The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, March 03, 1900, Page 11, Image 11

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    THE COU".-i..
The Man-Cat.
(Translated from the French of Fulbert-Du-monteil,
for The Mirror by A. Fenalle. I
We are at London, in one of the sor
did suburbs, where the man-cat is giv
ing his performances in the open air.
The following is a description of him :
A shock of red hair, surrounded by two
erect, pointed ears. Under a low fore
head, green, luminous eyes, a semblance
of noee, and, over a wide mouth, deco
rated with sharp fangs, an indescribably
peculiar moustache of coarse bristles. A
supple nervous body, with feline undu
lations, nails like claws and, arranged
over his back, a fur skin artistically
tiger-6tripod. This la fasted around the
waist and body with straps.
Around the enclosure pressed a curi
ous crowd. In the circle stood a black
wooden box, upon which was seated a
young woman with sweet, melancholy
eyes; Henriette. the man-cat's wife.
While a consumptive trombone an
nounces the performance, a bizarre
dwarf, with an enormous bearJ, and at
tired in a Hungarian costume, is amus
ing the crowd witli his diabolical grim
aces and extravagant buffoonery.
Henriette never ceases to watch him
and smiles with caressing sadness. As
for the dwarf, he has eyes only for the
man-cat's wife, and seems to perform
only for her approval, laying at her feot
all the popular triumphs gained in his
comedy role.
At length the trombone is silent, and
the dwarf, leaping like a toad, salutes
the audience with a final grimace. Then
Henriette rises slowly and opens the
box, from which seven or eight mon
strous rats jump forth, running around
tbe arena mad with fright.
The man-cat quicklyplaces himself on
all fours and, bristling his fur, emitting
fierce miaulings, pounces upon the rats
and breaks the backs with one snap of
his formidable jaw.
Sometimes a rat turns, jumps on his
body, runs up his shoulder and, jump
ing at his throat, lacerates the flesh and,
at the streaming blood, tbe crowd
presses closer, shouts, laughs and ap
plauds. The last rodent, with broken back,
lies motionless.
"Bravo, the man-cat ! bravo ! bravo !"'
Seated on the empty box, still smiling
at the dwarf, who, with, his long.-.bony
fingers, caresses the beard that covers
his breast, Henriette seems totally indif
ferent to the abject combat that so
excites the crowd.
Henriette is tbe passion, the life of
the man cat. One fierce winter evening,
alone, abandoned, dying of hunger, she
threw herself, despairing, into the River
Thames. The man-cat, emerging from
a tavern, plunged into the waves, swam
toward the young girl, waited till she
rose, and, seizing her by the waist with
his teeth, drew her alive onto the bank,
sustaining her like a child in his Her
culean arms, and carried her to his
cabin, where he revived and cared for
her, watching over her till morning.
For three months Henriette never left
the chamber of her preserver, who
guarded her with paternal tenderness,
till, one day, having realized a small
heritage in the country, he asked ber
hand in marriage.
Being alone in the world, Henrietta
accepted, and, today, all that the man
cat earns is for her. He obeys her like
a queen, and adorns her like an idol.
Her silver collar, her gold bracelet and
ring, upon which sparkles an emerald
all these he has gained for her by his
horrible profession, by the strength of
his jaw, breaking the backs of nuu.ber
le89 rats, and applauded by the masses.
His love for Henriette is written on his
visage iu terrible wounds and hideous
Behold him now, victorious, bowing
to tbe acclaiming crowd, holding in his
hand hung like bloody trophies the
hideous rats that his jaw has slaugh
tered. Suddenly a bulldog, with hanging
chops and blood-rimmed eyes, clears the
barrier that separates the ring from the
crowu with one prodigious leap.
The dog belongs to a farmer in the
neighborhood. Dog and man stand re
garding each other defiantly.
'I will wager," declares the man,
'that without tbe use of my hand9, I
will strangle this dog with my teeth."
"Taken," replies the farmer.
And on all sides bets are exchanged.
Awaking from hei reverie at last,
even Henriette makes a WBger wifh somo
Between tbe man and the dog an atro
cious contlict wages.
The dog begins the attack by hurling
himself on the man-cat v.ith a hoarse,
fierce bark, to which the other responds
with shrill hisses.
The man receives the assault of bis
adversary, kneeling, his hands tied and
protruding head, like a snail.
Tbe bullaog buries his fangs in the
man's neck, tearing the tl eh from it.
But the man-cat, who may not use his
hands, rises, bends, rolls about and
shakes himself furiously, releasing him
self from the enemy, to which he deliv
ers a violent kick.
Blood fiows, the crowd applauds, and
the dog, that his master urges on, re
turns to the charge, more bloo J-thirsty
and vicious. The man again kneels,
reddened with blood, and white with
"Enough ! enough !" cry a few timid
"No ! no !" shouts the excited crowd.
"There are bets as to the finish.'
The struggle is renewed. Again tbe
bulldog is floored with a terrible kick,
and the man-cat groveling in the dirt,
shivering like a seal, launches at his
adversary's head, and tears his nostrils
In return, howling with pain, the dog
springs upon his enemy, burying his
teeth in his arm. The crowd applauds
.more loudly, and new bets are scored:
"I bet on the man" "I bat on the dog."
The man-cat's wife is now thoroughly
aroused from her stupor. Bending for
ward, with pale lips, she watches the
combatants, waving her handkerchief.
With hideous face, eyes protruding
from their sockets, and lacerated neck,
the man-cat strains, ineffectually, to
shake off the dog, whose teeth are, as it
were, nailed into his arm.
With a despairing cry, he rolls in the
dirt, dragging the dog down and crush
ing him with his weight, giving semb
lance with the informed, confused
bodies, as of some apocalyptic, bleeding
creature with the head of a man and
the body of a dog.
"Hurrah ! hurrah !" vociferates the
breathless crowd, shrieking like de
mons, And the bets increased.
Suddenly the dog lessens hiu grip on
the man's arm and, with indescribable
fury, starts gnawing his back, chest and
abdomen. The fur that forms but a mis
erable protection, is in shreds. The
blood fiows in streams.
' Victory ! Victory !'' cry all those who
have bet on the dog.
All seems loet for the man a mass of
quivering, torn flesh.
He caqt a despairing look at his wife,
as though to say: ''See what I have
done for you ! Why does my strength
not equal my love ? I fear this is my
last fight."
But Henriette, with her languishing
regard lavished on the dwarf, is un
aware of this unspoken farewell.
At this moment the man-cat drrws
himself up, dislodges the bulldog with a
supreme effort, and, desperate, overturns
People Havte No Trouble
In getting- what they want at the
Good Luck Grocery.
C-jVt" eTTV llOtr O wtreot.
JlX 9JZJ. X TeloplioneOUU
First IublIcatlon February 10, 1M- 4
Notice to mlitors.
In the County Court of Lancaster County Nebr
In the Matter of the Kstule of Charles R. Mil
llngtou. Deceased.
To The Creditors Of Said Estate
You are Hereby Notified. That I will sit at
the Comity Court Room in Lincoln, In said
county on the 2nd day of July two. and again
on the 2nd d.iv of October. Him. to receive and
examine all claims against said estate with a
lew to their adjustment and allowance. The
time limited for the presentation of claims
against said estate Is six months from the 2nd
day of April A. I. llwo. and the time limited for
the luymenl of debts Is one jear from the 2nd
dav of April. A I). 1WM
Notice of this proceeding is ordered published
four weeks successhely In The Courier, a week
ly newspuier published In this State.
Witness my hand and the seal of said county
court this 7th day of February, lliw,
Frank It. Waters.
County Judge.
First IMMfratlon February 17. l'.io I
The name of this corporation shall lie the
Automatic Cycle Pump omiuny of Nebraska.
The principal place of transacting the busi
ness of this corporation shall le In thecltvof
Lincoln, county of Lancaster, anil state of Ne
braska. And it shall lie empowered to carry on
business In all counties, cities and towns In the
state. The general nature of the business of
said corporation shall lie the selllnir of counties,
cities and towns for the disposing of the Au
tomatic ejele pump throughout the state of Ne
braska and handling and dealing in same. The
amount of capital stock of said corporation
shall be tfo.uu). tlfty thousand dollars, divided
Into tlfty thousand shares of tl. one dollar
each antl non-assessable. The entire amount
thereof shall be subscribed for and payment
thereof made in full, at or liefore the date
herein fixed for the commencement of business
by said corporation. The time of commence
ment of this corporation shall tie on thetlrst
day of February. IW. and shall terminate on
the first day of February 1920. The blithest
amount of Indebtedness or liability to which
this corporation may at any time subject Itself
shall not exceed Ave thousand dollars. And the
stockholders shall not lie personally liable for
the corporate debts of this corporation. The
management of this corporation shall be lodged
In a board of directors, consisting of ti e mem
bers, selected from and by the stockholders of
the corporation at their annual meeting. The
officers of this corporation shall consist of a
president, vice-president, secretary and treas
urer, and tney snail lie eiecteu oy anu irom me
board of directors. The manner of conducting
the business of this corporation, the time of
holding the meeting's of the stockholders and
board of directors shall be as prescribed by the
by-laws. These articles of Incorporation may
be amended by a two-thirds vote of the stock
holders. Adopted this first day of February, 1900.
Signed. C- M. jAguts,
Lasdy C. Cxakk.
Kobt. C Dkueskuow-,
First Publication February 171
Ic lue county court of Lancaster county, Ne
braska. In the matter of the estate of James C. Kier,
To the creditors of said estate
You are hereby notified, that I will sit at the
county court room In Lincoln, in said county,
on the 2d day of July. 1900. and again on the 2d
day of October, 19O0. to receive and examine
all claims against saltl estate, with a view to
their adjustment and allowance. The lime
limited for the presentation of claims, against
said estate Is six months from the 2d day of
April. A. D. 19U0, and the time limited for the
payment of debts is one year from the 2d day of
April. A. D, 19U0.
Notice of this proceeding Is ordered published
for four weeks successively In The Courier, a
weekly newspaper published In this state.
Witness my hand and the seal of said county
court this I3th day of February, 19UL.
seal Fkaj.k If. Waters, County Judge.
IFlrst Publication. Feb. 2Uh.-3
In the county court of Lancaster county Ne
braska. The state of Nebraska to Franklin Maker.
Sarah Baker. Ira F Baker aDd to any other
persons Interested in said matter.
You are hereby notified, that an instrument
purporting to be an authenticated copy of the
Last Will and Testament of Samuel Baker,
deceased, late of Portage county. Ohio, and of
the probate thereof Is on Hie In said court, and
also a petition signed by Frank Baker his son
praying for tht; probate of .said Instrument. That
on the 19th day of March". 1900. at ten o'clock
a. m., said petition and the proof of the execu
tion of said Instrument will be heard at the
county court room in Lincoln. In said county,
and that if you do not then appear and contest,
said court may probate and record the same.
This notice "has been ordered published for
three weeks successively prior to said hearing
in The Courier of Lincoln. Nebraska, a weekly
legal newspaper of general circulation printed
In Lancaster county, Nebraska
Witness my hand and seal of said court this
21st day of February. 19UJ.
seu. Frank R. Waters,
County Judge.
By W alter A., Clerk County Court.
First I"ubllcatlon 3 3
Notice of Probate of Will and for Letters.
In the county court of Lancaster county Ne
braska The state of Nebraska, to Mrs. Minnie I
Matthews. I.Ida A. Millar John J. Millar
Frances J Millar and to any other M'rsons In
terested In said matter
You are hereby notillisl that an Instrument
purMirtlng to In- the lost will and testament of
Richard P R. Millar, deceased, In on tile In said
court, and also a petition signed br Mary F
Millar, his widow, pravlug for the probate of
said Instrument, ami for the appointment of
said ietltlner as administratrix. That on thf
21th (Lit of March Won, at ten o clock A. M
said petition and the proof of the execution of
said instrument will bo heard at the county
court room In Lincoln In said county and that
if jiiu do not then appear and contest, said
court may probate mid record the same ami
grant administration of the estate to said M.irv
F. Millar as administratrix
This notice hu.H tieen ordered published for
three weeks successhelr prior to said hearing
In The Courier of Lincoln. Nebraska, a weekly
legal neweuiierof general circulation printed
in Iincaster countv. Nebraska.
Witness mv hand and seal of said court this
23d dav of February 1W.
Iseai-I Fiu.MC It. Waters
Countv Judge
Bv W.w.TMi A. LfcKsK, Clerk County Court
Are being offered by
To be reported by the United States
Census Bureau for 1000.
The first census of the United States was
taken in 1810. Since then every succeeding ten
years. The result of each census has been as
follows :
Year. Population. I Year. Population.
1810 7.239KSI Ifrftl . . 31413.311
1KM 9.633.H22 1K70 3S.X,371
1S30 12WM.U4) lm) SO.l.YtTlsl
1MO l7.W.lo3 1W0.. . 82,22,2f0
1S50 .... 23,191,876
Here you have the figures of a basis of calcu
lation. The , roblem now is: What will be
tbo vopulation of the United States, excluding
recent acquisitions, but the total of states, ter
ritories and the District of Columbia?
To the first nearest correct guess re
ceived 3,(juhJjO
To the second !!.)
To tbe third 750 on
To the fourth 5ll
To the fifth ISmut
To tho sixth 2lU
Totbosoventh ... UO.ui
To tho next ten. each $100. amounting to 1 .000 Hi
To tbe next fifty. ."") each, amounting to 2.S0UWJ
To the next one hundred, each i-.
amounting to...... .. 2,.V)U
To the next five hundred, each tlO,
amounting to 5,0iMW
To tbe next one thousand five hundred
and thirty, each to, amounting to . 7,KiO On
Total number of premiums. 2.197. nr nnn
amounting to. . VLV UUU
Readers of
The Courier
Can avail themselves of this offer by payment to
us of a year's subscription for 1HE
only sgll.MO.
PATENT Ctflius
may be secured by
our aid. Address,
Bifflmort. If d.
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