THE COURIER. r to members and gueqts. The president made an earnest plea for all women to inform tbempelves in regard to borne products, and then insist upon their merchants furnishing them. The ad dross of the afternoon was made by Mrs. MacMurpby of Omaha, who gave a graphic account of the pioneer life in Nebraska, to which Bho came thirty years ago. She predicted a wonderful advance for Nobraska in the next thirty years, if she can Judge from the past. Speaking of the staple grains of the state, she claimed that corn was not used as generally as it should be for focd for the family; that it was very nutri tious and ecDnomical and for this reason there would bo in the near future a great demand for it from the European countries. The various ways in which it can be used as a food will be demon strated in a corn kitchen, which the United States government will provide for at the Paris exposition. At the close of Mrs. MacMurphy's talk, Mrs. Sawyer introduced a resolution, recommending Mre. MacMurphy as the representative for Nebraska in the corn kitchen at Paris. The resolution, amended to secure the signature of the state presi dent as well as the woman's club of Lin coln, was adopted by a riding vote. To clubs of ten taking The Courier the annual subscription price is seventy five cents (75 cents;. Regular subscription price one dollar per year. The Mental Culture club of Auburn met Thursday, February 22d, with Mrs. S. W. M(.Grew. The special features were a biography of Holmes by the president, Mrs. W. II. Horrum, a recita tion, "Tiie Chambered Nautilus," by Mrs. McGrew and a paper by Mrs. Rich ard Neal. The mothers' meeting and a Miss Wil lard memorial service were held Satur day afternoon. February 17th, at the residence of Mrs. J. T. Swan of Auburn. Mrs. V. B. Harmon sang a solo, com posed by Mies Willard. Sketches of her life were read. Papers on "Purity in the Home" and "The Rights of Child ren" were also read. On February 21th the subject taken up by the women's club of Fremont was "Our National Songs." The program was as follows: Piano solo National airs, Miss Char lotte Nehrbas. Quartet "Star Spangled Banner," Miss Anderson, Miss Marie Hass, Mr. Shaw, Mr. C. M. Williams. Paper "History of Our National Songs,' Mrs. J. II. Lee. Quartet "Columbia," Miss Ander son, Miss Hass, Mr. Shaw, Mr. Will iams. Chorus "America," entire club. Refreshment committee : Mesdaniea Nicodemus, Hughes, Turner, Williams, W. E. Lee, Shephard, Goff, Munger, Hodge, Thomas, Peirigo, Smith. The Fortnightly club of Lincoln is soon to lose two of its members Mrs. C. H. ImholT and Mrs. Oliver Rodgers. The president, Mrs. A. S. Raymond, in vited the club to a luncheon in honor of those departing members at her home yesterday at one o'clock. A dainty five course lunch was served and the pleae ant associations of the afternoon will make it one long to be remembered. Universal regrets were expressed that these members were so soon to leave our city. Tuesday, February 27th, the Fairbury club held a short business session. An entertainment given Tuesday evening under the auspices of the club consisted of a concert. The proceeds are applied to the funds for redeeming the pledge of one hundred dollars it made to the library fund. Owing to the storm, the audience was not large. About thirty dollars was added to the fund. The club feels greatly encouraged, as some thing over twelve hundred dollars has been given by our citizons towards start ing the library. The greater part of this is due to the excellent work done by Judge C. B. Letton and Hon. S. M. Bailey. cOoiiiiiiimiiiiii'niiiiiiioiiiiiiim The Lotos club of Lincoln met with Mrs. C. II. Gere on Thursday. Tho club listened to a brilliant address from Mrs. A. J. Sawyer on the theme, "The Influence and Power of the Home in the Development of Citizenship." The general meeting of the woman's club of Columbus is to be held today at the home of Mrs. J. G. Reeder. Tho program is givon by tho musical de partment. Responses of a musical nature are asked for. The program: The analysis, by Mrs. Garlow. Piano duet "Coronation March,' Myerbeer; Mesdame3 Voss and Byrnes. Vocal solo "In This Celestial Dwell ing," Mozart; Mrs. Farrand. Piano solo "German Dances," Beeth oven; Mrs. McAllister. Vocal solo "Creation's Hymn," Beeth oven; Mrs. Fauman. Vocal duet "La Ci Darem," Mozart; Mesdames Garlow and Heintz. Vocal solo "With Verdure Clad," Haydn; Mrs. Reeder. Piano solo "Gypsy Rondo," Haydn; Mrs. Jaeggie. Vocal eoIo "Ave Maria," Cherubini; Mrs. Warren. Piano solo "Adaigo Sostenuto," from op 27, No. 2, Beethover; Miss Galley. Sorosis met on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Hill. Miss Harris spoke of the historical rights of the English in Africa. I. Histokv. 1. lKC First Trek 1 cause of ; 2 settled Natal. 2. Natal insurrection British oc cupation. 3. Second Trek settled between Qrange and Vaal rivers. Britain annexes territory under name of Orange River Sover eignty. 4. 18?A Orange Free State. 5. Zulu war. G. Agitation for independence. 7. Naturalization laws. 8. Outlanders What they demand. 8. Discussion. The club will meet in two weeks with Mrs. T. S. Allen, 1837 C street. Mrs. Hill will be the orator of the day. The COURIER And any One Dollar dub Magazine 150 ART HISTORY. Outline of Work Prepared by Mrs. F. M. Hall, Chairman of the Art Committee of the N. F. W. C (a) Architecture. (b) Sculpture. (c) Painting. A. ANCIENT AKT. I. Egyptian art. II. Babylonian and Assyrian art. III. Persian, Phoenician, Palestine and art of Asia Minor. IV. Greek art. V. Etruscan and Romau art. B. Christian art to the Renaissance. C. Modern art from the Renaissance to the present. I. In Italy. II. In Germany. III. In (Continued on Page 9.) Some of the New Things Now on Our 0 0MMIIMOMOtOMM0l0O0OMMMMW Goir Suits and Skirts. Tailor-Mudo Suits. Fine Hand-Made Laces. Cambric, Swiss aod Nainsook Embroideries. J Printed Foulard and other Fancy Silku. "New Finish" Black Silk Cro pons. Beaded and Spangled Robes and Trimmings. Not for many years has there been a season when it was bo neces sary for thoso who want cboieo fabrics to make their selections oarly. MlbbgR&PAINg HO00IM8IMOOMUOOOOIMMMOtCO tllHMIMIMII ?$ 4s 4g$ 45 4s s 4fs 43 4$ 45 43 43 4 4s 4s iVt &K t T9 4 K T B Rotable Victory . . Easily and Hon estly Won by the WEBER MAN ?(D. The Maurice Grau Opera Co., of New York, have recently made arrangements whereby the Wekek Gkand Pianos will be used exclusively by them at the Metropolitan opera honse in New York City, and in all their concerts throughout the United States. This marked recognition of tho merits or the Wf.bkk Piano easily places it above all other pianos in the most cultured musical circles. The general agency for this renowned instrument is held by Matthews JPiano Co. I120 O street, Lincoln, Nebr. Cw f. Gv Zi-JkZ fk ft? H ft? ? ? ? ? 1s $ ? ? e ?Jrt - Hliffi ITiTiiiiTiV --- wm. w ww --hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiih "- ww. w m HI C Arc Yti Going to the orld78 pair and Exposition in Pan's? If so arrangements should be made at once. All the best berths on the ships are engaged early. The number of 6hips are limited, and early reservations, if not used, can be easily disposed of. Descriptive literature regarding this trip can be had at my office. City Ticket Agent Burlington Route, Corner 10th and O Sts. Lincoln, Neb. Furrier . Stk. jOOOMOMMIIIMCOMOMMMIOOaoiCJaOf I ARTISTIC PRINTING Of erery dUcription. It will pay you to consult O. L. Lkmmon, at the Repairing Done In the Xeatcst Manner All Work Guaranteed. J 43 So. 12th str - - Lincoln. Nebr. L . LEGAL NEWS PRINTING Excellent Work. Satisfatory Prices. HOI XMtreet. zj I fr ? J ooooHMioocminflor