegated body of ono
If Denver's biennial was unwieldy
with a delegated body of perhaps eight
hundred, the other credentials being
complimentary, why increase the num
ber of delegates t The average club
woman doe not see by what process of
reasoning this proposition would be con
sidered logical. It is proposed to do
away with the individual represent
ation and have the membership through
the state alone. I am sure the proposers
forget that this incorporated body is the
"General Federation of Women's
Clubs,'' and not tho "general federation
of state federations." It seems to me
that the states which advocate this
measure are confining their outlook to
their own borders. Doubtless those
splendidly "clubbed'' states of
Tho religious movement led by tho
founder of Methodism was described,
and wo, who were reared in thiB faith,
learned to our surprise that John Wes
ley believed in miracles, and that tho
early and more zealous MethodistB
claimed to bo able through prayer to
bring rain, and also claimed that heal
ing of sickness was accomplished
through divine aid. A short history of
the stage of that time, with anecdotes
of the lives of several distinguished ac
tresses, provoked merriment. A piano
selection, followed by a vocal duot and a
business meeting, closed the seseion.
Some of the
I New Things
Now on Our
cOcoooooi too o
Golf Suits and Skirts.
Tailor-Mnde Suits.
Kino Hiuul Muiio Laces.
Cambric, Swiea and Nainsook
Printed Foulard and othor Fancy
"Now Finish" Muck Silk Oro-
Headed and Spangled Robes and
Not for many years has there boon
a seaoon when it wub bo neceB-
nary for those who wunt choice
fabrics to make their selections e
At the last meeting of the Ilall in tho
Grove of Lincoln "Tho RuinBand Relics
of Ancient Rome-' were presented by
Mrs. F. N. Gibson. She supplemented
her interesting descriptions with a fine
collection of pictures. Mrs. O. M.
Thompson spoke of Ruskin's early life
and domestic relations. Mrs. De Voro
presented an estimate of his contri
butions to political economy. Mre.
Moehler told of bis literary life, while
Massa- Mrs. Bushnell presented him as an art
3r ! 5 f f '5 k y5 f 5 Jp '5 f 5 P'5 f 5 r 5 r r r?
chuEette, Illinois and Jsew lork could critic. The after discussion was vpry
afford to Bend their state delegates far general and enthusiastic,
and wide and carry the reports and in-
spiratioa of the biennial to all their
members; but we beseech you, think of
the different conditions which prevail
in many states. We of the far west are
poor; we have great distances to cover.
No annual meeting of the state federa
tion could begin to give the individual
club what the presence of it3 president
at the biennial carries. It means growth
and life and enthusiasm; it means the
coming in contact with the women of
the nation; it means glory and gladness.
In tho early days of the woman'd club
of Denver there was a member of the
board of directors who was a joy to the
hearts of those officers who advocated a
liberal policy. When the members of
the board debated the advisability of
a lmitting Ruch a large membership, she
would silence the doubters by offering
this resolution: "Madam President, I
move that we take members into this
club until we Gnd we have to turn one
out." I feel the same way about thiB
question. If it is a good doctrine, the
more who hear it the better; if it is
worthless, let us have done with it.
Fortunately tho reorganization com
mittee is only deliberative, the final de
cision resting with the club members
themselves. We shall all agree that the
past is a record of achievement, and in
view of the fact that the grand results,
tho marvelous growth and the wonder
ful accomplishments of the general fed
eration have been made under the pres
ent organization, in the light of the in
creasing interest in club and federation
work, which is manifested constantly,
notably in tho last month in the forma
tion of those splendid federations in
California and Louisiana with the
thought of all these hopeful, happy
signs let us be careful not to reorgan
ize to too great an extent. Many a
great speaker has been a failure becauEe
he has polished his oration until the
bouI and heart of the message is not ap
parent. Let us keep the soul of this
great organization in any event, making
only such changes as will facilitate
busineses and not change the meaning
and etrengtb of the whole.
Sarah S. Platt Decker,
Vice President G. F. W. C.
The woman's club of Juniata observed
Washington's birthday by the reading
of papers, quotations, belections and
conundrums, all relating to tho Father
of Our Country. Mrs. Crosier gave a
description of Mouut Vernon anJ inci
dents of her visit to the tomb of George
and Martha Washington. Mrs. Webster
read of their wedding day and early
married life. By invitation, Mrs Harti.
gan favored the club with a paper on
"The Alhambra," after which light re
freshments were served by the hostess,
Mrs. J. McK. St. John. An instru
mental duet on the violin and guitar
by Mrs. Hardin and Mrs. Beebe was
-" & b - - fc r 6 6 ft - 6 - b - 6. - 4 -k -
Victory . ,
Easily and Hon
estly Won by
The Maurice Grau Opera Co., of Now York, have recently
made arrangements whereby the Weher Grand Pianos will be
used exclusively by them at the Metropolitan opera honse in
New York City, and in all their concerts throughout tho United
States. This marked recognition of tho merits of the Weiif.'c
Piano easily places it above all other pianos in tho most cultured
musical circles.
The general agency for this renowned instrument is held by
Mio.-ttliews Piano Go.
II20 O street,
Llnouln, Nebr.
1& n m? tf 1$ 1& 1t& ;f ft
The meeting of the homo deparment
of tho woman's club of Fairbury on
Tuesday, March Cth, waB more especi
ally a "mothers' meeting." The follow
ing was the program:
Response to roll call Mother.
Paper "The True Mother," Mrs.
Clara Cross.
Talks (1) Shall we not educate our
boys as well as our girls for home
makers, Mrs. R. ti. Simpkins.
(2) Social foes in tho home, Mrs. M.
E. Price.
(.'$) How best to hold the big boy in
school and at home, Mre. Kate Menden
hall. Queries.
A 6bort business meoting of the Fair
bury woman's club waa held at the club
rooms Thursday afternoon, March 1st,
at which time the ladies voted to hold a
book reception at their rooms Thursday
evening, March Sth. All persons inter
ested in the library were invited to come
and bring a suitable book, in this way
helping to form a nucleus for the pub
lic library that is to be.
15 hours and 40 minutes now to Chicago via
THE BURLINGTON, leaving Lincoln at
5:50 p. in., arrive .Chicago 9:30 a. 111.;
leaving Lincoln 10:35 p. m., arrive Chicago
2:15 p. m.
The Burlington is Progressive, and Her
Service Shows it.
G'ty Ticket Office
Gor. lOtn and O Streets.
Telephone 235.
Burlington Depot
,27th St . Between P and Q.J
Telephone -K.
On Saturday, February 2ith, the
Stromoburg woman's club met in regu
lar session, the afternoon's program
covering that part of the Hanoverian
The following was tho program for
the woman's club of Fremont Saturdav,
March 3d:
Vocal solo Ray Hammond.
Review of "Red Rock" (Thomas Nel
son Page) Mrs. Julia Martin.
Instrumental solo, "Old Black Joe"' -Mrs.
Frank Fowler.
Vocal quartet. "Way Down Upon the
Suwanee River" Miss Eva Roberts,
(Continued on Page 9.)
i A
. Steele.
oooxoop o o aa ?c-
Repairing Done in the Xeatest Manner
All Work Guaranteed.
J43 So. 12th str - - Lincoln, Nebr.
Of every ili-cription
It will pay you to consult
.'. L. Lemmon, Ht the
Excellent Work. SatUfatory Prices.
HOI X street.