The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, March 10, 1900, Image 1

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L v .HH ananl tarsal TF i ! -j- t r - - MBWT iuA' ""i i i , t WKi Ml tfM - H bP
vtfjV tiun. Make a place beautiful and it of eleventh and J. surrounded by a plain face that, told the tu'e of her
"Fnlnnm'M is no longer isolated or out of the velvet turf, approached by asphalt thirty-two years without any attempt
111 I-lff 3JgJ?CTlR wa"" A heautiful woman can make streets and with a view stretching at circumlocution; it was a plain,
1" g"j?EffWWfejg'"" L any corner ot a ball room popular. If fifty miles on every side of it will wasted face, with concave cheeks In
L the library is built in tnis one site never be deserted. which perpetual shadows had made
" that is left in the city worthy of a - Micir home. The thin lips had, with
Ektbkkd in the postoffick at Lincoln as nooie building future generations The President of the United States and of constant pursing, tapered off mto u
will bless the discrimination of the the Klip'nes, Hawaii and Puerto Rico, point, as though the taste of vinegar
- library board which had the courage, At the time the United Stitcs made we-e on the palate behind them. The
THE COURIER the foresight and the imaginat:on to the Louisiana purchase, congress angular chin completed the staccato
' place a noble building on city pro- vested in President Jefferson the ad- effect. Nor did her eyes redeem her.
Official Organ of the Nebraska State perty not theretofore considered suit- ministratlve authority or the tern- They were commonplace, business-
, able for a building site tori'. It is proposed to vest in the like eyts, lit fordoing their appointed
Federation of Womens Clubs. When the world's fair was located president, now, until further action task and nothing more." Without
so far outside of Chicago it was pre- by congress, sole authority in the alluring us by beauty of face or body,
published EVEHY SATURDAY dieted by mathematicians who were Filipine archipelago. The language or fascinating us by her wit or the
bi expert figurers on "the centre of pop- of the proposition is nearly identical undelinable charm of womanliness.
THF rnilDlFD DDINTIHr INF1 DI1RI IHINP ffl u,ationi''t,iat,t,iefair would be desert- with that which gave to President she is still Mr Gordon's heroine and
Idl uUUHIlH rninilllu flnu rUDLIotllilu uU ed because"people would not go so far Jefferson authority whicli he so wic- siie is interesting enough because of
Office 1132 N street, Up Stairs. out" to see anything, irthe Lincoln iy use:j. The editor of the Review of her unsatisfied longings, because or
T I U QA city library is of any use as a library, Keviews asks: "Shall President Mc- her insistence upon her right to be
lelepnOne 3o4. readers and borrowers will throng its Kinley go on with this great work or happy in her own way, to justify hi
sakah B. HARKIS. - Editor balls. ll is an educational institu- will the country prefer to have the selection. If it were not for the
. tion and will attract patrons. The Hon. William J. Hryan take charge Prosy stagy, smarty villains, whose
Subscription Kates In Advance. site under discussion commands of it just one year hence? Mr. Mc- conversation is not worth the pages
eleventh and O street, ir the library Kinley, through the war department, devoted to it. and for the macliine-
Per annum 1 00 be built on the intersection it will and the military administration or "i:l""c ending, 'Lesser Destinies"
The? months Hj not be many years berore the citj Governor General Wood is carrying would not sink into tlie ruck or books
One month...'.'..'.".'..".'.".".".."..'.".'.'. 20 will be in possession either by pur on a very remarkable work of recon we have read and forgotten.
Single copies.'.'..'.'.".".".".'."..'.".'..'.'.'.' 05 chase or gift or the four corners n struction in Cuba. To complete it
eleventh and J streets. As t'e city will require at least two or three years Mr. Villiam Ban-.
The Coceiek will not be responsible for vol grows there will always be this longer. And some other undertak- Although Mr. Barr lived in Lincoln
rMnrnfuK,ication8unlessaccompaniedby breathing place: a noble building in ings miglit be named which, in the for nearly rorty years and gave to
Communications, to receive attention, most a commanding site set in green grass opinion of many, require continuity churches and to cbaritv his fair um
bo signed by tno full name of the writer, not ,..,.:,, t rc n littl n-.i. ...,,. ,. ..
merely as a guarantee of good faith, but for ana wa ing trees, buui a little park 0f treatment ror the best results. portion, he never got tiie credit Tor
publication if advisable. js a cynosure that attracts more than liberality. To the Y. W. C. A to the
eyes. The four thousand dollars Less, Destinies. Congregational church or" tills city
S'W0yW,' which Mr. Thompson and other men since General liooth's book dealing and to how many other organizations I
nn , ,, ,llt i have offered If the library is erected wm, the problem or the poor in Lon- do not know, lie was aconstant and
g OBSERVATIONS. 8 eleventh and J will buy books d(JOj t as fsishIonabIe for 'iberal giver. In his own expenditure
2 to put into the handsome shelves. novellsts to llve ln tile s,iums and ror his own comforts he was parsi-
VVt00tyfV"t Whereas if the resources of the city mabe studies from lire, or the dwell monious. He enjoyed the possession
The Library Ste. a exhausted ror a site the library on ers in Uie tenements. It is no long- or money ror itseir and not for its
Should the attempt to raise 87,500 M?teu!Z r I'tted to study the poor from purchasing power or for ti.e influence
for the purchase or lots on the corner for. anv .vears Wl11 not be niore tlian a fragrant distance. To study the it might give him. But more than
f FiinrtPPnf h -md X fill it, will ho a "branr n name and appearance. t is ncccssary to give up the many men he valued religion, music
com the n"nruldut; o the library .1,a f idento'this, c ''ad n' warmth, cleanliness, and good air or and justice; and when agents from a
board to acce some or the sites Jributed twentyflve thousand dollars tlic bouses r the well-to do and to church applied to him ror aid they
'hid. the 32 TndWduata o ter "toeXLionota 'y an ot- nvewiththem. They will not let a were n.t orten refund. He was
tTtoXZlnoli S3UreH T'K y i T n "tofr draw them- '11,e P,ein air 1,beralt therS bUt n0t l ,,imse,f-
may be rorccd to accept the site at 6VC" ta!f bCen Tf who is painting a landscape in He has been involved in a lawsuit ror
to We TSexeiMJ ST "..T?? r sunsl,ice w,ien' the clouds et fce" ma"ears and at Ia.t a decision was
street The erecln a iLdsome dollar, tor a library building in Lin- tween him and the sun, must wait tendered against him which seemed
SmmlAS co1" a"d. lns, Bt houd be placed UDtil tlie clouds roll away and the to him and to many others very un-
eleventh street 'KuierS or clrl SSTuuZlT" values are restored. The modern liter just He was old, poor in friends,
or honor. It is only a block further ?! JrcerJ tl at clerks will not ar' realist must draw only rrom lire, and he brooded upon the wrong done
rromO street than the main build- . " UJ Jl buUd'ng five blocks Mr' Samuel Gordn' lhe aUt,'r f blin;ll,,Botewh,i raoney was of
ing of the university and exactly the 'S ""J ? "'ie". "Lr Destinies" is only a capric- much consequence to him, and he
same distance rrom O street as Ne- et , Son Ts five b?ks "Jom ous apostle of realism. He is at his d.ed. Nominally this is a christian
braska Hall, the northern most build- SJS s"0re and foS blodta best when he is most obedient to the community where love is sup-
ingonthe campus. More than two fCXruSr- canons or the newest school When posed to rule. Yet firty thousand
thousand people attend the univer- ""hTndTSonly hs inl his stud, and Paints n and women go about their busi-
slty daily and not one or them, not Jf "Verheimers and is te om memory his studies are lay rig- ness. day after day and only a few,
even one of the professors whose Tore- ?"J f Jfs an1SieI,,lat ures and he drapes them in the style perhaps one In a thousand, concern
bodings of the consequences of build- im'iI ' Dickens- He is most artificial, themselves ror the isolated and the
ing the library at eleventh and J have intent to t bederktat flE and a"d CnfrniS C,08e? l ""T"? l who no
prevented the board rrom considering convenient to the clerks at Miller and when he tries to paint a criminal, family ties, who is not personally
the advantages the location, Is wont Thotttmctive nower or a beauti His unramiliarity with the type is especially attractive, who is without
to complain or the distance or the fufbS apparent, because it follows so close- talent except for making a living and
institution from "the centre or pop J," D1Cke"'S mm6eKTS and lb,eves- ?V ? "neyt doS not Icad an e-
ulatjon" ona,u'inaneerDeen.lnea ,n Lm- H they were drawn rrom lire and the viable lire in an American com-
The height or land at eleventh and fT ' " crowSunTa beauU leness were good our own Ignorance munity where the sense or humor is
J on which it is proposed to build the Junes, by the crowd around a beauti- of individual criminals would not crude but universal. We are set in
library is commanding. It is ful woman D the multitude who prevent us from reCognizing their our ways and very provincial and the
one or the very few locations in the Preferred to stay outside and look at vitality. Ter contra, the women in old bachelor, the old maid, everyone
city that does not n:ed to b2 pointed tne buildings and the arrangement "Lesser Destinies" are drawn with who varies from die expected and
out. It is in full view of the throng of turr, shrubs, trees, water and sky, sympathy and not rrom memory, the average, ministers to the habit or
onO street and will attract atten- a noble building on the intersection The heroine is a spinster "with a ridicule. Travelers to Turkey have