THE COURIER. r r - & ent were: Messrs. and Meedames Dor gan, Marshall, Woods, Rector, Curtice, Woods. Howe, Kelley, Mullea, Woods, Misses Burr, Oakley, Marshall, Gahao, Hoover, Ward, Putnam, Nance, Johnson, Messrs. Walsh, Joyce, Thatcher, Hayes, Baldwin, Honeywell, Fitzgerald. Smith and Hutler. Lea Bohemiennes met with Mrs. J. B. Wright on Wednesday. First Church of Christ (Scientist), Fourteenth and K streets. Arthur C. Ziemer, C. S. First Reader. Sunday morning services at 10:30; subject, "Substance.' The sermon consists of the reading of selections from the Bible and the Christian Science text book, 'Sci ence and Health, With Key to the Scrip tures.'' Wednesday evening meeting at 7:30. The public is cordially invited. Mr. and Mrs. John Steel announce the announced of their daughter, Lilly Ann, to Mr. George Andrew Loveland of Lincoln. Omaha Excelsior. MUs Sylvia Drury and Mr. Gardiner Brown were married Wednesday eve ning at Woodlawn, Reverend L. P. Lud den of Lincoln, officiating. At an entertainment at the Tremont Theatre the other day, in aid of a local charity, Mrs. Agnes Booth Schoeffel emerged from her retirement to recite "The Absent-Minded Beggar,1' in Khaki dress, and although I have heard the poem until I can Bay it backward, I never listened to it given with mere spirit, dignity and intelligence. Mrs. Schoeffel also played "Old Love Let ters," with Boyd Putnam, who made a fairly adequate "Warburton.'' Boston, by the way, is interested equally with New York in the announcement that Mr. James Lowell Putnam "Jim Putnam," as his classmates call him is to be 'married to Miss Eleanore Jay Robert son on April Fourth, because it means that another New York girl will make Boston her future home. Mr. Putnam is an odd Eort of a fellow, and in ap pearance does not exactly live up to bis name, which is as good a one as can be found in New England. He is, how ever, rather autocratic and is evidently fully impressed with the importance of his family position. Town Topics. Mrs. Van Brunt and Mrs. Gibbs en tertained the M. M. M. whist club in a very pleasant manner on Wednesday afternoon. Those present were: Mee dames Risser, Faulkner, La Gore, Wol cott, Metcair, Seacrest, Folsom, Jones, Traphagen, Cook, Lee, Rewick, Pres ton, and Folsom. Mrs. Preston of Des Moines, is visit ing friends in the city. The D. K. W. hearts club was enter tained by Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Jones on Wednesday evening. The following guests were present: Messrs. and Mee dames Spangler, Hurd. Hart, Carpen ter, Dean, and Sullivan. Miss Grewell of Crete. Messrs. Straight. Davis, How land, Hamlin, Brooks, Gascoyne, Morse and Young. Miss Lena Tripp of Colorado Springs and Mr. Frank Malone were married on Tuesday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Malone, 635 North Twenty seventh street, Professor Cline of the Nebraska WeBleyan officiating. Miss Agnes Tripp was maid of honor and Mr. Clinton Malone was best man. The wedding was very quiet, only a few friends and relatives being present. A correspondent of The Deccan Post at Trimulgherry Gup in India where Captain Stoney is stationed, mentions among the functions one given by Mrs. Stoney (born Marquette) on the Twelfth of January. Trimulgherry Gup is a central military station of the province of Hyderabad. The correspondent saj s: "Mrs. Stoney gave a moit enjoyable 'at home' last Friday and invited about eighty guests and every one spent a most enjoyable afternoon, as plenty of amusements were provided and people could be energetic or otnerwise as thoy chose, Mrs. Stoney being one of those charming hostesses who allow their guests to please themselves in their own way. Consequently her little at homes are greatly appreciated and at tended largely by the men.' Although Mrs. Stoney is in the midst of the dis trict devasted by the Bubonic plague, she writes that neither she nor Captain Stoney mind it at all because it very seldom bothers either the English or American residents. Thursday evening, February 22d, the woman's club of Ashland received their friends at the homo of Mrs. W. C. Scott, president of the club. The evening was a revival of colonial customs and dress. Stately dames and modest maids with powdered hair and the quiet, courtly airs of the eighteenth century tilled Mrs. Scott's rooms, decorated for this Wash ington's festival in red, whito and bluo ribbons and flags. The bay window, where the punch bowl was presided over by Puritan maidens, was most effect ively decorated in rainbow colors, with a background of potted plants. In the dining room a candelebra shed a soft light over old blue china, in keeping with the attiro of Mrs. Wiggenhorn, who, as Lady Washington, presided at the coffee urn. The menu consisted of rye bread sandwiches, doughnuts, tarts, boiled ham, etc. On the wall Wash ington's picture was surrounded by an evergreen wreath. Partners for refresh ments were found by matching diminu tive (lags of all nations. The American Hag was very much in evidence, drap ing doors, etc. Many antique articles were exhibited, among them a silver spoon bearing the date 17C0. An old pair of snuffers was utilized in clipping the wicks of the many candies placed in all of the rooms. Guests amusad them selves in a Look contest, which consisted of pictures on cards strung around the rooms, each picture representing some book. Ihese receptions have been the social event of former years, and the one just past was no exception to the rule. Street Commissioner Elmen met with the ladies of the city improvement society on Thursday morning to dis cuss the methods of having cleaner and more attractive streets. Mr. Elmen placed a high estimate on the intluence of the women and said that any request from them was heeded much more than anything the men could say. Ho ex plained that the city had practically no money to spend in the repair of side walks. Where new walks were con templated he strongly advised the uso of the brick, as it only costs three dol lars more than boards, and will outlast them many years. The ladies asked numerous questions as to the present plans for cleaning the city. Mr. Elmen said the work had been done this win ter through the working out of the poll tax which left the street fund in good condition. The plan now is to clean the down -town streets every day the coming spring and 6ummer. Mr. El men said that all streets should be cleaned daily, but that the city appro priated nothing from the general fund for that purpose. All that is spent comeB from the county fund of about $5,000, a large part of which is necessary for grading and culverts. The subject of the loose paper on the s'reets, which is discussed at every meeting, came up again. Several at tributed this nuisance to hand-bills. Mr. Elmen advised the society to pre 3nt an ordinance to the council pro viding for licensed distributors of bills who would be held responsible for their proper delivery. He also said that he would be glad to prosecute any one that was detected in the act of throwing paper, and thought a few oxamples of that kind would abate tho nuisance. Some amusement was caused by a lady inquiring if it would bo proper to begin on a minister of tho gospel. She said a certain pas tor was in tho habit of passing her home each morning witn his mail in his hand, and as he read tho letters he would tear them to bits and scatter them broad cast. Mr. Elmen thought a pastor would make tho best of examples. The ladies gave Mr. Elmen a cordial vote of thanks for his assistance. Mrs. Herron was appointed to present the importance of tho work more fully to the members of the Woman's club. In addition to tho usual members present Mrs. L. C. Richards represented the Lotos club, Mrs. Hodgman Sorosis, and Mrs. C. M. Crawford tho Woman's club. Mrs. C. F. Ladd reported that tho en tire membership of Atbenea was now enrolled in this society. Tho reception given by Mrs. O'Ccn nell and Mrs. Wilkinson, in honor of Mrs. Kuehnle of Dennison, Iowa, on last Saturday, was one of the most elaborate functions ever given in Lin coln. Flowers were used in great pro fusion and the decorations wero very beautiful. Mrp. O'Connell's homo is very handsome, and atout four hun dred guests called during tho afternoon and at no time was it crowded. Mrs. Allen's Ideal mandolin orcheetra was hidden by a bank of palms in the ball and narcissus and smilax wero used as decorations. The reception rooroj wero in violet and white The electric lights were covered with lily shaped violet globes and the mantles were dainty in smilax, palms, purple hyacinths and white pinks. Punch was served in the library by Miss Naughton. assisted by Miss Poynter and MisB Webster. An orange colored umbrella was suspended over the table. Daffodils were used as decorations and the room was lighted by orange shaded candles. Coffee and chocolate were served by Miss Marshall and Miss McPheely, aFsisted by Miss Ames, Miss Gund and Miss Millar. Here also was an umbrella covered with smilax and at one side was a bunch of red carnations. The room wae lighted by red shaded candles which gave an effect of warmth and color. Broad pink ribbons separated the din ing room from the drawing room and were let fall to admit the proper num ber of guests in the room. Stately American Beauties were in the centre of the table and the covering was of Battenburg lace and ferns. Mrs. Ed ward Fitzgerald served the ice, assisted by Miss Odell, Miss Cady and Miss Kelley. Pink rosee bordered an arch way in this room and as " the guests passed out of the room a heart shaped candy was given them by tiny Kathryn Manahan, who was gowned in white. Mrs. Yaa Brunt, Mrs. Winger, Mrs. Walter Davis and Miss Weeks assisted in receiving the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Weil celebrated their Nineteenth anniversary by enter taining the Unity club on Thursday evening. The members of the club pre sented Mr. and Mrs. Weil with beauti ful ilowere, other friends had also sent tlowcrs and the houEe was beautifully decorated. Higl. five was played and Mrs. Wessel and Mr. Cody Kohn took took the prizes. The guests were: Messrs. and Mesdames Mayer, Herzog, Newmark, Wessel, Mayer, Schlesinger, Speier, and Mayer. Misses Frank, Kel lner, Schlesinger, Berkson, Kelener and Schlesinger. Messrs. Kohn, Striker, Oppenheimer, Chaim, Blowm, Kohn, Aach, Striker and Janowitz. Miss Nora Miller entertains this after noon in honor of Miss Beach of Iowa. The Tuesday Night dancing club gave one of their informal parties to the fol lowing: Misses Clarke, lloutz, Nance, Wigenhorn, Emmons, Hamilton, Wood ford, Hoover, Douglas, Agnew, and Mor gan. Messrs. Ricketts, Marley, Shel don, Stuck, Ames. Anderson, At wood. Kennard, Raymond, Turpin, Paine, Brown and Clarko. Mr. and Mrs. Ransom and Mr. and Mrs. McCain gave a progressiva domino party on Thursday evening. After a very pleasant evening refreshments wero servod to tho following guests: Messrs. and Mesdumes Townscnd, Mc Cain, Trowbridge, Summerlad, and Smith. Meedames Manley. Dill and Jackson. Messrs. Dill and Constant. Mrs. A.J. Gustin is visiting frionds and relatives in tho city. Mrs. Motcalf gavo a kensington in honor of Miss Beach of Hamburg, Iowa, on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Charles Cone entertained tho Battenburg Kensington on Friday night. Mies May Whiting and Miss Stella Kirker entertains the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority this afternoon in honor of Miss Nellie Lau. A very pretty wedding occurred on Wednesday night at half past eight o'clock, when Miss Elsio Horner and Mr. Fred Ludwig wero united in holy matrimony at the home of the bride's parents. 1219 F street. Mr. Walt playtd tho Lohengrin wedding march and Rev. Ludden performed the ceremony stand ing before a bank of palms and smilax. Iho bride wore a dainty gown of whito organdy, elaborately trimmed in rutllea and shirrings of organdy and net. Tho houso waB decorated in garlandp of pink roses and smilax. Supper wbb served to tho relatives and friends present. Tho table was decorated in La France roses and ferns, and smilax was draped from tho candelabra to the corners of tho table. Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig will be at homo after March 12th. A wedding trip will soon be made to Chicago. Mr. Lui'wig soon expects to go into business with Mr. Walt and is unable to leave the city before the business arrange ments are completed. A euchre party was given by Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Thompson on Monday night. Prizes wero awarded to Mr. and Mtb. Funke. The following guestB were present: Messrs. and Mesdames Fitz gerald, Raymond, Burnham, Crittendon, Hall, Yates, Funke, Wilson, Compdon, Rodgere, Wright, Marshall, Wilson; Mesdames Fitzgerald, Griffith, Comp don; Misses Price and Norton; Mr. Paul Fitzgerald. A delightful dinner party was given by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall on Wednes day night. lied tulips decorated the dining room table and American beau ties were in the drawing room. Covers were laid for Messrs. and Mesdames Raymond, Hargreaves; Mrs. Muir and Miss Harris. The Chapin Union Social club was entertained by Miss Eva Bolshaw on Tuesday night. Mrs. Manley entertained the Social Recreation club on Tuesday night. Progressive hearts was played by the following guests: Messrs. and Mesdames McCain, Barras, Bowen, Couger, Gart ner, Bowen; Miss Evans and Mr.Switzer. Mr. Scow of Council Bluffs is visiting at the home of Mrs. Manley, 1103 T street. Mrs. D. E. Thompson Is visiting in Omaha. Died Mr. William Barr, on Thurs day morning at his rooms, at 1327 O street. Mr. Barr was born in Germany in 1835 and at the age of ten came to America with his parents. In 13G1 he came to Lincoln and has been very sue-