THE COURIER 10 UNDER .THE DIRECTION OF 0.T, WMDS F.C. ZEHRUNG Corner 13th and P. Phone 351 THEATRIGAk troinely funny arterpieco entitled "Liv ingston's Travels Through Africa." Prices 15, 25, 35 and 50 cent. The Brothers Royer in "Next Door," coming to the Punke Opera House on Wednesday and Thursday, March 7th and 8th, are a lot of clever fun pro ducers, and the antics they go through are fast and furious. In the three acts, the acrobats lead Anhouser Bush, a Dutch masher, and Dan McSorely, an Irish sport, a merry dance, tumbling in - Xtie roor -will Open troiaa. Kow orn at. 7t 45. THE OLIVER. The night of a Sousa concert a not altogether unlike the "night before Christmas" everybody is alert and fill ed with keen expectation of the bright est musical event of the year. Souea is an expert analyzer of public taste in music of a semi-military order, and he always inter&pers much that is of a Monday, IMCarolx Cfrtt. The Official American Band at the Paris Exposition. SOUSA OrvIVE)! 1 Tlir f'AMnus ...W .-..WW.- (QlCT t7A v V NEXT tzm& ;sfti ? J5iSL-.-fif"Eraa Mn 'ft fww; .tv. w w J ' " 'ifi ' yn A SP high orchestral character. Sousa playB here on Monday evening, March 5th, at the Oliver Theatre. As usual there are special features for soloists, these espec ially engaged for the present tour being Mis3 Bortha Bucklin, violiniste, and Miss Blancne Duffield, soprano. Two new marches will be heard, "The Man Behind the Gun." and "Hands Across the Sea." Prices 50c, 75c, 81.00 and 81.50. "Arizona," the new play which will be first produced in Lincoln at the Olive Theatre on Friday, March 9th, is, as has been generally announced, the latest work from the pen of Augus tus Thomas, the clever young author of "Editha's Burglar," "Alabama" and "In I WW fa Tamch Rene Troupe of Acrobats CiiAKPIONSf ChMIPION.V AND HIS BAND. Last appearance here before departure for Europe. BBRTHA RTJOKJCIK, Violiniste. BLANCHE I3XTIMMEII, Soprano. Brilliant program. J OP-wo New Sousa Marches. Prices 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50. Friday 9 M&mfa 9Q and out doors, falling over walls, here there and everywhere, at the most un expected times and places. Thin con tinues throughout the entire perform ance, you will laugh yourself hoarse at this wonderful funny show. Prices 15, 25, 35 and 50 cents. Kirke La Shell and Fred Hamlin present the Ideal Ameri can play, "ARIZONA' TO THE DEAF. A rich lady, cured of her Deafness and Noises in the Head by Dr. Nicholson's Artificial Ear Drums, gave $10,000 to this institute, so that deaf people unable to procure the Ear Drums may have them free. Address No. 6.C389 A, the Nicholson Institute, 780 Eighth Avenue, New York. $n African Pla? b? AuuStus omas. Same original company and scenic investiture as was seen during the long Chicago success. Prices, 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50. Wanted Several persons for district office managers in this state to represent me in their own and surrounding coun ties. Willing to pay yearly 8600, pay able weekly. Desirable employment with unusual opportunities. References exchanged. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. S. A. Park, 320 Caxton Building, Chicago. UNDER THE DIRECTION OF 0. T. GMWFORD AID F. G. ZEHRUR6 COB. O AND TWELFTH. PHONE 355 Mizzoura." "Arizona" has achieved a tremendous popularity in the western ' cities in which it has been presented, and nearly all the newspaper critics in describing it, used the phrase, "A great er play than 'Alabama'." As "Ala bama" has already been generally ad judged the best drama of America au thorship, the praise given "Arizona" in such a comparison, is high indeed. FASTER THAN EVER. Effective Oct. 15. The Union Pacifio will inaugurate new train service, and will reduce the time of the Overland Limited Train No. 1, between Chicago, Council Bluff's and San Francisco, 3 hours and 15 minutes. Only 57 hours Missouri river to Pacific coast. Buffet Smoking and Library cars with barber shop. Chicago and Council Bluffs to San Francisco and Portland. Three trains daily, to and from Pacific coast. Elegant palace sleeping cars, dining cars, chair cars. For full information call on E. B. Slossos THE FUNKE. Those who want to Bee the best Min strel Company on the road should not fail to visit The Sweeney & Alvido Model Minstrel company at the Funke Opera House on Monday night, March 5th. They are known throughout the country as High Class entertainers, and to see their entertainment will clearly demonstrate this fact There is not a line in the performance that is not clean and wholeeome. The comedy element has not been overlooked, and there are plenty of smiles in thsir ex- THROUGH FIRST CLASS PULL MAN SLEEPERS BETWEEN CHI CAGO a.nd SAN FRANCISCO Via Denver and Salt Lake City will be inaugurated February 2oth, by the. Great Rock Island Route, leaving Chi cago at 10:30 p. m. daily, Omaha 1:30 p. m. The Colorado Rockies and Sierra Nevada are crossed by daylight in both directions, making "this tho greatest scenic trip in the world. The cars are Pullman's Finest Broad Vestibuled Sleepers and are carried on limited trains with Dining Car Service through the Buffet Library Cars. Direct con nections to and from Southern Cali fornia. See your agent for berth re servations and folders, or address, E. W. Thompson, A. G. P. A. Topeka, Kane, Monday, March Si:x. SWEENEY AND ALVIDO'S Famous Model Minstrels. SO-DISTINGUISHED ARTISTS 30- An elegantly costumed first part. A big- statue clog artistic song and dance. Lewis & Jacob's novelty barrel jumpers. Brothers Casad, renowned musical artists. The great Alvido, the only Marcie Premier Daunsuese. The con tinental nondescripts, Delavoge & Fritz. Parade at noon by the finest musical organization traveling. Prices 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c. WEDNESDAY AND THUESDAT. MAECH 7 ana 8 The Famous BROTHERS ROYER In their :aciobatic farce frolic, nkxt The funniest show on earth. See the Six Royer Troupe of Acrobats, the Great Fire Scene, the Trick Trolly Car, the Revolving Scene, the Only Archie Royer, Ten Gieat Special ties. Nothing like it. Ten times greater than any other. Prices 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c. A i ( V